sweeping the world

Chapter 827 No money?chapter to letter your sister

Chapter 827 No money?go back and letter to your sister
"Each of their nobles has their own manor. The small nobles can gather tens of hundreds of people, and the big nobles can gather tens of thousands of people. The scale of the manor is equivalent to a village or a town." The information obtained by Cai Mian Quite a few, and went on to say: "However, whether it is a village or a town, the right to collect taxes and conscription belongs to the nobles, and the state has no right to collect them."

"I heard that they still have the right of the first night?" Although Dou'a was asking, he actually wanted to make sure: "The nobles on their side can make their own laws, and some nobles stipulate that any bride's first night should be served. yourself instead of serving your husband."

The serious Romans didn't do this, and they didn't dare to ask someone who was also a Roman citizen to give him his wife's first night, otherwise it would definitely be a bloody fight, or even a catastrophe.

The so-called right of first night is something that happened after Rome accepted foreign races to become nobles. For example, the three races of Germanic, Gothic, and Gaul have a custom. When they are still in tribal form, the leader can do whatever he wants, sleep with a woman or something It is purely a trivial matter, and it is only determined in the form of family law after some Germans, Goths, and Gauls become Roman nobles.

"Compared with the big Han, their people are not protected by the law." Cai Mian is saying a big fact: "Only citizens are protected by the law. And their laws are recorded on the code, but the code It is the right to be interpreted by various priests."

During the reign of Constantine I, Rome carried out great reforms, one of which was to support Christianity. He also specially set up chaplains in the army.

The military priests in Rome didn't just do some mass ceremonies, they also grabbed some powers from the military judge, which meant that the priest could accept prayers, but the priest could also hold a sharp sword, but the priest's sharp sword was usually used to kill his own people .

The current Christianity is growing unprecedentedly in Rome. According to Marus Utansis, the archbishop is demanding the legal right to arm the army.

It is not the nature of a family private army in a gray position. What Christianity wants to form is a legally permitted cataract. At the beginning, it asked Augustus to provide equipment and equipment, and even asked that the state should provide it. Paying military salaries, but the three Roman kings in the split could barely support their own army. How could they have spare money to support an army that was not organized by the state but had to pay for armor, weapons, equipment and military salaries by themselves.


In Rome, not just anyone can become a member of parliament, even if you have money, you must first have a good background. The history of the family does not have to be very long, but the family must master A considerable amount of force, or having powerful allies, and then a lot of money.

The current Christianity does not have the right to collect taxes, and relies on donations from believers. They have borrowed the characteristics of many religions to create their own system of saints and saints, which are generally aimed at young people from some big families. Members receive and then receive donations from those families.

"Some families are very crazy. Not only did the patriarch himself become a clergy, but the family property was also changed to the name of Christianity." Malus Utansis's face was very strange: "Among the three forces in Rome, Christianity Christianity is a neutral character. Because Rome is divided, Christianity gets tax exemption."

To put it simply, Constantius, Constantine II, and Julian may have been ineligible to collect taxes from Christianity for various reasons. Many people saw this and threw themselves into it. , Most of them are used to evade taxes under the guise of a name, and a small part is really confiscated by confiscating property to Christianity.

For Han people such as Wang Meng, they are definitely no strangers to taxation. It is unbelievable that religion has obtained tax exemption rights, which is simply an unimaginable thing in Zhuxia.

In fact, they don’t know one thing. If history has not changed, Buddhism, which thrived in Zhuxia, will soon seek tax exemption. They first turn most of the high-level people into their followers, and then fight for tax exemption. Those high-level officials felt that they could enjoy the benefits of not paying taxes by listing their properties (mainly fields) under Buddhism, and as a result, Buddhism also got the right to be tax-free.

From the Wuhuluanhua to the entire Southern and Northern Dynasties, Buddhism has always played a very important role. They killed no fewer than five emperors, and they were able to influence the change of imperial power. The main reason was the right to tax exemption.

There are too many named properties and lands. Those named may have died in a certain fight and their families were wiped out, and those assets have justified themselves as the property of Buddhism.

Buddhism has money, and most importantly, a large amount of land, so it can gather enough people to form an army, and then wield the big stick of money to complete the control of the country.

Very similar, right?In Europe and Asia, the two religions that are so far apart, they did the same thing at about the same time, but the religion of Europe became the master of Europe, and the religion of Asia was re-elected Imperial repression.

"In just a few years, Christianity has become a colossus." Markus Maca obviously didn't like Christianity, and said with a worried face and tone: " In fact, they have been armed for a long time, and no one is sure about the scale, but it will definitely not be less than five legions, not counting the legions they have already won support."

In Europa, it is not uncommon to have an apostolic army. Any religion has its own armed forces, like the Ares Temple of War that Marus Utansis said before. The Badan Guard, that is, the number of Spartan guards has been changing.

The Temple of Wisdom in Athens also has its own armed forces, and they have been informed that they have come out to line up.

"It looks like a traditional Greek soldier." Marus Utansis pointed to the group of blond soldiers: "They wear leather breastplates, iron leggings on their calves, and their weapons are spears. shield."

What Wang Meng and the others saw was a group of soldiers holding spears. Each of them wore skirts and capes. The colors were mainly white battle robes and armor with blue capes. A few were wearing red battle robes and helmets with brooms. head.

"Athens is a big city. At the same time, there are many believers who believe in the goddess of wisdom." Marcus Marka said solemnly: "The temple has two thousand guards. They are all loyal believers of the goddess Athena, and all the equipment is purchased by myself. The city provides military pay."

"Is it always 2000 people?" Cai Mian really wanted to ask what the guard had heard, but he didn't ask, and changed the question: "Or will the number change?"

Marcus Maca and Marus Utansis looked at each other. Maybe they didn't know, maybe they didn't want to answer, so they remained silent.

Athens is a large city with a population of 10. There are 10 city defense troops locally. If you count the [-] goddess of wisdom guards, that is [-] people supporting [-] soldiers.This city not only has to provide military salaries for the garrison troops, but also pays double taxes to Constantinople and Rome, so it has become a city under the common protection of Constantine II and Constantius. .

"This kind of situation will never happen on our side." Dou'a said that a city is loyal to two kings at the same time: "I always think that there are many miraculous things on this side, and it seems that I haven't seen anything more strange. "

Naturally, everyone wanted to enter the temple for a tour. What they entered was a dark room with thick supporting pillars, and they could smell a strong smell of oil.

"In the main hall at the entrance, there are warriors guarding the goddess Athena on the left and right sides." Malus Utansis pointed to the statues on both sides: "It is rumored that only the brave warriors in the history of Athens are qualified to become warriors of the goddess Athena. , to protect the goddess Athena forever."

Wang Meng was in a trance for a moment. He didn't remember it so clearly, but only vaguely remembered some fragments. When Liu Yan was telling a story to his son, it seemed that he was talking about Athena's Saint Seiya or something?
There is a platform under each statue in the hall, and a stone-carved lampstand is placed on the platform. You can also see some fresh or withered flowers.

Marcus Marca left for a while, and when he came back, he carried a wooden bucket in his hand. He poured some oil out of the bucket with each lampstand he passed.

"Pour oil on the stone arch, and the oil will be stored up to provide the wick to burn." Marus Utansis said: "Our traditional prayer ceremony is to pour oil. The more you pour, the more pious you are. You can also offer flowers, and the most important thing is to donate money to the sacrifice.”

Dou'a subconsciously took a look at taking out his money bag to give coins to a person covered in a cloak. He turned his head and said to Cai Mian, "The religion on their side, if you don't have money, you can't believe?"

The words have been modified, but in fact, I am wondering that faith requires money. I wonder if it is still faith?

"They have temple guards." Cai Mian pondered and said, "The donated money is used for military pay, and to some extent it is defending one's own beliefs."

"If the temple guards also participated in the defense in the face of an invasion, believers would not be wronged for spending money." Doua said as he approached one of the statues of fighters, stood still for a closer look, walked back to Cai Mian and continued: "The stonemasons on their side are very skilled, but they carved the statues so lifelike."

Buddhism is the one that has clay sculptures in Zhuxia, and the rest of the religions are mainly tablets and totems (figure images). At the same time, except for the gods recognized by the emperor, gods that are not recognized by the emperor cannot have temples.As a result, many gods are actually eating and sleeping in the open, or simply use a boulder or something as an incarnation.

Zhu Xia had only one temple for a long time, and that was the place where the emperor served the ancient gods and his ancestors in the imperial city. No one was qualified to build a temple.The reason is that only the Son of Heaven can control the power of the gods, including but not limited to the power of sacrifice and the power of enshrining the gods. Whoever crosses the boundary is a rebel, and that is the "sacrifice" in the sacrificial and military affairs of the country.

The two were chatting when a man wrapped in a cloak approached and said something.

"What did he say?" Doua heard a language different from Roman: "Isn't he here to ask for money?"

Dou A guessed it right, the cloaked man is actually one of the temple priests, and he really came here to donate.

"..." Cai Mian refused in his heart, but to save face, he took out his purse and counted five gold coins and handed them over: "The religion here really wants money."

Not only Cai Mian gave it, but everyone who entered the temple was begged again, more or less took out their wallets and gave some, and Cai Mian gave the most.

"So commoners generally don't come to the temple." Malus Utansis looked at Cai Mian, who was in pain, with a smile: "Don't worry, if you give me the money, the goddess Athena will protect you."

Later, the Han people learned the fact that donations will be recorded. If they are willing to give their family address, if they live in the city of Athens, once a family member gets sick, they can come to the temple to ask for a doctor.Whether the doctors in the temple can cure the disease is one thing. They prescribe the medicine but don't give away the medicine for free. Patients can buy medicine in the temple or in other places.

It has to be said that the more donations to the temple, the faster the temple doctor will be on duty.

"Not only the role of a doctor, but also the services of exorcising evil spirits and offering sacrifices to ancestors?" Doua just donated ten five baht, and came out to get some air as he felt that it was too stuffy inside, and asked Marcus Maca who also came out: " Judging by their appearance, they are being oppressed by Christianity, right?"

"Athens is already in the best condition." Marcus Marka said sullenly: "For thousands of years, Athens has only one god, and only the goddess Athena is enshrined. Like other places... a lot of old God belief is dying, being replaced by God."

"That Christianity..." Doua didn't want to say it at first, but later said: "Christianity has been expanding and growing. If this trend continues, they will at least become the invisible master of this land. They even went directly to the front desk to intervene in regime change."

Marcus Maka was obviously stunned for a moment, and looked at Doua with piercing eyes: "My opinion is the same as yours. So is there any way you can stop it?"

Dou'a casually said irresponsibly: "It's simple, let your king ban it, and then the army will press up and kill anyone who disobeys."

Marcus Maca was stunned, shook his head and smiled wryly: "No way. Not only were they recognized by Constantine I, but they also spread their tentacles to every aspect. Once that happens... the war will be bigger and bigger than the ongoing civil war. cruel."

Come on, that is, the Romans dug the pit themselves, or dug a bottomless abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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