sweeping the world

Chapter 713 The Great Confucianism in Attack

Chapter 713 The Great Confucianism in Attack
It seems to be the same thing. Since the Central Plains were turbulent, the culture has been transferred to the south. After the end of the Five Husbands and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the cultural circle of the Central Plains failed to recover for a long time. It took decades to revive the cultural circle after the war ended and the Tang Dynasty was established.

Now is the period of time when the rule of the Jie clan has just ended. After the ravages of the Hulu of all ethnic groups, those who can escape flee to the south, especially the aristocratic and wealthy families are the most able to escape. Most people in the Central Plains seem to be struggling to survive. Difficult, how can there be such an atmosphere to engage in any culture, the culture in the north is naturally barren.

Under the original rule of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the cultural atmosphere was still quite strong. Many XX families and XX families were born, especially calligraphers, thinkers and metaphysicians, who were all sought after, and famous people abound. yes.

Liu Yan's order to recruit talents not only attracted people from the mountain gate who had heard the news, it can be said that the south was mobilized in full force, and no one wanted to be isolated from the "government group".

The Han Dynasty has been established for nearly nine years, and no single theory has been able to become the "core". This is something that all intellectuals can see.They originally thought that the new Han Dynasty would be dominated by military strategists and Legalists, and would follow the old path of the Qin Empire. There were countless people who "changed their doors" and studied Legalist classics, especially those who moved closer to the military. Can there be a place in the new "Government Group"?
The emergence of the recruitment order will inevitably cause a sensation. Not only does the king need talents, but it also means that the king actually needs a "core" doctrine.Does that mean that the king didn't actually want the Legalists to dominate the world, but that the king didn't decide which theory should be the core at all?
It has been hundreds of years since Confucianism became hegemonic. In fact, some people are planning to counterattack. Some people who are more extreme are even determined to fight to the death, thinking that no matter what, they cannot let Legalism rise again, no matter what. Maintain the hegemony of Confucianism.If Liu Yan had not issued the order to recruit talents, no matter how much time passed, Confucian counterattacks would inevitably appear, it just differed in how they appeared.

Are there still legalists?no one knows.Legalist disciples have pretended to be Confucian scholars for hundreds of years, pretending that they are not even sure whether they are members of the Legalist school. Furthermore, quite a few legalist classics have been revised and revised again and again, and it really takes time to repurify.Only when the legalist classics are rearranged can new legalists emerge, and legalism can become as prominent as it was during the Qin Empire.

What is certain is that because the drama of "Rupi Dharma Bones" has been going on for too long, there really is no Legalist powerful person. Otherwise, eight years would be enough time for the Legalist powerful person to run the court into an iron barrel. .After all, Liu Yan was really ruling the world by law and provided an excellent environment for the development of Legalism, but at the end of the eighth year of Yuanshuo, it was still the same.

"In troubled times, heavy codes should be used, and it is the time when the legal system rises."

Luo Han is 57 years old this year, but he looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties. After he arrived in Guanzhong with a group of friends, he entered the old Chang'an City and was arranged in a post house.

No matter where they come from, and they have traveled so far, they must be able to see the actual situation of the Han country with their eyes along the way. Many places have come out of the war, but it is not necessarily true that they can develop well, let alone In many places, the ruins after the war can still be seen.

If you want to say something about governing the country, you must first understand the current state of the country. It is obvious that the Han Dynasty has great military power, but the domestic situation is really far from what it should have been in the prosperity of the Chinese dynasty.

"Heavy codes can suppress Xiaoxiao, make bad people dare not do evil, and restore order to society. It is difficult to rule people by law, but it is difficult to have a real prosperity. Only when morality is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people can there be a real great world."

This is also the common view of Confucian disciples. They did not ignore the necessity of the law, but they also believed that only by making a person truly a moral person from the heart can the chaos be truly eradicated.Therefore, they attach much more importance to moral education than to the popularization of laws.

Make everyone moral?Confucianism has been striving for this goal for nearly a thousand years, but it started with Confucius.Confucius founded Confucianism with the goal of making Confucianism the study of governing the country. I kept traveling around the world to seek officials, and all my disciples were also running on the road to becoming officials. They still knew that at least they had to have the right to use the Confucian methods of governing the world.

It is a pity that in the Spring and Autumn Period, there were endless wars, and Confucianism was really not suitable for that kind of world of great controversy. The few vassal states that used Confucianism to govern the country soon perished, causing all vassal states to avoid Confucianism even more.

In fact, the Confucianism of Confucius is not the same as the Confucianism after he ascended to heaven. If you want to say which of the various theories has been changed the most, it is definitely Confucianism.

After the Han Dynasty dominated Confucianism, various schools disappeared. However, each school did not really disappear, but became an undercover agent hidden in Confucianism, especially Legalism, which played the most skillfully.From the pre-Han period to the Wuhuluanhua period, there have been many great Confucianists who are famous for their legal system. With so many disciples of Confucianism in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, they are examples of the power of the Legalists. No one thinks there is anything strange, at most they think "Creampie Traitor".

"Confucius said to achieve benevolence, Meng said to achieve righteousness. Now is the time for us to achieve benevolence and achieve righteousness."

The speaker was Zhang Kang, one of the world-famous "Three Zhangs".He was about forty years old, and once served as the prefect of Shu County in the Western Jin Dynasty, he annotated many classics, among which "Mingtang Yueling" and "Zhongtai Yaoxiu" are the most famous.

"Three Zhangs" refers to Zhang Zai, Zhang Xie, and Zhang Kang. The three are brothers, and they have made great achievements in their respective fields.This time, only Zhang Kang entered the pass. Although he himself has commented on many scriptures, he is best at music and martial arts.

"San Zhang"'s father, Zhang Shou, is a big celebrity. He is famous for being good at painting, and he is best at drawing figures. There are works by him in the modern Zhou Gongli Palace in Chengdu.He has painted the 72 disciples of Zhongni, the three emperors, the five emperors, the emperors, ministers and sages from the three generations to the Han Dynasty.

In contemporary terms, Zhang Shou's paintings are extremely popular among literati and poets.Wang Xizhi kept collecting but could not find Zhang Shou's paintings, so he once said, "You can't see the hatred you feel".

"Benevolence and righteousness..." Sun Fang looked at Zhang Kang in surprise: "Why is this?"

In the past history, even before the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty perished, too many people yelled "Benevolence and righteousness". A few people really went north to fight the Hulu.It just so happened that there were too few people who went north to look for the Hulu, and as a result, those few people were famous, and they were destined to stay in history and become a model.

Sun Fang, if you want to say that he is a disciple of Confucianism, he is actually talking about Zhuang Zhou.When he was young, he had a conversation with his father when he was hunting with Yu Liang, and that conversation made Sun Fang completely famous in the south, and it also paved the way for Sun Fang's future official career, all because the person he answered was called Yu Liang.

Zhuang Zhou?It seems to belong to Mr. Huang, right?He is really one of the representatives of the Huang-Lao School, and he can't stand Confucianism digesting all schools of thought.Regardless of which theory it belonged to before, after the tragedy of the schools of thought, it has become one of the "nutrients" of Confucianism. If you have an opinion, let people from the schools of thought jump out, and you will definitely be surrounded and beaten to death.

Zhang Kang was stunned. There seemed to be nothing wrong with what he said. The Han Dynasty's pursuit of ruling the country by law was tantamount to respecting Confucianism alone. After that, Confucianism encountered the strongest challenge. In order to protect Confucianism, everyone should not be mentally prepared to be benevolent and righteous. ?

"I came here this time to be honored by the king, not a dispute of morality." Luo Han smiled very gently: "My lords, please don't talk nonsense."

It was because Luo Han was famous and able to convince the public, and what he said was very reasonable, so they all stopped.

Liu Yan completed the great cause of expelling the Hulu, and the Han army was still invincible. The country just didn't have time to develop after the war, and they didn't want to reject Liu Yan's dominance.Even if it is appropriate, yelling so much at the posthouse is waiting for soldiers to clean it up?
In order to receive cultural people from all directions, the construction specifications of the post house are not small. It can be said that the post house was built as the second most comfortable and gorgeous building complex in old Chang'an. The other is the palace where Liu Yan temporarily stayed.

The reason why it is called a group of buildings is that the post house is very large and has its own small courtyard. It is more appropriate to describe it as a manor.

The people from all directions are arranged according to the division of regions. People from the south of the Yangtze River, such as Luo Han, live in different small courtyards, but they are basically arranged in the same area, and people from other places are also arranged. Same arrangement.

While they, a group of intellectuals from the south, stayed in the posthouse and talked, the northern intellectuals were wandering around led by Zhang Gan and Li Mao.

Unlike the so-called "people in the mountain gate" in the north, there are only hermits who are not hermits in the south.

Zhang Gan and Li Mao drove people to visit because they realized the profound inadequacy. The speeches they had prepared were full of rebuttals, and it seemed that it was difficult to match the reality. If they really want to make a difference, they can only seize the time to understand the real current situation. , Do nothing is both shameful and ignorant.

The north is currently a barren land of culture. Even after some great Confucianists have repeatedly turned to the Hulu to discredit the northern gentry, didn’t Liu Yan raise troops in the north? Some cultural people united with Liu Yan. Generally speaking, in this competition It still has an advantage over the southern gentry.

The southern gentry group is actually the aristocratic family group in the small court period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It is actually not easy for the gentry to live to the eighth year of Yuanshuo. The ones who danced happily before were either cut off by Huan Wen, or they hid after making trouble. Only those who are willing to live in peace (hibernation) can move without official positions.

"There is no doubt that this is a rare opportunity for scholars in the south." Since Luo Han is regarded as a leader, he should shoulder the responsibilities of a leader: "As far as the gathering is concerned, only seek the Dao and talk about others."

They didn't know in advance that the official would have such an arrangement, but it was easier for them to discuss it, without having to talk about it and find someone separately.

"The north is already full of demons." Zhang Kang was talking about the rebellion of many Confucian scholars, such as Sang Yu, who is taking the lead in becoming a true Legalist.He himself is not a real Confucian scholar, otherwise he would not be best at temperament and tricks, it should be the scriptures: "Sure enough, the king has something to like, and the people follow him."

"So what can I do?" Sun Fang didn't like Zhang Kang himself, and only wanted to show some face to Zhang Kang's parents and elder brother.He didn't think there was anything wrong with preferring Laozhuang before, but recently he felt more and more that it would be good to be one of the Huang-Lao schools, but he didn't dare to say it or show it: "In the past, there was Emperor Xiaowu who was good at Confucianism, but there was Abandon the Confucianism of the hundred schools of thought. The doctrine changes according to the king's liking, and there is nothing like this."

If after the Song Dynasty, as long as a Confucian scholar dared to shout "The king doesn't love Confucianism, then depose the king", it would really be successful.That is, as long as you are a scholar, you consider yourself a Confucian scholar. Not only do they control public opinion, but everyone in the court is also a disciple of a saint.

Now, the situation is different from that of the Song Dynasty. First, there was a melee between the feudal lords at the end of the Han Dynasty, and then the Three Kingdoms stood side by side, and then there was the Hulu rampant stage.

The prosperity of any theory has always depended on the needs of the imperial court. No one has any objections. Cao Cao, a former legalist disciple, can clearly reveal his identity. I dare not let it go, the facts have long proved that any theory that can be favored by the king may become a prominent one.

There is some basis for saying that Cao Cao is a disciple of the Legalists. Otherwise, as a Confucian scholar, he must give the Kong family some face. ?

"The great Han prospered because the king had no great Confucianism." Luo Han believed that this was true, and he said with confidence: "Nowadays great Confucians from all over the world gather in Chang'an, and when they have an audience, they will definitely make the king know the importance of Confucianism. "

What did all the great Confucians in the north do?They went to seek refuge with the Hulu one after another, and all of them were very loyal. For example, some of the more famous Confucian scholars followed the Hulu loyally even when they were about to die.Well, it’s not that those great Confucians didn’t want to return to Zhu Xia’s embrace, it’s that those who did that were all liquidated, forcing them to go all the way to the dark.

"Mr. Fuhe's words are very kind!"

They are really confident. Before, they couldn't even meet Liu Yan face to face, and they didn't have a chance to speak a thousand words.Once they are given a chance to speak, everyone thinks that they have a solid tongue and will be able to speak Liu Yan to his senses.

"Your Majesty will meet us?" Sun Bing was young, so he didn't hide so much: "Then we (the southern gentry) can return to the court."

Sometimes it is embarrassing for adults when children talk, like now.Saying a thousand words and ten thousand words, learning what to say is not the most important thing, what is important is that they cannot become marginalized people!

…Dividing line…

There is a bug in Chapter 717. Sun Kang has not been born yet and has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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