sweeping the world

Chapter 808 Hatred Transfer

Chapter 808 Hatred Transfer
Liu Yan's team had a light snowfall before starting again. The locals said that the snowfall of the previous year was later, and the first snowfall of this year was at the same time as when the weather was normal in the past.

The information gathered from all over the country shows that the climate is indeed returning to normal, and the climate in the Central Plains is also slowly returning to normal. This autumn, it has started to rain, and the drought in various places has eased.

Once it started to rain, it was a good thing for the whole Han country, so Liu Yan began to doubt whether his memory was wrong.

In fact, Liu Yan's memory was not wrong. It was the fire they set on the grassland that changed the climate and brought the rain a few months earlier.

In the original history, when Murong Yan went south to the Central Plains, it happened to be hit by a drought. At that time, they thought it was Ran Min’s death and resentment. The climate is gradually becoming normal, and the climate change of nature is also involved in the divine aspect.

The first snowfall in the Northeast was not heavy, at least it would not affect the journey. However, Liu Yan and others did not have a chariot to ride on.

In such a place, looking around is a barren land, except for the forest, there are all kinds of vegetation, and what Liu Yan can see with a civilized atmosphere is the road that has been built.

The logging industry in Northeast China is very prosperous, and there are convoys transporting timber on the roads all the time.In fact, there is no need to transport small or fragmented timber. The giant timber that can be transported away is basically a giant timber, especially the giant timber that needs to be hugged by a dozen people. Most of them will be transported to Ma Shijin, and then shipped by sea. Enter the Yangtze River waterway, and then transport it to Chang'an by land.

The initial construction of New Chang'an is coming to an end, but it does not mean that the construction is completely completed. The giant wood can provide materials for the new palace, and it can also be used in some areas where the palace needs to be built.

The Han Kingdom now has four administrative centers, of course New Chang'an is the capital, while Linzi, Yecheng, and Jiankang exist as accompanying capitals.In addition to the new construction of the palace city of New Chang'an, the palace city of Linzi was also built in the hands of Liu Yan, and Yecheng and Jiankang belonged to the type of acceptance.

Because of the rapid expansion, many new pioneering places do not have official official names for the time being. Some of the names are continuation of the local people's names, and some are called by the Han people according to the local terrain. Maybe they will become officially recognized place names in the future. But that's something that needs to be considered for mapping.

Liu Yan arrived at the plain beside the Mudanjiang River after 20 days, and it will take 20 days, with snow mixed with rain in between.

Mudanjiang is not called Mudanjiang now. The local savages call it Huer Haihe. Liu Yan vaguely remembers hearing the name Huer Haihe, but it’s hard to be sure. You will have heard or seen relevant records somewhere.

"This place is wider than the plains in the northwest!" Yu Yi can only compare it with the Northwest Plains, but the one is covered with yellow sand, while the other side is white: "When the land is cultivated, it is directly set on fire. jungle?"

"No." Lu Tai is one of the people in charge of the development, and he understands the development process: "We first cut down useful trees, explored the rest of the available resources, and finally set fire."

What it used to look like here is no longer visible. Instead, it is a field with ridges. In some areas, the trees are transplanted and planted, and there are also scattered farms. Anyway, everything is not the original wild scene.

Liu Yan is more concerned about: "How many hectares of land are there?"

"38 hectares." Lu Tai remembered the relevant data clearly. He pointed to the north and east and said, "This area is only one of the grain-producing areas. Combined, the north and east have already developed [-] hectares."

With more than 250 million people, it took nearly two years to reclaim 38 hectares of farmland. It must be said that the efficiency is really not very good.But it can reach this level now. After all, it is facing a wild environment, and everything basically depends on manpower, not a mechanized reclamation model.Being able to achieve this reclamation speed mainly depends on arson...

Liu Yan looked to the southeast, and he could see a long mountain range there. If he remembered correctly, it should be the Changbai Mountain range?
This side is located in the northeast of modern Mudanjiang City, that is, the pan-Heilongjiang area?Liu Yanrang brought a map of mountains and rivers, and he could identify the location more accurately at a glance.

From where they are, hundreds of miles to the northeast is modern land that Russia snatched from the Manchus, and hundreds of miles to the north is also Russia's territory.

"Further north from here..." Liu Yan pointed to the map: "Is there a big river?"

"Your Majesty, there is a big river." Lu Tai has not been there in person, and all the information he knows comes from the intelligence of the expedition team: "The other side of the river is colder, covered with ice and snow for four or five months a year, and the local soil quality is difficult. farming."

Liu Yan understood that it would be strange if the permafrost could be cultivated, but not being able to cultivate it did not mean it was worthless. The underground resources there were so rich that anyone would covet it.

To be serious, the land that cannot be cultivated is actually not very attractive to the Han people. If it were not for the will of Liu Yan, they would be extremely disgusted even Liaodong in the northeast of the country, let alone marching into Dahe (north of Heilongjiang).

After inspecting a part of the farmland, Liu Yan was led to a farm. The first thing he saw was the surrounding fence walls, even multiple fence walls, and the surrounding area was full of arrow towers.A schoolyard-like open space was left inside, and rows of wooden houses were neatly built in several directions.

There are slaves kneeling all over the ground on the school grounds. The imperial guards and local guards who came first are monitoring. When they saw Wang Qi appearing, they didn't know who led it first. "Slogan.

"It is both a farm and a prison. The smaller one has a thousand people, and the largest one has more than [-] people." Lu Tai introduced the general distribution of the following farms, and then said: "The farms on the Vietnamese side are relatively small, and they are mainly concentrated in the main villages. developed areas."

Liu Yan was looking at those people who were kneeling and shouting slogans. They were all wearing the same style of gray and black clothes, and they seemed to be doing a good job in keeping warm.

"Your Majesty, there is no shortage of things that should be there." Lu Tai said seriously: "They are all the wealth of the big man, and they can create more value by living."

The number of slaves owned by Han now is very exaggerated. The total number is nearly 450 million. Most of them are from Goguryeo, Silla and Baekje after the subjugation of the country. slave.

Under the realistic conditions of extreme lack of labor force, the Han people really would not intentionally engage in any abuse. Just like Lu Tai said, slaves themselves are wealth, and they can participate in labor to create more value while they are alive. Wealth is difficult?
"Peninsula slaves are very obedient." Lu Tai did not lie at all: "Especially the slaves in Sanhan are obedient, and they are excellent laborers together with the Japanese."

Sam Han?It's Ma Han, Chen Han and Bian Han!They are the ancestors of Bangzi Zhenger Bajing. They were discovered by Zhu Xia in the Western Han Dynasty. The Han people didn't even bother to take care of them.

By the time of the Wuhu Chaohua period, the Sanhan no longer existed, and part of it was the establishment of Silla, which was regarded as the first regime of Bangzi, but the descendants of the Sanhan belonged to the bottom in Goguryeo and Baekje.

It may be that the Koreans are indeed used to being ordered to work, and they basically don’t have any thoughts of resistance. They used to work obediently for the Goguryeo or Baekje people, but now working for the Han people is actually work, working for the Han people Some of the treatments are so good that I really don’t feel how miserable I am.

By the way, the sticks of later generations always think that Goguryeo and Baekje are their dynasties, but if they are not counted in terms of race and cultural continuity, only Silla is their dynasties.Both Goguryeo and Baekje were destroyed by Li Tang, and Goguryeo among them was also moved away.So, Bangzi's obsession with Goguryeo occupying the entire East Asia, or shooting Li Shimin blind is completely wrong about his ancestors.

When Lu Tai spoke obediently, he would inevitably mention disobedient ones, and some Goguryeo people were the worst.

"The royal family of Goguryeo was either killed or taken to the country. People who claimed to be the royal family of Goguryeo kept appearing, either asking for better status, or instigating slave riots in Goguryeo." Lu Tai felt fucked, those people were like playing house It seems like a home, let alone those who asked for better treatment, and those who incited riots did not know how to keep it secret: "It can be solved every time in the planning stage, and again and again."

What Liu Yan thought of in an instant was the word "funny ratio", but it's not funny to think about it. Song people can spread the gunpowder formula and related weapon blueprints all over the world, and the Goguryeo people who want to riot have no sense of secrecy. It's nothing.

"Your Majesty, there is another matter." What Lu Tai wanted to say was about the Fuyu people: "The Fuyu people returned to the country many times, and were destroyed by Xianbei several times, and found the minister. The minister has reported to His Majesty, and will follow His Majesty's instructions later... "

Fuyu is an ancient country, which existed in the pre-Qin period, and Guozuo was passed down until the period of Wuhu Chaohua before it was destroyed by Murong Xianbei.The Fuyu people did not know what to do for hundreds of years, and the level of civilization was about the same as the stage when the Mayans were exterminated. They had mastered the bronze smelting technology, but the country was still largely maintained in the Stone Age.

The homeland of the Puyu people is very poor in scientific research, but the Puyu people are very good at expanding outwards, maybe it shouldn't be called expansion, should it be called the spread of human genes?Anyway, many of them walked out of the forest, some of them went to the peninsula to establish Baekje together with the local aborigines, and a considerable number of them traveled across the ocean to the Urishima Islands.

What I have to say is that at the current stage, the Puyu Islands are no less than the local aborigines. In particular, the Puyu people lost their dominance in the Wa Islands because they waited for the Han people to pass by. Rub and rub on the ground.

What Lu Tai mentioned was that the Fuyu people in the Northeast gave up their restoration of the country and were willing to integrate into the Han family. The Han side considered that it really needed the cooperation of the local people who are most familiar with the Northeast, and accepted some Puyu people in batches. The problem Just out here.

"That is to say, the Puyu people who have become Han people are fighting for the rights and interests of other Puyu people?" Liu Yan really understood. Those Puyu people who have obtained Chinese status still miss their hometown. A good thing, some bad things are: "They think that a considerable number of Baekje people are also Puyu people, and ask for the opportunity to live as a Chinese?"

That's the thing, the Han people have now become the well-deserved overlords, and the things that happened in the pre-Han in the past are happening again. I don't know how many countries or nations are crying and begging to become Han people.

That's right!During Liu Che's reign, every country in the southwest wanted to be attached to it, but the Confucianists who could influence public opinion at that time were very arrogant. Zhao Tuo's hard work for a hundred years has also left countless troubles for future generations.

Liu Yan kept listening, and gradually understood what Lu Tai wanted to express, that is, the military strength under the order of the Eastern Shogunate has always been relatively limited. Gao Che couldn't get through, and now the Rouran people were disobedient, Zhengdong Shogunate needed to take those responsibilities personally, and also had to control and supervise more than 250 million slaves. The increase of troops had been rejected, so they could only think of other ways.

"Heng'an can ask the Prime Minister for advice." Liu Yancai was unwilling to take care of this personally: "If the Prime Minister allows it, let's do it."

Liu Yan is still very restrained, he can control everything, and if it is the final decision, he will make fewer decisions and let the various authorities play their due roles and responsibilities.

Lu Tai was a little disappointed, but didn't say anything more.

The order of the General Zhengdong shogunate is that there are two standing armies, another 17 county soldiers and [-] servants.Originally, there were as many as [-] servants, but didn't they attack the Asan Continent later?At the request of Huan Wen, most of them were mobilized, and even the servant army was recruited from the Wo Lie Islands. Lu Tai's already tight manpower was even more insufficient.

"Heng'an knows about supervisors, right?" Liu Yan said as he walked, "You don't have to be Chinese to be a supervisor, just like we arrange servants to control and supervise, the same slaves can also be divided into classes, and the use level is higher. slaves to supervise the rest."

The Han Dynasty used the servant army to do dirty work. No matter what the servant army did, most of the hatred value fell on the servant army, which could also make the army formed by the Han people more pure. Even if the dirty work is done, the army will inevitably deteriorate.

Lu Tai hadn't really thought of this before, and immediately thought of the benefits of being pointed out, so it is not so urgent to open more Chinese books.

(End of this chapter)

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