sweeping the world

Chapter 750 Bullying Children

Chapter 750 Bullying Children

There are not many wild places on Ah San's side. Although the environment is slightly different from the Indochina Peninsula, there are not many dangers that should be present.

Not only the Indochina Peninsula or the Asan region, there is no shortage of uninhabited areas in the world today. Every place that can be called a wild place has absolutely nothing to do with safety, and it can even be said to be full of various dangers.

If it were in the tropics, the uninhabited areas would at best be filled with all kinds of relatively large beasts, and there should be no shortage of poisonous snakes, but the wild areas on the Indochina Peninsula were much more complicated.

The Indochina Peninsula is also considered tropical. The problem is that there are too many rainy seasons in a year, and the air is basically humid, which breeds more natural biological species, especially the types and quantities of various poisonous insects. Scary.

It is not the first time for Picard Marik to come to Indochina Peninsula, even if it is the first time to come to Indochina Peninsula, their family in the south of Asan is not ignorant of Indochina Peninsula.

Ah San has been exploring the coastal areas around Ah Sanyang for hundreds of years. After generations of exploration, he knows everything well, but he will always know something that needs to be known.

During the period of the Guishuang Empire, the Asan had already found Malacca, built a military port in the strait, and carried out immigration.At that time, Ah San often captured the savages of the archipelago and sold them back home, which once supported the prosperous slave trade of the Guishuang Empire.

It is well-founded to say that Asan migrated to the archipelago. The Han people explored the sea area and could easily find the Asan race on each archipelago.Those Ah Sans may not know that they are Ah Sans, it is the passage of time that makes them forget their origins, and gradually become similar to the natives of the archipelago, only the difference in appearance still exists.

[Retreat into the mountains? ] Picard Malik immediately thought of the overwhelming mosquitoes, snakes and ants, as well as the swamp full of miasmas that would appear at some point: 【Can you get out if you go in? 】

To the northeast of their base is one mountain after another. After passing through the mountains and going northeast about three hundred miles is the Pyu Kingdom, but don’t think that entering the Pyu Kingdom is a comfortable environment. Most areas have not been developed at all, some are uninhabited areas, and the environment will not be different from other uninhabited areas.

Think about it, even during the modern World War II, when the expeditionary force entered Burma and had to retreat, how many people could come out safely when tens of thousands of soldiers retreated into the mountains?Those who didn't come out were swallowed by the mountain.

"The number of the Han army is too much..." Samir Vikas' voice was a little weak. He could already see the shield wall of the Han army organization advancing within his vision, and the number of arrows fired by his side was rapidly decreasing: "We only have six Kshatriya legions, we can't stand it."

The so-called Kshatriya Army is the private army of Ah San’s Kshatriya family. The quality and appearance of each Kshatriya’s private army are inconsistent. Of course, some wealthy Kshatriya’s private army is well trained and well-equipped. The Kshatriya private army is not much better than the untouchable armed forces.

Ah San's country's system determines that the royal family will have its own royal family armed forces, but the royal family's armed forces will basically not be the main force in the national war.Their caste system determines that the Kshatriya class is the shaper of force. Whether it is domestic suppression of untouchables or rebellion, or foreign wars, the main force participating in the war is actually the private army of each Kshatriya. The difference is the Kshatriya’s The private army was recruited to form a unified command establishment. The king appointed a Brahmin as the commander and gave a national regular army the designation.

In the Kshatriya army here, not only are the equipment and quality of each army different, but even the number of the army is not the same. It depends on how rich the Kshatriya family is as the head of the army.They will be garrisoned, and Jawala Kangding Warren didn't hesitate when he decided to run away, so he should know that those Kshatriyas will not play an important role.

Lu Chao kept walking along with the advance of the shield wall. The shield wall was not completely void of gaps. He looked forward through the gaps, and all he saw were dark-skinned people. Usually, the darker the skin, the darker the cloth on the body. Less, the whiter the skin, the more gorgeous the clothes on the body.

Only a few of the Gupta archers stationed were shooting arrows, and most of them were panting with their arms down.

Some melee soldiers were urged forward to organize defenses. Most of them were naked from the upper body, with a piece of cloth wrapped around their waists to hide their shame, and the weapons in their hands were a short spear and a round shield.

People who live in the tropics may not necessarily be poor because they wear less cloth. It is a matter determined by the climate itself. Protective armor, those who just wear a fig leaf around their waists don't have that condition.

Isn't the Han army afraid of heat?When they were stationed in the Indochina Peninsula, they wore as little cloth as possible during non-wartime. When it was hot enough, they wanted to soak in the water all day long, but during wartime they must wear battle robes and armor.

The importance of armor in the era of cold weapons does not need to be said too much. If you have a suit of armor with good defense, even if you are shot into a hedgehog, you can still stand upright and rush left and right. Although you have been hit by a considerable number of arrows, But most of the arrowheads were blocked by the armor and did not bite the flesh.

"Crack Shield!"

The same voice was shouted continuously, and one shield wall after another was split.

"Han army mighty!"

After drinking violently, Lu Chao was like his fellow robes beside him, holding a tower shield in one hand and a short spear in the other, he trotted at first, approaching the enemy army within [-] meters before entering the charging stance.

On the beach, the various shield formations split open, and the Han army shouted the battle horns one after another, and then the soldiers charged.

I don't know what Gupta's side was thinking. There were no obstacles such as antlers or repelling horses on the beach, which allowed the Han army to organize the shield wall to advance safely after landing.

It was about [-] meters deep into the beach, and the Ah Sans only built half-waist-high fences. It seemed that the number of fences was not small. Ah San, who was shooting arrows on the beach before, retreated to hide behind many fences.

Lu Chao was able to clearly see Ah San's face. Most of what he saw was panic on Ah San's face, but it was strange to find that Ah San did not turn around and run away.

Of course, Ah San should panic. Ah San who is on the beach has not received orders from the rear for a long time. Most of them are archers, and there are only a small number of melee troops. Feeling at a loss without new orders, and deeply knowing that archers are not a melee unit at all, how can they not be panicked?

To say that the panic has not collapsed, it must be said that the Ah San caste system.In that set of caste system, the untouchables don't even own their own lives, and the Sudras who are slightly better than the untouchables are educated to be more well-behaved than sheep. There are insurmountable shackles, which lead to a kind of obedience.

If you look at Ah San's history, before their caste system was corrupted, the collapse never started from the bottom. It was the strata leading the bottom who couldn't stand it first. .

There were no crossbowmen in the advancing Han army, and only Gupta was shooting arrows on the battlefield. The Han army in the charge would inevitably suffer casualties, but let alone a small number of casualties would frighten the rest, even if it was several times more Casualties will continue to charge. They are the pioneering army in the strong period, not the soft-legged shrimp at the end of the dynasty.

Lu Chao was not the fastest runner. Before he rushed to the fence, many of his comrades had already entered the melee combat stage. The clashing and roaring of various weapons made the battlefield noisy.

"Drink!" Lu Chao slammed his shield at Ah San who was rushing forward, stabbed the short spear in his hand again, and shouted "Kill!" At the same time, the tip of the spear pierced Ah San's chest, and was quickly drawn back , with a bright blood flower.

In terms of physique, most Ah Sans look a bit thin and thin, with not many muscles on their bare upper bodies, and the rows of flesh and bones on the duck breasts are clearly visible. This type of Ah Sans should be vegetarians.

That's right, Ah San is a nation with a tradition of vegetarianism. In many families who uphold vegetarianism, babies have never eaten meat from the moment they were born. Vegetarianism is still very popular in Ah San.

Eating vegetarian food is not bad, but humans are omnivorous creatures, and they are destined to get enough nutrition from all kinds of food. Soldiers, in particular, have far more nutritional needs than ordinary people. Otherwise, just training will Can't stand it.

Of course, not every Ah San is a vegetarian, and not all of them are skinny, but the overall quality will vary greatly according to the wealth of the Kshatriya family they follow.

Look at the soldiers of the Han army, not to mention the fact that they are full of food. There is at least one salted fish for each meal, and there is usually a meal of meat every two or three days. With rich nutrition supplements and high training, take off the armor and clothes It is definitely a tendon meat all over the body.

Supported by his strong physique, Lu Chao could run fast with a load of about [-] kilograms. After running for a certain distance, he could easily swing a tower shield to hit people, and he would not have difficulty stabbing a short spear.

The competition of cold weapons is the most direct, and people with strong bodies can always take advantage of it. The Han army is not only physically strong, but also has a huge advantage in height.

Lu Chao is 1.7 meters tall. Compared with some of his colleagues who are two meters tall, he will certainly look short, but he is much taller when facing Ah San, whose average height is less than 1.6 meters.

The individual Han soldiers in the attack were 1.9 meters tall, and they looked like giants when facing Asan, who was under 1.6 meters in height.With their strong bodies, excellent defense and weapon configuration, their battle with Ah San was like an adult beating a child.

If Ah San has his own uniqueness in spiritual outlook, maybe he can use spiritual food to make up for his lack of physical fitness, but Ah San's caste system and culture determine another point, how can a group of Ah San who accept their fate have any strong thoughts of struggle.

Lu Chao stabbed Ah San to death again, only to find that the tip of the short spear in his hand was gone.Without even thinking about it, he discarded the short spear and drew out the battle sword at his waist, but the next moment he found that Ah San was no longer standing around.

Ah San's first fence defense lasted less than 10 minutes. The only thing that can be commended is that even if they were faced with being slaughtered, only a small number of them escaped. Most of Ah San persisted until the last moment of breathing.

"The only respectable thing about these Ah Sans is that they persisted, right?" Zhang's whole body was covered in blood, and the sword in his hand had even broken: "The whole team relied on the fence and turned to defense."

Zhang Quan is the immediate commander of Lu Chao's team, and he himself is a village chief.

10 minutes is not long in normal times, and it is even a blink of an eye for soldiers entering the battle. The problem is that they charge first and then fight, and even those with the best physical strength will become exhausted due to extreme concentration.

It is difficult for them to continue to attack from physical strength and mentality, and the comrades in the rear have already caught up, so naturally they will continue to advance to the comrades.

The Han army who landed early and launched an attack was actually nearly a thousand people, which was determined by the width of the battlefield itself.The beach is not too wide and cannot accommodate too many people. If there are too many people, it will be crowded. At the beginning, the Gupta archers were too frantic. The appropriate force advances to open up the situation, and then form a new force. If it is added on other occasions Oil tactics are naturally inappropriate, but this is the only way to do it on this occasion.

Lu Chao was indeed tired. He simply buckled the tower shield against the fence, and sat down with his back against the fence, completely ignoring the corpse of Ah San sitting under his buttocks.

The rest of the soldiers can basically sit down and can't stand, and they deliberately lean their backs against the fence.In this way, in addition to avoiding being shot by cold arrows from nowhere, it can also maximize the space for the new comrades to pass through.

"The crossbowman is following up." Lu Chao turned his head to look to the right, and said to a colleague he didn't know: "The crossbowman joined the battle, and it will soon be over."

They charged first, and braved the rain of arrows to fight for the first fence, didn't they just lay down a space to stand on?Once there is space for the archers of one's own side to arrange arrow arrays, Ah San will soon show how Zhu Xia plays archery.

Wang Kan still hadn't landed, but his flagship was close enough. Through the binoculars, he saw his own crossbowmen coming ashore and forming formations. He knew that the landing battle had basically come to an end.

"The fortifications laid out by the enemy army are quite simple." Wang Kan has been watching the banner of the enemy camp, and subconsciously observes the mountains behind the Gupta barracks: "Have you found any signs of the enemy abandoning the camp?"

Su Ding replied immediately: "For the time being, there is no sign of the enemy abandoning the camp."

At this point in the battle, Wang Kan has generally known the number of enemy troops stationed. He does not doubt that his side can capture this military port, but he has to worry about the enemy fleeing into the mountains.

The enemy army fleeing into the mountainous area will definitely not feel good. The dense forest and the nature of the mountainous area alone can swallow most people, but if such a thing really happens, the Han army will face the trouble of being attacked for a long time .

(End of this chapter)

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