sweeping the world

Chapter 672 Mysterious Confidence

Chapter 672 Enigmatic Confidence
Urgutai Bahram did not return to his own warship, and Mi Yuan didn't feel any threat from having two more people on board, so he just stayed on board the Han army's warship.

The Persian Sasanians really wanted to join this naval battle. They were indeed very attracted to Ergutai Bahram in order to complete what their ancestors had not completed, which was to fight side by side with the Han army, but it was more because of A rainy day consideration.

No country (empire) that can be recognized as a great power in the world is in vain. It will not be reduced to the point of national subjugation because of the defeat of a local war. A country that is in danger of national subjugation because of a local war will only be For small countries, even for truly big countries, if less than half of the country falls, there is a possibility of turning defeat into victory at any time.

Urgutai Bahram does not know the relationship between the present Han Kingdom and the former Han Dynasty. He only knows one thing, even if the current Han Kingdom is not the former Han Dynasty, as long as the current Han Kingdom is established on the same land Get up, then the background is definitely almost gone.

Persian Sassanid was re-established on the ruins of the Parthian Empire (Parthia). The former Parthian Empire was in ruins by Rome, and even the capital (Ctesiphon) was plundered, but they rose up again After that, it only took more than 100 years. The same land and the same race, with different leadership, began to gain an advantage in the confrontation with Rome.

A country with a solid background will not have too much influence because of a war. On the contrary, it will retaliate more fiercely after a defeat. Urgutai Bahram firmly believes that even if Han fails this time, it will surely make a comeback. To fight against the enemy together is to forge some friendship and open a window of friendly exchanges between the two countries in the future.

Urgutai Bahram originally thought that the Han army would be defeated in this confrontation with the Gupta Dynasty, but with the appearance of the Han army fleet, there was a new turning point.

"Did you let the Xindu people land on purpose?" Although Urgutai Bahram was asking questions, he was extremely determined in his heart.He said with admiration: "It must be like this. Now that the Xindu people have landed and the fleet has entered the shallow area, even if they want to break out of the encirclement under the night, the dispatch will not allow it."

Why is the ambush so easy to use? Isn't it because the enemy was caught off guard?When any army suffers a sudden attack, it will definitely panic for a moment.Even if the side encountering an ambush has more troops than the side ambush, because of panic and hesitation in their hearts, their combat effectiveness will inevitably decline.Therefore, ambush warfare is a tactic to destroy the enemy's psychology.

Under any undetermined factors, the first thought of the attacked party is that he has stepped into the trap set by the other party. Since the other party has set up a trap, it is by no means that simple. No, even if the upper echelons want to fight, they can only choose not to fight. The victory or defeat is already doomed the moment they step into the trap.

How could Mi Yuan know so much!However, he did not want to show timidity in front of outsiders, and said with a smile: "The general commanding this battle is a general who destroys the country."

It is absolutely not wrong to say that Huan Wen had the merit of destroying the country. He led the army to destroy the Li family Cheng Han within three months. There are only a few commanders in the Han Kingdom who have the merit of destroying the country.

The most worthy thing to show off as a military general is the ability to destroy a country. This is a fact recognized in every country. When Egutay Bahram heard this, he immediately stood in awe. Seeing Mi Yuan open his chat box, he took the opportunity to ask. Things about the Han Dynasty.

As long as it is an individual, there is no one who is not willing to be flattered. Although Mi Yuan does not know what kind of existence the Persian Sassan is, nor how strong the Persian Sassan is, he has already learned about Bahra from Ergutai Bahram. The Mu family was also prominent in Sassanid Persia, and there was no need to keep the wars that had taken place in the Han Dynasty secret, so I just talked about them a little.

Although relying on the translator, Urgutai Bahram listened attentively. He heard that the Han Kingdom fought no fewer than ten wars among hundreds of thousands of people, and destroyed no fewer than eight countries with millions of people. , has ruled a territory of tens of millions of square miles, and can't help but be extremely shocked by the illustrious martial arts of the Han Dynasty.

Among the currently known countries, countries with a population of more than one million are definitely a minority of the minority, and there are no more than three countries with a population of more than ten million (not counting slaves). They are Han, Persian Sasan, and Gupta. dynasty.Of course, the population under Roman rule was more than tens of millions, but the real Romans were only in the millions, which was almost the ratio of one Roman to dozens of slaves.

In today's era, there are not many nations that have truly established nations, and most of them exist in the form of tribes (tribes). The ones that can be truly regarded as nations are basically in the "World Island" and Africa. There are really not many nations on other continents.

In the past, Rome and Parthia fought a century-old war to decide the outcome. Urgutai Bahram wanted to know how many years it took the Han Empire to destroy the eight countries with millions of people. It was less than ten years ago, his face was full of bewilderment, and his heart was nothing but shock and disbelief.

Mi Yuan didn't care whether Urgutai Bahram believed it or not, he only knew that it was refreshing to show off his own martial arts to other races. Later, he was notified that the Grand Fleet ordered them to join the blockade on the northwest side, so he had no time to talk to Urgutai. . Bahram.

The battle between the fleet led by Fu Wei and the Gupta warship formation was still going on, because the warships and warships of both sides entered the field, and the large ship formations were separated, and the battle situation entered the stage of trying to sink the warships or warships.

Regardless of whether it is a warship or a warship, they are not too large in size, and flexibility has been considered from the beginning of the design, after all, they are specially used for collision tactics.

When a large formation fights, it indicates that long-range attacks from either side will be very intensive. Large ships can withstand the attacks of crossbows and arrows to the greatest extent without fatal damage to the hull. For example, ships and war boats do not have such strong protection. force.

The Han army's stern had a solid top layer, which was sealed except for the entrance and exit at the stern, leaving only observation holes in the front and sides.Each ship has a crew of 22, 16 of whom operate the oars, and the remaining six include a captain and five combatants.But to be honest, the combat personnel of the warship are actually not very useful. Their ships are very low, they just catch the enemy ship and ram it, and run away after the collision.

The warships of the Gupta Dynasty should have been about 30 to [-] meters long and about [-] meters wide. There were shelters on the top, but the specifications were different. Some were made of wood, while others were simply made of cloth.Except for the top-level structure, there are no obstructions on all sides, and there should be two to [-] people on each side. The difference from the Han army is that there are more archers.

"Small boats" such as 艨艟 and Zhanzhou are also effective in relatively calm waters. If there is a sea area where waves of more than ten meters high can be thrown at any time and anywhere, even large ships cannot be guaranteed not to be overturned. They should be It will be over in minutes.

The pace of naval battles will not be too fast, whether it is in the era of cold weapons or hot weapons.From the time when the two sides came into contact to the beginning of the war, and through constant fighting, there must have been casualties in personnel, but there was no gang fighting and no damage to the warship.

Later, the "ramming ships" of both sides entered the field, but the warships and warships were targeted separately. There were very few who could actually rush into the battleship formation, and even fewer successfully collided. The lively fight was not effective.

The Han army's ships successfully rammed two Gupta ships, but the two ships were subsequently sunk.

The warships on Gupta's side failed to collide, and they were densely covered within [-] meters of the Han army's large ship formation.

At this stage of the naval battle, the warships or warships that were originally sent out for collision tactics are actually more entangled with each other. Not to mention the mutual damage caused by collisions, they will continue to attack each other when they seize the opportunity. Archery.Among the exchanges of fire between the ship and the war boat, it was the ship that was being shot more often. This is related to the concept of the design.

Conflicts are happening both on land and on the sea. The night in this area is full of flames, and the sky is also tossing back and forth from drizzle, light rain, moderate rain, and heavy rain. From the beginning of night to late night, and from the passage of time to early morning .

The daytime in autumn will come a little later. The two armies in a state of war, no one on the side of the Gupta Dynasty can rest at all. As the "host" of the Han army, only the forward troops did not stop because of the deep strategic relationship.

Pingman Xiaowei Department is the official name of the Han Dynasty in this area. Its scope covers the coastal land and offshore of modern Myanmar. The main base is in Yangon, and the sub-bases are distributed in various places. The main base It extends inland for about twenty miles.

The Gupta Dynasty made a landing, and the position they occupied was the beachhead that extended about three miles inward, and should have a fan shape of five or six miles in width.More than [-] Gupta troops came ashore, almost [-]% of the troops carried by the fleet were delivered, and the remaining personnel were also being delivered one after another.

"It is indeed a powerful country at sea." Huan Wen did not deny this. He still stayed at the top of the mountain to look at the overall situation, and said with a thoughtful expression: "It takes about three hours to send more than [-] troops to land. We can't do it at all."

In fact, the Han Dynasty's navy had done something to project troops across the sea. That was when the Han Dynasty invaded the coast of Linyi after regaining Jiaozhi.It is precisely because they have done it before that there is a comparison. The Han army invaded Linyi many times. The fastest cross-sea landing was to deliver [-] troops ashore within an hour.

"What can we learn from the behavior of their warships rushing to the beach?" Huan Wen was talking about the Gupta ships rushing directly to the shoal, and later said: "It is necessary to specially develop ships to project troops to the beach."

Beaching a big ship is a delicate job, and it is also a great test for the ship. Next, you have to figure out the tide, or it is a one-time consumable.But as long as war is involved, consumption often refers to whether it has meaning and value, not how much it will be lost.

"General." Si Hongzhuang is not in the navy, and he doesn't pay attention to the navy. He glanced at the east, where there is no sign of the rising sun: "It will be daylight in one hour, will the last general go down the mountain to make final preparations?"

Huan Wen knew what Si Hongzhuang meant. In their battle plan, the arrival of a new day would mean the escalation of the war. The army that had been holding back all this time would join the battle on a large scale. Fish, the battlefield was at the Pingman School Lieutenant's headquarters, so Si Hongzhuang, as the Pingman School Lieutenant, should have participated in the battle and served as the frontline commander.

"The enemy fleet must want to leave the port, but I don't know if it is ruthless enough?" Huan Wen was talking about whether Kartruk Kapu would abandon the Gupta army that had landed.He thought for a moment and said, "The strength of the attack depends on the signal that I will give."

Si Hongzhuang had nothing to say, he saluted and said "no" and went down the mountain in the rain.

Katruk Karp, who hadn't slept all night, had bloodshot eyes. Of course he knew that he had stepped into a trap. If there was not much panic at the beginning, it was all due to his confidence in his own navy. Development was not as natural as he thought.

Gupta's naval formation, which went first to battle, was entangled with the Han army formation. The confrontation between the two sides has been going on for more than ten hours. How many ships were sunk in each battle, and how many ships lost their combat effectiveness. Even the officials couldn't get the battle report so quickly.

What Katruk Karp is worried about is that the battle at sea has not gained an absolute advantage. The fleet that was first engaged in the battle at sea has received reinforcements again and again, but it is still blocked by the Han Navy on the coastal line. They are in a state of being blocked, and even There is another Han Dynasty navy cruising in the northern waters.

Without too much speculation, Katruk Karp is very clear that the Han navy on the north side is to intercept their retreat, and will join the battlefield when necessary, but that is when they seize the opportunity to give the Gupta navy At the moment of the fatal blow, this is what he was afraid of.

I don't know when the rain stopped, and the clouds seemed to be slowly dissipating. The half moon of the ninth day of the ninth day could occasionally be exposed, and as the clouds dissipated, fish white appeared in the east.

"Don't stop breaking through." Katruk Karp tried his best to maintain the grace that a Brahmin should have, with a confident smile on his face, but said in his mouth: "It is possible to send envoys to communicate with the Han Empire." , who of you wants to go?"

There were many Kshatriyas gathered on the flagship. They all knew that they had stepped into a trap carefully prepared by the Han army. They did not think much about whether they could win the final victory, but they still believed that at least in the naval battle, even if they lost, it would not be too serious. Unfortunately, the only thing worth worrying about is what will happen to the troops sent to the beach.

"Dear Garp." Zaput Warren stood up and said after saluting, "I am willing to serve you."

"Very good." Katruk Karp nodded and said, "Your visit has nothing to do with the ongoing war. It is the establishment of a communication channel between two powerful countries."

Zampute Warren also understands this. Although they are in the South Asian continent, they have close exchanges with Central Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean, and Europe and Rome. These places all believe in fighting against fighting, but the exchanges cannot stop. The principle is that there should be enough Kshatriyas to go to the Han country, but they didn't understand that the civilization of the Central Plains didn't talk about that.

(End of this chapter)

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