sweeping the world

Chapter 769 Is there such an operation?

Chapter 769 Is there such an operation?

Li Kuang originally arranged for the troops to withdraw in batches in order to lure the Allied forces of the Western Regions to come over. He received a report from the scouts ahead that the Allied Forces of the Western Regions had fully retreated. It must be said that he was really dumbfounded at that moment.

People in the game, the Han people don't know how much real data the Western Regions people lost after the camp was set on fire, just like the Western Regions people don't know the situation of the Han people. get conclusion.

Li Kuang was able to get the idea that the Allied Forces of the Western Regions suffered heavy losses from the information, but he could not know that the Allied Forces of the Western Regions were so weak that they would be defeated in a single blow. If he was brave enough, he would not have to wait for Xie An to lead the army over, and he could eat them all alone. That enemy army, so he is destined not to be a peerless famous general.

Knowing the news of the retreat of the Allied Forces in the Western Regions, Li Kuang wondered if the Allied Forces in the Western Regions were setting up traps.What he leads is really not a standing army, but a miscellaneous army that has been trained for several months. It is normal to be cautious, and it is related to whether he can be promoted to Zhonglang general. How dare he gamble lightly?
So, on the one hand, Li Kuang sent scouts to find out more information, such as whether reinforcements had arrived from the Allied Forces in the Western Regions, and those reinforcements who arrived were hiding in the dark and waiting for an ambush; on the other hand, he ordered the troops to be ready to pursue at any time. The troops who made the appearance of retreating were also recruited back.

After wasting a day, Li Kuang did not find any signs of traps laid by the Western Regions people from the many intelligence probes by the scouts. He discussed it with Chief Shi Fanjin, sent someone to report to Xie An, gritted his teeth and ordered the cavalry to pursue, and the infantry to pursue. It's a forced march to catch up behind.

Li Kuang's troops were originally about a hundred miles away from the Western Region Allied Forces led by Baiku. Baiku's troops retreated for two days before Li Kuang pursued them.

It took four days for the cavalry of the Han army to catch up to the tail of the retreating Allied forces of the Western Regions. The results of the battle were so brilliant that Li Kuang regretted it. He killed not many enemy troops, but seized nearly [-] heads of various livestock and all kinds of luggage. There are nearly a thousand horse-drawn carts and ox carts.

What is there to regret after seizing so much?It was Li Kuang who learned the news from the interrogation of the prisoners that the batch of supplies captured by the Han army was sent later, and the Allied forces of the Western Regions retreated eagerly and ran away without even taking care of them.Under such circumstances, there is no trap at all in the retreat of the Allied Forces in the Western Regions. If he can be bolder and pursue them from the beginning, the results will definitely be more brilliant.

The pursuit lasted for half a month, and the Han army stopped when they were fifty miles away from Bailongdui. During this period, the Western Regions did not send reinforcements.

Waiting for Li Kuang to lead the infantry to arrive, the result of the battle has already been calculated by Fan Jin, who arrived one step earlier.

"The left ear is 12, the livestock is nearly 620, and the luggage of various colors is [-]." Unlike Li Kuang, Fan Jin has no regrets, and he is very happy that he can seize so many supplies: "There are so many luggage. Mainly goods, a small amount of food and grass."

They came to Bailongdui fifty miles away again, and the next step was to attack Bailongdui without any accidents. The captured goods could be used as rewards, and the morale of the soldiers who received the rewards would definitely be boosted.Spending other people's money to boost the morale of one's own army, and then commanding an army with high morale to attack the enemy, is a thing to be proud of after a little thought.

There were several boxes inside the military tent, all with their lids open. One of the boxes was filled with gold coins, and another was filled with silver coins. The rest of the boxes contained either gems or silks, and those were turtles. The people here are preparing to distribute the property to various tribes.

It is very funny that most of the gold and silver coins of the Kucha people are of Persian style, which may come from Persian Sassanid, or may be made by the Kucha people in imitation of Persian Sasanian.

There are several gold and silver coins on Li Kuang's case table. He has seen them just now. The front of the gold and silver coins are portraits of people, and the back are various buildings or geomantic omens. It should have been cast in different years.

"It's true that most of them are from Sasan, and there are also gold and silver coins from our Rome." Aulus Sextus Cicero has been with the army all the time, but he doesn't have a strong sense of presence.He specially took out several of them, and introduced who the portraits were, and held a gold coin at the back: "The pattern of this gold coin is our Constantine I."

Li Kuang was not in the mood to understand the background of those gold and silver coins at all. He only knew that if he was more courageous, he would be able to make great achievements, but because he wasted his opportunity because of being cautious, he was always full of regret and depression.

"Your late emperor?" Fan Jin was very active, and picked out an identical one to observe carefully: "Cuneiform? What is this '+' cross?"

Although Aulus Sextus Cicero has been following the Han army who went to the Western Regions, he has not been able to participate in any military conferences at all, and even his freedom in the army has been restricted.He didn't go to protest. On the contrary, he was more cooperative. It wasn't that he was humble, nor was he afraid of Han. It was impossible for any country to reveal its immediate military action plan to outsiders. It was very friendly to allow it to follow.

"Cuneiform?" Aulus Sextus Cicero, although he can communicate with people in Chinese, can't really understand everything. After thinking about what cuneiform is, he said with an obviously confused expression : "Our cuneiform is borrowed from the Greeks, and the Egyptians and Persians also use cuneiform. Known countries, the Xindu people also use cuneiform."

No one has created linguistics and philology. The cuneiform written by Aulus Sextus Cicero is actually a large category, and there are even fallacies in it. For example, the Greeks tended to be linear. As for writing, the Egyptians are simply hieroglyphs, and Asan is seal writing, which still has its own classification.The contemporary Persian script is the official cuneiform script, and the script used by the Persians became tadpole script after the rise of the Arabs.

There was also a stage when Zhuxia used cuneiform writing. It is said that the earliest writing was cuneiform writing, but it was basically oracle bone writing.

The earliest text category in the world is the Mayan text, which is also the most "cute" type. The text is almost like a painting. You can often see the shape of a human face or an animal face, but it is just a human face. Different from the distribution and outline of the facial features of animal faces, multiple facial makeup forms a text, and a text contains many interpretation methods.

Fan Jin just listened casually, without any intention of delving into it.

"This '+' cross is the symbol of our state religion." Aulus Sextus Cicero was very complicated when talking about the state religion. The gods of the state religion they believed in were actually made by their ancestors. Killed, and now turn back to faith, the feeling is really indescribable: "It's called the cross."

"State religion?" Fan Jin knew for the first time that there was a state religion in Rome: "Uh, you killed your own son who believed in a god?"

It was introduced by Aulus Sextus Cicero himself, and he didn't add any personal feelings when he said it, just stating history.

It’s weird, the Romans executed Jesus, the short spear that killed Jesus became an artifact, the cloth that wrapped Jesus’ body also became an artifact, and even the cup that Jesus held the last supper became an artifact, and even the back of it was restrained. The coffin of Jesus' body was likewise turned into an artifact.

Li Kuang and Fan Jin were stunned when they heard this. They had no idea what was going on with the Roman people's brains. Forget about the people who believed in killing themselves, the things used to kill and dispose of them would also become artifacts. If the artifacts were Then, if you come, you can kill a few more people and then mass-produce them to become gods.

"Faith is a very sacred thing." Aulus Sextus Cicero was unhappy. He also knew that it was weird. Telling Fan Jin to mass-produce artifacts would produce a more serious sense of absurdity. , while feeling reasonable, it is absolutely unacceptable: "Our attitude towards faith is pious and serious."

Fan Jin himself moved the topic to other places. He felt that if he continued to talk, it would not be impossible for the big man to break out of war with Rome.After all, even if he didn't intend to make fun of it, it's really absurd to be reasonable. How can the artifact come from like that?
"Any race has its own beliefs." Aulus Sextus Cicero said very seriously: "Whether it is us, Persians, Greeks, Germans, Celts, Slavs Humans, Goths, Shindus..., except you Seres, every race is very devout in faith."

"We are also very devout in faith!" Fan Jin didn't want to talk about godly things, and retorted as soon as he heard it: "Our devoutness in faith is far beyond your imagination."

"As far as I know, the people of Seris are pan-believers, they can believe in everything, and they can disbelieve in a blink of an eye." Aulus Sextus Cicero asked with an unbelievable expression : "Is this the piety of faith?"

"Of course we are devout." Fan Jin said very seriously: "We believe in the Son of Heaven, we believe in our ancestors, and our belief in the Son of Heaven and our ancestors will never change."

Olus Sextus Cicero almost suffocated to death.He cannot say that the dynasties of Zhu Xia have been changing all the time, and the so-called belief in the Son of Heaven will never change, which is obviously always changing.One thing he has to admit, is that the Han people's belief in their ancestors has not changed.He also knows one more thing, the belief in the Eastern country has always required "mutual benefit", not the kind of unconditional provision of food for the gods of belief.

Li Kuang ignored the two people talking nonsense, he was counting the days with his fingers.

They came to Bailongdui fifty miles away again, and Xie Anhui led the army to arrive five days later, when Li Kuang's command of the troops was about to be handed over.

At this time, all they can do is to stabilize and make sufficient preparations for the arrival of follow-up troops. At least the camp needs to be expanded, and the more detailed the enemy reconnaissance, the better.

"The rewards for the meritorious officers and men will wait until Zhonglang will come." Li Kuang's voice made Fan Jin have to concentrate on responding: "The corresponding records, Changshi should be prepared."

Fan Jin replied seriously: "No!"

Li Kuang could have distributed the rewards before Xie An came over. He had the power to do so before the command was transferred, but he understood the principles of being a human being, and doing so would definitely hate Xie An, and he didn't need to buy people's hearts.

Xie An distributes the rewards so that he can be accepted by the vanguard army in the shortest possible time, which will benefit the commanding of the first batch of soldiers entering the Western Regions. At the same time, it is also a favor for Li Kuang to do so.

Li Kuang, who wanted to wait for Xie An's arrival, spent three days in An'an's place, and on the fourth day...that is, two days before Xie An's arrival, he received a piece of information.

In the same military tent, only the people in the tent have changed. Anyway, Aulus Sextus Cicero has no part to participate, and the generals including lieutenants and above are all present except for important military affairs.

"The enemy troops in Bailongdui are retreating." Li Kuang always used the shortest and most straightforward words in military affairs meetings: "The Di tribe and Dingling people left the camp first, which drove the rest of the forces. Evacuate."

Fan Jin had already stated what was happening to the generals just now, and he hadn't had time to guess and analyze it, so he had to wait for Li Kuang to show a tendency.

"Their withdrawal was sudden." Li Kuang had no idea why the Di and Ding Ling people took the lead in leaving: "According to our investigation, the people from the Western Regions cut off the river in the east of Bailongdui last year, and built defenses around Puchanghai Chain, it is entirely the intention to fight us with Puchanghai as the center."

It is indeed a bit abnormal to say that the Han army came to Bailongdui fifty miles away again, and the Western Regions allied forces just watched.When the Han army came fifty miles away from Bailongdui for the first time, the people from the Western Regions would at least send a small group of troops to harass and fight. This time it was only frequent scouts fighting.

There was no large-scale action by the Allied Forces of the Western Regions, and the top leaders of the Vanguard Army, including Li Kuang, thought that the Allied Forces of the Western Regions had just suffered a major defeat and hadn't calmed down for a while.

To carry out any military operation, the larger the scale of the action, the more preparations must be made in advance. It is really not as simple as patting the head and pulling people "hula la" to rush forward and desperately. Li Kuang and others have such a guess Totally reasonable.

The information snooped by the Han army is that the Di tribe and Dingling people are leaving. If only the Di tribe and Dingling people are leaving, it can only be said that they are not involved in this war.The problem is that a considerable number of local forces in the Western Regions are also withdrawing, so it is worth discussing and pondering.

"It doesn't make sense?" Liu Rui has a strong sense of presence because of his military exploits. At the same time, the hidden rules have the right to speak: "They spend time, energy, and financial resources to build defenses. The ideal way to fight us is to use those Defense, even if there is some conspiracy, can it change the gap in combat power between the two sides?"

That's where Li Kuang was confused. They didn't know that the Di people and Dingling people stopped playing with the people from the Western Regions. Not only did they not play with the people from the Western Regions, they also planned to go to Yancheng, the capital of Kucha, to plunder a lot.

In addition, those Western Region forces who followed the Di tribe and Dingling people wanted to understand the fact that they were scumbags. Without the Di tribe and Dingling people mixing in, they did not intend to stay and die.

(End of this chapter)

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