Chapter 755
"A poor person must have something to hate, and a hateful person must have a dirty heart." Shi Zhang Yu Wo expressed his feelings: "People here have no loyalty to the king, and they really don't seek good solutions when they encounter problems. way."

Zhou Qian could only be dumbfounded.He is a local wanderer. He was originally in charge of patrolling and arresting. He has contacted many people. He is the type of person who knows the local villagers best in the government.

In Lian Township next to Yuan Township, there are many people who are willing to go to the Western Regions and go to recruit workers, and they are willing to find a way to survive the disaster year through legal means, so nothing happened in the village.

The population of Lian Township is twice as large as that of the original township, and it is relatively affluent on the whole. During the disaster year, the rich families in the local area unite to help the most difficult villagers. The disaster year did not break the psychological defense of the villagers. On the contrary, there is more unity than usual.

"Lianxiang?" Yu Wo happened to know about Lianxiang, so he looked at Zhou Qian with reproachful eyes, and said, "Compared with Chen Dan and his colleagues, you have a lot of shortcomings."

Chen Dan and others are also demobilized soldiers who have retired from the military. They were able to manage Lianxiang well. In contrast, Zhou Qian and others failed to manage Yuanxiang, which proves that there is a gap between people.

Of course Zhou Qian knew about Lian Township. There were a few wealthy families there who basically had children who entered the system. A few people returned to the ranks above the team rate, and one of them became a military lord. It is the children of the village who are connected with the interests of the country, so of course their buttocks will sit on the side of the country.

No one from Yuanxiang entered the system, but Zhou Qian couldn't say this, no matter how many reasons he had, he had to swallow it in his stomach.

"Zhou Youkuo." Zhang Zhong came over, with a bitter expression on his face, he should still thank you: "Fortunately, Youkuo and all the sergeants, thank you, old man!"

Zhou Qian smiled wryly and said a few words of comfort, but he couldn't express any more.

"Youqian." Zhang You said flatteringly, "Youqian has worked hard, if there is no Youqian, even if I try my best to persuade the villagers, I am afraid something will happen."

"It's you..." Zhang Bian was dragged by his father before he finished speaking, and he couldn't help saying: "They want to destroy the house and rob, and maybe even kill people, yeah, why don't you let the boy talk about it."

"No matter, no matter!" Zhang You has a face of justice and sincerity, but facing Zhou Qian and Yu Wo with a sullen face, he argued: "We are the ones who persuaded the villagers. Are the villagers surrounded?" The drastic means are due to us."

Zhang Zhong took a stern look at Zhang Bian who was about to speak, and said to Zhou Qian: "Young son is young, and his words are a little fierce."

What Zhu Xia said was that family ugliness should not be publicized. The person who took the lead today is Zhang You. No matter how hateful Zhang You is, but Zhang You is Zhang Zhong’s uncle. Even if there is nothing to feel sorry for Zhang You, outsiders don't see it that way.

The pre-Han made many contributions to Zhuxia, including the persistence and promotion of filial piety, which also made some people feel hard to tell when they encountered bastard relatives. Zhang Zhong belonged to this category.

Zhou Qian knew about Zhang Zhong's difficulties, and the sufferer would not report to the general government and was unwilling to meddle in the family affairs of the people.But today's matter was too bad, so he said to Zhang You and the other three, "You need to report to the government."

Of course Zhang You and the other three were unwilling, but facing the surrounding soldiers from the county and county, they could only obey.

"You Yan." Zhang Bian seemed to have made up his mind, and asked, "How to join the army?"

Zhou Qian looked at the young Zhang Bian, and probably guessed why Zhang Bian asked so suddenly.

One of the ways to become a regular army in the Han Dynasty was to serve corvee and become a county soldier. During the period as a county soldier, he made meritorious service or performed well and was absorbed into the standing army system;

The war that Han is facing now does not need to draw soldiers from the people, and the only way left is to serve corvee, such as Yu Wo and other counties and counties, which belong to this type.

"Zhang Lang is fifteen years old?" Zhou Qian looked at the young but tall Zhang Bian, called his colleagues, and said, "Zhang Lang has this ambition, so maybe he can give priority to it."

The stingy man Huang Li nodded and said, "There happens to be a spot."

The state of Han inherited the system of the pre-Han, and the system of the pre-Han inherited the system of the Qin. One of the responsibilities of cowards was to arrange corvees.

Different from the corvee in the Qin Dynasty, the corvee in the pre-Han was divided into military service and labor service. As long as the labor service involved construction, there was wages, especially water conservancy construction, which paid the most. It was a kind of good governance of the old Liu family.

Another feature of the pre-Han corvée is that it is allowed to pay for others to do the work, and it is not necessary for the person to serve the corvée. This is also an improvement different from that of the Qin Dynasty.

The corvée service in the present Han Dynasty follows that of the former Han Dynasty, but generally reduces the share of labor service, and is more inclined to military service for the convenience of dividing land.

Because military service can divide the land, and becoming a county soldier may also make meritorious service. If you can be selected into the standing army, you will basically have an iron job. Not only is the standing army well paid, but you also have the opportunity to make meritorious service. When arranging public office, the people of the Han Dynasty basically went to serve corvee in person.

Zhang Bian wants to serve in the army because he has seen clearly the predicament that his family will encounter in the village after such an incident. He doesn't know too much, but as long as he knows that he can enter the army, the villagers will not hesitate He dare not do anything to his own family, once he can enter the standing army, the villagers will come to curry favor instead.

Yu Wo found it very interesting watching from the sidelines, and was not surprised that such a young boy could figure out the most important things.

The current social situation in the Han Dynasty is like this. Unless it is a fool, no one refuses to perform military service. Even if it is only during the period of corvee service, there are many benefits to the county and county soldiers. If you take more care of you, everyone in the village will look up to you.Furthermore, if I can join the standing army, it will be a life-changing change, and if I get meritorious service, I will immediately become a winner in life.

Zhang Bian walked out of the house four days later and went to the county to report to become a county soldier.After a short month of training in the county, he was assigned to serve in Xingyang, Xingyang County.

During the march, Zhang Bian saw the scene of intense construction, and then he knew that the country was building a national road across the northwest and south.

"Counties and counties actively participate in the construction, there are public houses for eating and drinking, and they can also get wages." Zhang Bian felt all kinds of nausea when he thought that his hometown was a different scene: "My hometown is another scene."

There are 26 people from Lingju who are going to serve in Xingyang together, each with their own reasons, there is no shortage of people with similar thoughts to Zhang Bian, and most of them come from wealthy families.

People with similar experiences and ideals can easily become friends. After Zhang Bian served in the military, his best friend came from Lianxiang, and he heard many changes in Lianxiang.

Zhang Qing heard about what happened in his hometown and admired Zhang Bian for taking the initiative to find a way out.

There are a lot of people with the surname Zhang in Northwest China, and the family situation of those with the surname Zhang is generally better. That is, the former ruler of Northwest China was the Zhang family. With preferential treatment, it is natural to get more convenience, which also made some people change their original surnames.

"The Son of Heaven has prophesied about natural disasters long ago. Except for the Northwest, everyone believes in it. They all started to save themselves early. Only the Northwest was bewitched by the remaining evil." Zhang Qing's buttocks are sitting upright now, that is because there is a standing army in their family Soldier.He said bitterly: "The scourge of the remaining evils, tormenting the folks, should be killed!"

Don't underestimate someone in the family who is selected as a soldier in the standing army. It means that the whole family is counted as a member of the army, and can receive more preferential treatment, and at the same time, the social status is also raised.The most obvious thing is that those public officials in the township who have retired from the army immediately treat them as their own. Not to mention the usual kindness, even when they encounter problems, the speed of resolution is different.

Liu Yan's prediction of natural disasters has only recently been widely discussed, but there was indeed a reminder a few years ago, but it was not taken seriously at the time.

Recently, Liu Yan's prediction of a drought has been repeatedly mentioned. Compared with the fact that no one paid attention to it in the past, there is indeed a drought in the northwest, so it is unbelievable that the drought will break out in northern Xinjiang and the Central Plains.

The culture of Zhuxia belongs to the pan-belief type, that is, as long as it is a god, it will believe, but it will immediately ignore it because the prayer is not answered. For unbelief.

There is only one thing that Zhu Xia has always maintained coherence, and that is the belief in the ancestors and the expectation of the emperor.There are too many examples of people becoming gods in Zhuxia. Great gods are basically people who have made contributions to the nation. There are many gods of mountains and rivers in the local area. For example, Guankou Erlang God is Li Bing who presided over the construction of Dujiangyan.

In Zhuxia, the Son of Heaven is often treated as a god, not because of the deterrence of power, but because of the continuous strengthening of the rulers of the past dynasties.

The Son of Heaven is usually a son of heaven with his constitution in his mouth, and he will never bring up any superficial things lightly, but once he raises it seriously, he is basically betting on the stability of his own rule.

From Lingju to the east, Zhang Bian and others stopped for a while when they passed Chang'an. The Chang'an they entered was in a frenzied atmosphere, which was naturally affected.

Thought is a wonderful thing. When you are disgusted, you will sneer at and infinitely reject all the things you don’t want to believe in, but once you turn around, you will be sure of the things you originally rejected.

"The Son of Heaven's favor spreads widely." Zhang Qing pointed to the crowd who were working hard, and said, "I hope those who follow will have no worries."

Zhang Bian nodded in agreement. He had indeed seen too many examples. People who are willing to go out to find a way out, even if they are not in corvée, can still go to work. It is really better than staying in their hometown and waiting to die.

They are from the Northwest, and they have seen too many negative things in their hometown. While everything is dead, any ugliness can erupt under natural disasters.As soon as I left the Northwest, I saw the other side of prosperity. I would not have too complicated thoughts, but I would subconsciously think that the Northwest gave up on myself. If people from other places cooperate with the national policy, even in a disaster year, there are ways to save themselves. It’s really unnecessary. Start with the folks in the village.

After a month of marching, they arrived in Xingyang and joined people from other places to form a 500-strong county army.

After a little contact, Zhang Bian obviously found that people from other places rejected him who was born in the Northwest, and Zhang Qing was the only one who could make friends in other regions.

"Because my brother is serving in the army." Zhang Qing was proud, but more depressed: "This is how I was accepted."

If he didn't leave the northwest, Zhang Qing really didn't know what people in the northwest would look like in the eyes of people from other regions. From some of their remarks, the northwest seemed to be a place of unruly people.He just wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute. There are really many people who made the Northwest miss Zhang's rule. Besides, there have been constant disturbances in the Northwest recently.

"I'm not alone, people in the Central Plains also discriminate against people in the south." Zhang Bian scratched his head and said, "The division of Han regions is so serious."

There are geographical distinctions in any dynasty. Generally, the capital looks down on everyone outside the capital and treats them as countrymen.Then there are areas where martial arts look down on weak areas, and rich areas look down on poor areas. For example, most areas think that the Northwest is not a kingly place, but there are only a few examples.

"If it wasn't for the fact that the emperor Long Xing was in Shandong, how could the people of Shandong be highly regarded." What Zhang Qing said was the truth. Whoever let Shandong be influenced by Lu Confucianism has always adopted a non-resistance strategy. Anyway, whoever hits Shandong All officials surrendered immediately.He looked around and said in a low voice: "People in Shandong, especially people in Linzi, have a lot of opinions on the emperor's capital in Guanzhong."

Linzi was Liu Yan's first royal capital, and later transferred to Xiangguo, and finally chose to build his capital in Chang'an. It would be a ghost to say that the people of Linzi had no objections.

"Guanshan people call themselves gentlemen, but they are villains." Zhang Bian didn't like those Linzi people with their nostrils upturned: "They have no merit, but they think of themselves very high, and they often deceive others."

"Six or seven out of ten of the country's most meritorious ministers were born in Shandong." Zhang Qing said the reason: "Although the capital city was changed, there is still a sense of incense."

As they spoke, the two lamented that there was only one Xie Ai in the Northwest who became a meritorious service. If there were more people like Xie Ai, the Northwest would have a more sense of belonging to the Han Kingdom, and then how could it win more for the Northwest? favorable policies.

"Brother has prophesied about the Son of Heaven..." Zhang Qing stopped Zhang Bian before he finished speaking, and smiled embarrassingly.

"I believe it." Zhang Qing stared at Zhang Bian and said seriously: "You must believe it!"

It doesn't matter what other people in the Northwest think, but all reasonable people understand that the ruler has changed, and even if they are grateful to the Zhang family, they can only hide it in their hearts. What they should do is to integrate into the Han Kingdom, or else Excluded from the country.

Don't say it really happened, even if it didn't happen, what the emperor said is the truth, the reason why it hasn't happened is just that the time hasn't come yet.

The recent big move of the Prime Minister's Office is to carry out remedial work, and the effect is very good. After the examples from the northwest are found in various places, people who are doubtful will cooperate with the government to the maximum extent, which will naturally be beneficial to the country's response to the impending natural disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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