sweeping the world

Chapter 688 It's time to show off in Persia

Chapter 688 It's time to show off in Persia
In the years when the self-confidence of the Central Plains Dynasty was not destroyed, it was actually a matter of course for foreign envoys to bow down to the emperor of the Central Kingdom, and no one would think anything special because of such a thing. idea.On the contrary, if the foreign envoys did not act according to the etiquette of Zhu Xia, then there should be a voice clamoring for war. (this is no nonsense)
The Persians on the platform of the pool were quite far away from the throne. It took a while for them to hear a loud but apparently flat voice, and only after listening to the translation did they realize that it was letting up.

It is a habit left over from the period of the Qin Empire that there is a pool in the main hall of political affairs. The construction of the palace city after the completion of Xianyang City is much larger than the small palace city of the previous Qin kings. After the rise of the Western Qin Dynasty, the scale has been expanded again and again. It changed again and again, until the first emperor's period, the Yizheng Hall had the highest standard. The reason why there was a pool was that the first emperor often had fun with the ministers.

The specification of the pool with water was later abolished by the Han Empire, and the Yizheng Hall was changed to semi-open air. The reason was that Emperor Hanwen was very frugal.

Many people think that candles were introduced by foreigners in modern times. In fact, candles were already made in the Han Dynasty. At that time, candles were made of beeswax, so they were also called "yellow wax", which was an absolute luxury. , even nobles may not be able to afford it.After the Tang Dynasty, candles made of the secretion of white wax insects living on the ash tree were studied. Because it is white, it is also called "white wax". Large-scale breeding began in the Song Dynasty, so candles have gradually become cheaper since the Song Dynasty.

What I want to say is that the war caused many of the creations of the Zhuxia civilization to lose their inheritance, and many of their crafts were lost. For example, the ancient Han Dynasty's hundred-smelting steelmaking method was lost after the Wuhu chaos.The method of making candles also experienced the catastrophe of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty but few people know about it. It was developed again in the Ming Dynasty, but the price of candles was much more expensive than in the Song Dynasty. As for why we had to buy candles from foreigners in the "Qing Dynasty", That is purely the price crushing (trade war) caused by the backwardness of the production process.

Kianoush Arta Ardashir stood up and looked forward, where it was dark, and some steps could be vaguely seen, above which was a person sitting in a large seat.Because the light was too dim, he really couldn't observe more.

"On behalf of our emperor, I would like to express my most sincere greetings to you." Chianoush Alta Ardashir bent down and gave a chest salute, then stood up and continued: "Please allow the foreign ministers to offer you the most sincere greetings from my emperor." Gift."

This time the Persians brought a lot of goods, and they tried to sell them in Jiankang, where the business is prosperous. Unfortunately, the Han people were not interested in most of those goods, they just sold a lot of ivory products, some with beautiful round beauty. Huan also sold some of his gemstone carvings, but no one appreciated and bought his hit product, the Persian blanket.

The gifts that Kianush Arta Ardashir mentioned were brought together in a box, but they were not brought into the temple at the first time, and they were left outside to be inspected in detail, waiting for him to say that he would offer a gift It was carried in by the sergeant together.

There is a patio above the pool, and there is plenty of light under the sunlight. When one box after another was opened, it was the Persians who moved the gifts out in person.

The first thing to be brought out are some blankets, each blanket has its own characteristics, but it must have very complicated patterns, some are animal figures, more are some figure figures, and the figure figures should describe their myths .

Under the sunlight, an unfolded blanket was actually shimmering with golden light, and some colors could show the obvious shapes of characters. Chianush Arta Ardasil introduced that it was a picture of royal family members, and also In particular, he pointed to one of the characters and said that it was himself.

Persian blankets usually combine wool, cotton, silk, gold and silver, and other materials. The blanket introduced by Kianoush Alta Ardasil obviously used a lot of gold. Rather than a rug, it is more of a work of art made out of a lot of gold.

"What do they mean?" Cai You turned to look at Tian Shuo beside him: "Are they saying that his status is very noble?"

Tian Shuo shook his head: "I've never seen anyone who acts like this."

In the eyes of everyone in the Han Kingdom, Kianoush Arta Ardashir's behavior would indeed be very weird, and they did not expect that the Persians would come up with a "painting" that included the Sasanian king and royal family members Come as a gift, anyway, the Zhuxia civilization would never do such a thing.

In the Zhuxia civilization, showing people with paintings only happened on some special occasions, such as wanted arrests, such as matchmaking leave, noble figures were painted and then placed in the family temple, and not everyone was qualified to paint full-body portraits.

There are a lot of people talking, no matter how small everyone's voice is, they will form a "buzzing" piece together.

At the beginning of the design of the Yizheng Hall, sound transmission was considered. For example, the position where the king is located can make it possible to hear clearly everywhere in the hall without speaking loudly. The only way to make people understand what you are talking about without being so far apart is by shouting.

Blankets are really a specialty of Persia. Kianoush Arta Ardashir keeps showing blankets one after another. There are not many introductions to various animals. The most are Persian myths, and some pure The symmetrical lattice diagram of .

Today Liu Yan is wearing the emperor's imperial robe.

The Mianfu is the one made in the Han Dynasty and inherited from the Qin Dynasty. The upper body is mainly black, while the lower body is red, and the hem is soap-colored, with some very special patterns.

A complete set of mianfu is not simple, because the number and material of the mian are different, and it is an important symbol to distinguish the noble from the humble.

According to the regulations of the Han Dynasty, the emperor's crown is twelve 旒 (that is, twelve rows), made of jade.The color of the crown is mainly black.On both sides of the crown, there is a hole on each side, which is used to pass through the jade rod and tie it to the hair bun.And tie ribbons on both sides of the hairpin, and tie a knot under the jaw.On the two ears of the ribbon, there is also a bead and jade called "Yun Er".They are not stuffed into the ears, but are hung next to the ears to remind the wearer not to listen to slander.The phrase "allow ears not to hear" in later generations comes from this.

According to regulations, anyone who wears a crown must wear a crown.The Mianfu is made of black upper garment and vermilion lower garment, with chapter patterns painted on the upper and lower sides.In addition, there are knee coverings, wearing ribbons, red lapels, etc., forming a complete set of clothing.It must be said that this service system began in the Zhou Dynasty.In addition, the Mianfu of the Han Dynasty has absolutely no dragon pattern, but a black bird.

As the system became more and more formal, all officials in the Han Dynasty also had their own court uniforms. Liu Yan originally wanted to distinguish the official levels by color according to the Tang Dynasty, but later he continued the Shanghei style of the previous Han Dynasty (the Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system).The court uniform of hundreds of officials is all black, with red crests to distinguish their ranks.

Kianush Arta Ardashir continued to introduce various blankets, and no one came out to interrupt.

Liu Yan was not actually listening to what Chianoush Arta Ardasil was talking about. He heard the material of cotton while listening to the translation, and he was thinking about how to get cotton.

Cotton seeds in the Central Plains were not obtained until the Yang and Sui dynasties. It was an extension of Pei Ji’s division of the Turks. The seeds were obtained from the Western Regions, but they were regarded as an ornamental, and the actual value of cotton was not discovered and developed.

The current main force of cold protection in the Han Dynasty is wool products. Because there is no mature technology, they can only make some simple leather jackets, which can keep warm in the bitter cold place, but they usually look very swollen and fat. In fact, they are really not suitable as leather jackets. uniform.

When Liu Yan was thinking about trance, he suddenly heard a "meow" sound, which made him look over, but he saw Kianush Alta Aldashir holding a ball of snow-white fur.

It was a fat-looking Persian cat with all white fur and a face that looked a little embarrassed. The fur was rolled up into a ball and was held by Kianush Alta Aldashir while wagging its tail. Chirping.

Cats were introduced to the Central Plains through the Western Regions during the Western Han Dynasty. Before that, there was no trace of cats in various written records, murals, totems and other images.Cats existed in the Central Plains during the Western Han Dynasty, but their numbers were very rare and their varieties were relatively single. There are written records that cats were brought over by Persian merchants as gifts to a dignitary, and they were not really introduced to the people.

In fact, there are local cats in the land of Zhuxia, mainly distributed in the land of Lingnan. It took until the [-]th century for cats to really enter thousands of households. By the [-]th century, raising cats became an extremely common phenomenon, and it was named after a cat. Cats called cihuamao have the strongest ability to catch mice.

Liu Yan used to have cats, but he didn’t know the specific names of the cats. One of the female cats had been raised for 17 years. Later, the female cat ran to the road and was crushed to death by a motorcycle. The other was born to a female cat. The single-born white-bellied male cat, because he is very well-behaved, he loves it very much, but after returning from a trip, he learned that the cat, which had lived for 14 years, was tortured to death by a neighbor’s relative’s cub. Throw the pond.

Kianush Alta Aldashir said that he brought a pair of cats, one male and one female, which were cats with the most distinguished pedigree and breed.He even told a story about a country that had a war with Persia in order to obtain similar cats.

Liu Yan was a little dazed when he heard it. He seemed to have heard the story that the Greeks wanted to obtain Persian cats and ended up in war with Persia. He didn't expect it to happen.

In fact, the Greeks had cats, which were imported from Egypt, because cats broke out in wars and so on is one reason, and there are other excuses for wars without cats.

Kianoush Arta Ardashir's presentation of the cat was just an episode. What he didn't expect was that Liu Yan would be eager to let someone hold the cat on the throne, and Liu Yan was very familiar with all kinds of teasing.He saw that Liu Yan could play with the cat's chin, and he knew how to pick up the cat's nape, so he could see that Liu Yan was no stranger to cats.

When Liu Yan ordered someone to carry the cat over, some of the officials actually wanted to dissuade them. None of them had ever seen an animal like a cat. The king's safety was a matter for the country. Zuo didn't wait to step forward to stop them, but they saw Liu Yan teasing him. He showed extreme love, and when he saw that there was no danger, he gave up the idea of ​​persuasion.

Next, Kianoush Arta Ardashir began to display various carvings, most of which were ivory and precious stones, but they were all carvings that the Zhuxia civilization would not have any aesthetics until he Demonstrating the sharpness of an ivory knife is what attracts everyone's attention, but the officials and the guards in the palace look very unkindly.

Outside the hall, the captain of the Zhidian was taken away with a pale face. It was his negligence that the foreign envoys brought sharp weapons into the hall, and he had checked it in detail, but he did not find it among the large number of carvings with very complicated divisions. Also hides weapons.

All the officials and guards just stared with unkind eyes. If Liu Yan made a sound, the next moment the Persian on the pool would be shot into a hedgehog by a sharp arrow, but Liu Yan didn't give any instructions.

In fact, Liu Yan still knew something about ivory knives and the like. Because of the material, that thing was not very hard and could only be used as a study utensil.He was curious about what the Persians had done. They actually made an ivory knife so that it could easily cut through the blanket.As for the Persians bringing in sharp weapons, since there was no prior notice, if he really wanted to pursue the case, the outbreak of a war would also be a reason.

The number of carvings brought by the Persians is far less than that of blankets. What is more strange is that they also brought a box of coins. According to Kianush Alta Ardashir, those gold, silver, and copper coins are History of Persia.

Central Asia and Europe have a special feature, that is, when making coins, the portraits of contemporary kings are the first choice, and the year of production will be engraved. Sometimes coins are also made for some major events, depicting the pattern and background of the major event, so it is really You can learn about history from coins.

Then again, except for modern warlords who would put their heads on coins, the earlier Zhu Xia civilization did not depict kings' heads on coins, and they would not mark the year of production, but only the year of the year.It was a taboo, and it was so serious that the "character" used in the king's name could no longer be used. In the Ming Dynasty, the Zhu family tried their best to choose uncommon characters in order not to cause trouble for the common people.

The exhibition of Kianoush Arta Ardashir is still going on. While showing, he will also introduce the places of interest in the Sassanian Dynasty. Basically, it is not a place with huge carved walls, or a place where huge statues are erected. He also talked about how many Greek sculptures he had robbed in a ostentatious tone, and how many busts of Roman nobles he had plundered.

Liu Yan only smiled when he heard what was said later. Before he saw Kianoush Arta Ardashir take out something that did not belong to Persian civilization at all, he thought he was trying to pretend to be fake.

Towards the end, Kianush Arta Ardashir clapped his hands after asking for instructions. The officials who didn't know beforehand saw a few Persians in cloaks and they were all stunned. An extremely enchanting Persian girl...

(End of this chapter)

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