sweeping the world

Chapter 701 Kicked to the iron plate?

Chapter 701 Kicked to the iron plate?
"It is impossible for the Gupta Dynasty to sit still and die."

The season has entered the middle of autumn. In previous years, Guanzhong was already cool at this time, but this year it is still a bit hot.

Liu Yan has been touring various counties in Guanzhong for more than two months. At first, he was active around the old and new Chang'an. He mainly wanted to see with his own eyes the organizational situation, the attention paid to various logistics distribution, the recruited corvees and the lives of the employed civilians. state.After touring the old and new Chang'an for more than a month, the journey turned westward, first entering Shiping County along the Weishui River to survey the local geology, and then passing through Fufeng County, Lueyang County, and Tianshui County all the way west to Longxi County. .

There were a few light rains in Guanzhong when autumn came, but the amount of rain was much less than in previous years. A survey of the water level of the Wei River also found that it has dropped a lot, but the more we go west, the more certain there will be a drought. guess.

"The Gupta Dynasty is a regional hegemony, and of course it has a strong influence on neighboring countries. Furthermore, we appeared very suddenly, and with the prestige of the former Han Dynasty, the countries in that area dare not take it lightly."

The first Han refers to the Western Han and Eastern Han, not counting the countries established by the Hu people.

The first emperor swept across the world and formed a unified pattern, but the Qin Empire did not exist for long. During the period of the second emperor, the original six kingdoms were restored, and the three counties in southern Xinjiang that the first emperor conquered also lost control.

After the wars at the end of the Qin Dynasty, and then the struggle for supremacy between Chu and Han, Han Gaozu Liu Bang finally became the new emperor, but the territory of the Western Han Dynasty was not as large as that of the Qin Empire. There are more people in the land to build a country, and some countries that were destroyed are also revived.

In 150 BC, the territory of the Western Han Dynasty was 210 million square kilometers; by 120 BC, it had increased to 260 million square kilometers; by the first year of AD, it had rapidly expanded to 610 million square kilometers.

During the unified period of the Qin Empire, the living space of the Zhuxia civilization was 340 million square kilometers. Before the fall of the Western Han Dynasty, it was stable at 610 million square kilometers. At the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was 420 million square kilometers. By the time of the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the largest territory was 580 million square kilometers. square kilometers, that is to say, the Eastern Han Dynasty has always been smaller than the Western Han Dynasty in terms of territorial area.

The Western Han Dynasty was a period of expansion of the Xia civilization. Liu Che opened up the living space belonging to the Han people more than three times in his life. It was the blood of countless soldiers. It is not an exaggeration to say that every inch of mountains and rivers is filled with blood.Later, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty worked hard to govern, and the Han people entered a new round of development period, which expanded the living space of the Han people to the extreme at that time.

After the pre-Han period, Han people were not only a title, but also a synonym for a martial spirit. The word "hero" is already representative enough.The pre-Han eradicated countless countries and families, and gained a great reputation. Only then did people claim to be Han people regardless of the dynasty.

The idea that the Han people are sheep, the Hu people are wolves, and there are some wolf totems and stuff like that, the Han people are born weak, and other ethnic groups are born strong, etc. are just nonsense, just like China The saying that one person is a dragon and many people are worms is actually a public opinion offensive with sinister intentions.Just as Goebbels said during World War II, a lie told ten thousand times becomes the truth. Under repeated bombardment of information, the false becomes true, and the nature of a nation is distorted.

In fact, every time it is the turn of Han nationalism to rise, it is an opportunity for the prosperity of Zhuxia civilization, which brings about every revival and rapid expansion.

Every rise and expansion of the Han people is a nightmare for the surrounding area. During the new round of expansion during the Wu Zhou (Wu Zetian) period, the living space of the Zhuxia civilization reached 210 million square kilometers, the most extensive in history, making foreign countries and ethnic groups There is another name for the people of the central country, that is, Tang people.

A civilization that is good at war will never be unknown. How many alien races have heard of it represents how prosperous the reputation of that nation is.

"This is the situation we are encountering now. The illustrious military exploits made by our ancestors are so great that we, the younger generations, haven't really done it yet, and those countries have been frightened and have to stick together."

Any nation has its ancestors cut through the thorns and accumulated enough heritage for future generations. Some nations perish in that process, and some stand up again despite repeated catastrophes. Any nation that can always exist and continue , no matter how strong or weak, as long as you are not eliminated, it is a kind of victory.

Zhuxia civilization has periods of prosperity and periods of decline. It can be regarded as a relatively special existence in the forest of nations in the world. Now that it is Liu Yan's turn to be the leader of Zhuxia civilization, the situation facing him is far more complicated than before, at least in the previous dynasties. The farthest stage is only the Western Regions.

Just the reputation of the ancestors can scare the aliens trembling. As the descendants feel the glory, we should work harder not to tarnish the glory of the ancestors. It will inevitably become a consensus that we can't stop.And this is what Liu Yan wanted.

"The Gupta Dynasty is not the first step for a great man to step out, but it is a step that a great man should take seriously." Ji Chang said that there is nothing wrong with this sentence. He said, "Send more troops, my lord?"

Today's Han Dynasty has gone further than the Western Han and Eastern Han. It has incorporated the entire Korean Peninsula into its territory, marched into the Northeast Plain, occupied more than half of the grassland, invaded the depths of the Indo-China Peninsula, and even started to fight against the sea. The exploration has lived up to the predecessors.

The footsteps of the conquest of the Han Dynasty will not stop at Asan's territory, but the battle against the Gupta Dynasty has attracted a lot of attention, which means that the war against the Gupta Dynasty has set foot on the stage of the world island.

On the big stage of the World Island, anyone with a vision knows what it means. Just winning is not enough, you need to show great martial arts, the more powerful you show, the more helpful it will be for future expansion .

"Nowadays, most of the thirteen standing armies are in the state of being stationed." Xu Zheng was happy in his heart, and immediately said: "Seven standing armies can be transferred to participate in the war at any time."

Ji Chang was very helpless towards Xu Zheng who was climbing up the pole. The reason why he stopped large-scale use of troops was not only because of the outbreak of large-scale natural disasters, but also because of the need to stop and develop internal affairs to the greatest extent. That was an inevitable trend. The military is clearly not happy.

"Limited by sea transport capacity and land roads, it may be difficult to mobilize the seven standing troops." Sang Yu teased Xu Zheng: "I'm afraid the Taiwei will be disappointed."

It has been a while since Sang Yu came back to the center, and just after he came back, he did a major event. He supervised officials at all levels of the Yushifu and tried six county guards. There were as many as 47 county magistrates and county chiefs. The personnel are even more useless, which shows the majesty of Yushifu.

Every country will carry out a "sweep" before the great rule. It is not entirely for the sake of clear government, but also a necessary means to unify the spirit. There is also the choice of "standing in line". People who are in line with the current national policy are naturally the ones who should With many benefits, it is a kind of happiness that people with different ideas can return to their hometown to farm.

The current national policy of the Han Dynasty is to deal with large-scale natural disasters. Anyone who blocks the way or causes negative factors is the target of being cleaned up. Naturally, someone will make up for a group of people who have been cleaned up. The various central bosses have also benefited more or less, for example, the faction has grown stronger.

Xu Zheng said very seriously: "The Gupta Dynasty is a powerful country capable of arming millions of troops!"

Regarding how strong the Gupta Dynasty is, the battle report sent back mentioned that the Gupta Navy has rich combat experience, and also reminded that the Gupta Dynasty can really arm an army of one million, but the Han Kingdom still has no clear concept.

"That's an army of one million!" Xu Zheng wanted the military to have more troops to participate in the war so that more people would have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. It deserves the great Han's attention. It is rumored that even if the army of one million is destroyed, the Gupta Dynasty can arm the next million troops, not to mention that the Gupta Dynasty still has many vassal states."

That's an army of millions!Even if the combat effectiveness of the 100 million soldiers is not very good, from a national perspective, having enough resources to arm 100 million people can explain the problem.

The Gupta Dynasty has now begun to mobilize troops in the south. After continuing to mobilize the south, they will recruit a group of younger brothers to go to the Pingman Captain's Department to make troubles. In fact, they have already begun preparations for a national general mobilization.

The Han will know that the Gupta Dynasty is mobilizing the whole country, not how capable the Han people are, but the information provided by Rome.As for why the Romans disclosed the news to Han, there are aspects worth thinking about.

Some countries have large populations, but due to limitations in national strength, it is impossible to arm 100 million people.After all, if you want to have as many troops as you want, you must first have weapons to equip the soldiers. After the establishment, you must have logistical supplies to ensure it. Even if it causes people to live in dire straits, not every country can do it.Countries that don't have the ability and insist on doing so basically end up in a series of domestic turmoil before starting a war with the enemy country.

According to Xu Zheng's statement, the Han Dynasty's attack on the Gupta Dynasty was just a matter of iron plate. There was no shortage of ministers who felt that they had found the wrong opponent, but no one would express regret. Even if they pretended to be "no matter how strong the enemy is, it doesn't matter." Like this, it’s just an attitude of “rigidity” anyway.

In fact, no matter how powerful the Gupta dynasty was, the Han Dynasty would be worried, but it is not true.

Because of the existence of Liu Yan's golden finger, the Han Kingdom did not need to worry about supplies such as food and fodder. If they really wanted to be ruthless, they would just open up more space for garrisoning troops, and they could send hundreds of thousands of troops over anytime and anywhere.

What about the Gupta Dynasty?They defended their Asanyang, destroyed and captured the Pingman Captain's Department, what can they do afterwards?Can you learn from Han to build a forward base?Even if it really set up a forward base on the edge of the mainland of Han, how much troops can the Gupta Dynasty deploy in the forward base, and how should the logistics supply be maintained?

In the current era, it is Liu Yan who has the golden finger to carry out large-scale cross-sea invasions over long distances. That is the premise that there is no need to worry about logistical difficulties.

Furthermore, the Han Kingdom is already running Malacca, and this portal is in the hands of the Han Kingdom. The Gupta Dynasty really destroyed the Pingman School and Lieutenant Department. How to get through Malacca is a difficult problem.

Under a series of prerequisites, the center of the Han Kingdom already knew that the Gupta Dynasty was a bit difficult to manage, but it was really not afraid of any counterattack by the Gupta Dynasty. Three times... for the umpteenth time to make trouble.

The difficulties that Liu Yan is currently encountering are nothing else. Large-scale natural disasters need to be dealt with, and internal affairs really need to be developed.While doing this, it is really impossible to use large-scale foreign troops, not only against the Gupta Dynasty, but even the Western Regions that should be taken back have not been taken for the time being.

"As long as we can land in Asan, we can solve many problems by supporting war with war." Xu Zheng was obviously unwilling to give up. He seemed to be a bit messy and said, "Can't we still buy food from many countries?"

One of the difficulties in restricting large-scale use of troops is that Han is currently short of food. After the outbreak of natural disasters, most areas will have no crops. The country will use an astronomical amount of food for large-scale work-for-work projects.Under this premise, most of the standing army was nested, and county and county soldiers were transferred in batches to go south to engage in "land of fish and rice", so that the number of garrison corps in formation swelled to nearly one million in a very short period of time.

Faced with Xu Zheng's nonsense, Liu Yan made no statement, while Ji Chang and other ministers kept smiling bitterly.

It is true that the original intention of the Han State to invade the Gupta Dynasty was to plunder, but the ultimate goal is to destroy the country and occupy the territory. We can't push all Asan to the opposite side from the beginning.

The Central Committee has approved Huan Wen's plan for the landing operation against Ah San. After dealing with Ah San and other multinational coalition forces against the Pingman Colonel, the expeditionary force will implement the landing plan from that small country whose name is not even known until now.

Now the battle to defend the Pingman Colonel's Department is in the initial stage. Huan Wen did not ask for help from the country. Xu Zhenghui came out to do things purely because of pressure from his colleagues. A group of guys whose eyes turn red when they smell blood are eager to find someone A battlefield where exploits can be established.

The purchase of grain from many countries has been implemented. The envoys of each country's envoys are still in Han and have not returned. Han has sent people to follow their deputy envoys back home. It is unknown how much grain can be purchased.

Liu Yan did not express his position on the increase of troops, because he knew that even if Huan Wen started to implement the landing operation plan on the Asan site, the process from the confusing actions related to the landing to the actual landing would take at least half a year.

There is still more than half a year left, Liu Yan must have a good time to endure the military that is crazy about making achievements, hold it back for a while, and when it is really released, the fighting enthusiasm that bursts out will definitely be more ferocious than under normal circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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