sweeping the world

Chapter 718 Laying the foundation for the world (Happy Spring Chapter!)

Chapter 718 Laying the foundation for the world (Happy Chinese New Year!)
After the sacrifice to heaven, Liu Yan held a banquet in the main hall of Miyagi, but the process did not need to be described too much.

The banquet is not finished in one day. The night of the Winter Solstice Festival is held by the king, and there will be activities of its own afterwards. After all, people nowadays regard the Winter Solstice Festival as a "small year". It is one of the more important festivals. Go home It is very common to make door-to-door contacts.

Since it was a festival, and so many cultural people gathered in Old Chang'an, frequent literary fairs and the like were inevitable, but many works were produced, and many conflicts occurred.

"There are many inheritors who claim to be the inheritors of various schools of thought?"

"Back to the king, there are similar rumors, but there is no confirmation."

Are there still schools of thought?Liu Yan believes that there will still be.But he doesn't think there will be any inheritors, even if there are people who understand a certain school of thought, there are basically half of them.

You must know that Confucianism has been prosperous for too long, and it has spared no effort to fight against the remnants of the schools of thought. It is difficult for the schools of thought that have been besieged and eliminated to find a student. How can they find good people to pass on knowledge?
[It seems... there are some inheritances of the various schools of thought? ] Liu Yan thought uncertainly: 【Even in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, didn't Wang Xuance, the heir of the vertical and horizontal school, appear? 】

"It should be opportunistic." Sang Yu said mercilessly: "The king wants to start a school, which is not like the ancient Han Dynasty who only respected Confucianism."

Liu Yan actually hated Confucianism at first, because as a person of the new era, he knew the virtues of most Confucian scholars in the Song, Ming, and Qing Dynasties. It's so profound.

When Liu Yan really went to understand Confucianism, he realized that Confucianism in the Song, Ming, Qing, and before it was not the same thing at all. Then he also understood that there are good and bad people, and whether the theory is good depends on practicality and people, just like It is the same as whether the person with the knife does good or evil.

Generally speaking, Confucianism, which has digested the knowledge of many schools of thought, is neither good nor bad in this era. It is relatively rigid, and it is too biased towards metaphysics.

In fact, although Confucius founded Confucianism, Confucianism after him has been repeatedly modified or even tampered with by later generations. Many people think it is a "pot" without punctuation marks, but even if there are punctuation marks, I really want to How hard is it to distort the meaning of a sentence?
Confucianism, like Legalism, can "evolve" to cater to the rulers. To some extent, Confucianism is more powerful than Legalism.At least Confucianism will struggle a little when being persecuted by the rulers, and even Confucianism will challenge the rulers, but Legalism really caters to the needs of the rulers infinitely.

"I have never said that I don't respect Confucianism." Liu Yan completely ignored Sang Yu's dumbfounded expression: "Respecting one family alone can unify the thoughts of the whole country. Too many theories can make a hundred schools of thought contend, but the thinking is also chaotic."

Every ruler hopes that his subordinates can rule better. No matter what theory is used, it is basically to achieve a goal that is beneficial to him.Confucianism will turn to fool the people, and the "pot" should be thrown to the rulers and those Confucian scholars who cater to the rulers, instead of throwing the "pot" entirely on Confucianism.

"But..." Sang Yu's crotch hurt a little, and he was full of doubts: "But doesn't the big man rule the country according to the law?"

Many officials in the Han Dynasty always thought that Liu Yan was going to follow the route of the Qin Empire. This was the result of Liu Yan's emphasis on the legal system, which led many officials to start learning the knowledge of the Legalists, and even began to pretend to be disciples of the Legalists. Sang Yu is one of them.

"What the widow wants is unity of thought." Liu Yan was rather surprised, and asked wonderingly, "Is there any conflict with the rule of law?"

Which dynasty has no laws?Governing the country by law is the real kingly way, which has been proved long ago in modern times.

"Governing the country according to the law..." Sang Yu had too many questions, he hesitated: "Confucianism uses literature to disrupt the law, and chivalry uses martial arts to violate the prohibition. Respecting Confucianism, how solemn is the law?"

"The widow did not say to respect Confucianism." Liu Yan was very troubled by the question. He was not good at this, or he could just come up with a set of theories himself.He looked at the bewildered people, and said: "If I have a unified mind! Confucianism can achieve what I want, how about respecting Confucianism, how about respecting the law, what kind of theory can achieve it, I will respect it!"

The ministers did not dare to underestimate them. They are different from Liu Yan who traveled from later generations. Their concept is that once the king likes a certain theory, that theory will inevitably become prominent. People who study that theory are naturally more likely to be favored. When encountering some domineering theories, they will take advantage of the situation and force people who study other theories to have no way out. Otherwise, the court will not be full of Confucian scholars after only respecting Confucianism.

"Maintaining the stability of the country requires Legalists, developing national strength requires Zaijia, defending the country and conducting foreign campaigns requires military strategists..." Liu Yan cited quite a few examples and said helplessly: "Can't we comprehensively summarize it?"

Modern people, which one is not a pragmatist?No matter what theory it is, what can be used is a good theory.Furthermore, a party allows many internal factions, but a theory does not allow many branches?

The first person to understand was Ji Chang. He was excited at first, and then embarrassed: "Confucianism has digested many theories of various schools of thought, and it has long been not pure Confucianism. Is there a difference?"

"Please explain it clearly." Liu Yan started to get a little impatient: "No matter which theory it is, it is all the study of Xia. Can it be collectively called 'Xia study' or 'Han study', only taking the essence and discarding the dross?" .”

The academic circles of later generations believed that the Xia Dynasty was the first dynasty of the descendants of the Xia Dynasty, but it was difficult to find strong proof for a time, so that Western countries believed that there was no "Xia" dynasty at all. The most direct evidence to prove the existence of the Xia Dynasty is that there are records about the Xia Dynasty on the tripod vessels unearthed in the Shang Dynasty.

Ji Chang and Sang Yu looked at each other in an instant, and they had already fully understood that the king of his family was simply ambitious, and wanted to combine all theories including Confucianism for the use of Han, even the "Xia Shuo" The titles that are so high above the sky are all used.

Liu Yan's idea is still very straightforward. Later dynasties have been emphasizing "Chinese culture". No matter what the purpose was at the beginning, it was to standardize and collectively refer to the cultures of all dynasties and generations.This approach is of course correct. First of all, they are all part of "Chinese culture", so there is no need to argue about which region they come from, and there is no need for internal disputes.

The ancients liked to engage in cultural supremacy, and it is not too scary for people from different schools of thought to fight each other.They will fight so fiercely because their differences are too obvious, causing no one to obey the other, so they should be regarded as branches of the same culture fundamentally.They all belong to the extension of a certain main culture, and if they fight again, it will be completely difficult for the authorities.

"'Xia Xue' is a good name." Ran Min took the opportunity and said loudly: "It sounds grand and grand."

The reason why they are called "Zhu Xia" is not only because the Xia Dynasty was the first dynasty, but also because they all originated from the same ethnic group. The reason why they are called "Zhu Xia" is because of the differences in the culture and values ​​of subsequent development. The word "Xia" itself represents the source. All the theories are kneaded together and called "Xia Xue". Whoever opposes it is a traitor who betrays his ancestors and does not regard himself as a member of Zhu Xia.

"What General Hussars said is very true." Ji Chang was still a little worried just now. If Liu Yan believes in the title of "Sinology", it can basically only represent the contemporary era: "No one dares to call it "Xia Xue" Dissatisfied."

A huge event has been confirmed so hastily. Regardless of whether the participants have realized the importance of it or not, they are all excited and excited anyway.

"It's fine if no one dares to disobey." Liu Yan is also very happy. The problem is that the current "Chinese culture" basically won't be recognized, or it would be more in line with his wishes.He began to assign tasks in an orderly tone: "During the young year, those scholars were very lively, so let them stop arguing."

The people who belonged to the civil service system stood up and saluted. They will use different means to reveal today's decision. It would be fine if those cultural people accept it calmly. Guys who disagree take it or evaporate.

Everyone left from Liu Yan, leaving the palace gate and Ji Chang stood still.

I don't know whether it was forgot or deliberately, just now Liu Yan didn't designate anyone to be the leader. Ji Chang knew very well that although he was the prime minister, he was the leader of course, but some Jiuqing, including Sang Yu and Lu Yi, would not be so safe. share.

It is not a trivial matter for a country to determine culture. Whoever implements it can benefit from it. Sang Yu considers himself the leader of the northern faction, and Lu Yi is forced to become the leader of the southern faction. Even if they don’t want to fight, they will be forced by their followers later. Ji Chang stopped to have a frank talk with the two of them.

"Tai'an, Yu knows a place with beautiful scenery." Sang Yu obviously knew why Ji Chang stood still, and said with a smile, "Let's go together?"

Lu Yi was not polite at all, and continued the topic: "Let's go together."

Ji Chang nodded expressionlessly, but what he didn't expect was that Ran Min pulled Xu Zheng also over, bragging about going together.

"It's not a lot of trouble." Ran Min said directly: "Xia Xue naturally also includes military science, how can you and other literati be fully represented?"

Xu Zheng was very helpless at first, but when he heard what Ran Min said, he immediately reacted, nodded solemnly and said that he must go.

Sang Yu wished the water would be more muddy, so he smiled and chimed in.

The so-called beautiful place is not in the city, but near the Lishan Mountain in the southwest of the old Great Wall. This place was originally part of Shanglin Garden. It is rumored that the Qin Mausoleum of the First Emperor is still there, but no one has really found the Qin Mausoleum of the First Emperor in the past few hundred years. It's just where it is.

Since it is the Winter Solstice Festival, the weather is naturally not much warmer. It is because of the climate change that there is no snow today, but to be honest, it is very cold.

"What's wrong, I chose such a remote place." Ran Min is not afraid of the cold, but simply feels that the surrounding scenery is not so beautiful at all: "At first glance, everything is withered, how beautiful is it?"

Sang Yu pretended not to hear even if he heard it, while the others smiled wryly.

By the way, the last ones were not only the ones agreed upon, but also the Sangong Jiuqing, and even generals at the Zhengzi level were notified by Ji Chang.

There are attendants building a shed, and maids preparing a banquet, making this place where no one has visited for many years suddenly gain popularity.

"The first emperor swept all the wastelands and six hegemons, and once again unified the Xia. The merits of this era will benefit the future." What Ji Chang said was also something that Confucian scholars have repeatedly denied.After he finished speaking, he looked at everyone, and waited for a while before continuing: "All Xia are one, and the theory of unification cannot be abandoned. We are standing where the Qin Mausoleum of the First Emperor is rumored to be. Do you have any ideas?"

Even if the people present have no sense of existence in normal times, they are all high-ranking officials and important ministers, and they are all vested interests in the present. Protecting the country is tantamount to defending themselves. Some people understood the meaning of Ji Chang's words, Some people really didn't understand.

"The first emperor not only swept across the world." Sang Yu said with a smile: "There are also cars on the same track, books on the same text, and walking on the same wheel."

Even people who have never read history books basically know those things. You can call Shi Huangdi cruel, but you must never deny Shi Huang's contribution to Zhu Xia, otherwise it is hard to say whether Zhu Xia is still one.

"The First Emperor did not unify his thinking." This is what Ji Chang wanted to say.He glanced at the crowd again, and said with all seriousness: "Today, I want to make up for this gap, and I want to gather the studies of Zhu Xia. Do you know what a great cause this is?"

The unification of thought was done by Liu Che, Emperor Xiaowu of the Han Dynasty, and he did it very well, but it didn't last long, and he even supported the monster of Confucianism.

Contemporary people will not say that there is anything wrong with Confucianism. If it is really bad, it is some people's business and has nothing to do with the theory.

Then, contemporary Confucianism has not yet gone into the study of how to fool the people, but has been turned into how to study metaphysics by the mainstream.

Ran Min is not a brainless person, but he really doesn't like to go around, so he didn't feel any embarrassment at all and said: "What exactly is the prime minister trying to say, it's too mysterious and I can't understand it!"

In an instant, Xu Zheng quickly moved a few steps to the side, feeling ashamed to stand side by side with Ran Min.

"..." Ji Chang felt that he was speaking very seriously, but he didn't know whether Ran Min was doing it on purpose or just making jokes.He glared at Ran Min rather depressedly, and simply opened up and said: "If this is really done, we will not only be the founding heroes and leave a name in history, but also be with the words."

"That's the case!" Sang Yu agreed with this point very much, that is, to fight or to fight, and said: "Because it is an unprecedented great achievement, no matter how much it is valued. Yu privately thinks that the theory of the south is too crooked... ..."

Lu Yi didn't care about being polite at all, and just yelled, "Hold on, Doctor Imperial Envoy!"

(End of this chapter)

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