Chapter 760 Three Ways Come
Courageous, courageous, and taking action, Xiaoguo who came to the Western Regions, they will not be afraid of war, on the contrary, they are longing for war. They may feel a little uneasy when they hear that war is about to break out, but it is an instinctive emotion of intelligent creatures , more excited and looking forward to it.

Soon, the high level of the Corps notified the whole army that the news that the war was really going to break out spread throughout the battalion, and there were enthusiastic cheers everywhere.

"The military spirit is available." Wang Quan said with a smile on his face: "This generation has nearly five months of running-in from the training camp to the formation, and if you have the heart to fight, you can use it."

The Han State inherited the policy of the former Han Dynasty. Young and strong men who have not been trained will never go to the battlefield. Even civilian workers who are porters will be trained for three months.

The nature of the Western Region Corps is a bit more complicated. It is an unofficial organization organized by the government, but the backbone is all from the standing army. The quality of the soldiers under the organization is uneven, but relatively speaking, the quality is quite good.

"It's worse than the county soldiers, but it can be used against people from the Western Regions." Li Kuang is very clear about what kind of army he is leading: "It took two months to be stationed here, just to let them The enemy army adjusted their mentality not far away."

They were stationed fifty miles southeast of the Bailongdui Allied Forces. It was indeed Li Kuang's attempt to adapt the mentality of the troops, and then it was purely to suppress the desire to fight.

Li Kuang is a general, and he has some experience in how to lead the troops. He knows how to deal with an army with a strong mentality for war. He can choose to go to war as soon as he arrives, but the risk of doing so is too high, either a big victory or a big defeat.He thought that he could not afford to fail, so he chose a more stable approach, suppressing the troops' desire to fight, and waited for the moment when it broke out.

"The enemy's front line has about [-] troops." Wang Quan walked to the map of mountains and rivers and clicked on a location: "Here we are."

It was a flat grassland with a river running west to south, and it looked like it would be a good battlefield for field warfare.

"Here." Wang Quan pointed to the west side of the valley where Song Ran and others found the enemy's forward: "Another enemy army has arrived, with a number of more than [-]."

"Traces of enemy scouts have also been found in the Gobi to the northwest." Li Kuang was talking about the Gobi [-] miles northwest of the camp.

Li Kuang's army only had more than 15 people. The number of enemy troops they faced was quite large. There is no accurate data, but it will not be less than [-].

The Western Regions had a history of being ruled by Zhu Xia, and the power of the early Han Dynasty impressed the people of the Western Regions too deeply.The people from the Western Regions will never fight in numbers less than the Han people, and they must be several times the number of Han people who dare to fight.

"The coalition army claims to be 50, and the maximum is 15?" Wang Quan pointed to the west of the valley, then the Gobi in the northwest, and then pointed to the southwest: "There should be an enemy army here."

15 called 50?There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.In the history of Zhuxia, there were more than 20 people who dared to claim a million, and thousands of people who claimed to be 20. Anyway, they were just talking nonsense, to intimidate the enemy while emboldening themselves.

How to fight and what kind of strategy to adopt, Li Kuang, Wang Quan and a group of Zanhua already have a plan.There are already plans at the tactical level, and the strategic aspect should be considered.

"Send 1 troops and try to annihilate the enemy's vanguard." Wang Quan said one of the plans. He rubbed his chin and thought about it: "If we win, we can wait outside the valley to fight the follow-up enemy."

They currently only have a small amount of experience in fighting the Western Regions, and they can generally judge the combat power of the Western Regions. It must be said that the fewer the number of Han Chinese fighting, the less obvious the advantage here. Once tens of thousands of people are fighting , the advantage of the Han people will be obvious.

The individual qualities of the people from the Western Regions are not weak, but they are very poor when it comes to cooperation. As the number of people from the Western Regions increases, the coordination gets worse.

The individual quality of the Han people is naturally strong and weak. The problem is that the war of the Han people is about cooperation and coordination. When the number of people reaches a certain amount, and after the array is arranged, it is a kind of sublimation in quality.

In the era of cold weapons, countries that can become empire-level basically have the application of battle methods.

Alexander of Macedonia conquered surrounding countries and nations by means of spear arrays and cruising cavalry, and defeated Darius Persia with an array superior to the Persians.

The Romans also played the formation quite smoothly. Their individual quality is not as good as that of the Germans, Celts, and Slavs. They may rely on the cooperation of the "tortoise shell formation" and large equipment to teach the three barbarians how to behave in minutes.

In comparison, the Persians are the weakest among the empire-level countries.From the Parthian Empire to the Sassanid Dynasty, the trump cards were only armored cavalry with charge and cavalry archers.The Parthian Empire was the ace legion of cavalry archers who were completely defeated by the "tortoise armor formation" of the Romans, and the armored cavalry equipment fell to the restraint of the giant shield heavy infantry of the Roman-affiliated barbarians, and the result was naturally subjugated.

If you look at it and compare it, the Central Plains Dynasty and Rome in the cold weapon era are really similar. They are both mainstream infantry players, and both are very good at large military equipment. The development of the two civilizations is also the best.Another point is that the dynasty changes within the two civilizations are equally frequent.

"Only relying on the courage of blood, who can be stronger than Hu Lu?"

Only the most threatening enemies of Zhuxia were called "Hulu", and the rest were called barbarians.

Li Kuang's attack order was quickly conveyed, and the barracks immediately became busy.

"Unlucky!" Lin Mi was full of unwillingness: "I can only return to the team in half a month."

Shi Bo has been ready to join the battle these days, from armor, weapons to mentality.He was helping his companion tie the ropes on the armor, and upon hearing this, he looked at Lin Mi who was holding the gauze on his injured arm.

Their team is equipped with armor, the better one is metal armor, and the second one is leather armor. The standard weapons for fighting in formation are small round shields and spears, and the richer ones have dangling guns hanging from their waists. A battle sword.

The order to move out had just been given, and they had an hour to prepare.Since they didn't know where they were going to go, and whether they would encounter battles on the way, of course they had to be prepared for battle before leaving the camp.

"The kettle must be filled up." Song Ran had already finished preparations, walking in the queue, occasionally stopping to help someone with something, and would reprimand: "What do you want to do with the package?", he rudely said A package that was being tied to the body, tried the weight: "What's inside? It weighs more than twenty catties!"

"It's my property." Liang Qu really wanted to snatch the package, but he didn't dare: "I will use it when I go back to marry a wife, and I have prepared some for my younger brother."

Song Ran didn't open the package, but he threw the package at the feet of a senior officer next to him, and reprimanded Liang Qu: "I don't know how many miles of marching, the armor and weapons combined are nearly forty catties, plus A package weighing twenty catties, do you have great strength, or do you expect someone to carry it for you?"

Some people who were also putting things on their bodies quietly removed them.

"The heavier the body, the more energy it consumes. You don't have the energy when you don't want to meet the enemy?" Song Ran looked around at the crowd and said to the chief: "Collect, name, and record. Send it to the baggage storage."

Shi Chang naturally responded: "No!"

In fact, the big guys also know that the storage place can store items, but those things are basically earned by working hard, and they will always feel uneasy if they are not kept by their side. As a result, only a few people choose to store them in the storage place.

Under normal circumstances, everyone thinks that they have accumulated enough property, and then spend a certain amount of money on shipping for the military to send back home.

They have only been in the Western Regions for two months, and they haven't officially robbed them. The money they can accumulate is basically what they get when they encounter people from the Western Regions while patrolling, and they are distributed according to their merits.

Asking the military to send someone home requires freight, and the length of the journey determines the freight. For people like them who risk their lives to make money, every copper seems expensive. How can they spend a fortune on freight for a small amount of property?

Liang Qu looked away from his package, and said to Uncle Shi with an ugly smile: "If there is something wrong, just bring it with you and it will be gone."

If the person who deposited the items was killed or disappeared, and the death can be confirmed, the luggage store will naturally send the items stored by the deceased to his family, and the shipping fee will still be charged, only a half discount.If the disappearance cannot be confirmed, there needs to be a time limit for the delivery department. Generally, if the missing person does not show up for about three months, the delivery department will send the items stored by the missing person to his family, but there will be no discount.

There is another theory about the disappearance. It needs to go through a procedure to determine whether it is a deserter. Once it is confirmed as a deserter, it will be severely punished. Naturally, the stored property is still his, but he himself is at least three More than a year of hard labor has to be spent.

An hour passed quickly. Song Ran assembled his team and joined other teams to form a village formation. Their village would then join other villages to form a tune formation, and then the qu reunion would form a division formation.

A division of the Han State has 5000 people, commanded by a school lieutenant, and the school lieutenant is under the command of General Lang, who is the commander of an army.

The division, a military unit, already existed in the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, it was divided into five, two, side, pawn, brigade, division, and army. Each "wu" had five people, each "two" had 25 people, each "side" had 50 people, each 100 "pawns", 500 per "brigades", 500 per "division", 1 per "army", and then distinguish between chariot soldiers and infantry, the above is pure infantry formation, If it is a chariot soldier, there will be another "ride" unit. A "ride" is basically a "pawn" plus a "bias", that is, each chariot is followed by 500 infantry.

Liu Yan originally wanted to build the Han army with a modern army establishment, but he would forget it later.

The establishment of any era has its meaning of existence, the most advanced is not necessarily the most suitable, it should be suitable to be correct.

Later, Liu Yan listened to a wide range of opinions and continued the military establishment of the Qin and Han Dynasties, but changed the "department" of the former Han to "divisions".

Li Kuang is a general. If he commands a standing army, he can only command one army. The one who can command more than one standing army is a general. For example, Xie An has always commanded two to three armies.

In the Han army, those who can command more than three armies can only be those generals with the prefixes of "Zheng", "Zhen", "Ping", and "Fu". General, the rest of the "Zhen", "Ping", and "Fu" have always been empty names.

Li Kuang was able to lead 5 troops into the Western Regions, because this army did not have a serious designation at all, and it belonged to a semi-official and semi-civilian organization.However, he understands the preciousness of this experience. If there are no major mistakes in the leadership process, basically a Zhonglang will not be able to escape.He has long wanted to make meritorious service and be promoted, otherwise his wife is a Linzi order, so it's nothing.

The Western Region Corps is commanded by a Lang, so it is normal for a school lieutenant to command the last two divisions.From Li Kuang to everyone below, they all know what this experience means. General Lang can be promoted to General General Zhong, and if the captain does a good job, he can be promoted to General Lang. The lower the position, the more likely he will be promoted to General Lang. For example, a soldier can become a corps leader, but the corps leader can become a team leader. Who is not working hard?

Song Ran is one of the most energetic members. He was originally a corporal leader, but now he has the title of a temporary team leader. He has 50 people under his command to obey orders. He doesn't want to wait until this battle is over and still be a corporal leader. .

"The composition of the five thousand enemy troops is very complicated, and there will be no coordination or tacit understanding." Liu Rui rode on a tall horse and walked on the side of the entire army. The rabbit is also doing its best!"

Of course, there are no such animals as lions in the land of Zhuxia. During the Western Han Dynasty, countries in the Western Regions paid tribute to a few lions, which were raised by Liu Che as exotic animals. There are also legends about lions in Zhuxia land.That is, the number of lions paid tribute by countries in the Western Regions was small, and a few of them died one after another, and they did not reproduce too much. Soon the land of Zhuxia lost the lion species, but its legend was passed down, and there were related proverbs.

Fan Jin is not that Fan Jin, and he didn't win the exam either.

The Han Dynasty did not have such a system as the imperial examination, and it still followed the system of filial piety and honesty in the early Han Dynasty.

It's not that Liu Yan didn't want to take the imperial examination, it's that there are only so many intellectuals in Zhuxia, counting all those who can read and write fluently, I don't know if there are 10 people, and there is no environment for imperial examinations at all.

"Since the enemy army is the vanguard and camped thirty miles away, it is obvious that they came here for the purpose of fighting." Fan Jin had already understood the terrain and environment there beforehand, and said: "The field of vision is too wide, and the enemy army must be spread widely. A sentry point, there is no chance of a sneak attack."

Such is the case with a flat terrain. If a few people can approach them carefully, but if there are too many people, there is no way to hide, unless the enemy is not vigilant at all. Once the enemy sets up a sentry post or sends out scouts, the army wants to secretly Getting close is impossible.

Liu Rui nodded and said, "That's true."

(End of this chapter)

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