sweeping the world

Chapter 834 is not over

Chapter 834 is not over
Rome is in the west, and Han is in the east. The distance between the two countries is too far away. There are several countries separated by land, among them is Persian Sassan, an imperial country that dominates Central Asia, West Asia, and the Middle East.

In the current situation, whether it is Han or Rome, neither side will choose to start a national war with each other. Even if there is a conflict, it will be restrained in a local area, and it will be more of a small-scale competition.

According to the wishes of the Romans, they are more willing to make peace with Han, especially since Han has mastered the sea route from the far east to the far west. It will generate countless benefits for the two countries, and it can make a lot of people suffer.

However, the Romans wanted to make friends with the Han people, but it does not mean that they will endure without limit. For example, the fight in Constantinople did not happen because Wang Meng promised Julian to go to see Constantius. It can end in the street, or it can continue in other forms.

"The Persians must pay the price." Julian's dislike for the Persian Sassan was quite strong, which was the first thing decided by his fief position: "Please understand the angel."

"The Persians are not under the jurisdiction of the envoy." Wang Meng was foolish before making up his mind for the Persians. He had to say: "They came to protect the envoy, and they participated in the battle to protect the envoy. The envoy has the responsibility to protect the envoy." .”

Julian frowned at Wang Meng's stern words to protect Wang Meng: "This is Constantinople, our capital."

"Daqin people are protected in Dahan. As long as they don't violate the laws of Dahan, no one will discriminate against them. Your envoys received a grand reception in Dahan. No one shouted and beat them, and no one declared the emperor of Qin. Death penalty." Wang Meng stopped walking and looked at Julian, and asked: "It is rumored that Christianity is the state religion of Daqin, and they can represent Daqin to some extent, so is the attitude of Archbishop Peter the attitude of Daqin?"

"Just like you are not from Seres but Han, we are Romans and not Daqin." Julian hated Archbishop Peter very much at this moment. The question is whether he is a believer or should he treat Christianity To maintain: "Christianity can indeed represent Rome to some extent, but Archbishop Peter cannot represent Rome. Only Augustus can represent the will of Rome. Archbishop Peter also cannot represent the entire Christianity. Can only represent myself."

Wang Meng was noncommittal to Julian's diplomatic rhetoric. After a fight, the will of the Han country has been demonstrated. At the same time, it also let the Romans know that the Han people are not easy to mess with. Unless it is really going to war, they are still pressing every step of the way. More political leverage.

The whole city was still in chaos. The Constantinople garrison, who hadn't seen any shadows, had actually been dispatched long ago, but they were not heading towards the main street of Xicheng District, but heading to other areas to suppress the chaos.From this point, it can be seen that Constantius maintained the greatest restraint. Otherwise, the Constantinople garrison would join the fight with the Han army in large numbers, and it would be difficult for both sides to step down.

"I have tried my best to learn your language, and there are many Roman nobles who have worked as hard as me." Julian saw Wang Meng's face softened, and said sincerely: "The mistake of Archbishop Peter cost us both. The price of bloodshed, he will get the punishment he deserves. A wrong misunderstanding will not turn Rome and the big man into life and death enemies, on the contrary, our relationship will become closer because of this bloodshed, because we have the same interests."

Wang Meng asked directly, "What kind of punishment will Archbishop Peter, who threatened to kill the emperor of our country, get?"

"I'm sorry that I can't give you the final answer." Julian really can't decide on this matter, he said: "Augus will communicate with the archbishop, what kind of conclusions will the archbishop and the major bishops meeting to make a decision.”

"Really? Great Qin's theocracy has reached such a point that even your emperor can't interfere?" Wang Meng didn't feel that he was trying to sow discord: "This phenomenon of a country within a country is really unimaginable. "

Julian hadn't heard some words before, but he could roughly understand the meaning.He couldn't refute it. At present, there are too many countries in Rome, the fiefdoms of the major nobles, the autonomy of quite a few ethnic groups, and the sphere of influence of Christianity, although scattered, is the largest force.

The two stepped forward, followed by Han soldiers and Roman soldiers.

The Han army is lined up in two rows with light armored infantry and armored heavy infantry, and they walk on the left side.

The Roman soldiers were all dressed in heavy armor, and they also walked in two columns on the right side.

The location that this team is going to is the inner city. What you see along the way is chaos and chaos. There are dead bodies and wounded lying on the streets. The doors of many houses have been damaged, and even the inside of the houses is also messy. very.

The garrison of Constantinople was clearing the way for them. If they encountered armed people, they would expel them if they were Romans. If they were not Romans, they would kill or capture them.

Julian's face was very ugly, and he looked at Wang Meng many times before he could speak.

This battle that should not have happened revealed the fragility of Constantinople. The capital of a country could be in chaos due to local fighting. Does this mean that at least the rule of Constantius did not It looks so solid.At the same time, the Romans were extremely insecure, which also showed the overall weak state of Rome.

"Cicero wrote many letters back from Seris, which let us know what kind of country Seris is from the description." Julian saw that Wang Meng continued to call Rome the Great Qin, so he continued to call Han the country Seris : "Serys drove out the barbarians, exterminated the brutal barbarians, and restored the rule of the orthodox Seris people over that continent."

Wang Meng didn't say anything, just nodded, signaling Julian to continue.

"Undoubtedly, they are also Serisians, but the emperor of your country led an army composed of northern Serisians to easily destroy the country established by the southern Serisian usurper." Julian asked with a very puzzled expression : "Seres has just regained unity. Cicero said that the people's livelihood in Siris has withered, but Siris not only expanded to the south, but also expanded to the north and northwest, and even sent troops. How do you maintain the logistics of the huge army? "

"The big Han has nearly 500 million slaves, and there are no less than 140 million slave laborers." Wang Meng smiled. He knew that the Romans had much more slaves than the Han, but the Romans used slaves in a different way. Correct: "The Dahan has always maintained an army of no less than 100 million, but not every army is a field force, and there are a considerable number of conscripts."

Among the 100 million troops organized by the Han Dynasty, less than 20 were standing troops, and the rest were of the nature of corvee soldiers, such as county soldiers in charge of guards and field soldiers in charge of production.The corvee soldiers are actually conscripts. The difference from modern times is that the registered Han men have to serve for at least three months every year. When each person enlists and ends his service is inconsistent, so it depends on the number of active troops. It looks so huge.

"How much?! One million troops?" Julian looked frightened, stopped involuntarily, and looked at Wang Meng with wide-eyed eyes. Is it true that Cicero said that the livelihood of the people of Seris is dying?"

A legion in Rome generally has 2000 people. The largest number of legions was during the period when Severus was Augustus, that is, when Severus was Augustus, Rome completely solved the old enemy of the Parthian Empire. However, when Severus was going to make persistent efforts to deal with the Germanic enemy, he was killed because of the rebellion, and then Rome itself continued to rebel, and the era of the military officer emperor began.

There were 48 Roman legions when Seves was in power, but at that time the minimum number of each Roman legion was 6000, and the larger Roman legions had between 500 and 30 people. The number of personnel is also nearly [-] soldiers.And this is already the largest army in the Roman dynasties, and the cannon fodder of those vassal races is not counted.

Although Julian was exiled, he quickly entered the national decision-making level after returning to Constantinople. He knew exactly how many legions there were in Rome under the rule of Constantius. If not counting the noble private army, there were 67 , but each Roman legion ranged from 2000 to 500 people, which means that there were about 15 soldiers belonging to the national establishment.

If you want to become a soldier in Rome, citizenship is one of the foundations, but you don’t become a citizen after you become a soldier. In fact, as long as your father is a citizen, you are also a citizen. At the same time, civilians can join the army as long as they are recommended or pass the assessment. Civilians serve in the army. After how many years or what credits you have made, you will be transformed into a citizen.

Julian had calculated in private that if the citizens were recruited to the greatest extent, Rome could form about 160 legions, but this is about 32 troops, plus some cannon fodder troops of vassal races, Rome can control The army's top-breaking army is only 50.He is also more aware that even if the private army of the nobles is included, at most the number of 50 troops will be increased to about 70, which is still far from the number of 100 million soldiers.

"I would like to ask a question..." Julian was not sure that Wang Meng would answer, and even if Wang Meng was willing to answer, he felt that the answer he gave could only be used as a reference: "If the emperor of your country thinks it is necessary to expand, Seris can at most arm How many troops?"

"200 million, 300 million, 400 million..." Wang Meng continued to read out the amount with a chuckle, but then asked rhetorically, "Is it meaningful?"

Julian understood that as long as the emperor of Han is willing, any Han will respond to the call. That is Wang Meng's expression of the popularity of the emperor of Han.He also knew why Wang Meng asked if it was meaningful. How many soldiers can be armed depends on the national strength, and the logistical provision after arming is the limit.

The two chatted all the way, and both sides got enough information from each other, but no one guaranteed the authenticity of the information, but this conversation was quite meaningful.

When he arrived at the gate of the inner city, Wang Meng was told that he could only choose ten soldiers to follow at most, the rest of the soldiers had to stay on this side, and the attendants could only bring twenty soldiers at most.

"Does the envoy need to take off his sword?" Wang Meng asked, untiing a box carried by the soldier, and took out the talisman, which is a kind of scepter that can represent the emperor, and took out a cloth bag. Picked out a cloak from the cloth bag: "If I can see Augustus of your country at the first time, I will need a little time to make the necessary preparations."

Wang Meng would ask this question, even if there were envoys from the Han country, they would definitely not get the emperor's audience immediately.Those envoys need to go to the Honglu Pavilion to learn etiquette first. Even if the envoys have learned it, it is still unknown when they will be able to see the emperor.

"Yes, Augustus is already waiting." Julian has worked hard to learn Chinese, but he is still very unfamiliar with the country of Han: "Any questions?"

"Not at all." Wang Meng would not show the surprise in his heart: "Then I will make preparations as soon as possible."

In fact, Wang Meng was already doubting the strength of Rome. It was a battle that caused chaos in Constantinople, the capital of Rome, and he was able to see the judgment given by Augustus immediately after coming here.He went to Sasanian Persia. After arriving in Ctesiphon, he did not meet Shapur II immediately. He was arranged to rest for five days, and he was taught by the Persian etiquette teacher. He even got to know the Persians. history, and waited another ten days before being received by Shapur II.

The head of a country, especially the more powerful the country, is not so good to see the head of the country.Only the heads of some small countries are not reserved, and they cannot be reserved even if they want to be. Let alone the diplomats of a powerful country, even the richest people in other countries can see them whenever they want.

Wang Meng has already put on what he was wearing, but it is slightly different from the previous one in that there is an extra cloak embroidered with the royal family totem, and some more cloth bags on his chest, and he is also holding the Tianzi Festival.

Those cloth bags are not just as simple as cloth bags, they actually contain some special meanings, such as some Fu cards, military Fu, as well as vanilla and some flowers and plants of the Han Dynasty (which have dried up), each of which has a representative special meaning.

The so-called Tianzi Festival is a scepter with a trident at the top, and some animal furs, tails, feathers, etc., and bells are hung on it.

"Augustus attaches great importance to the friendship with Siris." Julian sensed that something was wrong, but he missed the key point and concealed his confusion: "Of course, there was an unpleasant misunderstanding, wait a minute There might be a few hiccups."

(End of this chapter)

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