sweeping the world

Chapter 697 There is great etiquette, so it is called Xia; there is the beauty of obedience, it is c

Chapter 697 There is great etiquette, so it is called Xia; there is the beauty of obedience, it is called Hua

What Huan Wen was talking about was not Zoroastrianism, but a religion that was emerging among the Arabs in Sasanian Persia. In fact, that religion had not yet formed a sound system, and the Arabs fantasized part of it according to their spiritual needs. teachings, including those 1 beauties who are always virgins.

Any religion has logical ideas, and some not-so-logical ideas are also regarded as a special method. There are methods of flying into the sky, sinking the continent with one punch, breaking the planet, and even destroying the universe with one thought. Isn't it allowed that 72 beauties will always be virgins even though they have been "slapped" all the time?Whether it's a virgin or not because of the "back door", as long as it involves fantasy, it is completely reasonable.

In the spiritual fantasyland that emerged out of necessity, logic does not need to exist at all. It is enough as long as it can meet the beauty that people expect. That is why every religion has an existence similar to heaven.

The civilization of the Central Plains is not so enthusiastic about religion. Even if there is a belief, it is just a kind of "reciprocity" prayer.

Some civilizations don't take religion seriously, while in some civilizations religion is the most important; some civilizations only regard religion as a kind of spiritual comfort, and some civilizations regard religion as paramount .

The Persians must be serious about religion and belief, because Zoroastrianism is not a "monotheistic" religion, and in some respects it is not so overbearing. .

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, the Persians cleared out the place where religious ceremonies were held. In addition to the corresponding decorations, they also brought in a considerable amount of firewood. The high platform was piled with firewood, and the sides of the high platform were also piled with firewood. With bundles of wood, it looked like they were going to have a grand bonfire show.

As the evening approached, the Persians burned piles of bonfires. If you look down from a high altitude, you can find that it is a flame shape composed of many bonfires.

Megapanos put on a more gorgeous costume than before, and still has a flame pattern on his chest. If you look carefully, you will find that the flame pattern and the emblem are all made of gold threads, but the material is made of cotton. up silk.

To be honest, the Persians are very resistant to heat, and they may be more comfortable. No one would be willing to suffer from the sweltering heat. Megapanos didn’t get the new outfit for a long time. It was brought back by the envoys to the mainland of Han. They A large number of tailors were concentrated and stepped up to produce gorgeous clothes made of silk.

Megapanos, who is Yerbo, has this treatment, and the rest of the Zoroastrians can at most change into gauze clothes, including Altaba Masistios.

Persians are not only good at making blankets, but also have a lot of depth in the use of yarn. It must be said that as long as the yarn itself is in a grid state, the difference is whether the grid is large or small, and it will create a transparent effect. So much so that quite a few Zoroastrians looked like they were naked.

"No one came?" Megapanos said with a gloomy face, "Not only did the invited people not come, but also did no Han believers come?"

This time the Zoroastrians put a lot of effort into preparations, not only making the venue as beautiful as they thought, but also bringing out a lot of food and wine, and the aroma of the roasted lamb wafted out for miles Far away, some tables under the firelight were also filled with various types of fruits, not to mention the cans and barrels of fine wine.

Food and wine are not very attractive to some high-level people. They are used to attract ordinary people. When the Zoroastrians did this in Persian Sasan, they were absolutely crowded with people. During the period, because If it is too crowded, it is normal for a few people to be trampled to death or suffocated to death.

Megapanos had been preparing for more than ten days before the interaction, trying to spread the news of the trouble to as many people as possible. Zoroastrian clergy had previously attracted many Han believers, and there was one All of them were notified, and those Han people said that they would come if they were not on duty.

Altaba Maxistios also had a gloomy expression on his face, and asked, "Do you want to send someone to invite again?"

Regardless of the purpose of the Persians in doing this, they were prepared and sent out invitations, but none of the invited guests arrived. As a host, of course, he would feel unhappy.

Megapanos has been silent. He wonders whether the Han Empire knew that Sasanian Persia was engaging in cultural invasion by doing this, so it became vigilant.

"No." Megapanos shook his head: "There is no need to send anyone to invite."

The bigger the country is, the more it cares about its own face. It doesn't matter what it wants to do, but if you don't come when you are invited, you don't give face. A real big country will not lower its figure again and again.

Just when Altaba Masistios was silent for a while and was about to say something, someone came to report that there was movement from the Han Empire.

Huan Wen is not a member of the Hongru Museum, and it is not his responsibility to engage in diplomacy. He already knows that Persian Sassanid is going to make trouble, and he will appear if he is invited.

Although the weather was very sweltering, Huan Wen still changed into a complete set of princely-style mianfu.

Of course, there are differences between the so-called princely-standard crown robes and the emperor's crown robes, such as the "撒" on the crown, the length and the type and number of "seals" decorated on the clothes and skirts.

Although Huan Wen is only a marquis of Ting, as long as he is a title of "Marquis", he is eligible to wear a mianfu. The specifications are naturally the lowest level of the mianfu system, but the whole outfit is still very complicated.

Except for Huan Wen, the rest of the Han people with titles also wore formal clothes. According to their title level, they had clothes similar to the Daqiu Mian. The Daqiu Mian is actually a system of Mianfu, but it usually exists as a court uniform. .

Due to the implementation of the system of twentieth-class knights, the Han Dynasty is actually a strictly hierarchical country. Being able to obtain the title itself represents a corresponding contribution to the country and the nation. treatment to get rewarded.

There is only one Marquis of Huanwen in Pingman Xiaowei Department, Yuan Qiao is the No.15 Shaoshangzao, Si Hongzhuang and Fu Wei are the seventh-level officials, Li Mai is the sixth-level official, and the fifth-level The number of doctors is even more.

Huan Wen, who had the highest official position and title, led the way. A group of people lined up and followed behind in a very orderly manner. At first glance, they were all black bodies. There were various red seals on the black clothes to distinguish the ranks. They were almost approaching the Persians. 's camp.

On the Persian side, they learned that Huan Wen, who had never been seen before, had appeared, and almost all the Han Empire generals from the Pingman School had come over. Just because Huan Wen showed up, there should be corresponding reception specifications, not to mention the Han Empire's face. All the people who were supposed to come to the earth have come.

Megapanos changed his gloomy face from before, and was extremely happy for the face of the Han Empire, and went to the gate of the camp to welcome Huan Wen's arrival in person.

In order to show the grandeur, all the Persians with a certain status came to the gate of the village, and because of their status, the group of Hulala people were accompanied by many entourages, which made the scene even bigger.

"Welcome, General Zhengnan of the Han Empire!" Megapanos didn't do any nonsense like stretching his arms, making people around him sing praises, waiting for Huan Wen to kneel and lick him, and so on.He bent down and gave a boob salute, and when he stood upright again, he gestured some gestures that Han people could not understand, which should be blessings on behalf of God, and then said again: "Welcome everyone of the Han Empire, Ah! Hula Mazda will bless and protect you."

Han people didn't know who Ahura Mazda was. Huan Wen said bluntly after listening to the translation: "We have our own gods who will protect us."

Then there is nothing wrong with saying that there is no shortage of gods and civilizations in the Xia Dynasty. Most of them can still find prototypes, which basically have made great contributions to the nation. Later generations respect gods out of gratitude, which is tantamount to "worshiping ancestors" a part of.

No nonsense, the gods of the Zhuxia civilization are really like that. Most of the gods are actually human beings, such as the ancestors of the Yellow Emperor, Shennong, and Dayu. After doing deeds and passing them down, they gradually became respected and became gods.

The gods of many civilizations are pure fantasy, that is, no one knows whether they exist or not. After generations of fantasy and supplementation, the image of the god has been shaped, what image the god has, and even It's like writing a story with some deeds.

In an instant, Megapanos' face froze when Huan Wen choked him, and he didn't know what expression to use to face him.

In the eyes of the Han people, it is very normal for ancestors to protect future generations. In fact, it does not involve religious or belief disputes, and Huan Wen's words did not mean to be too targeted.

But this is not the case in the eyes of the Persians. Their history has no shortage of wars that broke out due to different religions and beliefs. The more ancient times, the more religious wars there were. They once fought against the Greeks. Fighting to death is not only due to territorial issues, many of them are simply due to religious conflicts.


Regions, countries, nations, cultures... There are too many differences, and there must be great differences in concepts. Things that the Han people don't take seriously may be extremely serious things to the Persians.

Megapanos' face was constantly changing, and he really didn't know what attitude to take. He didn't say anything, and some Zoroastrian clergy began to move around.

Altaba Masistios kept twitching his cheeks first, embarrassed and at a loss by the sudden silence, and when he noticed the movement of the Zoroastrian clergy, he stepped out quickly: "Dear Xinping Hou, please come in."

Huan Wen smiled and nodded, not caring what the Zoroastrians were up to, and walked forward.

When Huan Wen, who was in the lead, moved, the follow-up personnel of course followed suit. They lined up, showing extraordinary discipline, and the Persians were stunned.

There are quite a few Han people with titles in the Pingman School Lieutenant Department, but only the fifth-level doctor will have the official uniform, and the following are distinguished by hair-tying tools.

The twentieth-class nobility came from the pre-Qin period, and the Han Dynasty made its own changes in some details, such as special dresses.Many details retain the pre-Qin system, such as the style of hair, and the category of "ketou".

The so-called "ketou" is a helmet that does not have a protective effect. It is generally a pointed round cap made of linen and a board crown, which is purely a sign of the rank of the title.

The Persians have endless curiosity about the clothing characteristics of the Han people. The Han people they saw before are actually not so particular. As soldiers, they naturally wear military uniforms. When they are leisurely, they are too hot because they are too cool, so they give the Persians a kind of The impression that the Han people are casual enough.

In fact, the Persians still had a sense of pride before, for example, their clothes were more beautiful than the Han people, and for example, the Han people looked rather sloppy.Precisely because of that sense of pride, no matter how hot the Persians are, they will still dress decently.

What now?Huan Wen took the lead in changing into the royal uniforms of the princes, and all the Han people with titles also changed into outfits that showed their titles, which were completely different from Persian-style clothing. Indescribable temperament.

Temperament is not only the reason why Huan Wen and others wear it, but also the charm of every move. The whole set fully demonstrates what is called "the greatness of etiquette, so it is called Xia; the beauty of clothing, it is called Hua".

Engage in appearances?The history of the Zhuxia civilization is not the longest, but it will never lag behind any civilization in terms of etiquette and clothing development, and even to some extent is completely ahead of most civilizations.

Now is not the era when the white skin system dominates the aesthetics of the earth. Any civilization still fully retains its own characteristics. Because of the distance, the contacts of various civilizations are not frequent, and there is no such thing as a situation where any civilization will be completely suppressed.

Regarding the Zhuxia civilization, the Persians had contact with them during the Parthian period. It originated from the fact that the Western Han Dynasty beat the Huns to flee, and the Huns carried out various ravages in Central Asia. In fact, the Zhuxia in the impression of the Persians represented The word "powerful".

Persian Sassanid replaced Parthia. Of course, they don’t have much impression of the Han Kingdom today. What they know is the inherent impression. One move, I don't know how many people are obsessed with the kind of deeds that they can't understand but appreciate and envy from the bottom of their hearts...

(End of this chapter)

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