sweeping the world

Chapter 801 Ran Min's Anger Burns

Chapter 801 Ran Min's Anger Burns
With the whistling wind in his ears and the constantly retreating scenery in front of his eyes, Ran Min liked the feeling of galloping horses very much, it would make him feel a kind of pleasure called freedom.

Speaking of which, Ran Min seldom stayed in one place for a long time in peace and order, and would run around if the situation allowed. Some people said that he was testing Liu Yan's tolerance.After all, he used to be king, and after the world was unified again, the experience of being king is a stain, which may make Liu Yan intolerable to deal with it.But he thinks that guess is malicious slander at all, he just can't sit still, it's not because he is worried about being cleaned up by Liu Yan that he likes to run around.

In fact, Liu Yan really wants to clean up Ran Min, even if Ran Min goes to the ends of the earth, he can clean up.Liu Yan treated Ran Min with a tolerant attitude. Otherwise, if he just flipped through the history books, there was no hussar general in any dynasty who could go wherever he wanted comfortably.

In fact, Zhu Longma has already passed the prime of life, but his physical strength is still in good condition, but at some point Ran Min can find that Zhu Longma's impact ability is not as good as before.Although there is no shortage of BMWs in the Han Kingdom, he has never thought about replacing Zhu Longma. Even though he has two horses that are not inferior to Zhu Longma, he will still choose Zhu Longma as his mount when fighting. Only when Zhu Longma really couldn't bear it would he temporarily change his mount.

Since it is called Zhulongma, it is a horse with blood-colored fur, and it uses "dragon" as its name, which in a way expresses majesty.

Therefore, it is really interesting to say that Zhu Xia chose the name. Some specific characters can express a lot of meanings. What kind of name is chosen represents a certain artistic conception. A horse whose fur is so black that it shines, "Zou" has the meaning of top, and the overall expression is: it is a top black war horse.

In addition to Zhu Longma, Ran Min also has a war horse named Wuzhao. The name "Wuzhao" is not nostalgic, but a continuation of the name.

"General." Huang Rui actually felt that he was unlucky. He just wanted to report the military situation, but he had to ride behind Ran Min. When the weather was good, he would eat ashes, but now it was raining.He shouted a little hoarsely, and he didn't know if Ran Min heard: "The scout has new information!"

Ran Min really didn't hear it, because of the distance and the wind direction.The cavaliers and horses around him were not as good as Zhu Long's horse, and there was no one else within a hundred meters, but the black majestic horse, which was also called Wu Zhui, followed them all the way.

Their current location is twenty miles north of Hunxie Mountain. They set out to this location four days ago, and the main camp is stationed on a road that must be passed.

The so-called must-pass road is a road surrounded by Hunxie Mountain and Yanran Mountain. Its length and width should be about fifteen miles, and there are some mountainous areas on both sides.If the vertical width is smaller, it can be called a valley, but the problem is that the vertical width exceeds ten miles.

Behind Ran Min, he stopped by himself and reached out to stroke the mane on Zhu Longma's neck. Both the man and the horse were wet, and the sweat and rain mixed together.

It has been raining for a while, and it is a large-scale rainfall trend. What Ran Min knows is that it rains first in the south, and there are also heavy rains in some areas.He knew that this was good news. After more than a year and a half, the earth was re-moisturized by rain, which would definitely alleviate the drought.

The rain on the grassland is very unusual, not to say that the rain is very unusual, but this rain was "seduced" by the grassland fire.That is a climate response that requires rigorous scientific knowledge to explain, but people nowadays don't care so much. They are simply happy for the rain. More than one person wants to know whether there is rain in the country's northern Xinjiang, Guanzhong and the hinterland of the Central Plains.

In fact, the northern border of the Han Dynasty was a very vast territory, including Yanran Mountain to the northwest border, and the North Sea (Lake Baikal) to Yanmen County and Liaodong County.Today's Northern Xinjiang can actually be understood as the grassland area of ​​the Han Dynasty. It has long been out of the scope of Yanmen County, Dai County, and Liaoxi County. The counties mentioned above have been included in the Central Plains, and the hinterland of the Central Plains is used to summarize The original Zhuxia Kyushu, and the area to the south is generally called the south of the Yangtze River.

"General!" Huang Rui finally caught up with Ran Min. He was on horseback, but he kept breathing heavily, half out of shock and half out of urgency: "The scout reported that there was a discovery forty miles east of here. Enemy tracks."

Ran Min subconsciously looked to the east. His view was blocked by the mountain peaks. Because it was raining, the mountains in the distance were covered in haze.

The mountain that blocks Ran Min's view is Yanran Mountain. A long, long time ago, the plain on the east side of Yanran Mountain was the royal court of the Huns, and their Shanyu and their headquarters stayed there all year round.

Langjuxu Mountain is very famous, but in fact it is not the seat of the Huns royal court, it is a holy place for the Huns to worship their ancestors.Huo Qubing ran thousands of miles and accomplished the great cause of sealing wolves and living in Xu. The reason why Huo Qubing had such a great impact is that he copied the holy places of ancestor worship of the Huns, and also took away the golden men used by the Huns to worship their ancestors. To put it another way, it is like It's like the foreign race snatched Zhuxia's Jiuding.

"The area north of Yanran Mountain was ravaged by fire. Although it has been extinguished, it is still not a place where people can move." Ran Min didn't know why his emperor wanted to set fire to the grassland. The fire swept and raged. However, the area is extremely large and wide, and even Xigaoche was affected, but they still ran fast to avoid being affected: "The enemy will not dare to enter that area, it is no different from committing suicide."

Huang Rui agreed with Ran Min's statement. It was based on the fact that he entered the ashes area when he knew that a tribe of Dingling people fled. After only ten days, nearly a thousand people went in, but there were less than a hundred people left when they came out. The driven herds were also left in the ashes.He also heard the news that the Ding Ling people who escaped from the ashes began to spread the disease not long after, and the Han army killed them all and cremated their bodies for safety.

"Scout the number and distribution of enemy troops." Ran Min looked back and saw the black cavalry in the distance, and the roar of horse hooves could be heard from a distance: "In this bare place, there is no need to set up an ambush or anything like that. Think about it, let’s just run over.”

This area has not been ravaged by fire. There are some woods, but they can hide less than a thousand people at most. Is the rest of the land bare due to the influence of the previous drought, or is it the recent rain that finally Let the grass in the soil begin to emerge again.

Ran Min would not be so naive as to think that the enemy army would not discover the existence of his Han army, and it would be a matter of time before he was discovered, so he would stop at the same place and wait for the enemy army who had the guts to come over and take the initiative to catch up. The right choice.

Huang Rui subconsciously took a look at his own troops, and thought that there were only nearly five thousand horses, and the enemy must be more than ten thousand, so he should be more cautious, the problem was that he dared not speak.

"What are you worried about? They're just a bunch of frightened remnants and defeated generals." Ran Min knew what he was thinking just by looking at Huang Rui, and said disdainfully, "Even if they were in their heyday, I still wouldn't take them seriously. "

If other people said that, Huang Rui would roll his eyes, but when Ran Min said it, his morale was boosted, and he felt a sense of pride and ambition.

As Ran Min said, Fu Jian discovered the existence of the Han army when he was about thirty miles away.

"Sure enough, the Han army intercepted it!" Although Fu Jian had already made relevant psychological preparations, he was still a little discouraged.He looked around and saw that the original nearly 1 troops had dropped to about [-]. Of course, most of those who disappeared were fleeing, and some died on the way: "The enemy army is only about [-], and they stopped us. On the way home, tell me what to do!"

A small number of people raised their arms and shouted "Kill them", while more people remained silent with tired faces.

After they left the battlefield, they first fled to the north. It took seven days for them to be hunted while fleeing. The location in the southeast direction of Ranshan.

Because they had entered the ashes area, no matter whether it was a man or a horse in the team, one of them looked dirty. Not only was it dirty, but all of them were not only tired but also hungry.

They were also short of water, but isn't it raining now?Finally, they were able to drink enough, but the problem was that they lost most of their belongings due to the defeat. Some of the cattle and sheep they brought out were thrown in the ashes area. They only had some dry food on their bodies, but they really couldn't let go of it.

Fu Jian was disappointed. He originally thought that returning home could arouse the fighting spirit of the troops, but obviously after so many days of fleeing, the hardships and hardships on the road have worn down the will of most of them. Even if they follow the team, they are numb. follow.

"Only by defeating the enemy army blocking the way can we go home!" Long Du yelled hoarsely. He did not die as Fu Jian expected, but a conflict broke out with Fu Jian later, but now the two sides are bearing with each other Status: "They are only 5000 people, we are twice their size, kill 'em, go home! Kill 'em, and go home!"

Fu Jian looked at Longdu who kept repeating "Kill them and go home", there was a gloomy look in his eyes, and there was still a trace of happiness.He originally hoped that all the dragons would die, but later he had to admit that if the dragons really died, it would be quite unfavorable to him. It was because their main force was almost exhausted before they succeeded in attacking the Han Emperor Xingyuan, and the surprise attack team was also defeated by the Han army. Clean it up easily, and if the dragon is about to die, he will take the "pot" on his back.

Now that the dragon is not dead, he should be responsible for the "pot".Now he is extremely contemptuous and hostile to Fu Jian. The contempt is that Fu Jian's original idea has not been realized, and the hatred is of course because Fu Jian's suggestion has caused tens of thousands of people to die.

No, some of Fu Jian's goals have been achieved. The whole grassland is spreading the news that the Han army set fire. All tribes, big or small, clearly know that the grassland is indeed a fire like a natural disaster. They don't know whether the fire was set by the Han army or the Han army The emperor ordered the fire, but it did not prevent them from being hostile to the Han people from the bottom of their hearts.

It seems like the grassland people used to coexist peacefully with the Han people, but the impact of the Han army's setting fire on the grassland was really great. Some grassland tribes have begun to change from being indifferent to actively joining the tribes that are at war with the Han army. Another impact is that Rouran's relationship with Han changed from friendly to wary of each other.

Long Du's hoarse voice still did not arouse the soldier's desire to fight, his brain was doomed to be anxious in the face of such a thing, and although he still hated Fu Jian later, he subconsciously looked at it.

"General..." Fu Jian steered his horse closer to Longdu, and said in a low voice, "We have to prepare for the worst."

"It can't be any worse." Long Du panted heavily, and he didn't know whether it was because he didn't have enough lung capacity or because he was angry: "If you have any ideas, hurry up and say it!"

Fu Jian looked at the team moving slowly again, for some reason, he thought of crawling caterpillars in his mind, controlled his voice and said, "Look at them, they will definitely not be able to withstand even one round of impact, and they may even see Han The army will disintegrate on its own."

"It's not your stinky idea!" The reason why Longdu endured was because he wanted to rely on Fu Jian's ingenuity to escape from Shengtian. Hearing those words, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he didn't control the volume: "I should really put it on the spot. You kill!"

"If you don't kill me, the general still has a chance to escape, kill me..." Fu Jian made a 'shh' gesture, signaling the soldiers not to let anyone approach, and continued: "The army is no longer usable. Breaking through is already an extravagant hope. We..."

Long Du's lifetime intelligence seemed to explode at this moment, without Fu Jian going on, he had already guessed what Fu Jian was going to do.His face was full of confusion, and he really wanted to kill Fu Jian, but he also felt that Fu Jian should be kept alive, otherwise, even if he could return to the country, his head would definitely be cut off.

"The general must already know what I mean?" Fu Jian didn't care whether the dragon was entangled or not: "The enemy is getting closer and closer, the general should make a decision early!"

Afterwards, Ran Min, who led the army on the way, kept receiving reports from the scouts. First, the enemy army stopped in place, then the enemy army suddenly divided into several groups, and finally they fled in all directions.

"..." Huang Rui had a little guess, but he was not so sure. Taking advantage of Ran Min's order to stop, he asked curiously, "What conspiracy do they have?"

"What a conspiracy!" Ran Min looked very angry: "The Fu family is really vicious. He must have found that the troops can't be counted on to break through. At the beginning, he wanted to disperse as an organization, and wanted us to divide our troops to pursue The troops in the back obviously lost their command completely, but they also achieved the goal of the yellow-mouthed kid at the beginning."

Huang Rui was not stupid, he tidied up his thoughts a little bit, and for some reason he admired Fu Jian, and said: "The other kind of strong man cuts off his wrist, he doesn't care about the life and death of the soldiers at all, and creates opportunities for himself to escape."

This is what makes Ran Min angry. An organized enemy army is nothing to him. A scattered enemy army is a problem. What's more, he doesn't have the ability to find Fu Jian among thousands of fleeing people. !

(End of this chapter)

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