sweeping the world

Chapter 692 Five-Nation Alliance

Chapter 692 Five Nations Alliance
"Hot, it's so hot!"

Si Hongzhuang was lying on a bamboo chair, with only a pair of shorts left on his body. Even so, his body was still covered in sweat, and his muscles were as solid as steel under the greasy oil.

Time has come to the middle of summer in the eighth year of Yuan Shuo (AD [-]), and the drought in the Central Plains has partially broken out. Although there is no shadow of drought in South Asia, it is very sultry.

Every region of the earth has its own climate. Some places are cold in all seasons (the North and South Poles), and some places are always hot (the Middle East and some desert areas). North and South Poles), and there are many places with hot seasons.

Due to the relationship between latitude and longitude, South Asia is relatively hot all year round. The heat is not only hot, it usually looks stuffy. If there is another shortage of water, it is really hot in summer.

The area where the Pingman Colonel’s Department is located is actually not bad. The heat is hot but it looks like the extreme heat of the Central Plains. If it doesn’t look stuffy, the Han people stationed here will feel very hot, but they can bear it. The problem is that the heat is getting worse. It's hard to get used to it.

Under the sweltering heat, the Han army stationed in the Pingman Colonel's Department has reduced the amount of training. The reason is that the high-intensity training under the sweltering heat has caused accidents, and some soldiers who could not adapt to it died of illness.

Death from heat is an almost unpreventable event. People have different constitutions. In the same environment, some people can have accidents, while others will. In terms of diseases, it depends not only on one's own constitution but also on the means of treatment.

When the Han army came to this place, they were destined to encounter many things that they did not encounter in the Central Plains, such as diseases.

"It's a disease called malaria." Fu Wei said with lingering fear: "If you get that kind of disease, you will feel hot all over your body first, and nothing you eat will taste good. Soon you will have diarrhea all the time, and you will vomit at the same time."

At least they knew what kind of disease they had, and they didn't simply classify it as acclimatization. They even figured out that it was because of mosquito bites.

Regarding how to treat malaria in the Central Plains, the relevant prescriptions were actually developed in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. The researcher was Zhang Zhongjing. He spent his whole life studying how to treat plague and wrote the great work "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases". Although "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" does not mention the treatment of malaria, some theories are still the same.

The treatment of malaria in the Han Dynasty was given by the center. In fact, Liu Yan happened to know how to cure it.

When the Han people conquered the Indochina Peninsula, they did not just rush in as soon as they got excited. They made the greatest preparations in advance, including how to deal with known diseases.

Si Hongzhuang got up from the reclining chair, walked to the balcony of the bamboo building, and looked at the soldiers lined up for drills in the square in the distance.

In the sultry summer, the Han army must no longer wear thick uniforms. Liu Yan would not make some stupid mistakes, such as leaving the people stationed in hot areas without summer uniforms and the troops in cold areas without winter uniforms.

The soldiers that Si Hongzhuang saw were all wearing short shirts and shorts.This is how you wear it when you are not fighting. You should wear armor when you are about to go into battle. No matter how stuffy the armor is, you should wear it to protect your life.

"I heard that Ah San's side is hotter than ours." Fu Wei was more or less particular, wearing a whole set of summer military uniforms: "Our side is already hot enough, it's really hard to imagine how hot it is at Ah San's place." .”

In the Gupta Dynasty, Vajathaka and other Asan countries, there is a thermometer to measure. The temperature in summer is basically around 45 degrees, and it can even reach [-] degrees in some areas. It is really very hot.

"I kind of know why the aborigines here have dark skin." Si Hongzhuang approached the bamboo building and took out a jug of ice water. of!"

It sounds reasonable, but it’s nonsense. What kind of skin a person’s skin is depends on genes. If it is dark skin, even moving to the North Pole will not change the skin color brought about by genes.

The ice water in Si Hongzhuang's hand was artificially made, not brought from somewhere.

Artificial ice making seems very complicated if you don't understand it, but it's really just that. When Liu Yan was reading related time-travel novels, he got curious and went to look for information and tried it himself.Many things in the Han Dynasty come from Liu Yan, and of course the artificial ice is also.

The two were chatting, and Huan Wen sent someone to summon them.

Pingman Xiaowei Department has been run by the Han people for half a year. Of course, the land opened up is larger, but it has not been built according to Zhuxia's habits. For example, the buildings are different bamboo buildings.

On the other hand, as the land became larger and larger, some areas were transformed into cultivated land, and the soldiers who came from the field later tried to cultivate various crops.

The rice planted in spring has become a paddy field in summer, which looks like a large green area, swaying here and there under the breeze.

Other areas have their own crops, besides rice, there are all kinds of beans, and all kinds of vegetables brought from the local area. The scope of the farm is much larger than that of the military camp. Would think like a farm more like a military base.

Of course, the production is for self-sufficiency. Huan Wen also asked someone to find a wetland to start breeding chickens, ducks, and geese.He wanted to find a grassland at first, but there was no grassland in such a place. The cattle and sheep could graze, but it was hard to find a place to raise horses.

"The big man has formed an alliance with Sassan to a limited extent." Huan Wen was dressed in silk, and he was already good-looking. He looked like a romantic man, but his temperament seemed extremely rigid.He paused, glanced around the generals present, and continued after a short while: "The Persians will fight alongside us in the future."

In terms of dealing with the Gupta Dynasty, the Han Kingdom not only formed a military alliance with the Sasanian Persia, but also the two Satraps, the Jidoro Dynasty, and Karabalas. The five countries will jointly attack the Gupta Dynasty, but Jido The Luo Dynasty and Calabasas will not directly participate in the war.

The Kyodora Dynasty contributed to diplomatic relations, and they would lobby the countries around the Gupta Dynasty, even if those countries did not join the war against the Gupta Dynasty, they should remain neutral.

Karabalas was drawn into this alliance by the Persian Sasanians because the Persian Sasanians valued the geographical location of Karabalas.The Persian Sasanian wants to send troops, and the fleet needs a station to leave the mainland and enter the Persian Sea (Arabian Sea) to go south. Karabalas, located at the southernmost tip of the Asan territory, is very suitable. It can provide supplies for the Persian Sasanian and can also Go ashore to rest, otherwise it would be too far to go directly from the Persian Sasanian mainland to the Pingman captain's headquarters.

"It's good for them to join." Yuan Qiao was also dressed in silk, and with the support of her temperament, she looked more like a nobleman than Huan Wen.He thought for a while and asked, "How many troops will be dispatched?"

Huan Wen has no relevant information yet, and there is only news of a partial military alliance from the center. The number of troops that those alliances will send is not mentioned, and it is not even mentioned who will lead and who will assist. From this, it can be seen that this alliance is more like a test. .

In fact, alliances are also divided into priorities. Many countries (powers) must have a leader in alliances, or who should listen to whom?
The Han State certainly valued this partial military alliance against the Gupta Dynasty. Asan’s territory is too far away from the Han State’s mainland. If the Han State has a lot of strength, it will only contribute a point. It is natural to have more helpers, but it has not yet been done. I understand why Persian Sassanid is so enthusiastic, and I have a certain degree of vigilance.

The Persian Sasanian mission headed by Kianush Alta Ardashir was in a hurry, and they still wanted to be the leader of the local military alliance this time, but they really didn't dare to say that rashly.

From the Persian Sasanian point of view, it was they who invited the Liangsatrapu, the Jidoluo Dynasty, and Calabasas to join in. The Han Kingdom did not even know that there were those countries before.Since those countries were invited by the Persian Sasanian, the Persian Sassanian has a lot of dominance, and the Persian Sasanian is the hegemony of Central Asia anyway, so it is completely reasonable to become the leader of this military alliance due to various factors.

So here comes the problem, based on Persian Sasanian’s understanding of the Han people, the Han people are a proud nation, and it is absolutely impossible for any proud and powerful nation to give up its dominance.Furthermore, the Persian Sassanid also understood that they actively asked to join, and they were not invited by Han, so they did not separate the status of master and auxiliary after they had clearly negotiated an alliance.

"Obviously, those countries must obey Sassanid." Yuan Qiao said without having to use up any more brain cells: "The Han Dynasty has never known those countries, and they must not know the existence of the Han Dynasty. They have never had contact with them. The big guy doesn't have any friendship with them, and just one victory over Ah San is not enough to deter them."

"So..." Si Hongzhuang frowned first, and then said viciously: "Are the Persians coming to fight for the fruits of victory?"

Si Hongzhuang had every reason to think so. It was Han who took the lead in fighting the Gupta Dynasty, and won the first battle. Maybe those countries thought the Gupta Dynasty was easy to bully, and they wanted to share a piece of the pie. Out of such an alliance.

As for the Persian Sassanid statement that there will be no demand for land, as long as it involves the national level, let alone promises are useless, even if it is written in plain language, it can be torn up at any time, and it cannot be taken seriously at all.

Huan Wen must have thought about similar issues. For example, countries such as Persian Sassanid think that the Gupta Dynasty is easy to bully, and for example, the Han Kingdom is too far away from Asan’s territory. When they found that the Gupta Dynasty was easy to bully, at the same time, the Han Dynasty took the lead, so they couldn’t wait to come Take advantage.

"The alliance is a foregone conclusion." Huan Wen set the tone first, so that no one would say something that would embarrass everyone.He tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him rhythmically, and said, "The center has no other instructions."

Several countries want to unite to bully the Gupta Dynasty. There is only one big intention on how to cooperate. For example, the two satraps marched from the northwest of the Gupta Dynasty. The supply and rest places of the Sasanian army, but there is no word on the details.

Huan Wen felt a little better because the center had no new instructions, which meant that he could still play freely in this war.On another level, he thinks that the center allows them to act on their own. Before the center has no new orders, they can completely ignore the so-called allied forces and do their own thing.

"To form an alliance is to form an alliance. Even if there is a plan, it takes time to prepare." Yuan Qiao knew what was going on when he saw Huan Wen's attitude, or how could the two of them have a tacit understanding as a partner?He followed the direction Huan Wen wanted, and said, "I don't know when those allies will be ready."

"That's right." Si Hongzhuang really didn't think we needed any allies to deal with the Gupta dynasty, so he said, "Didn't the general already have a plan?"

Huan Wen has been looking for a breakthrough all this time. If he lands directly from the coast of the Gupta Dynasty, he will encounter strong resistance, so he really can't hit it head-on.He has already found a good landing direction, starting from a small country in the southwest of the Gupta Dynasty, and has even started to make related plans.

"Ah San's navy has been trying to fight back recently." Li Mai is in charge of naval warfare, and no one here knows the movements of the Gupta Dynasty's navy better than him: "They have assembled a fleet of more than [-] ships. We avoid fighting at sea, and they dare not attack the Pingman Colonel's headquarters again, so they form a formation to deal with our sabotage."

Recently, the navy of the Gupta Dynasty has been very active. Given that the number of warships of the Han Dynasty is far less than that of the Gupta Dynasty's navy, the Han Dynasty Navy has been unable to completely block the Gupta Navy along the coast.In addition to the necessary harassment, the Han Navy gave way to the blockade of the coast, and the confrontation between the two sides was transferred to the Bay of Bengal area of ​​later generations.

If Huan Wen wanted to land on Asan's territory, he had to severely damage the navy of the Gupta Dynasty again, and block the navy of the Gupta Dynasty in the port again, in order to carry out effective deployment.In his plan, he said that he wanted to strike at that small country, but the necessary confusion for the Gupta Dynasty had to be carried out. It was not to make the Gupta Dynasty unable to judge where the Han army would land from, but to make the Gupta Dynasty firmly believe that the Han army would be on their way. Think of a certain place to land.

In fact, it is also embarrassing for Huan Wen. In the history of world wars so far, not only the Zhuxia civilization has not had such a large-scale cross-sea landing invasion, but other civilizations are not so large even if they have a scale.

The previous cross-sea landing in the Mediterranean Sea was not something that Huan Wen could now find information to conduct research on. He had to think with the marching commander Shi and many praises. There are too many details for strategic confusion, there are many details about how to log in, and there are even endless details after logging in.

"General." Li Mai said to Huan Wen in great embarrassment: "With the current number of warships in our army, it may be difficult to fight Ah San. We need more warships."

(End of this chapter)

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