sweeping the world

Chapter 774 New Chang'an

Chapter 774 New Chang'an

"But I made a mistake." Liu Yan is now the emperor but not the emperor, so naturally he will not call himself me: "We should publicize it in a big way."

It is said that the wealth brought back from the Western Regions caused a sensation. It is still late in Chang’an. For passing through the northwest to Guanzhong, and then all the way to Chang’an, the places on the way have long been like water droplets into a frying pan. That is called deflagration. .

Han's robbery in the Indochina Peninsula... er, it was operated. It operated for three or four years. The first two years were transported to Xiangguo. There were basically not many people in that place after the ravages of the Hulu, and the wealth that was robbed was basically It relied on water transportation, there were few pauses in the middle, there were no crowds, and there was no official publicity, so naturally it could not cause any sensational effect.

Even if the operation of the Indochina Peninsula is carried out in a low-key manner, the result is still to attract qualified people from the south to go to the Indochina Peninsula. Those who go early get rich early, and those who go later can drink some soup and eat some bones. Going to the Indochina Peninsula is equivalent to making a fortune. The concept of southerners today.

It has to be said that there are really not many countries in the Indochina Peninsula, and there is a place that is almost the same as the wilderness. If you rob the local tribes, you can get some loot, but more resources need to be done by yourself, or mining , or logging, getting rich is a long process, especially with an upfront investment.

The Western Regions are different. Civilization has existed there for a long time. Although no superpower has risen, the development in all aspects is really not comparable to that in the Indochina Peninsula.

The countries in the Western Regions have their own civilizations. They are still in the Silk Road Economic Belt. They may not be very powerful in terms of force, but their wealth holdings are really not low.

It will be difficult to grab anything in the wild area for a while. You need to plan and manage it yourself after conquering the territory, and slowly there will be output and wealth.

Grabbing some countries with basic civilization can obtain some wealth that has already been created.

If you want to grab the area with developed trade, it is like this time the Han people directly invaded the territory of the Kucha people. Every time they conquered a city, they would immediately get a huge amount of wealth. Maybe one city and one place would not be too much, but the conquered If there are more places, wealth will inevitably accumulate. The accumulated wealth is an astronomical figure, and the captured territory itself is not counted.

Liu Yan, who has been troubled by natural disasters, has been in a depressed mood recently. Waiting for Cai You to calculate the value of the booty brought back, his mood is finally not so gloomy.

Not counting other things, the number of gold coins transported back to Chang'an from the Western Regions amounted to more than 160, the number of silver coins reached more than [-] million, nearly a thousand gems of various kinds, and more jewelry, cloth and miscellaneous things.

In terms of wealth, the first wave of looting was enough for Liu Yan to arm seven more standing armies, which would last for two years even if the existing army was supplied.And on the premise that the whole territory of Kucha has not been conquered, some cities in Kucha were also robbed first by Dingling people, Di people and some guys who took advantage of the fire.

"Grain can be purchased overseas, but it is difficult to communicate." Ji Changzhen is not so willing to pour cold water on him, he has to tell the truth: "There are not many countries around the Han Dynasty."

It's really the same thing. The countries around the Han Kingdom were basically wiped out. Even if they survived, there was no farming civilization. If you want to buy plant food, you have to go overseas.

Han's overseas purchases of grain have not stopped. Last year, they sent people to Persia, Rome, and some countries in the third continent to purchase.

Both Persia and Rome had troubles at home. Frequent rebellions broke out in one country, and the other was simply divided into three parties and fighting a civil war. It was doomed that it would be difficult for them to sell grain in large quantities, and the price was also high.

Members of the "Five-Nation Alliance" such as Rangsatrapu, Kalabalas, and Vaja Toka are all busy preparing for war. A large-scale war is about to be fought. How can there be surplus food to sell?

To put it bluntly, the world is currently considered a big country, and any country is in a state of food shortage, either encountering natural disasters or man-made disasters caused by war.Those countries that have neither natural disasters nor man-made disasters have a little food surplus, but the big countries around them are short of food. There is no need to mention the consequences. If you don’t hand over the food, you will be beaten, so there is not much food in your hands .

Liu Yan, who was in a better mood, turned gloomy again.He did know that it was the case. Because of the face given by Persia and Rome, he bought a large amount of grain at the beginning, but then there was a cliff-like decline, and the less grain he could purchase later. .

The conversation between Liu Yan and Ji Chang was not carried out indoors, they were walking on the green avenue of the newly built Miyagi.

The palace city of New Chang'an is naturally the top priority of all projects, and it must be the priority. After more than a year, the main palace complex has basically risen from the ground, and the forest garden that should have has also taken on a large scale.

Since it is Liu Yan who wants to imitate the ancient times, perhaps the buildings are not exactly the same as those of the early Han Dynasty, but the names of the palace complexes, especially the names of some main halls, are directly taken from the names of the Western Han Dynasty.

The green avenue they are walking now is the road from Jianzhang Palace to Weiyang Palace. They have just passed the Prime Minister's Mansion, and they are almost near the arsenal.

The Prime Minister's Mansion is actually in Miyagi?That is complete nonsense!

In Miyagi in the Western Han Dynasty, the imperial government’s authority was placed in Miyagi, not only the Prime Minister’s Mansion, but also the Yushi’s Mansion, Tingwei Office, Taiwei Office, Shaofu, Weiwei Office...as long as they were offices of the Sangong and Jiuqing levels. , are all within Miyagi.

The main office is in Miyagi, and there are subsidiary offices outside of Miyagi, but generally there are no important people on duty, and even clerks are at the secondary level.

Is there an arsenal in Miyagi?That's more nonsense than nonsense.There are not only the arsenal, but also the buildings of the Miyagi Garrison, and even areas such as drill grounds, training grounds, and martial arts grounds.

The reason why Miyagi occupies such a large area is not that the ruler himself needs to be so large, how much space he can use alone.In addition to the ruler himself, many women in the harem also need a place, and then the necessary officials, garrisons, court ladies, and eunuchs do not enter the palace until they go to work?
On both sides of the green avenue, there is a soldier standing every three meters or so, and they are divided into soldiers and warriors.

The different attires of the on-duty personnel are not for simple distinction, but are actually different responsibilities. For example, if an accident occurs, the soldiers will fight in formation, while the warriors will cooperate with Liu Yan's guards to fight. It's purely to protect Liu Yan from sneaking away whenever he can.

Don't think that all the armed personnel on duty are all there. Miyagi is considered to be heavily guarded, and what you see is not the clear posts everywhere. In fact, some people are hiding in the dark around the surrounding area. In addition, some buildings in Miyagi are also There are many armed personnel on duty anytime and anywhere, just looking at ordinary buildings, believe it or not, large-scale long-range attack equipment will be revealed when opening the door or window.

Miyagi, where nothing happened, sounded quiet and looked absolutely peaceful, but when something happened, guards poured out everywhere.Usually, when a person walks on any road, he does not know how many pairs of eyes are watching him. It is not easy to be taken away by someone who appears suddenly. Arrows are densely packed, that's why no one dares to make any changes in Miyagi unless they are on the special list (such as the ruler and his family).

This situation is really not something special that Liu Yan is afraid of death. This is basically the case in any dynasty. No matter how weak or small the Xia Dynasty is, the palace and city are definitely the most tightly guarded.

The pre-Qin loves to build pavilions, the early Han loves to build buildings, and the combination of Liu Yan and Liu Yan can be seen everywhere in the palace city. There are also pavilions and buildings. The tallest ones are as high as ten floors, but they are shaped like towers.

The reason why the attic was torn apart was because the words really didn’t fit together at the time.

The pavilion, especially the pavilion in the pre-Qin period, is a kind of Zhangtai to put it bluntly. Since the construction in the pre-Qin period was basically made of wood, the structure of the pavilion does not actually see materials other than wood. It is mainly made of wood. Come to overlook, relax and collect books.

The building is taller than the pavilion, and it is different from the pre-Qin Dynasty, which only used wooden structures. At the same time, the ground floor of the pre-Han building was actually completely hollow except for the load-bearing columns, and the walls were only built on the second floor.The buildings built by the royal family of the early Han Dynasty were basically used from the fourth floor up. The lower three floors were completely for decoration. I especially liked the top floors. In addition to enjoying singing and dancing, reading and other leisure activities, my favorite thing to do was to stand on the top floor. The balcony on the top floor overlooks Chang'an City.

Liu Yan's stroll had no purpose this time, and he came to a tower while walking.

A group of people passed by, the bottom floor was not built with walls according to the custom of the early Han Dynasty, and they went up by the stairs to the second floor. Since there were only load-bearing columns and no other things that blocked the view, they could see at a glance that they were fully armed and sitting quietly in the dark. Soldiers on the ground.

The soldiers hiding here were obviously very excited when they saw Liu Yan's arrival. Except for the chief officer who walked over to salute Liu Yan, the rest of them did not move.

The third floor is still full of soldiers sitting quietly. The difference is that there are more big killers such as bed crossbows here, and some shelves or boxes for placing crossbow arrows are piled up.

On the fourth floor, walls were finally built to divide the rooms, but there was not much furniture or other things placed. It can be seen that neither Liu Yan nor those who are qualified to play rarely come to this tower.

The staircase is designed in a "Z" shape. Of course, this idea came from Liu Yan, or it was actually a circular ascending style around the four walls before. (I saw on TV that there were modern-style stairs before the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was not particular about the construction of film and television buildings. Otherwise, the "Z"-style stairs would not appear until the Sui and Tang Dynasties)

It has to be said that not only did Zhuxia use the circular rising style around the edge walls for a long time, but other civilizations also adopted the same design method as long as the buildings were tall enough. Europa also maintained this circular rising system until some of World War I. Buildings that are tall enough but have no leverage, such as wind-powered carriages or churches.

After reaching the top, Liu Yan went directly to the balcony and looked out from the height, instead of looking inside Miyagi, what he looked at was the distance.

There was a construction site under construction, and a large depression was dug out. Some people dug the soil and others loaded it, and then they were pulled by animal-drawn carts, and it was unknown where they were going.

The cities of Zhuxia, especially as the imperial capital, how could there be no such "pool" and that "pool"?Even if there are not, then there must be a few digging.This habit has been passed down from the Qin Empire. The first emperor was assassinated in Lanchi, and that Lanchi was dug out manually, and a lot of playgrounds were built. The strange thing is that the folks are open to play, so there was an assassination. thing.

In the Western Han Dynasty, the emperors before Liu Che were threatened by the Huns, and then the domestic princes and kings were not small. They had neither the financial resources nor the leisure time to engage in any amusement facilities, but it was different after Liu Che. To solve the threat of the Huns, it is necessary to build palaces on a large scale, and it is not uncommon to dispatch a large number of people to dig "pools" if there is nothing to do.

"Chi" is an official name. In modern terms, it is a lake. No matter what purpose the emperor dug it for, or what recreational facilities were built, the existence of those lakes is indeed of great use. First of all, the existence of the lakes The canal was extended to provide water for the people in the city. Furthermore, the enlightened emperor also allowed the people to visit, so there were many places where they could relax.

Hangzhou West Lake is a lake that has been artificially transformed during the Northern Song Dynasty. The host is Su Shi.He was actually dispatched to Hangzhou as a criminal official, but he couldn't bear to be taken care of by the queen mother, and some disciples were strong enough, so he completed a great cause in poetry recitation and composition. West Lake has become a Hangzhou's most famous landmark.

Chang'an was built successively in the Qin Empire, Western Han Dynasty, and Eastern Han Dynasty. The former glory is not as scarce as the posterity imagined. Liu Yanxin chose the site to build a new city. He couldn't see the previous glory, but he really had the ambition to build a millennium imperial capital. So at the beginning of the construction, the foundation must be done well, and the existence of some artificial lakes is absolutely indispensable.

Standing at a high place and within easy reach, three artificial lakes at different locations were being dug. The excavated soil was concentrated in one place. Ji Chang looked at one place more than once, where the soil from the dug lakes was being used. The place where the Temple of Heaven was built.

Of course, the Temple of Heaven is the name of later generations, and people today call it "Taiwan".

Didn't Liu Yan say that the day New Chang'an was built was the day he ascended the throne?If you want to ascend the throne, you don't just pick a place, put on an emperor-style crown, shout "I am the emperor", and then call it a day.

Zhuxia’s proclaiming emperor has a very serious process. Too many classics were burned in the war at the end of Qin Dynasty, so that there was no set of enthronement ceremony in accordance with Zhou rituals in the early Han Dynasty. Liu Bang’s proclaiming emperor ceremony was constantly criticized by some people. Shusun Tong made up a set of Han Dynasty etiquette with his own imagination, and then Shusun Tong, a member of Confucianism, was scolded for thousands of years.

It has to be said that Liu Yan's proclaiming ceremony is getting closer and closer, but the entire Han Kingdom is actually extremely blind. The reason is that even the enthronement process of the early Han Dynasty cannot be found. As for the process of the enthronement ceremony of the Sima family that can be found Record, it must not be used!

(End of this chapter)

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