Chapter 74
Lian Chengbo found out that something was wrong when the detective cavalry reported that he did not find the enemy around him, but he thought that the hidden troops of the Han tribe must have hidden too well, and he did not believe that the army of the Han tribe would leave just like that.

It was like that until the early morning of the third day, when Liu Yan returned from the expedition again, and Lian Chengbo proudly told his nephew.

"You see, compared to them, we are more patient." Lian Chengbo didn't know that he was being tricked at all: "They lay in ambush for two days, and they lost their patience and came out. If we really think they are not there, go attack the camp , should be under siege."

Liu Yan's troops really "take" Jijin City. All the Hu people there have already run away, and they were occupied by the Han tribe without any resistance.

After the city was occupied, the local Hu people expressed their submission.This time, Ji Chang did not suggest killing all the barbarians in the city like Buqicheng. Instead, he suggested that Liu Yan express to the barbarians an attitude of letting go of the past as much as possible.

The Han tribe is still weak, so you can't act too repulsive to the barbarians. Excessive ostracism will make you cut yourself off from the world. You should treat the barbarians in Jijin City like Gui County, supporting a family to destroy the original largest family in Jijin City , Borrow the hands of the Hu people to rule the Hu people.

The Hu people will support the Jin people to suppress the Jin people, so why can't the Han tribe support the Hu people to suppress the Hu people?After finding out which family was the largest in Jijin City, Liu Yan quickly selected a mid-level barbarian family and wiped out the original largest family in Jijin City. The necessary guards led the troops on their way home.

In fact, Liu Yan was looking forward to the occupation of Jijin City, but unfortunately, he did not wait for any "reward" until he occupied it. It was just that the occupation of the county in his mind changed from 1/24 to 2/ 24, and there is no more fart.

Returning to the camp, the troops moved in to make necessary rest. Liu Yan asked Li Kuang, and learned that the barbarian cavalry outside had been working hard for three days, but there was no real-time probing attack.

"Sir, it's a good plan!" Liu Yan was never stingy when it was time to praise him: "Then, do we still follow the plan?"

Ji Chang was extremely happy that his judgment was correct.He made a suggestion to Liu Yan, that the barbarian horse team should not be followed like a follower, or it would cause great inconvenience to their next series of actions.His suggestion was to send out scouts to find the tribe's location and also try to make contact with the Hu cavalry.It would be great if it could be resolved peacefully, but if not, then start with the tribe of that cavalry team.

In this way, Lian Chengbo welcomed a group of people from the Han Department to invite him to talk.

The one who went out to talk was Li Kuang who asked for his order. He didn't bring many people with him, only a dozen or so people who were good at riding horses.

Lian Chengbo had long doubted his own judgment, but he couldn't show it.In the face of a dozen or so riders from the Han tribe who came over as if they were negotiating, he made a very deliberate attempt to frighten them. Seeing that he didn’t seem to be able to scare the Han tribe, he would be accused of horses and leave if he wanted to encircle him. For most of the day, I chose to ride with Twenty Lai.

"Trading or fighting?" There was no surprise on Lian Chengbo's face. Instead, he took it for granted and asked, "If it's a deal, what is the deal?"

Li Kuang looked at the more than five meters away, looked at the somewhat cunning Hu leader, and shouted: "The Han tribe produces weapons and salt. You can exchange slaves, cattle, sheep, or anything we think is useful."

"Weapons and salt!?" Lian Chengbo was finally surprised at this moment, but he was not surprised that the Han tribe was willing to trade these two things, but the Han tribe was able to manufacture weapons and produce salt.He rolled his eyes for a while: "The transaction is fine, but you must first compensate us with a hundred weapons!"

"My lord knew you would say that." Li Kuang showed his disdain appropriately, and shouted again: "My lord doesn't care about your crimes. You are already magnanimous, so don't mention the compensation. In terms of transactions, twelve cows are worth one." A war sword or a war knife, or 35 sheep, and three war horses for one. Salt..., slaves...", shouted a lot of data, calmed down and looked at Lianchengbo.

Lian Chengbo was talking casually about the compensation, but he didn't intend to let it go, threatening: "You guys trade with us just because you are afraid of us, if..."

"That's good, just keep fighting. We don't need to herd. We can find out where your tribe is anytime, anywhere, anytime. After that, you don't have to worry about grazing in peace!" Li Kuang looked disdainful and arrogant, pulling the reins and shouting at his companions. : "Negotiation failed, let's go!"

"Wait!" Lian Chengbo's attitude was a bit more correct: "How do I know that you are not trying to deceive us?"

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Whether you want to follow or not, it's up to you." Li Kuang didn't mean to stop leaving, and turned his head to explain: "We are willing to wait for you for three days, and we want to trade according to the deal just now. Come here with the goods. If you don’t want to trade, you and I will continue to fight.”

Lian Chengbo was lost in thought as he watched the ten riders galloping away.

Weapons and salt!The importance of weapons in troubled times does not need to be said too much, even the regular army of the imperial court does not have weapons for everyone.As for the salt?There are not many people selling salt at all, and most people use other salty things instead.

"Uncle?" Liancheng Boda licked his lips: "This is a rare opportunity."

If it wasn't rare, would Lian Chengbo hesitate?He was really worried that it was just a trap set by the Han Dynasty, and all deals were fake, just to set up a trap to kill them.But those are weapons and salt!No matter how much money you have, you can't just buy it if you want it!

"Immediately send someone to ask the family in Guixian County to see if the Han Dynasty really produced a large number of weapons and salt!" Lian Chengbo chose a safer method: "If it is true..., it must be traded. !"

It's a bit far away from Guixian County, but you can go back and forth in one morning if you gallop on a fast horse.Lian Chengbo soon knew the answer. More than one family in Gui County was trading weapons and salt with the Han. The number of weapons was limited, but the amount of salt traded was not restricted.

On the other hand, Ji Chang was communicating with Liu Yan. The matter of finding the Lianchengbo tribe has not been relaxed, and he is also planning for the opportunity to destroy the Lianchengbo tribe. It depends on whether Lianchengbo is really that cautious.

"It doesn't matter, if we can't destroy it, we can really trade." Liu Yan will of course control the number of weapons, but he will let go of the supply of salt: "We need a lot of people, if we can't destroy this tribe, let them do it." Tell more tribes that we can exchange slaves for weapons or salt here. Even if the exchange is not all people, we also desperately need horses, cattle, and sheep.”

Immediately, Ji Chang was excited: "Your Majesty is wise!" He saluted, and then said: "In this way, the advantages of not destroying that group of Hu tribes outweigh the disadvantages. We should not take the initiative to fight again. But we can use them to send people. Population, Your Majesty! With the population, we will continue to grow, and when the time comes..."

"Take the entire peninsula first!" Liu Yan looked excited, but he was extremely entangled in his heart. There was no reward for building another town center for the capture of Jijin City, and the system's population limit did not increase.He said firmly: "It is impossible to capture the entire Qingzhou in a short time, so build a stable rear!"

(End of this chapter)

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