sweeping the world

Chapter 738 The Long Journey

Chapter 738 The Long Journey

Wusun has a long history, and it is difficult to tell clearly if it is too far away.After all, Wusun people do not have their own written language, so they cannot make detailed historical records. They can only use pastoral songs as chanting from generation to generation.

There are written records of Wusun... Of course, it was not the Wusun people who recorded it themselves, but Zhuxia knew that there was a Wusun, and it was mentioned in the history of Zhuxia, so that the two Wusuns can be seen in the literature. Character.

According to the records of the Western Han Dynasty, the Wusun people were nomadic with the Yuezhi people at that time, and the place was probably between Dunhuang and Qilian in Gansu, which was close to the Western Regions and other countries at that time. The Huns are neighbors.

The Yuezhi people and the Wusun people mixed together, and the Yuezhi people were driven from the eastern grassland to the west by the Huns. Although the Yuezhi people were beaten badly by the Huns, the Yuezhi people can still bully the Wusun people, Wusun Kunmo Nandoumi was killed in the conflict with the Yuezhi people, which led to Wusun's first national subjugation.

Nandoumi's son, Lie Jiaomi, was adopted by Maodun, the hero of the Huns at that time, and rebuilt Wusun with the help of the Huns. After that, Wusun became a vassal of the Huns.

The Xiongnu and the Yuezhi are mortal enemies. In the ancient pre-Qin period... that is, the Warring States period of Zhuxia, they have been competing for grassland with each other. For a long time, the Yuezhi people were actually stronger than the Huns. At that time, the Xiongnu Xiongnu There are Yuezhi, Donghebei and Donghu. In fact, the Huns were oppressed miserably.

During the Spring and Autumn Period of Zhuxia, the Xiongnu were not the only ones who had been invading southward. For example, the Yuezhi people kept making troubles for the Yiqu people and the Qin State. Donghu people, the Xiongnu can only be regarded as small players among the Huns.

It was Maodun who concentrated the power of the various ministries of the Xiongnu, first overthrew the seemingly powerful Yuezhi, and then supported the Donghu, which made the grassland a dominant family, but that was in the late Warring States period. For the previous Yuezhi and Donghu, they always invaded the countries of the Central Plains.

There is no hypocrisy or falsehood at all. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States period, the people of Qin in the northwest were not the Huns when faced with the threat of the grassland. Except for the Rong and Di people who were beaten and tamed at the beginning, they were Yiqu people. It turned into the Yuezhi people, and waited for the Huns to defeat and drive away the Yuezhi people before the Huns became a new threat to the Qin people.

If you look for relevant historical materials, let’s not talk about the situation in the Spring and Autumn Period before the three families were divided into Jin.By the time the Xiongnu became a threat to the north of Zhao State, it was already in the late Warring States period.

And the enemy facing the north from the beginning to the end of Yan State is not the Huns, but the Donghu people.What I want to say is that Yan people have always had a miserable life, always being forgotten by Zhu Xia's brothers. There was a blank period of not being able to connect with Zhu Xia's brothers for a hundred years, and even Yan Guo was once wiped out by Donghu. The Zhuxia brothers didn’t know that there was such a thing. They had to wait for the people of Yan to return to the country and expel Donghu, and the people of Zhao in Jin State to expand their territory to the north before reconnecting with the State of Yan. thing. (true and true)

At the beginning of the rise of Maodun on the grassland, in fact, the Huns did not easily provoke the Zhuxia countries. Compared with desperately fighting with the highly civilized Zhuxia countries, the Huns prefer to trouble the tribes of the grasslands and the people of the Western Regions. He also had a great time playing the game of bullying the weak.

By the way, "Hu" is actually the name of Mao Dun. He is very ambitious to create a unified nation, so he has a plan that is not "Xia" but also "Hu". Prepare, before the southward invasion, we must unify all non-Zhuxia civilizations, and after unification, we will go south to collide with Zhuxia.

Therefore, "Hu" is actually not the name given by Zhu Xia. At that time, Zhu Xia used "Rong", "Di", "Yi", "Ghost" and "Man" as the main names to call aliens, and there were also detailed distinctions. The foreign race in which area it should be will never be vague or wrong.

In the beginning, "Hu" was a word for tall, big, and upper, which represented a huge and powerful tribe that was slowly rising.

And the "Hu" tribe has indeed risen, but not everyone will succumb to the authority of Modun. For example, most of the Donghu escaped and established their own tribes. The two largest tribes are Xianbei and Wu. Huan.The other Yuezhi were also unwilling to be "Hu", they were repeatedly defeated and fled westward.Wusun also doesn't think there is any advantage in being a "hu", and always wants to maintain his independence.

"Wusun abandoned the Xiongnu and became close to the Han, but it was just a combination of vertical and horizontal."

"What General Lang said is true."

Wherever Xun Xian caught his eye, he could see the endless grassland at a glance.He was the first batch of marching commanders to march into the Western Regions, and he knew very well that this experience was definitely not about gold plating, but about how high his future could be.

Before this group of people left Yangguan and headed westward, they already knew that there would still be allies after they went to the Western Regions, but they didn't know how useful Wusun could be.

The real situation is that Wusun lost his thigh and fell long ago. After Yizhimi, the grandson of Princess Jieyou, Wusun himself fell into civil strife. After the split, Wusun was the same as other countries. First, many powerful figures robbed the position of the boss.If they can fight for a boss, that's all. No one can be strong enough to eliminate the other competitors, and the division will naturally continue. After a long time of division, they will no longer be a whole.

"Today's Wusun has nothing left of its name, and the first envoys to come forward claim to be from the lineage of Xiang Dalu."

"Is it the prime minister?"

In a divided tribe (country), the official positions are completely empty, and there is no strong and convincing ruler on top of the head. As long as you have strength, you can put the title you want on your head.

After knowing that there were Han people in the east who reestablished the Han Kingdom, there were more than one group of Wusun who ran to the Central Plains to hug their thighs. Not to mention that there were no envoys who could represent the entire Wusun, and the official positions reported to the Han Kingdom would be repeated.

Han Guo quickly learned from the chaos of many Wusun envoys that the Wusun people were completely chaotic. The situation of beating people to death has been nearly 200 years. At the beginning of the division, the fighting was very fierce. Who was found later? There is no one who can reduce the intensity of the war, but the division will continue.

The unified Wusun is not yet able to unify the Western Regions, but it can suppress it to the greatest extent.Wusun wanted to unify the Western Regions after hugging his thighs, but the Huns did not allow it, and the Han Empire would not be willing to see a force to unify the Western Regions. Wusun has always been the hegemony of the Western Regions but has been In the end, the unification of the Western Regions will remain in the dream stage.

After the split, Wusun actually faced a step-by-step compression of the territory. During the Western Han Dynasty, he could still cross the Beishan Mountain (Tianshan Mountain). After the Eastern Han Dynasty, he retreated to the Beishan Mountain. In the Cao Wei period, Wusun took advantage of Cao Wei’s lack of effort to re-cross. Beishan, as a result, was driven away to Beishan in the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty.

Waiting for the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, it was the turn of the Huns to be the masters. The Wusun people actually wanted to embrace the thighs of the Huns very much. However, the Huns were finished before they could stand up for a long time.

Facing the Jie tribe brought to the Central Plains by the Huns from the Western Regions, the Wusun people hesitated whether to take refuge or not. As a result, Cheshi, Qiuci and other countries took the lead, and there was another major retreat of the Wusun people , Wusun's retreat this time was directly hundreds of miles away, and he almost ran out of his original territory to be with Yue Banren on the other side of Dayue Lake (Balkhash Lake).

The Jie people were not considered as a whole in the first place. They were actually slaves captured by the Xiongnu after they took control of the Western Regions. Later, a race would be formed that simply absorbed the national concept of Zhu Xia.Because the Jie people are from the Western Regions, they naturally want to be close to the Western Regions, and because the Jie people's route to the west is blocked by Zhang's Liangguo, most of them take a friendly attitude towards the Western Regions, but they don't treat Wusun very well.

There are Wusun people in Li Kuang's team, and they are not just representatives of a force.

The goal of these Wusun people going to the Han country is very clear, that is, to get the approval of the rulers of the Han country. After hugging their thighs, they want to complete the unification of Wusun. Perhaps they also want to learn from their ancestors and continue to be the overlord of the Western Regions.

After the Western Jin Dynasty withdrew from the stage of the Western Regions, the footsteps of the Han people stopped in Shanshan. Although the Han Kingdom consulted many surviving classics and learned about the Western Regions from the records of Zhang’s Liangguo, they were still looking at the flowers in the fog. Naturally, the existence of the leading party is needed, and the appearance of Wusun people is an excellent thing for Han.

"The great Han needs the Wusun people to march into the Western Regions." Li Kuang glanced at the Wusun people not far away, but said mockingly: "Selective support is inevitable, but the Wusun who is being divided is what the big man needs. Wusun."

Just like many people from the Western Regions, most of the people from the Western Regions are white-skinned, and they are not the same as the yellow-skinned Han people in appearance. If we say that we are really close, we can’t get close at all, and we don’t even want to compare them. Integrating into the mind of the big Han family.

Zhu Xia has had a very clear concept since ancient times. Under the unified country, only one nation is king. What has been persevering for a long time is the correct cause of turning Hu into Han. It is very clear that multi-ethnic groups are just making themselves uncomfortable, which leads to repeated expansion. After that, many foreign races disappeared in the long river of history. The foreign races were not physically eliminated, but they were actually integrated into the big family of Han people.

"The main reason is that Wusun people are too disgusting in appearance." Li Kuang said that the skin color is completely different: "The big Han can accept Qiang, Di and Zahu. The difference is only in living habits and ideas. After several generations There will be no difference. The white-skinned Wusun people...", Li Kuang was left with a series of "hehehe!".

The vast grassland without obvious landmarks is not so easy to walk without a leading party. Not only is it difficult to identify the route, but it is also reflected in whether the road will be blocked by the Gobi or swamp while walking, resulting in another detour Great circles to find new paths.

The first batch of soldiers and civilians who marched into the Western Regions did not march in a group, only a mob who didn't know anything...that is, a team without any organization would do that.But for a leader with some basic common sense, one point will be scored for the front, middle, and back of the points.

In terms of long-distance treks, water sources have always been a problem that must be faced. Sometimes food shortages can be solved by finding other solutions, but water shortages are really not solved just by thinking about it. As a result, you must first figure out the way forward for long-distance treks. In the end can not get water supplement.

They left Yangguan and walked westward for more than 200 miles, following the route that they had explored in advance to obtain supplemental water. They didn't even meet anyone on the way, and everyone knew that this was abnormal.

From Yangguan to the west, it was not a no-man's land. Some nomadic tribes in the Western Regions used to go [-] miles away from Yangguan to graze. Some tribes belonging to the Qiang also used this area as their habitat, but now it is Not a single person could be seen.

More than 200 miles may sound like a long time, but compared to the entire distance, which is a quarter of it, the further you go, the farther you are from the mainland.

"If you don't resolutely clear the wall and wilderness." Li Kuang could still laugh, because at least the water source along the way was still usable, so he said: "If they are as cruel as the Huns, they should throw their corpses into the water source to create a plague."

Jianqing Biye is not only used by farming peoples, the Huns used to play quite smoothly even in the situation of a big defeat. Not to mention the complete migration of tribes, they will also slaughter livestock, and even the corpses of tribesmen after death. Throwing it into the water source, in this way, the Han army who had penetrated into the grassland had no water source to replenish and had to give up the pursuit.

"The people of the Western Regions have been ruled by foreign forces for a long time, without the determination of the overlord race." Xun Xian will not lack the new terms he heard from Liu Yan.He had thought about the situation a long time ago, and he probably had a good idea of ​​what would happen: "They know very well that we are going on an expedition with the help of teachers, and the farther the battle location is from the Han mainland, the better it will be for them."

It is not that the Han has no information about the Western Regions. The instant information is that the camp of the coalition forces formed by the Western Regions is on the Puchang Sea. So far, there is no sign of the Western Regions moving. It is very likely that they intend to reserve it as a battlefield. .

The Allied Forces of the Western Regions originally had [-] to [-] troops, but within a few months it swelled to a small one hundred thousand. There is no doubt that the tribes who had left their habitats took the initiative or were forced to rendezvous.

"It is indeed beneficial to them." Li Kuang did not ignore that his side was more than [-] miles away from the mainland: "The Wusun people can't even beat the Cheshi people. We are truly alone in the Western Regions."

Xun Xian kept his smile unchanged, Zhu Xia has repeatedly marched into the Western Regions, and which time was he not alone at the beginning?Even if it is a lone army, it is also a lone army with a strong motherland behind it. Under the premise of a strong motherland, the people of the Western Regions never dare to do things absolutely, and even if the situation is not right, the people of the Western Regions will immediately jump back. There is no capital to afford to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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