sweeping the world

Chapter 814 The Sacred Indispensable Soil

Chapter 814 The Sacred Indispensable Soil
Liu Yan didn't see what he wanted to see. There are only a few super-large gold mines and super-large silver mines that are being mined in the rest of the islands. It is necessary to inspect them.

The Wo Islands are located in the middle of the continental plate. It was formed by the collision and uplift of the continental shelf in ancient times, which means that it was once a place full of volcanoes.

Continental shelves collide with each other, and some resources in the deep layers will be dug out, especially when they were once full of volcanoes, resulting in a terrible amount of precious metals being stored.

Before the Han people came to the Japanese Islands, the Japanese had actually started mining gold and silver, but their social structure was doomed that food was the most precious thing.Because a prosperous maritime trade system has not been formed, the glittering gold and silver are doomed to be rotten in the warehouse, unable to exert the value that gold and silver should have.

At this moment, Liu Yan was standing in a warehouse. At a glance, the gold and silver ingots stacked in the shape of a pyramid reflected the light of the fire. The piles of shining gold and silver reflected each other's light. The entire warehouse turned into daylight for a moment.

"The amount of gold and silver here is the same, but the weight is more gold than silver." Wang Ji didn't understand so much. He was very surprised that gold was heavier than silver: "The reserves of each warehouse are the same, and there are a total of twelve warehouses. Such a warehouse."

Liu Yan did not lose the relevant knowledge. He remembered that gold is about [-] grams per cubic centimeter, but silver is only about [-] grams per cubic centimeter. So of course the same volume means that gold is heavier than silver.

To put it simply, the gold ingots in the warehouse are the same size as the silver ingots, but it takes two silver ingots to get the same weight as one gold ingot, which is also in line with their own value. It is because the silver ingots in Zhuxia are far less than gold, which leads to It's silver that's worth more than gold...

No kidding, after silver became a currency in Zhuxia, there was definitely more silver on the market than gold, but that was silver obtained from overseas through trade. For example, more than [-]% of Zhu Ming’s silver came from the Japanese islands , After the Qing Dynasty, the newly added silver basically came from the Americas, and the silver in the Americas was not brought to the Qing Dynasty by the Indians, but brought over by the trade between the Europeans and the Qing Dynasty.

Twelve warehouses, each storing two tons of gold and one ton of silver, that is, 24 tons of gold and twelve tons of silver. Goods shipped.

"The Dahan obtained a total of 87 tons of gold and 96 tons of silver from the Wa Islands?" Liu Yan nodded when he got the answer, and said, "It's far from enough to use."

Liu Yan actually doesn't know how much gold and silver are stored in the Wa Islands. Anyway, he just keeps mining and plundering. Compared with gold, he values ​​silver more. The reason... is naturally that the system can conjure gold mines out of thin air. It's that he doesn't know if he will disappear after his death, and he is making people squander the gold "transformed" by the system in any country other than Han.

Wang Meng spends money lavishly in Persia, and even goes to Rome to throw money. The gold he spends is a product of the system. If the Persians and Romans are willing, he even has the idea of ​​spending money to buy land, just because the amount of gold is really large. is too huge.

In fact, Wang Meng's ambition was small. Liu Yan still wanted to buy the whole world with gold. Unfortunately, many things were definitely not for sale.

Even with the addition of the 87 tons of gold and 96 tons of silver looted from the Wa Islands, the current amount of gold and silver in the Han Kingdom will definitely not be able to support the circulation on the market. That is why Liu Yan has not produced gold, silver, and copper. The reason for the ternary currency system.

Why didn't Liu Yan just produce banknotes?First of all, any system has a process, and usually the needs of the society drive the evolution.

For example, the trade is getting bigger and bigger, and it is too troublesome to pull several carts of currency when paying the bills, so it is an ideal thing to deposit the money in a certain institution and use the exchange voucher issued by the institution to pay the bill.If the reputation of the institution is good enough, there will be no situation where someone wants to cash it out, the credit value of the certificate is recognized, and people become accustomed to using it, then the banknotes will be accepted.

The real situation is that no matter it is Zhuxia or wherever, it can be said that every time a small number of people come up with the matter of replacing precious metals with banknotes, it can be said that they have caused huge troubles every time. "White Deer Coin", Yang Guang has done "becoming a hundred coins", but it is actually a disguised form of plunder.For example, the paper currency system was implemented in the Song Dynasty, and the national economy almost collapsed by itself. The people of the Song Dynasty had a good background so that the whole country did not go bankrupt, but the number of bankrupts who became proletarians was also scary.

The current main trading method in the Han Dynasty is not much different from that of the previous dynasties. The main currency in circulation is of course copper coins, but the phenomenon of bartering is more common because the amount of copper coins is not enough to support the circulation. It is the goods themselves that have a use value, but copper coins can only generate value if people are willing to sell them.

After seeing several representative gold mines and silver mines, there is no place worthy of Liu Yan's visit in the Wa Lie Islands. He returned to Osaka Port to stop for a while. The Japanese nobles who were named.

"The real idea of ​​what the Japanese are like seems to have not come." Liu Yan had already let people know in advance that the Japanese were taken away this time to bring them back to the Han Kingdom for their enjoyment. That is to say, if you want to return to the Japanese Islands, you can It’s not easy: “Even if it’s a random county town in the Han Dynasty, it should have a more civilized atmosphere as the largest town on the Japanese islands.”

"They are superior people here, and their property is also here..." Sang Yu actually felt that Liu Yan's force was too obvious, but he didn't worry at all: "I'm afraid there are no Japanese nobles who are sincerely willing to live in the Han Dynasty. "

What I said is that people who leave their hometowns are not just about going to a strange place without relatives, losing support and being easily despised by others. After all, most of the property cannot be taken away, and everything has to be redone in a new place. Especially when the dignitaries are forced to change places, not only will they lose everything they are familiar with, but they will also find it difficult to take away all their dog legs.
Liu Yan also didn't think that those Japanese people could move in good faith. What he was carrying out was only a necessary step for Han to gain the right to rule the Wa Islands. If he didn't kill all the powerful people or integrate them into the ruling class, then he would move them all. place.

It must be said that if those Japanese nobles could cause unimaginable harm to the Han Dynasty, Liu Yan would definitely not make things so rough.

The key issue is that even if those Japanese want to make trouble, at most they will stop some mining operations. When the Han army was working, some people were killed and injured. Fundamental changes have taken place in the policy of the islands, such as from mild to brutal.

That is, no matter what the Japanese people do, they look like that, and there is no need to describe what a group or a certain Japanese people do.Within the time limit set by Liu Yan, the named Japanese came one after another. They generally brought several carts of property and some servants, even pretending to be going to Han. They were very happy, very happy, Am looking forward to……

"I'm here, and my family brought some." Yu Yi reported to Liu Yan after the last named Japanese dignitary arrived: "Some of them will leave the first heir. The smart one is to bring Come the first heir, leaving the rest of the heirs."

Liu Yan already knew that the Japanese who were named would come. Currently, the people in the Wa Islands are quite mixed, but their living environment is doomed.

All island countries or nations in narrow areas in the world have such a commonality. When they are weaker than humans, they are more servile than others, but when they are stronger than humans, they are more capable of making troubles and extremely cruel than anyone else.

The Japanese people who came showed the greatest humility, even if they couldn't see Liu Yan's shadow, kneeling in front of Liu Yan's position was a necessary procedure, and they had to treat Han people with a little bit of status like slaves.

Once, Liu Yan accidentally saw a certain Japanese dignitary treat the Han people on guard with great care. For some reason, some things in the Sino-Japanese War appeared in his mind, such as even a high-ranking official had to flatter a Japanese soldier like a dog's leg. Captain, I'm afraid that something wrong with my attitude will cause the whole family to burp.

"That's the only way to go." What Sang Yu said was that the nobles of the Japanese people gave in without a bottom line, and it was hard to continue to make trouble: "With them, it is more convenient for the big man to enslave the lower-level Japanese."

Liu Yan had to admit that was the reason, just like when the British colonized India, they maintained a certain degree of respect for the high caste of Asan, in order to better enslave those low castes, and wanted to make the nation being used For maximum value, some things really have to be done.

The fleet set off again, and their next destination was Yizhou, not far from the mainland, and they would stop for a while after reaching the destination.

"Your Majesty, there are Japanese people who are very careful in their temptation." Yu Yi thought it was amused: "They are worried that they will be thrown into the sea."

Liu Yan had this kind of thought, but it only passed away in a flash.He is the emperor now, okay? If he is a person with some power, then it is quite appropriate to do it, but it is not easy to do it as an emperor.

The reason is quite simple. At present, no Japanese people can cause incalculable harm to the Han country. If others succumb to that, cheat them out and throw them into the sea, how will others evaluate Liu Yan, the emperor?
The fleet transporting gold and silver set out at the same time as the fleet, and they separated halfway.The ships carrying the Japanese did not follow them to the Han mainland. It was necessary for them to first understand the Han's use of the sea and how much of the ocean the Han had opened up.

"Since we don't kill them, let them know how powerful the big man is." Liu Yan actually learned this trick from the Japanese: "Ants will never have the intention to shake an elephant."

Liu Yan was wrong. The Japanese colonized Yizhou. In order to stop some local mountain peoples from causing trouble, they specially invited the leaders of those tribes to travel to Japan. He wanted the leaders to see the powerful navy of the Japanese country and to see what they had at that time. Asia's largest industrial zone.Those leaders had indeed seen how powerful the Japanese were, but they did not hold back when it was time to fight for their rights, and later turned the table over. (This is the Wushe Incident. If you want to know more about it, you can watch the upper and lower parts of the movie "Sediq Bale")
Yizhou is a pain for the people of the modern Celestial Dynasty. It only became the territory of Zhuxia during the Ming Dynasty. Before that, any dynasty or separatist regime, that is, Sun Quan sent troops to Yizhou during the Three Kingdoms period. Later, it may feel that there is no Because of its use value, or because he couldn't stay any longer, Sun Wu quickly abandoned Yizhou.

The Ming Dynasty made Yizhou a part of the territory of Zhuxia. As the first dynasty to own Yizhou, the demise of the regime was also ended with the betrayal of Yizhou by the traitors.It must be said that the old Zhu's family contributed a lot to the territory of Zhuxia. For example, although the plateau side marched to eliminate the Mongolian Yuan, Daming also became the first orthodox Central Plains dynasty to include the plateau into its territory.

At present, the Han State has garrisoned troops in Yizhou, and sent people to explore and draw maps on the island. Of course, it has become part of the territory of the Han State.

Even though there are really not many resources on Yizhou Island, Liu Yan still treats Yizhou as a part of his native land, which is a complex that modern people should have.

Liu Yan's idea is one thing, but it is a bit too much to let Han really tilt its resources to develop Yizhou. There are too many places to build on the mainland, and it is more valuable to build the mainland. , even if you really want to develop Yizhou, you have to wait for the completion of the construction that should be paid attention to by the mainland.

The place where the Han army is stationed in Yizhou is basically the coastline, like the center of the island is full of mountains, in fact, it is just to send people in to observe.

"The mountainous area above the island is larger than expected, and it almost runs through the central area of ​​the entire island." What Yu Yi was talking about was not the result of the exploration of the Han Dynasty, but the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty who also wanted to open up territories and send people Shangyi Prefecture conducted an investigation: "There are many savage tribes there, and they are all quite barbaric."

Can the tribes in the mountainous area of ​​Yizhou not be barbaric?The island is so big and has so many resources, and the locals have divided the mountain tribe and the plain tribe.The mountain people and the plain people fight each other every year. The mountain people also engage in headhunting activities in order to have a larger hunting area, and the plain people also fight each other for territory all the time.In such a situation of constant fighting, how gentle can they be expected?

Liu Yan has reacted to this situation, but he did not show mercy because those tribes will eventually merge into the big national family. Those who are willing to cooperate are naturally hello, me, hello, everyone, and those who are unwilling can only speak with a knife.

"There are many natural deep-water ports here." Liu Yande thanked the Celestial Dynasty for having the idea of ​​using force several times, and some military culture courses also mentioned it, so the impression was so deep: "It's worth using."

(End of this chapter)

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