sweeping the world

Chapter 764 Is this a joke?

Chapter 764 Is this a joke?

Liu Rui personally led [-] cavalry to pursue him at night. Since it was dark and not full moon, there was not enough light and he naturally lost the pursuit. Only when there was no mistake in the general direction, he was caught half way after Chi Zhelu and others entered the camp. It took only an hour to appear to the east of the coalition camp.

The Han army dispatched 400 cavalry last night, and there were only [-] cavalry left outside the coalition camp. Except for those who disappeared last night, the others were assigned to investigate around.

"Captain, attack?"

"hold on."

Liu Rui wasn't waiting for any internal response. He saw that the camp of the coalition army was in chaos, but there was no chaos in the central army area, so he was a little uncertain for a while.

The coalition army had at least 5000 people, but the Han army only came with less than 500 people, and all of them were cavalry.

Of course, an army composed of cavalry alone will be more mobile. In field battles, you can fight and leave as you want, but the problem is to attack the camp.

The army has always been equipped with as many arms as possible, especially as the offensive side. Zhu Xia has always been fighting with infantry and cavalry. Almost all tactics involve infantry. There is really no one who can use cavalry as an arm to play tricks. No one has written a military book dedicated to commanding cavalry.

If they were all cavalry from the standing army, Liu Rui would not even hesitate and would launch an attack immediately. But what came was young men who had been trained by private organizations for two or three months.

The standing army of the Han Dynasty is a group of professional fighters who do not need to participate in production. They just do various training after eating and drinking.Professional soldiers must be stronger than ordinary people, and their combat skills are not comparable to ordinary people. It is inevitable that they are better at killing than ordinary people.

In two or three months, Li Kuang and his five thousand comrades taught the young and strong about prohibition and discipline, but they didn't train much in combat skills, and they didn't have that time for manipulating the formation.

The advantage of the Zhuxia civilization lies in the various military knowledge extended from the culture, the most important of which is strategy and military formation.Strategies are only useful at the right time, but military formations can be used at any time.

If an army can quickly set up an army formation after the order is issued, no matter what the individual combat capabilities of the soldiers are, they can also be called elite.After all, for the army, the role of individual bravery is really not that big, it relies on collective coordination and cooperation.

An army that can manipulate military formations cannot be trained in a short period of time. It requires continuous drills over many years. In the process of drills, they are run-in and develop tacit understanding and cooperation.Only with tacit understanding and cooperation can we be considered an army in the true sense. Otherwise, there would not be frequent battles in which thousands of regular troops (elites) can easily defeat tens of thousands of ragtag groups.

Liu Rui really wanted to order to rush to the camp. The reason he held back was that the scouts he had sent had not reported the surrounding situation, such as whether there were any other enemy troops. where to escape.

War is never simple, both defense and offense are equally complicated, there is no such thing as a wave of a big hand to launch a charge regardless, any choice of the general is based on the premise of having a sufficient understanding of the overall situation.

Only some ignorant and fearless people... usually the leaders of the mob, would make a rash decision without knowing anything. It is gratifying to win, but if you lose, the whole army will be wiped out.

"The chaos in the enemy camp continues!"


Liu Rui himself is a little ready to move, so don't blame the others for wanting to charge immediately.He tried his best to endure the urge to attack and waited for the scouts he sent to report back.

Someone captured someone waving a flag in the distance, and someone who understood flag language immediately translated it.That was the scout's report in flag language, and no other enemy troops were found in the surrounding area.

"Xu Lie!"

"Position, here!"

"You lead the headquarters to rush to the camp. If you encounter effective resistance, you can turn to the two wings and try your best to create chaos."


Xu Lie was very excited when he heard the assignment, and returned to his headquarters flattered.He conveyed the orders from Liu Rui from officer to officer, while he checked his combat readiness for the last time.

All members of the Han army are doing the final inspection, and no one wants to lose their lives on the battlefield because of a little negligence before the battle.

"Yes, yes, tie it tightly and tie it tightly." Niushan was grinning. He stroked the horse's mane while smiling, and said to the helper Pao Ze: "My riding skills are not enough, so I'll tie up the rope."

Niu Shan was not the only one who asked Pao Ze to help him tie himself to the horse's back. Regardless of whether they were good at riding or not, they all wished to become one with the horse.

The cavalry is the type of troops that fight on horseback, and life and death are decided on horseback.

Once a cavalryman falls off his horse, even if he survives the first moment of the fall, he will basically be trampled to death by friendly troops passing by from behind. To ask those behind him to be careful not to trample him is simply overthinking.The cavalry charged at high speed, not to mention avoiding friendly forces, even if there was a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, it didn't mean that they could stop immediately if they wanted to.

The Han army did not launch an attack, but the scene where everyone was busy seemed a bit noisy. Luo Xia's eyes were pretty good, and he was not an idiot. He could tell that the Han army had entered the final stage of preparations.

"Chizhelu, Agapa and Labadi haven't come yet?" Luo Xia snorted bitterly after getting the answer, and looked at the surrounding situation: "Do the leaders of each department want to die? After suppressing their subordinates for so long, or Such chaos!”

"Even if you let the three of them come here together, you won't let them really get close to you." Sang Lichi had already suggested to kill the three of them, but Rorschach sprayed him in the face.He looked around and said nervously, "How about...retreat first?"

Of course Rorschach wanted to deal with Chizhelu, Agapa and Labadi, but once he dealt with them now, there would be chaos even if it wasn't chaos.So not only could he not dispose of it, he had to pay a large price to buy and appease it.

"Labady has already explained that they just want to get together to protect themselves." Rorschach spent a lot of money on Labady, and the information he got was that, so he could stabilize, or it should be something else: "At least The Sogdians will not help or cause trouble, and Chi Zhelu and those Shanshan people should be careful."

Chi Zhelu and Agapa had brought together their people as agreed, but Labadie did not bring the Sogdians there as agreed.Of course, it was because Labadie got a lot of benefits, and he wouldn't fulfill the agreement if he had the benefits, and it was good if he didn't get stabbed.

"The Qiemo people and the Di people have been allowed to pass by. Chi Zhelu and Agapa really did not dare to act rashly if they really took refuge in the Han people." Seeing that Luo Xia didn't mention the retreat, Sang Li simply stopped mentioning it. Turn to how to deal with the upcoming attack of the Han army: "The ministries have not yet been in chaos. Once the Han army rushes into the camp... the chaos will intensify."

"The cavalry can naturally harass the camp, but there are only cavalry alone, and there are only about [-]..." Luo Xia looked at a middle-aged man who had been silent at the side, and asked, "What will happen?"

This man is Fu Jian, the third son of Fu Hong.As Fu Hong's representative, he first went to Bailongdui, and then he asked to follow Rorschach's forward line.

"The Han army that came this time is not a standing army, but an army temporarily organized by Minzhuang." Fu Jian said without any expression on his face, putting his hand on the hilt of the sword hanging from his waist. : "Not all Han people are so capable of fighting, especially a makeshift army."

Sang Li looked at Luo Xia, frowning.

Luo Xia actually frowned inwardly, he was asking a question, but Fu Jian talked about things and didn't answer.

"The impromptu troops are still cavalry..." Fu Jian finally had an expression on his face, a kind of indifferent chuckle: "Of course chaos is beneficial to them, but if there is a troop that can repel the chaos, it will be easier to rush." The Han people who came in... could only be drawn into chaos."

What Fu Jian spoke was not Chinese, nor Western dialect, but the language of the Dingling people.

The Dingling people have become the new overlords of Mobei since they moved south from Xianbei. In particular, Xigaoche has great influence and threat to the Western Regions.

There is a habit in the Western Regions. Whoever poses the greatest threat to them will learn the language of that ethnic group. They used to learn Hun language, then Chinese, and now it is their turn to learn Dinglinghua.

The conversations of several people do not need to be translated, but Fu Jian's Dingling speech is really not very good.

Luo Xia thought about it for a while before she understood what Fu Jian meant.Just as he was about to speak, the sound of trumpets sounded from the Han army.

After the horn sounded, almost as soon as the horn sounded, a neat "Han army mighty" was roared out.

"Seal all the gates, set up a queue to stop the rout!" Luo Xia was following Fu Jian's suggestion, and looked at Sang Lichi: "I leave the matter of driving out the ministries to you."

Sang Lichi didn't hesitate, raised his right arm and slammed it on his left chest. The arm made a noise when it collided with the breastplate, and left without saying a word.

There was a sound of horseshoes, and there were about four hundred Han riders in front of Xu Lie, driving the horses to step forward slowly.They lined up in four columns, with about 100 people in each column, and a hundred cavalrymen each separated by about three meters. It must be said that the queue looked really short.

After the horn sounded, the roar of "The Mighty Han Army" was shouted out, and the sound reached the place where Chizhelu and Agapa were talking.

"We are being monitored by the Di people and the Qiemo people." It wasn't long before Chi Zhelu discovered this situation, and he knew that the Han army had already launched an attack: "Since Luo Xia sent people to monitor, he must no longer trust us. Regardless of whether the Han army's attack is effective or not, we have no chance to hesitate."

Agappa's face was full of dead gray.He still hasn't figured out why he has come to this point. How come Rorschach will take care of him no matter whether he launches an attack or cooperates with the Han army?
"There is no choice." Agappa was not very courageous, but he also knew the truth of breaking up and breaking up: "Let's fight."

"Fighting is definitely going to happen." Chi Zhelu carefully observed those Di people and Qiemo people who clearly put on a surveillance posture. He is no stranger to Qiemo people, but he has only heard of Di people: " There are many people in the Mo people, and the people of the Di people don’t know how many catties they have. Wait a moment and you attack the people of the Di people, and my people attack the people of the Qiemo.”

Agapa glanced around subconsciously. There were about 300 Di people who came to monitor, but there were about [-] Shanshan people. It was impossible to defeat four or five people, so he nodded solemnly, thinking that Chi Zhelu Very generous.

Should their actions be described as betrayal or rebellion?Anyway, after the decision was made, it didn't take long before the action started.

Just as Xu Lie led his team to attack the coalition camp in the east, the camp in the north of the coalition army also erupted with shouts of killing. Liu Rui, who had been observing the coalition camp, immediately noticed this situation.

"If the coalition forces are fighting among themselves at this time, will it be a trap?"

"We've launched an attack, it doesn't make a difference if it's a trap or not."

The actions of Chi Zhelu and Agappa did not communicate with the Han army in advance, and Liu Rui did not have the narcissism of "I am the son of destiny", but he was right about one thing, the attack had already begun, and only by following the original plan and making Adjustment options.

Before he figured out what was going on, it was impossible for Liu Rui to change his battle plan. He sent people to find out what was going on in the northern camp of the coalition forces, and focused on Xu Lie's offensive.

In the northern camp of the coalition forces, after Chi Zhelu and Agapa decided to do something and really did, about [-] horse thieves rushed straight to about seven or eight hundred Qiemo people, and more than [-] Shanshan people rushed on foot and horses. To two or three hundred Di people.

The Qiemo people have a long history in the Western Regions. It doesn't matter what they were like before, even if they were richer than they are now, they are no longer the same.They were in charge of monitoring Chi Zhelu's team of Tiefu horse thieves and the Shanshan people led by Agapa. They were mentally prepared for the possible battle, but they were still a little flustered waiting for Chi Zhelu to lead the cavalry to launch an offensive. It was a face-to-face meeting He was pierced through and was attacked continuously from the left wing in a roundabout way.

Agapa ordered the attack out of the joy of having more people bullying fewer people. In order to encourage the other Shanshan people to fight bravely, he even rode a horse and ran at the front, waving his sword in his hand and shouting in Chinese. "Kill", when he was about a hundred meters away from the Di tribe, he was hit in the neck by an arrow and fell off the horse. The rolling hoofs from behind crushed him into a corpse.

The battlefield was very chaotic. Only a few people saw Agappa being shot off the horse. Only the people of the Agapa tribe shouted "Agapa is dead" and felt guilty. The rest of the non-Agapa tribe did not I didn't care.Before they ran into the Di people who were waiting in full force, they were baptized by successive waves of arrow rain. The already guilty Agappa tribe controlled the reins and chose to flee. When they fled, they led the rest of the Shanshan people to follow.

Waiting for Chi Zhelu to lead his men to attack the Qiemo people's right wing again, he looked around and saw the Shanshan people fleeing. His breath was stuck in his throat and he almost suffocated to death.He took rapid breaths and exhaled several times, not thinking about whether the Shanshan people were too useless or whether the Di people were powerful enough. The next choice was to lead the cavalry to the north to break out of the encirclement.

(End of this chapter)

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