sweeping the world

Chapter 777 Book and Pen

Chapter 777 Book and Pen

It will soon be four years since the south of the Yangtze River returned to Han territory. The first two years were in a kind of clean-up period. Under the leadership of Huan Wen, the remnants were cleaned up. If you want to live in peace, you will be damned. Anyone who shows dissatisfaction with the rule of Han , even if you die, it is a common phenomenon that your family members will be implicated.

During the bloody period, the cultural people in the south showed their own side. They kept their mouths shut and honestly found a mountain den to hide. They really didn't dare to talk nonsense, so they abandoned their property and took their families and ran away. There are quite a few people, and Luo Han is one of them.

Some people who want to avoid the limelight can't do it at all, such as the family of Wang Xizhi, and of course the family of Chu Po. There are a lot of similar families. This big boat.

People who can run a business...especially in the family, there really are no idiots. What kind of behavior they will have depends entirely on the current situation. The family that was wiped out has its own reasons, and the family that changed its course to serve Liu Yan also has its own. insights.Different choices lead to different fates, and the rest of the people besides the parties just talk about it in their spare time. It is difficult to understand why those people made such choices.

"If you can participate in the ascension ceremony, it will be of great benefit to the family." Zhang Xie has no official position, and he still relies on friendship to stay with Luo Han. One or two?"

Zhang Kang, Zhang Zai, and Zhang Xie were known as the Three Zhangs in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, because they all had extraordinary talents and learning, and they also had their own official positions when the Sima family was the ruler.

The Sima family went to play with eggs.The former four powerful clans were fast-witted, quick-witted, and shameless at the same time. It may not be possible to continue their glory, but when their vitality is seriously injured, someone in the family can become an important minister of the new dynasty. It should be a blessing to be able to become an official.Compared with those families whose whole family was wiped out and weakened in an all-round way, they are really lucky enough.

The family that San Zhang belonged to failed to catch the last train, and the brilliance of the ancestors still has some effect. The connections and reputation are capital, but no matter how brilliant it was in the past, if it is not possible to get an official position in the present age, it will slowly disappear from everyone. It is an inevitable thing, and after another generation or two, they should become a member of the common people.

"How difficult is it?" Zhang Kang looked at Liu Yan, who was listening to Luo Han's report, and said in a low voice: "The selection of talents today is unique. Literary knowledge is not important. Only those who have the ability to fight can be distinguished."

By the way, when was there a time when the country was in turmoil, the founding king was not a real person?The talents selected and appointed may not have other skills, but if they are completely unfamiliar with the military, their role in the cause of kingship will be infinitely reduced.After all, the founder of the country valued force. Without the guarantee of force, how could culture be continued?

"Today, the world is already stable. Although there is war, it is a flawed habit." Zhang Zai obviously had a different opinion, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm when he looked at Liu Yan: "After great chaos, there must be great order. There is no shortage of warriors in the country. Lack of administrative talent."

The three brothers muttered to each other, although those who were close could not hear the sound comprehensively and clearly, but all the people who could stand here were human beings, and they could make up a generalization by listening to it.

The very young Sun Fang observed Ji Chang calmly. He was recalling what Ji Chang had done in the past. , and the other is to come up with cooperative and collaborative labor?
Gathering the people into a city or county, making the population relatively centralized and easier to manage, is a way for the government to make it easier to enforce power.On the other hand, it is actually attacking the clan. If one surname is one village, the clan will become bigger, let alone the officials, in order not to cause chaos, they basically have to support those clan bosses.

There is a term for cooperative and cooperative labor called "cooperative commune", which means that after collective labor, the output is distributed according to the score.In the years after the war, this kind of cooperative labor was very effective, especially conducive to becoming a semi-military organization. Han was able to provide high-quality soldiers, and this set of administration contributed a lot.

The current state of Han is no longer the state of Han when it was first established, and the concentrated population in villages is no longer important. After the society stabilizes, cooperative labor has become an obstacle to social development. Sun Fang did not admire Ji Chang in his eyes, but only It is because Ji Chang's status as the prime minister of the dynasty is respectful.

Given Sun Fang's status and sources of information, he naturally didn't know whether some policies were written by Ji Chang. Just because of Ji Chang's status as prime minister, some administrations would naturally be recorded on Ji Chang's head.As a young man like him, especially since he thought he had some skills, he felt that if he was the prime minister, he would be able to do even better.

In the final analysis, before a person really does a certain thing, he will always think "XXX is rubbish when he sees that others are not doing well, and I will definitely *(&%¥&...&%..." and so on. The idea, especially young people would think so.

Some people who are no longer young, such as San Zhang who lowered his voice and kept muttering, and other people who are quiet or talking, they will feel envious and jealous when they see Ji Chang, but they will not belittle or look down on him. There is admiration.

That’s because they knew how the Han Kingdom came into existence from scratch, and how powerful it was to sweep across all the wastelands and Liuhe to unify the world. Needless to say, it’s just that under Jichang’s rule, he was able to maintain the army’s food and fodder consumption, so that the army did not appear due to lack of supplies. If they are defeated by food, they are worthy of their worship.

Naturally, admiration should be attributed to admiration, but there is absolutely no one who does not feel that he can do better.People with this kind of thinking can only regret that they did not discover Liu Yan's existence in time.

"The Yu family, the Xie family... especially the Huan family, they... really deserve to be rich." The expression on Wang Xie's face was smiling, but the voice was full of jealousy: "The old days were beautiful, and the new dynasty also has clansmen. Being reused is not comparable to the Wang family of Langya."

Wang Xizhi was also there, and he couldn't help frowning after hearing Wang Xie's words, but it was hard to say anything on this occasion.

In any change of dynasty, the larger the family business, the more gambling they are making. If the bet is correct, the family's glory may not be continued, but the situation they face will never be so bad.More people who were originally unknown, they were extremely lucky to start from the dragon early, soar to the pinnacle of life, and they will leave a light or heavy stroke in the history books, and they will also create the glory of a family.

"Young Master Yi, the rise and fall of the family depends on you, and you must not be careless." Wang Xie has seen too many people who are gearing up just now. I'm ashamed to think I'm a family member.He caught Sun Fang who was extremely ready to move, but he didn't regard Sun Fang as a threat, and pointed at Wang Xizhi, Lu Yan, Sun Sheng, Xi Zouchi and others without leaving a trace: "These generation have a strong heart to rise up, and they are not mediocre." generation."

There are already many literati in the Temple of Heaven. Later, when the news of Liu Yan's arrival spread, everyone nearby tried their best to squeeze in and be present. Even if they couldn't say a few words to Liu Yan face to face, they could be attracted by Liu Yan. If you catch an impression with your eyes, it may be helpful to your life.

The Yu family has Yu Liang as Tingwei, the Xie family has Xie An as the general of Zhengxi Zhonglang, the Huan family has Huan Wen as the general of Zhengnan, and the Wang family who was once the most powerful and beautiful has only Wang Xizhi who is a doctor .

To talk about prosperity and decline, the Wang family has indeed restrained itself since Director Wang, and kept a low profile when she could not show her edge.If the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had been lingering like this, it would be nothing for Wang to restrain himself in a low-key manner. If something big happened, it could explode in minutes, and it was still the kind of existence that could overturn the table when it exploded.

But didn't the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty go to play with eggs?Not only can’t keep a low profile, on the contrary, it’s time to work hard. The Wang family wants to hold back a big move, but many of the Wang family’s children are basically "long crooked". Literature may be hard to match, but it is really a little bit for the military. Blind eyes wow!

"The troubled times have passed, and not being good at military affairs is no longer a shortcoming." Wang Xie said that he squeezed his fist, and he only raised his fist and waved it a few times: "Now Yi Shao is a Ph. To get close to the Son of Heaven, we must seize the opportunity."

Doctor Wenyong is just a title, not a serious official position. To put it bluntly, because Wang Xizhi's handwriting is really unmatched, Liu Yan gave him the official position of a doctor, but what he does is copying and writing.

"The Son of Heaven...has asked Xizhi to polish the article many times." What Wang Xizhi said was that Liu Yan not only asked Liu Yan to copy it according to the chapters, but at least gave suggestions on some words and writing methods: "Xizhi is a child of Wang's family, and he understands the importance of responsibility. "

Wang Xie was a little excited when he heard it, and there was no future for simply copying and writing. The key is to be able to talk to the emperor, and it is extremely gratifying to be able to give opinions and be accepted.

"Unification of the world is what we look forward to." Sun Chuo's conversation partner was Xi Zuochi, but he knew that the imperial court was looking for the legacy of historians, so he deliberately made friends with Xi Zuochi: "Yanwei has studied history for a long time, so he should know the importance. "

What the hell is the legacy of the historian?Historians are families that specialize in recording history. From ancient times to the unification of the Qin Dynasty, and then to the Western Han, Eastern Han, Western Jin, and Eastern Jin. However, whenever the Miao descendants of the Xia Dynasty are in power, the historian is an absolutely necessary role. It is a role that has existed since the time of the Yellow Emperor. .

To put it bluntly, Confucius, an old man, also took over Lao Tzu's stick and served as the administrator of the historian library. Human destruction.

The historian of the Zhou Dynasty was the vassal state of Lu, and what he did was to record the history of the Zhou Dynasty.They hold the only power to record history, and there have been many funny things in history, such as the state of Lu clinging to the thighs of the state of Jin (not the Sima family) after it weakened, and always covering up any scandals that happened to the state of Jin. If the state of Jin did something important, it must be a big book, and the most bragging thing is to conquer the state of Chu, which dared to aspire to the top.

The power of the Zhou Dynasty fell, especially after the Lu Kingdom was destroyed. Historians were no longer unique. As long as it was a vassal state, it could appoint its own historians. Whether it can record history truthfully depends on the person who is the historian. Most of the people who can become historians People did their duty, such as "Zhao Dun killed the king", "The king of Wei stripped off his ashes and disrupted the country", "The king of Qin was ill-mannered and his mother was imprisoned", "the emperor was ruthless and militaristic"... and many other things even if the historian knew about it and recorded it. The whole clan of dead people is still recorded.

Sun Chuo knew that Xi Zouchi was definitely a potential stock. Without it, Liu Yan, even if it was just for the sake of face, should have found a family of historians to properly describe such a promising profession as recording history. From father to son, from son to grandson... Then it will be passed on from generation to generation.

While Luo Han is introducing the progress of the project to Liu Yan, on the other hand he will follow Ji Chang without leaving a trace.

As for the number one gifted scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he was able to study and become famous, and some people cheered him on and gave him a good name. How could his family background be so bad?Luo Han's ancestors have been officials for several generations, perhaps not as much as the four generations and three princes, but from the grandfather to the father's generation are at least the prefect level, and it is true to say that they belong to a family of officials.

Otherwise, if Luo Han dared to fight for fame as a commoner, believe it or not, he was crushed by a gang of second generations using various means when he first showed his prominence, even if he was not tortured to death, he would definitely be useless.

By the way, in terms of the social environment of the "world" ruled by the Sima family, ordinary people may be able to read and write, but it is not an easy task to step into the officialdom. While the nobleman is working hard, what ability he has is also the master's.

If the master has a conscience, then recommend that person to become an official, but if he does something outstanding, the credit is still the master's. He can only hope to cultivate excellent heirs, and spend several generations of hard work to become a eunuch The family may have to wait for the grandson's generation to be eligible to prevent their credit from being taken away by others.

If the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty hadn't played with it, Luo Han would have a brilliant life waiting for him. The problem is... there is nothing to say. After doing so much before, not only Luo Han, but the entire Luo family now only have two lines of tears left. Some consolation is that the title of "No. [-] Talent" seems to be used in the new dynasty.

"Your Majesty." Luo Han pointed out Xi Zouchi and Sun Sheng only after getting a hint, and waited for the two to enter and began to introduce them. Mrs. Huang was not present."

Historians are no longer single-handed. There are quite a few families in the Western Han, Eastern Han, Western Jin, and Eastern Jin Dynasties that have had historians. Especially the Sima family has appointed a lot of historians. Liu Yan should choose carefully.

When Xi Zhuozhi and Sun Sheng were summoned to Liu Yan, they actually couldn't believe that they were being treated like this. They accepted Liu Yan's scrutinizing gaze, and their little hearts couldn't help but "boom boom" and they were breathing a little. It's time to stop.

Of all the people who came, only two were able to be summoned, which speaks volumes in itself, doesn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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