sweeping the world

Chapter 747 Prologue

Chapter 747 Prologue
Today is a fine weather with no clouds, but the wind is a bit weak, which prevents the speed of the boat from sailing.

Today's ships in any country, no matter what the purpose of the ship, actually retain the oar-driven design, and do not rely entirely on sails as sailing power.

It didn't enter the combat state before, even if the wind was weaker, it didn't matter, but after the fleet switched to the combat state, the window of the paddle area was opened, and a thick paddle stretched out of the hull to stand by.

The person responsible for commanding the attack on Gupta's side was set up at the port eighty miles away from the Pingman School. Like Li Mai, he was a surrender after the demise of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was once the commander-in-chief of the Yangtze River Navy of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, serving as Commanding the Yangtze River Navy to prevent the Han army from crossing the river.

After the surrender, Wang Kan was idle for a long time. It was not used until the end of the seventh year of Yuanshuo. At the beginning, he still served in the Yangtze River Navy. In the war, he was transferred to Zhanghai (South 1 Sea) to serve.

Zhanghai is a very important area for Han. It is also one of the most prosperous sea areas for navigation. The reason is that the land route to the Indochina Peninsula is not developed, and the sea route to the Indochina Peninsula has become the best choice. .Furthermore, the islands found around Zhanghai are basically rich in resources. Even if there are no luxuries such as spices, fragrant wood, emeralds, and gems, there are still some savages who can catch them.

The demand for slaves in the Han Dynasty is a bottomless pit. The military merit system itself desperately needs slaves to reward meritorious nobles. If you want to support the military merit system from collapsing, you must have enough land and the number of slaves must be managed.Liu Yan could not completely abolish the Han people as slaves, he could only arrest the aliens to the greatest extent.

In addition to the needs of slaves for military meritorious service, there is also an urgent shortage of slaves for national construction. The most dangerous thing to do is to use slaves to do the most dangerous things such as mining and road construction.

During the era of sweeping the wilderness and Liuhe, the Han Dynasty obtained a considerable number of prisoners of war, and destroyed Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla to obtain a large number of slaves, which supported the foundation of military merits and provided sufficient cheap labor for national construction, but The more labor force at any time, the better. The Indochina peninsula kept arresting savages, and the islands did not stop arresting savages.

The war against the Gupta Dynasty was started to obtain food, but the war did not go smoothly as expected, but at least it gave the Han people a better understanding of the Gupta Dynasty.

To say that at the beginning the war was fought for food, and later it was discovered that the Gupta Dynasty was a country with a population of 3000 to 3000 million. The Han people instantly seemed to have discovered a peerless treasure. To seize land suitable for farming, loot such as gold, beauties and other things are indispensable in the process, but the most important thing is the population of [-] to [-] million!
The Eastern Han Dynasty was a dynasty with a very serious slave-holding phenomenon. The Three Kingdoms and the Two Jin Dynasties also left the habit of slave-holding. After the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was destroyed, various aristocratic families and powerful men were forced to disband their slaves, which later evolved into a nationwide campaign to liberate Han slaves. , They found that there is no problem in enslaving foreign races, and they are idiots if they don't know what to do.

If the Han Kingdom wants to have slaves, it is first decided by the title. War is the best way to get the title reward. The northerners are eager to go to the Western Regions, and the southerners have already tasted the sweetness from the Indochina Peninsula.

War is the way to get everything, even if you can't own slaves beyond the status limit, but you can sell them for money if you capture them, so the Gupta Dynasty can bring benefits in any aspect, so of course they want to fuck him!

Wang Kan is a surrendered minister who was activated, and he cherishes the opportunity to lead an army to attack more than anyone else. He has communicated with Li Mai repeatedly before, and he is very clear about what this war means to them surrendered ministers.

The fleet with a scale of 850 ships, Wang Kan did not all gather together and press towards the enemy's port. In such a small sea area, especially when approaching from the sea to the land, a large column is the correct formation.

Facing the arrival of the large fleet of the Han Navy, Gupta did not wait until the Han Navy arrived outside the port to find out, just as the Han side would arrange ships and send people to hide on land as eyeliners for surveillance. The Gupta Dynasty Although the people were Ah San, they were not stupid enough to forget to conduct necessary surveillance on the Pingman School Lieutenant.

The Gupta Dynasty not only attached great importance to the Pingman Colonel's Department, but also did not ignore the Han base behind the Pingman Colonel's Department, and even the surveillance of Malacca has never been relaxed.

Fleets of the Han Kingdom continued to come from the mainland to Asanyang. The Gupta Dynasty collected a lot of information, and it was calculated that the Han Kingdom Navy had assembled at least [-] warships of various types.

It’s no wonder that the Gupta Dynasty miscalculated the number of Han’s navy because they didn’t work hard to investigate. They really couldn’t believe that Han was able to build warships along the coast of Asanyang. Is it working?How could he know that Liu Yan has such a big cheating device!
Before discovering the massive dispatch of the Han Navy, the commander of the Gupta Dynasty at the frontier military port had already responded. The ships that could move in the port basically left the port quickly for supplies, and the military port also began to prepare for the invasion.

"The number of warships in the Han Empire is different from what we guessed."

Jawala Kangding Warun is the commander-in-chief of the front line of the Gupta Dynasty. Like Zamput Hualun, he was born in the southern part of the Gupta Dynasty, but although they both have the surname Hualun, they are not from the same family. Te Warun is just a Kshatriya, but he is a Brahmin.

So far, the Gupta Dynasty is still unable to judge how many warships the Han Dynasty dispatched. It has nothing to do with whether they have enough reconnaissance capabilities. It is simply that warships in the sea are not as easy to detect as the army on land.

If there are more than a certain number of ships at sea, it is impossible to dock at the same time. If there are warships resting in the military port, there must be warships sailing on the sea. The sea is so big, and there is no high ground that can be clearly seen from high to low, unless It is the information that the spies can only read if they can get the commander of the other party, otherwise they can only rely on guesswork.

Not only did the Gupta Dynasty rely on guesses about the number of warships of the Han Kingdom, but the Han Kingdom also guessed the number of warships of the Gupta Dynasty. Only the core executives of both sides had clear data on how many warships could participate in the war.

"The number of warships of various sizes that the enemy army came straight to our side is far more than five hundred, which is more than twice that of ours!" Jawala Kangding Warren said sternly: "Han The military power of the empire is far stronger than we guessed!"

On Ah San's side, there are a lot of nobles named Gawala, and those who can have "middle sequence" in their surnames are basically some ancestors who have done great things.

Ah San is another solidified society like Europa. To put it bluntly, dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and children born to mice can make holes. The trajectory of life is determined from the moment of birth. Can't change my own destiny.

Ah San's current caste system has not been corrupted yet. Although the class is fixed, the high-level education has not been relaxed at all. For example, Brahmins accept management and Kshatriyas learn how to fight. Gawala Kangding Warren Even if it is a brahman's straw bag, the basic qualities that should be there are still there.

Faced with the sudden big move from Han, Jawala Kangding Warren didn't panic. The reason may be a bit funny. The first one is that Ah San's life is safe even if he loses in battle. It can be guaranteed, and the second is that the first batch of Asan nobles who were defeated and captured have confirmed that they can be redeemed from Han, so they are not so afraid of defeat.

"The warships of the Han Empire are very sharp, but their fighting methods are very rigid." Salar Sakuman can speak, and looking at some of Ah San's class characteristics, it is obvious that he is a Kshatriya: "From the examples of previous battles Look, we're not without strength to contend with."

Salar Sakuman seems to be right. The Gupta Dynasty often fights more with less, and it can also fight vigorously when facing the Han navy with a numerical advantage.

The Gupta Dynasty had a very direct impression of the Han navy, thinking that the Han navy just took advantage of the sharpness of the warships. If the warships of both sides were the same, they should be the ones who taught the Han army how to behave.This impression is based on the confidence that some newly built warships of the Gupta Dynasty learned from the warships of the Han Dynasty and were able to win the battle with a small number.

"We have 37 new warships, one of which can contain two or three ships of the Han Empire, and the quality of the remaining warships is better than that of the Han people." Salar Sakuman finished speaking firmly and paused for a while Hui went on to say: "They must be approaching for landing, and they must allocate enough warships."

The fleet aimed at landing operations is of course divided into divisions. The generals of the Gupta Dynasty have not yet guessed the number of fleets led by Wang Kan, but they know very well that all warships will not be concentrated for maritime operations.

Just as the generals of the Gupta Dynasty guessed, the Han navy was divided into two parts after getting close enough. One part naturally pounced on the enemy forces at sea, while the other part stopped off the coast to prepare for landing operations.

"The fleet for landing is ready." Wang Kan is not talking nonsense, there must be a landing operation after the confrontation at sea, or else he will send people ashore to die.He has been watching the Gupta Navy not far away through the telescope, roughly guessing the number of enemy warships, and observing the formation of the enemy: "The wind is too weak today, but we must always pay attention to changes in the wind direction. Once the weather changes use."

What the Gupta Navy above the sea is doing is arranging a column formation, one squad at a time, each squad is in a line, and the hull is facing the Han Navy sideways.

Wang Kan was no stranger to that formation. The bed crossbows of Han warships were arranged at the bow, stern, and sides of the hull, and they could be used horizontally to exert the greatest power.He knew that the side of the Gupta Dynasty immediately learned from the advantages of the bed crossbow arrangement after discovering the advantages of the bed crossbow layout. The large-scale long-range weapons also adopted the same modification, so naturally they had to face the enemy horizontally.

Because the wind is weak, there is no need to seize the limelight and use the wind. The ships will not raise their sails at all under this wind, so the large number of Gupta warships keep their formation relatively calmly.

In fact, if it is not necessary, ships in naval battles will not raise their sails at all, or they will increase the attack surface. Once the sails are ignited by rockets, it is still a very bad thing, and it is very likely to turn into a fire for the entire ship.

In the past naval battles, the Han side also discovered a secret of the Gupta Dynasty, that is, the sails of some Gupta warships would not catch fire after being hit by rockets.The Han army captured ships whose sails would not catch fire. After research, they concluded that Ah San used Huo Huanbu as sails.

The legend of Huo Huan Bu existed in the Western Han Dynasty. It is an "artifact" that is not afraid of fire at all. If anyone has a piece of Hu Huan Bu, it can be regarded as a family heirloom. What makes the Han people full of sadness and envy is that Ah San used it Being a sail is simply unforgivable.

The sound of paddles beating against the sea resounded throughout the ranks of the Han navy. It was Wang Kan who ordered the fleet to launch an attack formation.

Looking down from a high altitude, the oars of the vast number of warships are stirring, one is the leader, and soon there are a large number of followers behind the buttocks. After forming a formation one after another, it seems that there are many long snakes on the sea. swimming.

When the warships of the Han Dynasty moved, Gupta's warships would naturally not stay in place. There was a sound of oars slapping the sea above the sea. The two sides shouted rhythmically in neat but different languages. The sea and even the dense forest along the coast were startled by flocks of birds.


Different languages ​​have the same meaning, which is that as the enemy's and our warships get closer and closer, the soldiers operating long-range attack weapons can fire weapons at any time under the reminder of the officers.

It was the Han army that was the first to shout the word "release". On the warships that became a long snake, after the groans of bowstrings and machinery, a thick arrow with a burning grease tip appeared. The crossbow arrows shot out, and they roared as they flew. Most of them shot into the air and fell into the sea water. A few hit the warship, and the sharp arrowheads had a close collision with the wood.

The bed crossbows of the Han people are undoubtedly farther than Asan's bed crossbows in range. Naturally, the long-range attack weapons of the Han people are the first to make a sound. As a result, the Gupta navy often fights with the Han country navy even if it is to seize the favorable wind in advance. Warships will always be forced to shorten the distance between Han warships.

At this moment, it was obvious that Gupta's fleet took the lead, but it was because the range of long-range weapons was not as good as human beings, and it was necessary to prevent the Han warships from "flying kites" as usual after the Han warships finished shooting. Trying hard to row the oars desperately trying to get closer...

(End of this chapter)

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