Chapter 665
The Han Kingdom did not encounter any threats in the Pacific Ocean. There was no enemy worthy of a battle in the entire Pacific Ocean. Whether it was the Beiyang Fleet or the Nanyang Fleet that carried out the exploration and development of the ocean, they really did not encounter any threatening maritime enemies.

Obviously there is no enemy worthy of a battle, but the Beiyang Fleet and the Nanyang Fleet each have more than a thousand warships. It is not that the Han Kingdom is rich enough that warships can be placed like dumplings, but that Liu Yan has a system of troops against the sky. Each has a thousand warships, in fact, there are only one or two hundred non-system warships, and the rest are for transportation purposes.

After the Han Dynasty extended its military tentacles to Malacca, the non-systematic troops of the Beiyang Fleet and the Nanyang Fleet were reorganized as part of the Southern Expeditionary Force. This is the reason for the more than [-] warships that arrived in Asanyang. After they were transferred, It seems that the Beiyang Fleet and the Nanyang Fleet did not lose many warships, but in fact they were all system troops.

Due to the limited shipbuilding capacity of the Han State, the replenishment of non-systematic warships of the Beiyang Fleet and the Nanyang Fleet is not fast. Furthermore, at this stage, the military red zone of the Han State is in Asanyang. Even if new warships are really launched, It will also be assigned to the Southern Expeditionary Force sequence.

Huan Wen didn't know when the Gupta Dynasty would make a big move. All he could do was to send an official document to the central government as soon as possible. The first one to ask for the transfer was the nearest Nanyang Fleet. The fleet comes to aid.

Construction system shipyard shipbuilding?It was based on the premise that Liu Yan had that thought. After he entered the customs, he turned his attention to the construction of the new Chang'an City and the upcoming drought. He was not notified even if the system had been established around the Pingman Captain's Department. In the dock, no construction will be performed and no warships will come out to serve.

The earth is divided into north and south poles, and the environment and climate of each region are different. If it is calculated according to the latitude, the Pingman Colonel is in the subtropical zone. In spring, it is already a bit stuffy, and the air is still humid and hot. In summer It's still hot and stuffy, even in autumn it's still hot and stuffy, but winter is a bit like spring in the Central Plains.

What is more troublesome for the expeditionary force is that the rain in this place will be endless in autumn, sometimes it will stop immediately, and more often there will be at least 20 days in a month. It's raining, which means that the soldiers have nothing to do except hide from the rain.

The endless rain also gave the expeditionary army a new test. In addition to the predicament of water everywhere caused by too much rain, the amount of dry firewood stored is consumed every day. If the dry firewood is consumed, the diet of the soldiers will be reduced. If something goes wrong, at least don't expect a hot meal.

"The latest news is that a hurricane has landed in the South China Sea, and the coast of Cochin has been severely damaged, and Malacca is temporarily unavailable for navigation."

Typhoons or hurricanes in autumn are quite normal in that area. Not only will the sea surface become very scary, but the land and coastal areas will also be blown into chaos by the wind.

"Compared to the big man, Gupta knows more about that sea area." What Li Mai heard in his ears was the sound of rainwater hitting the bamboo raft, and it was raining heavily outside.He said worriedly, "I thought that if Gupta was looking for a chance to fight, it was the right time."

The fact that a large number of Han navy and army stationed in the Pingman school lieutenant’s headquarters is definitely no longer a secret to the Gupta Dynasty, but the Han army’s warships were tightly blocked, and it was difficult for the Gupta Dynasty’s warships to observe closely, so that the Gupta Dynasty knew that this place was an important place for the Han army. The base is unaware of the situation.

Huan Wen immediately came to his senses and asked, "Xianhe means that the enemy will come to attack?"

"If you are a general of Gupta, you will not let go of such a great opportunity." What Li Mai was doing was just a kind of empathy, and he said in a pushy tone: "Gupta already knows about this place, but it is difficult to get close to it." Observation, I don’t know how our army’s strength will be confronted. There is a fault in the rear of our army, and the enemy is planning for a big battle. Maybe they don’t have the confidence to come to a decisive battle, but they will be eager to know the situation here.”

Huan Wen had thought about it before, but he was unfamiliar with maritime warfare and was not sure. Seeing Li Mai's certainty, he nodded: "If that's the case, it will be within a few days?"

In the era when communication relies on shouting and communication relies on running, the time delay in information transmission depends on the length of the distance.And they don't know if there are any ships from the Gupta Dynasty spying near Malacca. They will make inferences based on previous years' experience, and they are certainly no strangers to the South China Sea and the waters of Malacca.

Before Huan Wen went to Pingman Xiaowei Department, he stopped in the Strait for a few days, and learned that the local peninsula and the surrounding islands are not short of Ah San. Since there are Ah San's immigrants there, it makes no sense for Ah San to be unfamiliar with it. It should even be said that at least they are more familiar than the Han people who have just arrived.

"The warships of the Han Dynasty can sail in the rain, but the wind and waves are too big but they can't." Li Mai tried his best to recall the style of the warships of the Gupta Dynasty. Whether the enemy will attack or not, you can check the recent enemy movements."

To put it simply, any military operation requires preparation time. The navy must carry out relevant inspections, maintenance, and warranty on ships before going to war, and it must prepare enough supplies.In this way, as long as you observe the dispatch of the navy of the Gupta Dynasty in recent times, you will find clues, especially if you can judge whether the opponent's large ships appear.

Each ship has its own logbook, which not only records the route of the voyage, but also the status of the ship and the information found. If you want to spy on the status of the Gupta Dynasty navy, it is most intuitive to check the logs of the ships that went to attack. It's just a bit of a workload.

As a superior, Huan Wen didn't need to do everything by himself. He opened his mouth and someone would naturally be busy. After half a day, he got a relatively detailed information.

"Xianhe has made meritorious service." Huan Wen is not usually a kind person, but he is not stingy with smiles on those who are capable and can help him a lot: "Gupta's big ship has not appeared in recent days, it must be as Xianhe guessed, They want to take advantage of this great opportunity to come and spy."

Li Mai just eats the job of leading the navy. If others are not sensitive, he must have a keen sense of smell. Otherwise, if the fleet is stationed in Hong Kong, it will be a small matter to lose face, but the fleet will be responsible for the heavy damage.

Huan Wen needed to rely on Li Mai's ability in naval battles, so he gave the warmest smile and asked, "Since Xianhe has anticipated the enemy's movements, is there a countermeasure?"

There are more than 150 warships of the expeditionary force, and there are about [-] warships that are often dispatched to conduct sabotage warfare. Temporary combat missions must not be able to notify those formations that are launching sabotage warfare. After all, there is no such thing as radio now. .The number of warships docking at the military port for maintenance, overhaul and waiting for supplies is not fixed, and there are no less than [-] ships within the range of the command chain.

Li Mai has always believed that his guess will not be wrong, and he has a draft in his heart, but he can't disrespect Huan Wen, so he said in a tone of asking for instructions: "It is not known how many warships the enemy will come, but I think it will not be less than three hundred. There are about 130 warships that the Dahan can participate in the battle in the military port. It is natural to confront them head-on, but it is difficult to teach the enemy the biggest lesson. The military port has a complete water fortress, even if it is attacked, it is not the enemy. To break through easily, do you want to send the fleet out of the port and use the water fortress as a bait to attract the invading enemy troops?"

Let the fleet go out of the port to hide, use the military port as a bait to let the Gupta navy rush in, wait for the Gupta navy to enter the encirclement, and then the hidden fleet will encircle.

"Although the enemy army doesn't know the number of our warships, they can't make the harbor look empty." Huan Wen admires Li Mai's subordinates who don't finish their words and leave some supplementary care for the boss's face. : "Let Xianhe make the arrangements."

Li Mai naturally responded with a salute: "No!"

Regardless of the fact that Li Mai and Huan Wen were both descendants of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, they really couldn't get close.Huan Wen's reputation is not good, at least it is mostly negative in the south, and he is not a gentleman in getting along with others, and even somewhat domineering.Those may be Huan Wen's original character, and they may also be used to give the king a handle, but they also arouse jealousy and fear in his colleagues, and inevitably some colleagues will hate him.

Naturally, Li Mai would not show his distaste for Huan Wen, and he did not procrastinate when he got the order. After bidding farewell to Huan Wen, he found Fu Wei.

Naturally, the rain was still falling, and there was no tendency to stop at all. The warships in the military port left the port in batches in a haze covered by raindrops. They would not go north, but go to the southern sea to hide.

In this area of ​​the Han Kingdom, not only the base of Pingman Xiaowei Department (Yangon) facing the sea, but also a large base (Tawa) behind it, but the other base is relatively poorly constructed, generally It is used as a repair place for severely damaged warships.

The more severely damaged the warship is, the longer the maintenance cycle will be. Usually, it is not arranged to be repaired at the frontier military port, which will occupy the dock.The repair docks of the frontier military port, they deal with the lightly damaged warships, and repair them at the fastest speed, so that the damaged warships can be restored and put into use again.

Before the Han Expeditionary Army was busy dealing with possible attacks, the Gupta Dynasty was indeed preparing for a surprise attack.

The number of Gupta ships gathered to join this inexplicable war is as many as [-] in the coast of Cuttak alone. If the number of civilians is requisitioned, the style will be complicated. Kapil Malik is in charge of one A formation of fifty ships of various types.

"Jeddin's order has been given." Kapil Malik was referring to the tit-for-tat raid by the Gupta commander-in-chief Gawala Kunal Jeddin.He is now staying on the newly-taken warship, looking at the densely packed sails, and said to his deputy Diran Kumar: "We are divided into the second batch of formations, and we will set sail today. "

Kapil Malik's new ship is a three-masted warship with a length of 24 meters, a width of [-] meters, and a draft of [-] meters. The ship is equipped with two bed crossbows, both of which are located on the bow deck.His new ship looks very Sasanian in style, but it is actually a captured ship that has been repaired after being captured.And it is actually not a native warship of the Sasanian Dynasty, but was captured by the Sasanian Navy from the Eastern Roman Navy.

The style of the warships of the Sasanian Dynasty is very Hellenistic, and there is a statue of the goddess of the sea at the bow of the ship. Kapil Malik did not understand whether the goddess of the sea was the daughter of Oceanos or Nirvana. Daughter of Reus?

Jhavala Kunal Jaidin will not directly participate in this raid. As a noble Brahmin, he only needs to issue orders and then stay in a safe place to wait for the news.

Of course, it will not be Kapil Malik who will command the raid fleet, but Katruk Karp who will take the initiative to command this raid.

The number of ships used by the Gupta Dynasty for raids reached [-], of which [-] were civilian ships, and less than [-] were truly warships.The preparations for their raid fleet have been going on for nearly two months. In addition to the preparations for sea battles, they have also done a good job of deploying troops for penetration and landing. on board.

The lingering "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo—" horn sounded first from the city lord's mansion, and then continued to be heard everywhere. Waiting for the big bell at the port to be rung, a huge team of monks appeared.

The monks are not going to fight with the army, they are coming to the port to bless the army that is about to go to battle. The bursts of Sanskrit sounds are chanted, accompanied by the continuous ringing of the bell, and the scene of a large number of monks and believers coming out is a bit Buddhist 1 The meaning of the coming of the kingdom.

In the fleet waiting to leave the port, I don't know who called out "Goddess" first, and then there was a chorus of praise from all the people.

Ah San has his own mature religious system, Buddhism and so on was actually abandoned by Ah San himself, replaced by Hinduism, and Hinduism has three main gods, namely Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.Brahma is the god of creation (lord of the universe), Shiva is the god of destruction with three eyes (ghost eye king), and Shinu is the patron saint of the universe and life.

The main god of the Asan group, the Kshatriya, is of course the god of destruction. It is a necessary procedure to hold religious ceremonies to pray (pray) before going into battle. The more powerful the army, the higher the morale will be.

Under the bursts of Sanskrit sounds and bells, Katruk Karp waved his arm, and his flagship left the port first, followed by the flagship escort formation.

As Kapil Malik of the second echelon, he watched the singing and dancing on the shore with a solemn face, and waited for the formation of the first echelon to leave the port. Then he shouted: "Goddess will bless us invincible, let's go!"

Of course, not all ships leave from the port. In fact, most of the ships have anchored and lined up at sea.

(End of this chapter)

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