sweeping the world

Chapter 832 Is this the beginning of a war?

Chapter 832 Is this the beginning of a war?

Among all the religions, the monotheism is the most aggressive and offensive. From the first day of their establishment, they have set their minds on the idea of ​​destroying the other religions and are willing to take action.

Today there is a great war that broke out due to religious disputes. The Romans are fighting the Persians for Christianity, but it was the Persians who started this war.

Shapur II interfered with the beliefs of the Romans, and Christianity jumped up as if it had been stabbed to the G point, and the two countries continued to increase their troops to the front line without saying a word.

Before the mission of the Han Dynasty headed by Wang Meng, the Romans and the Persians collided fiercely in Syria and Iraq several times.There were winners and losers in several battles, but generally speaking, the Romans had the upper hand.

It was Constantine I who confirmed the legitimacy of the spread of Christianity, and no longer pursued and banned it like before, but Constantine I did not establish Christianity as the state religion, the reason is natural There are too many Romans who believe in the Olympian gods and various gods. If Constantine I canonize Christianity as the state religion, some nobles with family private troops will jump out to defend themselves Faith, the Romans should kill each other without waiting for the Persians to do anything more.

Christianity got too much convenience when Constantine I was alive, and within just ten years it became a force that cannot be ignored in Rome.After the death of Constantine I, Rome fell into civil war again because of the throne of Augustus. Christianity played various roles in it, and the three co-rulers suddenly found themselves inseparable. The support of Christianity has made the strength of Christianity rapidly expand.

After Constantius reunified Rome, the unity of Rome was actually very fragile, so that Constantius had to rely on the very influential Christianity, and of course let Christianity With all kinds of convenience, every minute and every second is getting stronger.

Christianity, which has become a behemoth, actually has the strength to interfere with the imperial power, and they did interfere during the civil war of the three co-rulers.

Up to now, Christianity can even launch a "jihad". Tens of thousands of Roman soldiers are bleeding rivers of blood with the Persians for their "lord". The battle to defend the faith.Although less than 1% of the tens of thousands of Roman soldiers fighting on the battlefield believed in the "Lord", it was really a "Holy War" to defend the glory of the "Lord".

According to the ideas of the Christian archbishop and the major bishops, they are steadily achieving the goal of controlling Rome. As long as this "holy war" is won, it is inevitable that Christianity will become the state religion of Rome.

Can the Romans beat the Persians?If you look at the history of the battles between the Romans and the Persians in the past, the Romans always won in the end, and they also grabbed a lot of money from the Persians because of their victory.

In this war, although the Romans did not win a big victory, nor did they grab too much wealth from the Persians, but the affairs of the Roman Legion itself were a "holy war" for Christianity. Happening is their greatest victory.

Power can make people intoxicated, and desire can make people addicted to it. The Christian minds have long celebrated their victory in private. They are capable and qualified to get more, and the next thing to do is To legally determine the existence of the cathars is to make Christianity the state religion of Rome, but this will not be the end of spreading the glory of the "lord"!
They are proud, they are high-spirited, and their eyes are watching every corner of the world. The arrival of the Han envoys provides a new stage.However, their first speech to the Han people, which they thought was a well-intentioned persuasion, was met with a resounding response.

"What do you mean?" Gallus seemed to have no reaction, and asked in a daze, "Declaration of war, what declaration of war?"

Although Gallus was the most noble person present, no one paid any attention to Gallus. They were either shocked, or dazed, and more dazed and shocked. They all looked at Wang Meng who was standing proudly, and looked at him. Wang Meng was wearing a beautiful official robe made of silk, and seeing Wang Meng's fearless face, he lost his voice.

In the rear, the accompanying Han army had pulled down their visors. They withdrew their original formation within a short period of time, and formed a battle formation within an even shorter period of time. Their swords had been unsheathed, and every pair of eyes All full of expectations.

On the contrary, the surrounding Roman soldiers responded immediately. They gathered at the sound of their passwords, and two tortoise shell formations quickly formed, confronting the Han army forming a battle formation from both sides.

The situation here was seen by the crowd of onlookers. All kinds of voices appeared and gathered into a clamor. Some timid people subconsciously ran away, while more people watched with curious eyes.

The bishop or the archbishop, the fat fat man was first shocked, then terrified, and then felt aggrieved. He became the focus of the audience, with sweat dripping from his forehead involuntarily, and he was pushed away by an attendant who wanted to help wipe it off.

"We came with friendship, and we didn't refuse kindness." Wang Meng was also looking at the fat man who didn't know whether he was a bishop or an archbishop. Do not refuse to fight."

"No, no, no!" Gallus finally figured out what happened, but because he didn't know the Han Empire, he still couldn't figure it out: "No one has declared war on the Han Empire, and we welcome you with the most solemn etiquette."

"Can he represent Daqin?" Wang Meng was referring to the fat man who didn't know whether he was a bishop or an archbishop: "His words are a declaration of war."

Gallus looked around at the crowd and shouted almost angrily: "I'm completely confused, who can tell what happened!?"

At this time, the roaring sound came in, and there was the sound of horse hooves trampling, and the sound of large groups of people trampling.

People and horses appeared at several street corners. The cavalry was at the front, followed by the infantry. Some of them could be seen holding legion flags, and the numbers were Julian's army.

There is a new army, even the most curious people have to think about their own lives. They think that the next one will be a fight, and they abandon their curiosity and run away.

In the surrounding area, the originally closed windows on some floors were slightly opened, and there were pairs of eyes watching inside. If you could see the faces of the owners of the eyes, some were full of horror, and there were also faces full of excitement.

The Han army formed a battle formation. An officer picked up the horn on his waist, and he blew it with a "woo-woo-woo--", and soon there was a response from a distance, which was also "woo-- Woohoo—” rhythm.

The troops belonging to Julian brought them in, and after they formed the formation, they began to advance. What they did was to isolate the Han army, but their weapons and shields were aimed at the Roman soldiers in the same costume.

"Julian!!!" Gallus yelled at Julian who was riding forward: "What do you want to do!?"

Julian has already changed into a military uniform, which is very simple compared with Gallus' gorgeous golden armor. It is a very traditional Roman leather breastplate. If there is anything gorgeous, it is probably that there is a broom head on top of his head. It is a helmet plated with gold rings, and the main body behind it is fiery red, but the cloak of an eagle with wings embroidered with gold thread.

"I'm here to prevent a war that might break out due to a misunderstanding." Julian dismounted when he got close.After he stood up, he raised his right hand holding the sword, and his troops immediately released the battle formation, but still made a gesture of protecting the Han people: "You don't understand the Han Empire at all, and some actions will definitely lead to war."

The fat man of the bishop or archbishop was stared at by Julian. He was at a loss at first, then took a deep breath, raised his head and said loudly to Julian: "You swore that you will defend the faith of the 'Lord' with the sword in your hand."

The Han people seem to be supporting roles now, no one is paying attention to them anymore, they all focus on Julian, Gallus and that fat man.

The fat man looked around at the Roman soldiers: "Many of you have sworn that you will swing your swords for the glory of the Lord."

Julian was walking towards the fat man. He didn't draw his sword out of its sheath, and the smile he kept on his face was gone. It was obviously annoyed: "Peter Archbishop, do you know what you are doing?"

"I'm defending the 'lord'!" It turned out that the fat man's name was Peter, and he was also an archbishop.He was so fat that he almost lost his chin. When he was talking, the fat around his neck moved with the opening and closing of his mouth. He pointed at Wang Meng and said, "He is so rude!"

The response given to Archbishop Peter was the sound of heavy footsteps and fighting in the distance. Everyone looked towards the end of the distance, and there appeared a few red banners, and a team of armored horses were mounted amidst the sound of thundering horseshoes. Advance, no matter what is in the way ahead, it will be crushed all the way.Behind the armored riding gear, even the sound of hoofs rolling could not cover up the heavy but orderly sound of footsteps.

For the Romans, it was very eye-catching that there were Persian flags inside the crimson banners, and it seemed that Persian soldiers could be seen advancing behind the Han army, which made any Roman look very ugly.

"It's just...it's just..." Gallus's neck was covered with veins, and his face was full of ferocity: "What does the Han Empire want to do? Do you want to join forces with the Persians to attack Constantinople!"

The Han envoys were the Persian Sasanians who arrived first, and they were guarded by the Persians as if protecting a national treasure along the way. When they left the Persian Sasanian territory, Shapur II did not recall the [-] Persian troops who protected the Han people all the way. Along with the Han people came to Constantinople.

Everyone was in the city and could not see the Han army in the city. After blowing the horn, the Han army immediately took control of the ship. The armor and cavalry equipment that had been prepared ferociously rushed towards the pier, followed by infantry who kept pouring out.They did not fully control the dock yet, and only a leading force entered the city. The Persians followed in extremely excitedly, and even raised their own battle flags.

The appearance of the Persian soldiers in Constantinople stimulated all the Romans, and the sound of the "doo-doo-doo" trumpet was blown fiercely, except for some Roman soldiers who surrounded Wang Meng and other Han people, where they could see All Roman soldiers charged with the sound of trumpets.

"Honorable angel." Julian's face was very ugly. He moved a little closer to Wang Meng's position and said loudly, "The misunderstanding can be resolved. Please order your troops to withdraw from Constantinople."

Wang Meng was actually laughing, he was smiling politely, he didn't deliberately raise his volume, and he didn't care about Marcus Maca next to him, who looked in a dilemma, and said: "If you say something wrong, you always need to use it. cover up the color of blood.", he put away his smile, and wanted to point to Archbishop Peter, but found that the fat man disappeared at some point, but he still said seriously: "That man, he just sent out to kill the emperor manifesto, it was he who brought the bloodshed."

"Maka!" Julian looked at Marcus Maka and asked loudly, "Is this true?"

Marcus Maka is the only foreigner standing among the crowd of Han people. Some of them are worried that they will be killed by the angry Han people, and most of them are full of the anger of Archbishop Peter who is open-mouthed. When he heard the question, he immediately replied: "Yes , I swear on my life, Peter did make that statement just now."

At that moment, Julian's face was completely livid, Gallus' face was full of disbelief, and the rest of the Romans who were still present were completely dumbfounded.

"The Son of Heaven of the Han Empire is the god, the most supreme god of the Han people. Archbishop Peter knew this, and threatened to destroy it for the 'lord'." Marcus Maca looked very, very excited: "I said earlier After that, they are a group of speculators, a group of hypocrites who have no lower limit for bread and milk, and a group of careerists who will bring disaster, and now it has worked!"

Invisibly, Christian believers among the Romans distanced themselves from the rest of the gods. Even now, there are quite a few nobles who believe in other gods. Christianity has anything to do with it, especially Christianity could bring about a war with another superpower.

The Han Kingdom is too far away from Rome, but if the Han Army can land on the Xindu Continent, then it is possible to land in Rome. Even if the Han Army does not kill it, it will be enough for Rome to have a headache... even is fatal.

"Actually, this is very good." Cai Mian lowered his voice and said to Dou A: "No contact can be separated from bloodshed. Only when the two sides recognize each other's strength can they sit down and communicate."

Dou'a laughed a few times "hehe", he was watching his armored riding equipment crushing all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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