Chapter 7
Yes, Liu Yan has golden fingers, and there are many things he hasn't figured out yet, which shows how resentful he is for not having a "carry-on grandpa" or "beautiful girl elf", and he is actually slowly groping for the system.

With the golden finger, Liu Yan naturally felt extremely excited and happy. He had already learned a lot about it, such as the production of biological units in the system and the construction of buildings.

When producing system biological units, different types require different time. For example, it takes two hours to produce a peasant, one hour and 45 minutes to produce a spearman, but three hours to produce a swordsman. The rest of the feudal era can The production of archers and spear throwers takes an hour and a half.

The production time of creatures is doomed. Since it is impossible to produce units immediately, Liu Yan can only be more cautious. It is necessary to investigate and spy on the surrounding movement in advance. Otherwise, he can only wait until the enemy army reaches the door and then think about violent soldiers. Sad reminder.

Of course, the construction of buildings is also frequent, and the construction time of different buildings is also inconsistent. Usually, the buildings of daily life are relatively short, while military buildings and large-scale buildings take a long time, but one thing is fixed, that is, the more labor involved in the construction The more, the faster the build.

12579 wood, 35200 food, 1205 gold, 2430 stone, 1400 iron.It looks like a lot, but it’s really not that much. The consumption of construction is much faster than the accumulation. Only when the construction is stopped can resources accumulate rapidly, but food is consumed all the time.

[Damn it, it's back again, the biggest problem is food! 】

When it comes to food, systematically constructed farmland is a very magical product. They can be cropped three times a year, and the output is relatively fixed. One mu of land can produce about 650 to 700 kilograms of wheat or rice, but only these two grains.

Now Liu Yan owns 200 mu of farmland, and one farmer takes care of 10 mu, so there will be no more than 20 farmers.Other farmers are distributed in logging, collecting stone and gold mines.

Most of the food that Liu Yan has accumulated for half a year is now in the stomachs of Jin people who collected it. The remaining 35200 units of food are only enough for five days even if they are saved. It is not much to cause him to waste it. The upper limit of the population of the system is used to produce fishing boats. After seven days, the grains should be harvested, and then 13 catties of grains can be produced.According to the calculation unit of the Han Dynasty, 13 catties is 5000 stones.

【Increase the amount of farmland... In this way, the lack of farmers will become even more scarce, and the Jin people who need to be resettled will be mobilized to join the large-scale production! 】

After inspecting around, Liu Yan began to think about whether to add military buildings. You must know that it takes time to produce biological units. He really doesn't know when the Jie people in Buqicheng will make moves. Besides...Goldfinger still has one The huge "pit", since it has a population limit of 500, he was so worried that his hair turned gray.

It's not that Liu Yan didn't think about letting the Jin people farm. He had already done it before he left, and he got the answer after he came back. The system farmers can only plant three crops a year, and the Jin people can only farm once a year.With the same seeds, the farmland taken care of by system farmers can have a yield of 650 to 700 catties, and Jin people can produce 150 catties per acre of farming, which is considered a high incense.I really don't know if the farmers in the system are too good, or the Jin people don't even know how to farm.

After reading the things in the valley, Liu Yan went to the dock by the sea again.Now the dock can produce no warships except fishing boats. Fortunately, there are abundant fisheries near Jiaozhou Bay. Because of the loss of supplies, the remaining 27 fishing boats can contribute at least 1100 food units per day, which is about [-] catties. fish.

After the inspection, Liu Yan came to the resettlement site.As soon as he entered, it didn't take long, and he didn't know how Tian Shuo knew that the person was coming, so he actually ran over.

"Your Majesty, most of the refugees have already received their number plates. The houses have basically been distributed properly." Tian Shuo flattered him, and then said: "According to Your Majesty's instructions, those who have family members can be divided into separate houses, and a total of 621 rooms have been allocated. "

In other words, among the nearly 621 refugees, only [-] families have relatives, and the rest are unknown.


27184 people?If you add the 2017 people that Liu Yan took in before, it will be 29201 people.Along the way, they have been recruiting people, but there are still many people who died or were left behind because they were too weak on the road. Of the more than 2 people brought back, there were only a pitiful 2901 women.Looking at the age distribution, there is no one younger than 14 years old, and the oldest is 47 years old.

The wooden calf is actually a wooden board for writing. Regardless of the fact that paper appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it took until the Song Dynasty to be considered popular. Before the two Song Dynasty, even the so-called prosperous Tang Dynasty failed to make paper popular.

The original intention of sending the number plate has been reflected. The strict registration system allows Liu Yan to know exactly how many Jin people he has under his command. If he has gathered those refugees, it does not mean that the refugees belong to him.

Looking at the map of Liu Yan's system interface, you can understand that the situation shown on the map is that all the active valleys are green dots, and although there are also green dots on the resettlement site, the white dots representing neutrality account for the vast majority.Those white dots were Jin people who were taken in, but they didn't think they belonged to Liu Yan's side.

With the green dots and white dots, there are also red dots. Those red dots are obviously hostile or hostile people. If there is no excuse to pull them out and kill them, it will cause panic. Liu Yan has long wanted to get rid of those red dots .

Is it inconceivable that there will be hostility in being taken in?If you think this way, the world is too simple.You must know that there are also categories of refugees. For example, the 47-year-old "senior" person was originally a relatively prestigious person in the village, but he lost any authority after being taken in by Liu Yan.Some other people, they may have a lot of power in the first place, but after Liu Yan took him in forcefully, they didn't dare to resist, but they couldn't say that they didn't have resentment in their hearts.

Liu Yan's approach was to disperse the red dots during the resettlement, and then send the Jin people who had already surrendered to monitor.

Time passed faster, the resources accumulated by Liu Yan were consumed quickly, and the accumulation of resources was also fast.Food is what consumes the most. After all, one more mouth consumes one more food, and the more people eat, the more they eat.With the rapid increase of wood and stone, Jin people are at least five times slower than system farmers in collecting resources, but they can't be raised for nothing, and it is always possible to let them raise them for work.

Two meals are provided in the morning and evening. Although they eat porridge, for Jin people, the Central Plains is full of hostility. People who have not experienced wars and long-term abuse can never imagine what kind of heavenly life it is.

In this way, more and more green dots were displayed on Liu Yan's map, which made him extremely satisfied.

About half a month after returning to the territory, the people sent by Liu Yan sent back news that the world was still in chaos, the Hu people killed the Jin people, and the Jin people fled to survive. The whole Hou Zhao seemed to have nothing but chaos.

In the chaotic situation, Liu Yan is more concerned about the major events in Buqicheng. The Jie people there have indeed made some moves. The Jie people and the Hu people in the city wantonly arrested the Jin people, killed a group, and raised them in captivity. One batch as two-legged sheep.Then, the Jie tribe also called friends and friends everywhere to gather ordnance and supplies.Everything is showing preparations for military conquest.

"What? Captured more than 2000 girls from Jin, raped them day and night?"

Liu Yan's eyes turned red instantly when he heard it, both sadness and anger flowed like a river, and he almost burst into flames with anger!
In fact, the killing of the same clan will cause anger and anger, but the killing of a girl of the same clan makes men feel compassion and anger.Really, there is nothing more insane than hearing or knowing that women of the same race are being raped and tortured by other races! ! !

Sincerely ask for recommendation tickets and collections, thank you!

PS: Please post and reply rationally.

(End of this chapter)

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