sweeping the world

Chapter 727 People's Success and Failure

Chapter 727 People's Success and Failure

Born in one place, but anyone who has the ability and opportunity, no matter how cruel the person is, will think about doing something good for his hometown.This is the feeling of hometown.

Xie Ai is not a ruthless person. In this version of history, he did not have the famous battle in Xiliang, and naturally there is no legend of "Confucian generals in white clothes attacking Mahu".

In fact, Xie Ai is not well-known in history, just like those who fought against the Hulu many times during the Five Husbands, he has not received due respect from contemporary people.

If history had not been changed, Xie Ai was a Confucian scholar who would have become a general of the Liang Kingdom of the Zhang family. Small battles would not be counted, but the Zhao army that defeated Shijie in three major battles would have died in Zhang. The civil strife in Shiliang country left "Xie Ai Ji".This book still existed until the early years of the Tang Dynasty. When Wei Zheng compiled Sui Shu. Jing Ji Zhi, he recorded this book.

In this version of history changed by Liu Yan, Xie Ai's famous battle was the battle of chasing death and chasing the north in the grassland, chasing down a small number of fleeing Jie people, moving thousands of miles to invade the Tuoba Dai Kingdom, and fighting Rouran in the grassland. win.

At least in the current era, Zhu Xia still attaches great importance to external military exploits, and people still admire the Cao soldiers who dare to go deep into the Cao army. Especially since the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty that controlled the historical records was destroyed, those figures and martyrs who fought against the Hu people were not destroyed. Deliberately suppress or erase.

The small imperial courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty eliminated and suppressed those heroes who fought against the barbarians because of their cowardice. They had no face to explain to future generations what they had done, and could only ignore or even be hostile to some people who had really done great things.Not to mention the successive elimination and suppression of the small imperial courts, such as Zu Ti’s Northern Expedition, Yu Liang’s Northern Expedition, and Ran Min’s invitation to the Jin army to go north after the incident in Yecheng was rejected. If Ran Min is eliminated, he will be rewarded.

Only the victors are qualified to write history is the law. There are too many people who really did things for the nation and did not get their due historical status, just because those people stood on the losing side in the subsequent civil war. What they did No matter how good things are, they are basically denied. Unless they are not compatible with the new dynasty, otherwise they will not get the historical evaluation they deserve.

An obvious example also happened in contemporary times. The Han Dynasty under Liu Yan’s rule is also eliminating the influence of the Zhang family in Xiliang. For the justice of ruling this starting point.

There is nothing that can be done. Once the correctness and greatness of the Zhang family are promoted, will Liu Yan, who destroyed the Zhang family, become a villain?Next, people in the northwest will miss the Zhang family even more, which will create obstacles for the Han Dynasty to rule the northwest.That can only be a deliberate disregard, and not smearing it would be a sign of conscience.

When the Zhang family ruled the Northwest, it can't be said that they did a good job, at least they ensured that the vast majority of people had a stable environment.However, both Zhang's Liangguo and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty have the same problem. The power of the aristocratic families within the ruling area is unlimited, and most of the social resources are controlled by a few aristocratic and powerful families, but the vast majority of ordinary people. No matter how hard you try, you can't make your life any better.

Even if that is the case, the people in the Northwest are grateful to the Zhang family just because they are sheltered and prevented from being abused by the Hulu like their fellow clansmen in the Central Plains.Therefore, it is only through comparison that people can see the reality more clearly, but the people in the Northwest are grateful to the Zhang family, which is actually not good for the Han Dynasty to rule the Northwest.

Xie Ai had been an official in Zhang's Liangguo, but it cannot be said that he was excavated. The reason why he was able to be an official was a continuation of the family's politics.Behind him was turned into Liu Yan's servant after negotiations between the Han Kingdom and Zhang's Liang Kingdom. There was no betrayal in the change of status, and there was no moral loss.

As long as people have a realistic or philistine side, it's just that it's obvious or not. Xie Ai is the only person in the Northwest who can show his hands.

Before Zhang's Liangguo was not destroyed, although Xie Ai's official definition in Zhang's Liangguo was not a traitor, there was really not much positive affirmation, and he would even be smeared maliciously.

Waiting for Zhang's Liangguo to be destroyed, even if the Northwest people are unwilling to raise Xie Ai, it is to show that there are at least people in the Northwest who can stand on the stage, and I hope Xie Ai can take care of the Northwest.

Whether it is active or passive, as long as you are born in that place, you are from your hometown. No matter how badly someone from your hometown treats someone maliciously, and if you don’t take care of your hometown when someone is developed and capable, that person’s reputation will definitely not be good. where to go.

Obviously, people don't care how their hometown treats someone, they only feel that they don't even take care of the people in their hometown if they have the opportunity, how can they expect any benefit from following someone.

Xie Ai appeared in the northwest, and as soon as the news spread, not only Xie's former friends left for Rile, but also some people who felt that they had some face.

Those people may not have any special purpose in looking for Xie Ai, they may just pay a visit purely out of politeness and respect, but it is more out of a kind of township sentiment that has existed since ancient times, and they want to find a smooth road here in Xie Ai , Participate in the ruling class of the Han Dynasty.

Xie Ai is from Dunhuang County, and it is thousands of miles away from Dunhuang to Zhangye. When they arrived in Rile County, Xie Ai was actually not there.

"The Marquis of Xinting has no intention of avoiding us." Xie Ping is also the Dunhuang Xie family, but it is a side branch that is not included in Xie Ai's fifth service, otherwise he should have moved to Liu Yan's rule early.Even if he is a side branch, he still has a lot of status in the eyes of some people, so he said reservedly: "Please wait a moment, gentlemen, I will go to the county government to ask."

Dunhuang was a frontier in the era of great unification, and it was an out-and-out frontier even in the period of Zhang's Liangguo. It can even be said to be the front line for fighting from time to time.

Under normal circumstances, people in the borderlands are really not going to be honest, and truly honest people basically cannot survive in the borderlands.But their dishonesty is definitely not derogatory, it is more sturdy than the folk style in an absolutely complete area, that is, no matter how rich or big the family comes from, basically there is no sign of being pampered.

Xie Ping was a middle-aged man with dark skin and a strong and burly appearance. He got the answer he wanted without much effort. Xie Ai was heading to Yumen, which meant that they and Xie Ai missed it.

Now there are two places called Yumen.The full name is Yumen Pass, which is located in Dunhuang County. It is a border pass in the true sense, and it is an important border military town along with Yangguan.The other Yumen is in the direction of Jinchang County close to Jiuquan County, very close to Jiayuguan in later generations.

Even if it is not a disaster year in the Northwest, quite a lot of areas are desolate. Most of the areas are either grasslands or Gobi, especially the most desolate north of Yiwu, and the north of Guzang and Zhangye County has simply formed a desert in modern times.

A long time ago, Dunhuang County, Jiuquan County, Zhangye County, and Wuxing County were actually the territories of the Hu people. A tribe called Xiutu occupied this land, and their main habitat was around the Qilian Mountains.

The Xiutu tribe was later merged into the Xiongnu, and the vicinity of Qilian Mountain became the site of the Youxian King of the Huns. It was only after the Western Han army marched here that it became a Han land.

Xie Ai's whereabouts are so easy to find, it is his deliberate behavior.He came to the Northwest to do too many things. Northwesterners have almost no sense of belonging to the Han Kingdom, and most of them are distrustful. Even if he is a Northwesterner himself, the bonus points he gets are quite limited, and he must be more. The people who cooperate with him, the people who will find him are either relatives, friends or old friends, who will be relatively trusting and cooperative, and they are good candidates for role models.

"Masters, in order not to miss it again. Hurry up as soon as possible?"

Everyone naturally responded to Xie Ping's opinion, they didn't even stop at Rile, and turned back to the road they just came from.

Rile County is not close to Yumen County. It takes nearly [-] miles to walk, and it takes half a month to walk. This is the reason why most places in the Northwest are flat. There are only a few Gobi along the way. Most are flat grasslands.As for the [-]-mile road, if it takes several months to walk in the mountains, it is not too long, and if there is no predecessor to open the road, it is not too much to walk around for a year.

It took Xie Ping and others six days to arrive at Yumen County, either on horseback or in a carriage.

They came to Yumen County again, but did not enter the county seat, but found that compared with the previous time, the number of people in Yumen County increased a lot this time, which was discovered from the crowds passing by on the road, and there were also a lot more camps around.

"These camps, except for the lack of fences and horse refusal, look like military camps in any way."

Of course it wasn't a military camp in the true sense, but there were quite a few military officers and soldiers inside. They were headed by Li Kuang. Yumen County was just a temporary stop, and the final camp was at Yangguan.

"Huh!? That guy, isn't he Xintinghou?"

Hearing this, Xie Ping saw a group of people walking in front of them, most of them were soldiers in armor, and Xie Ai, who was dressed in white as the main color, was crowded in the middle.

Xie Ai has been in Yumen County for nearly half a month, mainly waiting for Li Kuang to bring someone over.He has received many relatives and friends before and after. The local people in Yumen County have responded and took the lead in joining many new official initiatives. One of the achievements is that the people in the camp are young and strong.

In fact, even if there is no shortage of food in the Han country, even if there is no shortage of food, the Northwest will not distribute food on a large scale. Not only the Han country under Liu Yan’s rule, but also the previous dynasties have done the same thing, even the Qin Empire and the ancestors. The Han Dynasty would not distribute food for disaster relief at all, but only opened up the mountains and rivers to let the people survive by themselves.

It is precisely because of the previous examples that the government did not wantonly release grain in disaster years. Today, the Han Dynasty has not been criticized for not doing anything. The administrative document of the central opening of mountains and rivers has been issued to the counties and counties in the northwest, and there are additional corvee and labor recruitment. The practice is that the increase in the number of corvee and recruited workers is a drop in the bucket, so there is such a thing as encouraging civilian young people to join the military to seek a living outside.

"Nephew, Xie Ping, pay my respects to uncle." Xie Ping came to Xie Ai and saluted. After bending down and getting up again, he said: "My nephew and all the brothers, uncles, and uncles in my hometown heard the news and rushed to Jile, but they heard that uncle was coming. Yumen, return again day and night."

What has to be said is that Xie Ai really didn't know that he had a nephew like Xie Ping.According to custom, it is still necessary to verify, for example, asking Xie Ping to tell who his father's generation and the above are, and only then can the relationship be confirmed.

This year (AD 33), Xie Ping was 48 years old and Xie Ai was [-] years old.In terms of seniority and age, the two are really uncles and nephews, that is, Xie Ai is the main family, but Xie Ping is a side branch other than the fifth server. In addition, the blood is also very weak.

Xie Ai is now at the time of employing people, so he doesn't need to arrange any official position for Xie Ping, even if he messes up some things, the relationship is not so serious, he treats Xie Ping indifferently, but in the rest he follows Xie Ping From the perspective of the people who came, it made them think that it must be beneficial to get closer to Xie Ping.

"Uncle has an order, and my nephew must follow it." Xie Ping was very, very respectful: "My nephew is in his prime, so he should set an example. The eldest son of my nephew has also crowned himself, so he can follow along."

Xie Aicai didn't speak in an orderly tone, that is to say, the Han Dynasty now has a policy to organize people to go to the Western Regions. Of course, there is no need to explicitly mention what to do, just need to hint.He also knew why Xie Ping behaved like that, but he didn't mind at all, and even admired Xie Ping's performance.

The people who came from Dunhuang County all vowed: "We are the township party, Xintinghou has an order, and we must follow it!"

Xie Ai looked more satisfied.It has been six years since he left his hometown. People in his hometown still remember that he was very happy when he saw him first. Getting the cooperation and help from his hometown people is a good thing for wind critics. When outsiders mention it, he is the first person to behave If it doesn't fail, if the township party manages things beautifully, it will be a matter of great face.

By the way, Xie Ping married early, but his eldest son was only 15 years old.According to the customs of the Han family, the crowning ceremony is held at the age of 20, but that is not static.For example, if Xie Ping's family is in the frontier, they will perform the crown ceremony earlier than those in peaceful areas, so that the successors can participate in family affairs earlier.

Li Kuang, who has been standing by the side, is very envious of Xie Ai's constant visits or votes when he arrives in his hometown. The first thing you need to do to succeed in life is to see how many friends you have, and how many people are willing to help when you need help. What can be used to judge a person.

Of course, Xie Ai is Lord Hou, he is a successful person, and Li Kuang also knows that it is because of such a relationship that he is sought after by people in his hometown, but what does it matter?
"This is Marquis Yuanting." Xie Ai introduced Li Kuang to Xie Ping, and said, "This trip to the Western Regions is presided over by Marquis Yuanting."

Needless to say, not only Xie Ping immediately saluted respectfully, but also everyone around him hurriedly saluted.

No matter how close the news is, it is not difficult to inquire about people. For example, there are only about twenty marquises in the Han Dynasty. It's too much, not to mention that after they are willing to go to the Western Regions, Li Kuang can control their lives and future.

(End of this chapter)

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