sweeping the world

Chapter 788 Textbook-like Riding Battle

Chapter 788 Textbook-like Riding Battle

Facing the enemy's choice like this, Qian Jiantong had the idea of ​​"they set up an ambush" at the first moment, but the terrain of this place is a flat river, and there are no widely distributed forests around it. It is almost clear at a glance. What should the army do in an ambush?

Jitanado’s cavalry did not suddenly turn their horse’s head and run back while galloping. Any cavalry in a galloping state cannot turn its head in place. Even if it really wants to retreat, it should be done in a small way. The left and right wings are roundabout.

A war horse is not a vehicle and does not have the function of reverse gear. A war horse in a running state needs to have a certain range to turn. If the angle is too small, it will easily roll over. Even if it does not roll over, it will cause collision with the surrounding partners who are also riding horses. collision.In this way, a necessary turning range becomes inevitable, just like the reason why a race chooses to walk on a turning track and cannot all take the inside lane.

The distance between the two armies has been getting closer. As the distance gets smaller and smaller, Qian Jiantong reconfirmed that there is no possibility of ambush in this terrain. What he saw was also that the enemy infantry was frantically building an anti-collision formation. You can guess what's going on.

It's nothing more than a meeting between two armies. The Han army has telescopes that can conduct intelligence snooping on the composition of its troops in advance, while Gita Nado's side can only vaguely detect the presence of troops in front. One side can see the composition of the other side's troops. The other party has to be close enough to be able to distinguish with the naked eye, and there must be a gap in the reaction time.

There is no such thing as a meeting on a narrow road, but the terrain in this area is flat. The commander of Jitanado’s side is obviously not stupid. He let the cavalry retreat to cover the infantry. You can have more time to make various preparations, at least you can have a "harbour" when your cavalry loses to the Han army; The cavalry of one's own side cruising to fight can attack the flanks of the cavalry of the Han army.

It must be said that the general of Gitanado made a good calculation, but the subsequent split of the Han cavalry into two was beyond his expectation.

Qian Jiantong brought the Yubayashi cavalry, which was trained as an ace troop. Since the moment the army was established, it has not been less involved in combat. It may not dare to trust Shijie Zhao Guo in its heyday. But he was confident when dealing with Ah San, whom he looked down upon at all.

Confidence can also be interpreted as high morale, full of belief in victory in the upcoming war, if you don't have that strength, you are arrogant, and you will inevitably become a negative teaching material in the history of military operations, but the Habayashi cavalry obviously does not.

The Habayashi cavalry was divided into two. Qian Jian led [-] cavalry to continue chasing Gitanardo's cavalry, and the [-] cavalry that were divided were to rush to the Gitanardo infantry who were building an anti-shock formation. .

The situation on the battlefield does not seem complicated, chasing and cruising, sticking to and preparing to attack.Cavalry-to-cavalry battles happen intermittently in constant pursuit, and cavalry-to-infantry battles will happen earlier due to one party's lack of mobility.

The [-] Yulin cavalry in charge of attacking the Jitanado infantry tentatively approached within a hundred paces of the enemy. The expected enemy shooting did not happen, and the entire cavalry formed a semicircular posture and sprinted away. , did not hit directly.

The five hundred forest cavalry who had completed the detour approached the enemy army in formation again. When controlling the horses, they changed into riding bows. The feather arrow shot out of the air.

Riding and archery is an art of cavalry. Before the stirrup was invented, not everyone in the prairie who grew up with war horses could archery while galloping. It was a test of riding skills and a test of balance. kind of tactics.

The mounts of the Habayashi cavalry have Takahashi saddles and very mature stirrups. Their riding bows are still the product of scientific research. After a round of galloping archery, there is no stop, let alone a collision. Come out in a roundabout way.

In the formation of the Gita Nado infantry, who had been shot in the head and face for a round, the screams were shouted as the feather arrows fell, followed by the constant groans from the mouths of the wounded.

At the forefront of the formation is a group of infantry with small bucklers and short spears.

The standard anti-collision formation is composed of multiple long phalanxes. The small round shields in the front row of each phalanx are placed horizontally on each other, and then the short spears are horizontally drawn out in the other hand; At the same time, the short spears in the hands are tilted forward; the small round shields in the third row will also be pressed against the back of the robes, and the short spears will touch the ground and point to the sky.

It is estimated that the opponents Jitanado encountered had never played the art of cavalry such as cavalry and archery, so they did not expect that the cavalry of the Han army did not directly initiate a collision. Force the small buckler against his back, and the sky where the arrow falls has no defense.

The two consecutive cavalry and shooting did not welcome the bow and arrow counterattack of the Jitanado infantry, which made this group of Habayashi cavalry against Jitanado very unrestrained. About [-] Jitanado infantry "circled" and started shooting again and again.

When Qian Jiantong was chasing the Gitanado cavalry, he still had time to pay attention to the battlefield on the other side. Seeing that the cavalry on his side played "siege shooting", he couldn't help being confused. He didn't understand that Gitanado didn't have long-range attacks. means, or for some reason did not fight back.

Of course, Gitanado's infantry has long-range attack units, and there are many types. In addition to traditional archers, there are also grenadiers and javelin soldiers, but they made mistakes from the beginning.

Any army needs organization, but organization is not something that can be done just by shouting, it relies on the repeated training of the formed troops in normal times, and the evolution from organization to tacit cooperation.

An army composed of a majority of people, the more people there are, the more difficult it is to form a synergy. Jitanado is not a big country, and there may be elite troops, but it is definitely not the group that appeared on the battlefield.

They hurriedly formed an anti-collision formation, and the melee infantry backlogged the space for the long-range units. As a result, the anti-collision formation became a display. The long-range attack units could not determine the target without a signal from the person in front, except for a few people who were firing randomly. , most of them are in a "dumb" state.

Later, they were beaten back by the Han cavalry, and their melee troops retreated inwards, and they simply squeezed their long-range troops into a ball. As a result, the scene on the battlefield appeared.

It is not a joke to say that there is really no cavalry in the land of Gita Nadu that can play cavalry in a team, or that the entire Asan Continent will not have an established system to play cavalry except for the period of the Guishuang Empire. Shooting cavalry.

Assams shoot arrows on mobile vehicles by riding chariots. Their ancestors played it this way, and they may still play it this way after 2000 years. As for riding and archery, they are better at horses (motorcycles) ) on his back to play stacked arhats.

Qian Jiantong found that the chasing enemy cavalry showed signs of help in the past, and almost without using any brain cells, he took the lead and walked on a route that would overlap with the enemy's cavalry.

Zantep Deilaos Shulaka's heart is broken at this moment.He was a general of the mixed group of infantry and cavalrymen named Gita Nado. He was encountered halfway to the camp to attack the invaders. He was somewhat mentally prepared to say that the invaders would come out of the camp to counterattack, but it was estimated in advance that it would happen within ten miles of the camp. Inside.

It is a normal state of war to have offensive and defensive battles about ten miles away from the camp. It cannot be said that Zantep Deilaos Shulaka is too whimsical, but the excellent scouts of the Han army and the aggressiveness of Qian Jiantong, all factors make Zantep The conjectures of Tep de Yilaus Shuraka have undergone fundamental changes, the most serious of which is that the situation of Gitanardo's infantry has become extremely worrying.

Another thing that made Zantep de Ilaus Shuraka want to bang his head against the wall was that the general in charge of commanding the infantry was obviously not suitable for leading troops at all, even in the face of cavalry attack, 4000 people Even if you want to form a dense formation, you should take into account the necessary room for movement of long-range arms, but obviously that general is either really brain-dead, or the other possibility is that the mentality of the battle is out of balance, and he is messing things up anyway. up.

The bad situation of one's own infantry forced Zantep de Ilaus Shulaka to be bitten by the Han cavalry even if he knew that the support in the past would be bitten by the Han cavalry. Biting on it becomes a tolerable range.

After all, as long as the infantry does not break up, Jitanado's troops will still be dominant on the battlefield. If the infantry breaks up, let alone whether to continue to attack the Han army in the future, the Shulaka family should become a joke of the entire country .

A burst of "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo—" horn sounded, and that was the first time a horn sounded on the battlefield.

The [-] Yulin cavalry who were playing riding and shooting around the Jitanado infantry, they made an assembly movement amidst the sound of the horn, and slowly but firmly formed a conical cavalry formation.

At the same time, another group of Han cavalry with Qian Jiantong as the spear also completed the charge formation while galloping.

If you take a bird's-eye view from a high altitude, the distorted and huddled infantry of Jitanado's side, and the irregular straight line is Jitanado's other cavalry with a number of about [-]. The cavalry of the Han army It is a conical charging phalanx in two different directions.

Outside the battlefield on this side, at the other corner about twenty miles away, a Jitanado chariot and infantry units are constantly moving from north to south, while a Han army and attached army in the south are becoming The pinnacle formation at the front and the irregular rectangular formation at the rear are advancing northward.

Zantep Deilaos Shulaka didn't know that the friendly forces in the distance were about to have contact with the Han army. He only knew that when the Han cavalry that was attacking his own infantry came up against them, theirs was because of A team that charges forward and forms a straight line will inevitably be cut at the middle, or the kind of cut that is directly cut into three quarters.

The fact was just as Zantep de Yilaus Shuraka expected. The difference was that the two groups of Han cavalry had another round of cavalry shooting before the collision. Those who were hit by arrows died or fell off their horses. The Gitanado cavalry may not be many, but it made the Gitanado cavalry subconsciously distance themselves. The next moment, two groups of Han cavalry rushed into the loose line of the Gitanado cavalry one after another. In the middle, a burst of collisions, miserable howls, and horse sounds... broke out in an instant.

The cavalry's hedging is such an instant thing. At the same time, the knights on the horses are waving their weapons. Every moment, people from both the enemy and us fall from the horses, or the horses collide with the horses. They threw each other upside down.

After a brief impact, the cavalry from both sides moved continuously and left the battlefield, leaving behind a bloody scene composed of horses and people. The people and horses there could be scattered or stacked on top of each other. Some died with their bodies intact, while others were trampled by horses' hooves and turned into pulp.

The battlefield is inseparable from bloody scenes. What is more frightening is the man whose half is intact and the other half is trampled to pulp but not dead. He just digs into the earth with his hands, pulls his intestines, and looks at him with a twisted face. Crawling forward and crawling, leaving blood and intestines all over the ground behind him, it didn't take long before he tilted his head and stopped completely silent.

After completing the hedge and getting out of the way, Qian Jiantong quickly looked around the battlefield and shouted: "Turn around, strike again!"

The battlefield commander must have a loud voice, not to yell at the whole army, but at least to be heard by the bugler on the side.

Another burst of desolate horns was sounded, but the rhythm of the horns changed. The cavalry of the Han army who were scattered due to the impact, they were once again galloping closer to the surrounding Paoze, or they were composed of many people and few people. The new assault formation, according to the military order issued by the horn, launched an attack on the nearest enemy army again.

On one side of the battlefield, Misap Kudlaus Dirang Khan Keshan had actually been watching for a while. At the beginning, he thought that the Han people were too arrogant and had the guts Only two thousand cavalry faced nearly ten thousand cavalry.

When the Han army cavalry detachment, Misap began to doubt whether it was the right move for him to choose to join the Han country. He thought that although the Han country was powerful, the army was too arrogant.Although he was surprised to see the Han army playing horseback riding and archery, it didn't increase his confidence that the Han army could win. When he saw the scene just now, his mind went blank for an instant.

Asan of Jitanado has never seen the cavalry, even if there is a similar type of cavalry, it is nothing more than cruising or charging. After a fight, you should go out and cruise to catch your breath. The forest cavalry can cruise, ride and shoot, can charge fiercely... and can even disperse back and forth attacks.

"Lord Shiva!" Misap found his jaw hurt the first moment he came back to his senses, but fortunately he didn't dislocate it: "That battle was terrible!"

(End of this chapter)

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