Chapter 83

Liu Yan would not be so foolish as to think that those Jin people should naturally support him.

The current Jin people are the most complex group, they are selfish and self-interested, not because they are willing to be selfish and self-interested, but because the Jin court abandoned them, and then the bad situation forced them to make such a choice.

"Yes, they have no sense of security and live in worry and precarity all the time." Ji Chang has a deep understanding of this: "We don't need to give them a sense of security now, we just need to let them know that we don't have much malicious."

The Han Dynasty will send people to collect taxes from various tyrants or big families. A similar thing has been done last time, and there is a list of those who are willing to pay and those who are not willing to pay.Because the tax demanded by the Han Dynasty is not excessive, it can even be said to be just symbolic.At that time, most of the powerful and powerful families chose to hand in, and only a very small number of powerful and powerful families ignored it.

"Continue to collect taxes." Liu Yan has learned specifically that there are powerful people near Huangdao District.He said: "If there are powerful people who refuse, they will be our next target."

Jin people living in the Central Plains will not have too many idiots. Idiots cannot survive in the complicated Central Plains. Liu Yan really wants to see that the threat of the Han has been removed. Those tycoons who refused to pay taxes Will there be idiots among them.

"We don't have siege equipment..." Xu Zheng expressed his needs: "Besides, the siege equipment can be manufactured, but the soldiers still need some time to practice siege."

That is to say, only the Han tribe had relevant ideas. Since Liu Yan felt that driving people to the battlefield without training was a kind of murder, Xu Zheng would say something that looked like a jerk.

That's true, if you go to the battlefield without training, not to mention what effect such an army can play, the population of the Han Dynasty is not rich enough to be drawn and sacrificed at will.In the future, the Han tribe will probably continue to conquer the powerful, and those powerful will basically have a fortress or a fortress, and the soldiers of the Han tribe will need to practice how to attack the city.

What I have to say is that Tian Shuo does have experience in managing civil affairs. The weird thing is that he said that he knows how to make siege equipment, and that the equipment he knows how to make is not that complicated. , siege vehicles (siege vehicles), and wells, almost all of them are more practical.

Siege ladder?Is there anything else that won't be made?But Liu Yan knows that there are really people who can't make it. After all, this is not the age of information explosion.People nowadays receive too little information, and the wisdom of the people is not yet developed, and there is not enough culture as a foundation. It is really different from modern times.

"The ancestor of the villain..." Tian Shuo wanted to talk nonsense, but after thinking about it, he confessed honestly: "The villain was once ordered to supervise the craftsmen, but he paid special attention and learned something."

In fact, Liu Yan also has a concept of similar technology, but what is needed is repeated experiments.He asked Tian Shuo to take the craftsmen to try it out, but Tian Shuo arrogantly said that there were too many responsibilities, and he could just let a person named Wang She take care of it.

Wang She is a very honest person, when he saw Liu Yan he hurriedly saluted, he seemed to be nervous and didn't know where to put his hands.

"The villain's ancestors have been craftsmen for generations, and he once sold his strength for the general of Han (former Zhao)." Seeing Liu Yan's kindness, Wang She calmed down for a while before he could speak clearly: "If the villain makes it Equipment, villains can do it."

Liu Yan specifically asked: "Can you make a bed crossbow?"

"Yes, yes." Wang She lowered his head and did not see the joyful expression on Liu Yan's face, and said, "It's just that... a large amount of suitable wood is needed, and tendon needs special training. For some small objects... ..." said a lot.

Liu Yan kept nodding his head, any equipment would not be simple, it needed a lot of parts to match.He also knew that the production of bed crossbows would be more complicated. Otherwise, the entire history of China's cold weapon warfare should be that bed crossbows were widely used. It wasn't in the prosperous era that we saw records of bed crossbows being used in certain battlefields.

"Don't worry about the bed crossbow." Liu Yan looked at Wang She with the eyes of discovering the treasure, and ordered: "Build a batch of ladders and carts first."

Tian Shuo who stood aside was a little embarrassed, waiting for Wang She to leave, he ran over to Liu Yan with small steps and saluted: "Your Majesty, villain..." With a smirk, he secretly looked at Liu Yan's face, and when he saw Liu Yan Yan didn't get angry, and said rather embarrassedly: "In fact, the villain doesn't know how to make tools..."

Even if he didn't notice it before, Liu Yan should see it now.But he didn't pursue it. In many cases, the talents of the subordinates belong to the boss. Such things exist in any era.In fact, what else could he ask of Tian Shuo?He wants to make equipment, Tian Shuo finds out people, that's enough!

Of course, Liu Yan still needs to beat Tian Shuo as necessary, but while a girl like Xiang Yi is preparing the meal, Liu Yan puts his hands behind his back and speaks in a neutral tone, and the speed of his speech is neither slow nor slow. It really looks like a bit of a superior.

What should the superior be like?Majesty, maintaining a majesty that is difficult for others to touch, and then don't hesitate when it is time to exercise power.

By the way, Tuobaxiu was actually there too. She was sitting on the chair safely, with her chin propped on her hands, quietly watching Liu Yan admonishing her subordinates.

Tuobaxiu was really looking forward to coming here to eat the dishes cooked by Liu Yan himself, but when he saw that his subordinates were here, he didn't expect extravagantly.She is thinking about it now, should she ask for it? After all, there is a kitchen next to the house. It seems that it doesn't take too much time to cook a dish?

Stir fry?No one studied it before the Song Dynasty, so stir-frying did not exist.In fact, stir-fried dishes should have appeared only in the Song Dynasty. There are really not too many recipes at present.

The relationship between Liu Yan and Tuobaxiu has changed. Those Xianbei warriors who were not killed have regained their status of freedom. Tuobaxiu did not leave half of them, and all of them were sent back to Daiguo to report a few things to Tuoba Shiyiqian .

First, she, Tuoba Xiu, was captured by Liu Yan. She was allowed to do whatever he wanted, but Liu Yan chose marriage.

Two, Liu Yan will be the Tiefu of the Tuoba clan in the future, and is willing to take out some weapons as a dowry. The Tuoba clan can't be stingy, her original tribe should be used as a dowry, and then Tuoba Shiyijian needs to come up with something to add to the dowry .

Three, she will be in charge of the salt and weapons trade with Dai Guo in the future, and Tuoba Shiyiqian can send people to discuss how to trade collectively.

Tuobaxiu didn't mention to Tuoba Shiyijian that Liu Yan would also trade with other tribes in Liaodong, and she didn't need to talk so much with Tuoba Shiyijian, waiting for the dowry and dowry to be exchanged, she In addition to being born in the Tuoba clan, the relationship with Dai Guo will become a thing of the past.

I'm not kidding. Compared to the Chinese, when a Hu woman gets married, she belongs to her husband's family, and her name must be preceded by her husband's surname. For example, when Tuobaxiu marries Liu Yan, they are either named Liu Xiu or Liu Tuobaxiu . (There is no nonsense, modern Wanwan or Hong Kong still have the same custom of naming husband's surname.)
"Let's go?" Tuobaxiu has not received the education of the Han family, so she doesn't know what to do as a fiancee: "Don't be too kind to those people. When you should whip, you can use the whip vigorously."

Liu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and said slightly displeased: "Don't use the barbarians' tricks on the Han people."

Tuobaxiu frowned: "It's true, how can you not be strict with your subordinates, not strict..." Seeing that the displeasure on Liu Yan's face became more obvious, she pursed her lips and didn't make another sound.After waiting for a while, seeing Liu Yan sitting across from her, she suddenly asked, "When are you going to sleep with me?"

Liu Yan originally picked up the water glass from the table and brought it to his mouth, drank a little, but when he heard Tuobaxiu's sudden question, he quickly swallowed the water in his mouth, but he still couldn't help coughing.

"You don't put me to sleep, I don't feel at ease." Tuobaxiu made a movement of sniffing the smell of her body, with confusion: "Is there no mutton smell?"

"..." Liu Yan understood a little bit. No wonder Tuobaxiu seemed a little clingy recently, and now she is even more ostentatious to eat. Is it time to move in next?

Sleep, Liu Yan definitely wants Tuoba Xiu to sleep.But... Liu Yan decided to wait first, not for something, but really waiting for the mutton smell on Tuobaxiu to disappear...

(End of this chapter)

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