Chapter 676

In the age of wooden ships, what was most feared in a battle was undoubtedly fire attack.

Whether it is fire attack on land or water surface, in fact fire attack is not so fun, the weather and location are absolutely indispensable.

Suddenly there was a strong wind on the sea, and the wind was still favorable to the Han fleet. At first, some warships on fire rose up to attack the enemy, and the prepared ships behind launched a fireboat charge. If the wind direction did not change, the result of this battle has actually shown Come out, the difference is how many ships each side lost.

"It's over." Huan Wen was not completely unfamiliar with water warfare. He saw Gupta's fleet in chaos under the attack of the fire boats, and he continued after commenting: "Let's go down the mountain."

Dense plumes of smoke began to rise towards the sky from the coastline again. It was the burning ships emitting thick smoke. The warships of the two sides in the first battle position, the fires burning on their hulls could be clearly seen from a distance.

Not only did Li Mai let the warships attack from behind, but also the warships of his own fleet continued to move forward. While continuously compressing the space for the Gupta fleet to move, the densely packed ships made it even worse for Gupta's side under the fire attack.

There were too many burning ships, and the people behind could only see dense smoke. More and more ships on the Gupta side began to wash up on the beach. Some soldiers and sailors who abandoned the ship, whether they were riding in small boats or swimming, perished. Move towards the beachhead location.

In the battle on land, the Han army continued to push forward and flattened, and it took about an hour and a half. Gupta's side was squeezed to the sea for about a mile.

The heavy infantry of the Han army had exhausted their physical strength and retreated to the rear. The shield soldiers organized the shield wall to advance slowly, covered by some melee infantry, and a large number of crossbowmen kept firing arrows behind the shield wall.

There were originally more than 5000 people in the small beachhead, and people continued to come to the beach, causing a crowding phenomenon. They suffered heavy casualties under the constant coverage of the Han army's crossbowmen, and too many people were injured. It was bleeding, and blood-red flowing water appeared on the ground, heading towards the sea.

Katruk Karp had already landed. He stared blankly at the sea for a while, then turned to look at the land. Arrows were raining from the sky, and his ears were filled with screams and wails. He closed his eyes and opened them again. Shi gritted his teeth and said: "Ask the Han army for a ceasefire."

There is no other way. The battle situation on the sea has suddenly changed, and the battle on land has been at a disadvantage. Katruk Karp has no hope of winning this battle, and he has gone bankrupt after breaking out. The beach is facing unilateral killings, and support is no longer valuable. , not as good as a bachelor admitting defeat.

When Si Hongzhuang saw Aptra, Aptra immediately knelt down and said a series of words.

After translating, Si Hongzhuang knew that Heitan in front of him represented Gupta's supreme commander in this battle, and he was looking for Zaput Warren.

"We admit failure, please order to stop the attack." Zaput Warren bent down completely: "Please also introduce your general to discuss the ransom."

Si Hongzhuang smiled and said, "Order your soldiers to put down their weapons."

Zapter Warren had nothing to be hypocritical about, and said something to Aputra. After Aputra left, he said to Si Hongzhuang: "We are a civilized country, and we abide by the civilized world's war policy. Rules, and the Han Empire, which has a long history and civilization, respects the rules of engagement."

To put it bluntly, the development time of Asan civilization is really no less than that of Zhuxia civilization. On the contrary, the development time of Asan civilization is longer than that of Zhuxia civilization.Not only Asan civilization, but in fact, among the four countries known as the four ancient civilizations, Babylon has the longest history, and then there is ancient Egypt. The time points of Asan civilization and Zhuxia civilization are not much different, but Zhuxia civilization It is definitely not older than the Asan civilization. (fact)

Ancient Babylon was founded around [-] BC and is the oldest known civilization. The official founding of the country occurred in [-] AD, but writing had already been invented before that.As the oldest civilization, ancient Babylon had many firsts (which are still proved by archaeological texts), and even created a mythical building (the Hanging Garden), but was later destroyed by Assyria.

Although there is still Egypt at present, it must be said that Egypt has long since fallen. Since the Ptolemaic Dynasty, Egypt has been a civilization that has been repeatedly conquered.As an ancient civilization, Egypt lost its autonomy after being conquered by the Romans, and later became a colonized civilization. After the rise of the Arabs, they even integrated the Egyptian civilization. Egypt, as a civilization, has actually died, that is, until modern times There is no "fraud corpse".

The most glorious period of the Asan civilization was in the Ashoka era (the Peacock Dynasty), but Asan was brilliant only once, and then fell into a split, and was conquered by the Da Yuezhi people (Guishuang). After the collapse of the Guishuang Empire, it split again It has become a dozen countries, large and small.Asan's Maurya Dynasty is not counted. The Sunga Dynasty has the largest territory. General Pusyamitha, who also founded the Sunga Dynasty, killed the last king of the Maurya Dynasty, Prihadorada, during the military parade. The Sunga Dynasty was established. ([-] BC)
In fact, the Xunjia Dynasty did not last long, and soon lost the two river basins. Even in the land of Asan, it was not as good as the Baicheng Dynasty (Andaro Dynasty), and the Baicheng Dynasty was actually one of the vassal states of the Eastern Han Dynasty. .

Almost at the time when the Eastern Han regime fell, regardless of whether it was the Baicheng Dynasty or other countries, they also collapsed one after another. The first to rise was the Vagathaka Dynasty, and the Gupta Dynasty could only be said to be a latecomer.

The civilizations of Zhuxia also experienced many ups and downs. The Western Han and Eastern Han could be called the peak period of civilization. Sima's head can't be blamed for all the crimes committed by the tomb occupants. The responsibility of the various families is far greater than that of Sima's, but who made Sima's royal family.

If history had not been changed by Liu Yan, the decline of Zhuxia civilization would have lasted for hundreds of years, and it would not be revived until Yang Jian established the Great Sui Dynasty on behalf of Zhou Dynasty. Although there were wars at the end of the Sui Dynasty, Li Tang still stood tall in the world after the establishment However, the glory of Li and Tang did not last long, and the wars of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms completely changed the civilization of Zhuxia.

It is not nonsense to say that the wars of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms had a profound impact on the civilization of Zhuxia. It is precisely because of the chaos of the military generals of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms that the military generals have been suppressed since the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the military generals did not think there was anything wrong with being suppressed. From the history books, I learned about the domineering generals of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

With the emphasizing literature and despising martial arts in the Song Dynasty, Confucianism has completely risen in a real sense. After that, the civilization of the Central Plains only paid attention to generals in Zhu Di’s generation, and all subsequent emperors tried their best to suppress generals under the guidance of so-called scholars, even the country The status of the dying generals has not been promoted either.

When it comes to the rules of engagement, in fact the Zhuxia civilization ceased to be a classical civilization from the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, and began to move towards the "everything" war path, while the rest of the civilizations more or less preserved the rules of engagement of the classical era, among them Including that the defeated party will receive preferential treatment as long as their status is noble enough, and the defeated party can also spend ransom to redeem their freedom.

Si Hongzhuang was not from a noble family. In fact, even if he was from a noble family, he no longer talked about the rules of engagement. It is basically useless for Zaput Warren to talk about respecting the rules of engagement.

As the Gupta side put down their weapons, the victory or defeat of this battlefield was undoubtedly revealed.

On land, the Han army gathered the prisoners with the cooperation of Gupta. Even if Gupta cooperated, it would not be finished for a while.Some things that were very funny in the eyes of the Han army also happened during the process, such as some of Gupta's Kshatriyas demanding treatment that matched their status.

"What's the matter?"

"You need a comfortable residence and servants to take care of your life."

That's right, the aristocrats of Ah San are so arrogant, they admit defeat and are willing to cooperate with being detained, but they must have a comfortable house, and there must be accompanying people to serve them.

The Han army still has so many demands on the defeated. Apart from being funny, it is annoyed. The civilization of Zhuxia has long stopped talking about the rules of engagement. Case.

"What?" Huan Wen couldn't help but smile wryly when he learned the situation, and then he was slightly annoyed: "At least [-] so-called nobles protested, demanding that they be treated as prisoners of war who meet their status?"

Ah San's nobles are divided into classes, not official classes, but caste distinctions, even if they are all high castes, there are clear classes, and no one can override the class.

Huan Wen was annoyed because the prisoners made many and complicated requests. If the requests were broken down, the status of the prisoners of war could definitely be seen.

"[-] nobles?" Si Hongzhuang really didn't know beforehand, and was a little dazed when he heard the data: "All the nobles from Gupta are here?"

In fact, [-] nobles are really nothing. As long as the Asan civilization is of a high caste, they are nobles. Among their races, Kshatriyas are used to lead troops. There is no shortage of Kshatriyas in the army. The whole country The so-called nobility in the upper and lower is based on "ten thousand" as the basic unit.

Huan Wen is not a rigid person. He learned about Asan's civilization and customs and got an overview. Although he was annoyed, he was more dumbfounded: "According to their habits, the Han Dynasty officials and above are also nobles, so the Han Dynasty is at least There are tens of thousands of nobles."

Later, Katruk Karp and some others were brought to Huan Wen.

"Our request is very reasonable." Of course, Katruk Karp did not receive any ill-treatment, and even received preferential treatment because he was the supreme commander of Gupta's side in this battle.He said reasonably: "We have treated your captured nobles well."

Katruk Karp was talking about those arrested by the Han army who went to the Gupta Dynasty to spy on intelligence. He specifically mentioned the treatment Li Ming received after being captured. Huan Wen and other generals of the Han army heard that Li Ming Ming was even arranged to live in Gupta's palace.

Li Ming is just a team leader, and his title is the second-class nobleman. Although there are not so many people like him in Han, there are tens of thousands of people who are equivalent to him.In this way, after he was captured, he was well served and even lived in Gupta's palace.

Zhuxia is a civilization that values ​​reciprocity. To put it bluntly, it means saving face. Although Huan Wen didn’t know who Li Ming was, he knew that as Katluk Kapu, he would not talk nonsense. Although he was still unhappy, he ordered to give Gupta the order. The treatment of prisoners of war commensurate with their nobility and status.

"Thank you very much for your civilized treatment." Katruk Karp's inner uneasiness was a lie. Trying his best to get prisoner of war treatment that matched his status was also a test.He had obtained the desired result, and he was on the losing side. He did not dare to be disrespectful in his attitude. He had some conversations that were close to small talk. He did not find out why the Han army wanted to attack the Gupta dynasty. He later said: "According to the Rules of Engagement, each of our Kshatriyas will deliver his body's weight in gold to redeem his freedom. I myself will deliver a hundred chariots' worth of treasure."

Huan Wen somehow got some news from Si Hongzhuang. Ah San lost the battle and wanted to redeem his freedom with gold. It’s not impossible to think about it. When Katruk Karp mentioned the treasure of a hundred carriages to redeem his freedom, he was stunned again. .

"Rules of engagement?" Huan Wen loved gold, but he sneered at Katruk Karp's words as a matter of course: "Only a big man can make rules."

Katruk Karp frowned and asked, "So, how much do you want?"

What Huan Wen was struggling with wasn't the amount of ransom he could get, he just couldn't stand the fact that Katruk Karp kept showing off after his defeat, and his response was a series of "haha" laughs.

"The wealth of one hundred carriages exceeds 20 gold coins." Katruk Karp is a Brahmin. Even if he is defeated, as long as he is not killed in battle, the ransom must match his status. The price is very reasonable: "It's 20 gold coins!"

The Gupta dynasty had its own currency system, which was divided into three types: copper, silver and gold.This three-digit system of currency is actually more complete than that of other countries today, and the Central Plains dynasty is really lagging behind in comparison.

Don't worry about how many copper coins are exchanged for how many silver coins, or how many silver coins are exchanged for how many gold coins, and so on.The currency of the Gupta Dynasty naturally has strong Asan characteristics, the design is very beautiful, and the weight of each gold coin is about [-] grams.

To put it simply, Katruk Karp wants to hand over a ransom of 20 gold coins, each of which is 20 grams, and [-] coins are [-] tons, which is [-] tons of gold.

Huan Wen was displeased and asked Katruk Karp to be taken down. He said angrily, "What's his attitude? Did we win or did they win?"

Si Hongzhuang was doing nothing else just now. He was calculating how much ransom the fifteen hundred Gupta nobles could provide. The calculated figure was at least 75 tons of gold. Later, he was also calculating how much the ransom of Katluk Kapu would be.

"Uh...!!!" Si Hongzhuang said to Huan Wen with a slightly dull expression on his face: "General, if they really pay the ransom, the total amount will be ninety tons of gold..."

Huan Wen was only annoyed just now, and really didn't think about it, his mouth opened wide involuntarily when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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