Chapter 72

Since it is intended to turn the existing camp into a sentry-like existence, the construction of the fortifications cannot be stopped, but should be carried out in a more planned way.

Because it is the role of the sentry, the space certainly does not need to be too large, but the requirement is definitely to be firm.For Bingbao, Liu Yan has quite a few plans, but he is very clear that because of the different "eras", the plans mentioned may not necessarily work.

Regarding how to build an existence similar to a military fort, Liu Yan had a little communication with someone who could talk, and Ji Chang gave a good suggestion, thinking that some people who were originally heads of various families had sufficient experience , including Li Kuang.

Besides Li Kuang, Ji Chang picked out Si Hongzhuang, Xie Ziyu, and Zhong Xing.They had a similar experience. They were all unlucky when the last wave of Hu people (Errong) cleaned up the powerful and powerful families in Changguang County. They were caught by the Hu people and almost made into jerky. Lucky to have relatives who survived.

"Some people still need to be used." Liu Yan was not too worried about what would happen to those who were originally the heads of the family. He said: "If you have merit, you can promote them appropriately."

It's difficult in this age. It's not easy to find a literate person, and it's even more difficult to find someone with a special specialty.If he didn't dare to hire someone because he was worried about who he used to be, Liu Yan would simply do everything by himself.

A group always needs to carry out division of labor. As a leader, lamenting that there are few people available under his command proves that the development has entered a peak period, and only forces with stagnant development will not appear to be in distress.

Liu Yan asked Li Kuang, Si Hongzhuang, Xie Ziyu, and Zhong Zhengxing to each be in charge of one direction, and began to build the military fort... well, it really is a military fort, and started further construction.

The planned number of people staying in the military fort is one camp, which is 50 people. A main building will be built, leaving a school field, necessary warehouses and other facilities.Considering that it needs to be used as a post station, it only occupies an area of ​​more than two acres, but at least one rammed earth wall needs to be built.

Later, Li Kuang and others gave more professional advice. There must be a cellar and a tunnel connecting the outside to prevent the news from being unable to be conveyed when surrounded.

Liu Yan was very happy to accept correct opinions, and recorded everyone's suggestions, first started working on some things that could be done now, and waited for the war to completely subside before working on the latter ones, and busy with other things.

There will be new actions soon, and those who have made meritorious deeds should also be rewarded and promoted. When counting the overall military merits, they must also count the gains, which can be regarded as a proper boost to morale.

It is not so reliable to record merit according to the first level. Liu Yan saw with his own eyes that many people had their heads cut off after the war, but who would be so serious?As long as the enemy's head can be obtained to repay the merit, it is necessary to turn a blind eye and close one eye.

Those who dared to fight were rewarded, and the treatment was completely favorable.Each of them has become the seed of the army's grassroots officers. A few outstanding performers are promoted in public, and then Liu Yan personally encourages them with a few words. After a series of words, those who are used for combat and those who are not motivated are quickly distinguished. out.

"Maybe we can learn from the military strategy of the pre-Qin period." Ji Chang held a bowl of hot broth in his hand, wisps of white smoke drifted, making his thin face a little psychedelic: "The strategy of farming and warfare."

Liu Yan immediately listened to it!
The pre-Qin strategy of farming and warfare is indeed suitable for fighting in troubled times, but there is a premise, without which it cannot go on.And this premise is not currently available in the Han Dynasty.

"Take down the peninsula first!" Liu Yan was also holding a bowl of broth, which definitely contained more meat than anyone else.He pondered on his face: "No matter how expensive it is to take down the peninsula, a defense system should be established."

That's right, Liu Yan became ruthless, and he was willing to build a "Great Wall" to enclose the peninsula, but he himself knew that it was stupid to do that?But... No matter how stupid you are, when you really need it, you still need to do it!
If the "Great Wall" is really going to be built on the peninsula, the total length will be more than [-] kilometers. As a result, Liu Yan mentioned it a little bit, and Ji Chang froze completely when he heard it.

"Your Majesty..." Ji Chang couldn't help but froze his face: "The city defense for hundreds of miles seems to be..." Doesn't it seem that it can't be built at all, right?I also don't think about how much manpower and material resources were used to build the Great Wall in the previous Warring States, and how many years it took to build it.

The prerequisite for the strategy of farming and war is land. It is just that the Han tribe does not have a piece of land that can be safely cultivated, so Liu Yan even had the idea of ​​​​building the "Great Wall".

Liu Yan is very embarrassed, he just mentioned it a little bit.In order to reduce embarrassment, he pointed to the barbarians wandering in the distance: "These guys are wandering outside all day long."

As expected, Ji Chang's attention was attracted, and he also turned his eyes away.

The people outside the Han camp were naturally led by Uncle Liancheng who was lingering around. After all the barbarians left, they were the only ones who still insisted on wandering around. This shows how unwilling Uncle Liancheng is to suffer.

"Hu cavalry..." Ji Chang smiled wryly: "That kind of Hu cavalry is not easy to deal with."

They had tried sending out baits and setting up traps, but even Uncle Cheng was obviously not stupid. As a result, the two sides went back and forth for several days, and that seemed to be it.

"It's a threat." Liu Yan has encountered such barbarians more than once: "They will always attack suddenly when they least expect it. With this cavalry of about [-] people, we are too restricted."

Even if there are all kinds of tricks, it is useless to face a group of temptations, but how can the cavalry just stare at it from afar?
"Your Majesty, tomorrow is the time to send troops to take Jijin City..." Ji Chang said without taking his eyes off Lian Chengbo's cavalry, "The big troop is leaving. I don't know if they are following or staying to covet the camp?"

"That depends on how much luggage the troops bring." Liu Yan understood instantly, and he felt that he and Ji Chang had a more and more tacit understanding: "It's a pity that there are no drums and banners, otherwise we can pretend."

"Your Majesty, it is inappropriate to show your banner now." Ji Chang's mental state became very strange in an instant: "Wait, keep waiting, Your Majesty will always show his banner one day."

Show the flag?That's really not something that can be done casually. The Zhao court did not collapse after that, and showing the banner now is tantamount to rebellion!

In fact, Liu Yan was quite looking forward to establishing his own banner, and he didn't think it was a rebellion.In fact, he is not someone from Hou Zhao at all, what kind of rebellion did he create?

As soon as the time for another expedition arrived, the camp was full of people early in the morning. They had to line up to get food first, which basically consisted of a few pancakes and a bamboo tube of hot soup.

Ah San is an officer, and these officers don't have much on the pancakes, but there is an extra piece of dried meat, even if it is in a bamboo tube, there will be more meat.

Just like ordinary soldiers, although pancakes are the same, the soup in the bamboo tube is really just soup, and there are no roots or leaves.

More senior officers, such as Xu Zheng and Lu Tai, are now big shots with personal soldiers. They don't need to get food by themselves at all, and their food is definitely better than those at the lower level.

The army is where the hierarchy is the strictest. Liu Yan knew this early on. He originally had the idea of ​​dividing treatment, which was perfected with Ji Chang's help, and he continued to implement it.

They are now only able to distinguish treatment differences in things, waiting for a better opportunity, not only in food, but also in housing, clothing, use... and many other places must also be divided into a level .

In fact, this is the case. People always need to have different treatment or levels. If the treatment is always the same, who is willing to pay more?Only when there is a reward for paying, people will have more desire to fight!
"Let's stay?" Zhong Xing looked gentle. He looked at the troops that were about to leave, and said to Li Kuang: "The large troops are leaving, and there is a cavalry of barbarians around. Our... task is not light."

Naturally, Li Kuang was also looking at the team preparing to go out, and nodded upon hearing the words: "Your Majesty and Chang Shi must have some disputes, but our identities are not enough to know those."

The two watched in silence for a long time, and one could see a desire in their eyes, a desire to climb up!
(End of this chapter)

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