Chapter 77

Zhang Shi met Jiang Gan in a small building. The first impression Jiang Gan gave him was that he was a warrior, that is... full of vigor.

"The Han tribe has its own smelting technology?" Jiang Gan also wore a corset. The difference from the Han tribe was that the style on his body was more fancy.He looked at Zhang Shi, who was kneeling and sitting directly opposite him, and said, "Is there a secret way to dry the salt?"

The environment of Xiaozhu is very quiet, with green bamboos and flowing water. It seems that the layout has been arranged by a master, but I don't know why it has become a place for outings.

Zhang Shi didn't want to answer at all, he just asked that kind of words, and he could imagine what would be discussed next, and he had the urge to stand up and leave.

What the Hu people want is to rob. Ran Min's shogunate is mostly Jin people, but don't expect it to be so civilized, what you want is "rob".

Seeing that Zhang Shi remained silent, Jiang Gan laughed a few times and said, "What does the leader of the Han tribe want to gain?"

Zhang Shi finally turned his attention to Jiang Qian and said: "My master hopes to have a backer in the court..." He frowned slightly and sighed: "As soon as the general came, he asked about smelting and drying salt. Your master, please I don’t think he would be a good backer.”

Jiang Gan wasn't angry either, he said, "I've heard that, is it true that a man is innocent and pregnant with a jade?"

Zhang Shi nodded: "Since my master has offered the goods for trading, he has no intention of hiding the secret method of smelting and drying salt." He saw a smile on Jiang Gan's face, and he also laughed, and then said: "It's just a tribute To whom is it not an offering?”

The method of drying salt may still be useful, but the smelting technique is a bit tasteless for most people.The smelting technology was already available in the imperial court, and the officials wanted a very simple smelting method, but with the smelting method, there must be artisans and a fixed source of ore.

For many people, craftsmen are not difficult to obtain or cultivate. What is difficult is a fixed source of ore, which is simply not something that a single family can control. In many cases, whichever family intends to control a mineral vein is not far away from annihilation. Far.

What Ran Min really wanted was the complete support of the Han tribe, so that the productivity of the Han tribe would become his productivity. That is to say, Liu Yan was dispensable, but the ore channel and those craftsmen would be in his hands.

Do you know how powerful the Han tribe is in producing weapons and salt?As long as you inquire, it is not difficult to find out. After all, Liu Yan never thought of hiding it from the beginning.Ran Min will not be the first force to reach out, nor will it be the last.

Want to sell goods in exchange for the resources you need, but still want to keep it secret?What is the logic?Small fights can't satisfy Liu Yan's appetite, that's why he didn't intend to hide from the beginning.Furthermore, there will be some forces that are tempted, but that is exactly what he wants to happen, so as to get in touch with those tempted forces and get what they need.

Jiang Gan fell silent after hearing what Zhang Shi said.

Yes, the Han Dynasty can be donated, but who is not dedicated to?
"What does the leader of the Han tribe want?" Jiang Gan asked again.

"My master's price is 200 swords or swords in exchange for the post of Changguang County Sheriff." Zhang Shi paused, took a sip of his drink, and said, "You can offer a thousand catties of salt every season. Looking for a backer who can help you if you have something to do in the court."

Jiang Gan frowned: "Where are the weapons?"

"Except for salt, weapons are not included in the tribute." Zhang Shi said very seriously: "Except for a thousand catties of salt, which is a tribute, and wanting more can only be a transaction."

Jiang Gan squinted his eyes at Zhang Shi, with a little malicious intention: "That is to say, the Han tribe doesn't intend to seek refuge with Xiu Chenghou?"

"Take refuge? Does Xiu Chenghou dare to accept my Patriarch's refuge?" Zhang Shi said with a hint of absurdity, "Your side has inquired about us, so you must know that Qingzhou is just one of my Patriarch's properties. Do you think that my Patriarch has all the power in Qingzhou?"

It can be understood that Liu Yan is not from Hou Zhao's side at all, and has his own tribe somewhere.As for where the tribe is, guess what!

No one would really think that Liu Yan's strength was just that small. You must know that Liu Yan had already brought out at least [-] troops that could be called elite.

The reason why the elite is elite is that it is not a kind of troops that can be trained casually.One thousand two hundred elites can be produced, even if that is already all of Liu Yan's elites, there should be twenty to thirty thousand soldiers with a lower level behind him.In this way, there can be [-] to [-] soldiers, so how can the size of the tribe be around [-]?
According to the guesses of the people in the Ran Min shogunate, Liu Yan's origin is definitely not that simple, it can't be Saibei, it should be in the area of ​​Liaodong, and Liu Yan should not have a real name.

Are there any forces in Liaodong?It's quite a lot.The strongest ones are Murong Xianbei, followed by Duan Xianbei, Goguryeo, Fuyu and other small tribes or countries.

Because Liu Yan has just entered the field of vision of various family forces, it is impossible to collect too detailed information in a short period of time, so he can only rely on limited information and sufficiently rich imagination to try hard to reduce Small range, and then confirm it at the end.

Do you know what conclusion Ran Min's think tanks finally came to?They thought that Liu Yan would not be the sand mixed by Xianbei or Jin, excluding those powerful countries with power but no motivation, it was strange to conclude that Liu Yan was from Goguryeo!
It really has some basis in fact!Goguryeo received a considerable number of Jin refugees, and Goguryeo's culture was actually highly Chinese. Ran Min's think tanks also came up with "evidence" that Liu Yan's troops had a fighting style similar to that of the Jin army, but they were tougher than the Jin army. It’s not 01:30, Liu Yan’s army uniform and armor style are completely "Han Army" style, and it happens that Goguryeo also maintains the "Han Army" style.

Of course, knowing it does not mean saying it. Jiang Gan showed that he wanted to annex the Han tribe for his own use, but it was another test. Seeing Zhang Shi's calmness, he basically became more convinced that the Han tribe was the "chess piece" of Goguryeo.

"...Yes, the court had a battle with Murong Xianbei the year before last, and they won the battle." Jiang Gan himself brought the topic to the war against Xianbei, and said with a smile: "Xianbei went south and was given a blow, and it has turned around." Bingfeng, it seems...turned his attention to Fuyu, Lou Yi, and Yai..." He fixed his eyes on Zhang Shi, deliberately dragged the end of his voice, and said: "Of course there is Goguryeo."

Zhang Shi's heart was full of twists and turns, he frowned appropriately, and then raised his wine cup to sip.His series of actions seemed to be to cover up something, and he really wanted to cover up, but he really didn't know where the object of his allegiance came from.

"If I want Xiu Chenghou to contribute, one thousand kilograms of salt per season is too little." Jiang Gan thought his plan had succeeded and offered a price: "One thousand kilograms per month and twenty war swords."

"More..." Zhang Shi's tone was not so firm: "Two thousand jin per quarter, weapons... can be twenty."

"No! Just the amount mentioned below. In addition, you still need to keep some of the weapons produced for your own use, and sell the rest to the Marquis of Xiucheng. Except for Qingzhou..." Jiang Gan said with a determined expression: " The salt in other places is also resold by Xiu Chenghou.”

"Rong." Zhang Shi said with difficulty: "If Marquis Xiu Cheng can persuade the Yao family, Li family, Lu family, Du family, Xu family, Yin family... we naturally have no objection."

Jiang Gan immediately turned his face: "What do you mean!?"

"My master didn't deliberately hide it, not only Xiu Chenghou knew about my master." Zhang Shi said with a wry smile: "Since Xiu Chenghou is here, surely... the other families will not give up, right?"

Jiang Gan's complexion instantly became extremely bad, and he thought: "'s a big problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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