sweeping the world

Chapter 660 This is just the beginning!

Chapter 660 This is just the beginning!
The sea is no different from the land, and the bed crossbow is launched on a warship that is sinking and floating. It is not an exaggeration if the salvo fails to hit a single shot, but frustration is inevitable.

After about a hundred breaths or so, the Han warship fired again.

This time, the crossbow bolts fired by the seventeen bed crossbows hit four shots, two of which hit the non-flagship of the Gupta Dynasty, and the other two hit the warship with sails and olive and snake patterns.

The different positions of the bed crossbows have different damages. The bed crossbows are shot out with burning objects. Due to the distance between them, the arrowheads nailed to the wood do not cause penetration effects, only when they hit the sail. When it penetrates, it will penetrate.

Picard Malik was once again surprised when he saw that the warships of unknown forces were able to hit in the second salvo. The warship he brought out this time was not a capital ship in the Gupta Dynasty, but a medium-sized warship patrolling the sea. .

The marine fleet of the Gupta Dynasty was inherited from the Guishuang Empire. Of course, it has its own warships loaded with bed crossbows. It is clear that launching bed crossbows from warships and launching bed crossbows on land are two different things.

"No matter who they are, they are definitely not a small force in a certain place." Dirang Kumar didn't think he was talking nonsense: "Their ships are very big, and they can also carry bed crossbows. Everything shows that they are a powerful force. A country with rich cultural heritage. There is no such country around us, and the appearance of their ships is not the Roman or Sassanid style we are familiar with."

Regardless of whether it was a strong and prosperous Roman period or a weakened Rome, in fact the Romans have always been relying on Greece's old roots in the ship system. At most, the hull was enlarged based on the original Greek design. Groundbreaking new results.

Sasanian is another Persian dynasty after the fall of the Parthian Empire. In some respects, the main body of Parthian and Sassanian is Persian ethnicity. There will not be too exaggerated deviations in the inheritance of civilization. The army and The construction of the navy is also in the same line.In fact, the Persians are not very good at playing with the navy, and they have not made great progress in the past hundreds of years.

Every civilization has its own brand, which can usually be clearly distinguished from the appearance of civilization creations. Pikar Malik and Diran Kumar have the same understanding, and they have the same understanding of the three warships in front of them. Not impressed.

The distance between the enemy and us at sea has always been kept at about 200 meters. That is because the warships of the Gupta Dynasty wanted to get closer, while the warships of the Han army consciously kept the distance.

"They obviously don't have long-range weapons that exceed 200 meters." The tension in Fu Wei's heart has disappeared, replaced by a kind of self-confidence that adults bully children: "Let's keep this distance first, and kill their combat awareness."

Every hundred breaths or so, the Han warships would fire a salvo. Sometimes, as the positions of both sides changed, the orientations of both sides of the hull changed. Crossbows on different sides of the ship fired separately, at the bow and The crossbow at the stern maintained a salvo attitude.

Liang Min found something and reported: "There is a ship in the enemy fleet to break away."

Fu Wei also noticed this situation, he thought about it and did not order the pursuit, but hesitation appeared in his self-confidence which was still as stable as Mount Tai.

The Han people have not been in this sea area for a long time, and they don’t have a clear understanding of many things. They don’t know how many countries in this sea area can engage in naval warfare, and they don’t know how much sea power the Gupta Dynasty has.

The warship formation of the Gupta Dynasty broke away alone. It was obviously going to leave the battle and report back. Without sufficient information, the Han army warship formation had no way of guessing when it would return to Hong Kong, and how long it would bring it back. How many reinforcements.

The sun in the sky is already in the middle of the west. According to the timing issued by Liu Yanxin, it should be around three o'clock in the afternoon?

The days are longer in summer than in the other three seasons, and the sunset is about an hour longer. There is no cover in the sea, and the sun does not completely disappear until it completely falls into the coastline on the other side.

"We still have about three hours." Fu Wei could not be confused, and said decisively: "Take three hours as the final time limit, and leave the battle immediately when the time comes."

If the formation of the Gupta Dynasty has a warship that breaks away to find reinforcements, Fu Wei can also assign one to break away to find reinforcements. The problem is that the situation of the two sides is really different.

This sea area is Asan's traditional sphere of influence. The Gupta Dynasty's own sea power is not weak, and their military port is relatively close. There must be many warships docking in the port.

The Han State is a new force in this sea area, and it is still in the exploration stage of the sea area. There is not a single military port, and the effective base is the base of the Pingman Colonel's Department.

Fu Wei originally came from the mainland with 32 ships, but five of them were broken into on the way. The 32 ships are not all warships, but four supply ships (transport ships) loaded with logistics supplies. The voyage of thousands of miles also makes some ships have to be overhauled or maintained. In fact, only ten of them can still be used. Of the seven ships, five stayed at the stronghold, and the remaining three ships formed a formation and were divided into four groups to go out to perform tasks.

"We are currently at the position of Geng 63." Liang Min looked at the nautical chart intently for a while, gestured with some rulers, and said, "You can choose the Ren position for the retreat direction, where our second battle formation is located. .”

They are relatively close to the continental shelf, and the second formation is farther from the continental shelf.It is currently summer, and Asanyang is basically blowing southwest wind. Fu Wei doesn't want to expose the location of the stronghold, so of course he can't just withdraw the stronghold. If the warships of the Gupta Dynasty pursue them, they can still find a second formation and join forces to fight.

The watchman outside is reporting: "The enemy ship is on fire!"

The command system, which was looking for a way out before the victory was expected, looked out upon hearing the words, and indeed saw the sails of an enemy ship burning in flames. the fire.

"The wind power of the sails is lost, but they still have the power of the oars." Liang Min said so, but there was a smile on his face: "It will not be able to keep up with the speed."

The two formations were always in motion, not standing still.With the movement, different speeds will increase the distance between friendly warships. They have to deliberately maintain the same speed to move together. Most warships will not sacrifice their speed just to take care of one of them. They are destined to be unable to follow. The warships on board will be abandoned.

From the beginning of the battle, the Han warships unilaterally attacked the output. The Gupta Dynasty warship formation that failed to fight back was actually resentful and frustrated. They always wanted to close the distance with the Han warship formation. Unfortunately, Under the headwind, even if the overseer of the cabin tried his best to whip the slave, it would not have much effect if the slave broke the oar.

"It can't go on like this." Kapil Malik was naturally extremely angry, he clenched his fists: "The enemy army clearly has an overall advantage but seems very conservative, we can disband the formation and lead them around by the nose , to create an opportunity for the encirclement to approach!"

Dijon Marcourt had thought of this a long time ago. The reason why he didn't bring it up was because of the suppression of the noble hierarchy.He had to wait for his immediate superior to make a decision before completing the plan.

Han has a mature set of semaphores for long-distance non-sound effective communication. Even without Liu Yan's interference, semaphores have actually appeared in Zhuxia civilization long ago, but the communication is very limited.

Other civilizations are not pig brains. They must have their own creation system in the process of civilization development. A system similar to semaphore must exist. After the order of Picard Marik, some flags were hung on the flagship. Colored flags to announce pre-existing plans.

Soon, the warship formation of the Han army saw the warships of the Gupta Dynasty scattered around.This new situation made Fu Wei, as a commander, realize who his opponent was. Anyway, he was not the kind of savage on many islands in the South China Sea.

"The movement posture of the enemy's flagship is to coordinate with the rest of the enemy ships." Chen Tan's duties on the flagship are similar to the intelligence officers of later generations. Lured us into the trap with the exposed flagship."

As for how Pikar Malik knew he was exposed, it was not the obvious patterns of olives and snakes on the sails. Every warship of the Gupta Dynasty had different patterns on the sails, mainly because the warship he was on had been being used all the time. Set fire cover.

There are not many choices before Fu Wei. Their warships are twice as small as those of the Gupta Dynasty, and the individual warships seem to be far stronger than the other side: "Be patient, be more patient! Wait until they are far enough away from each other !"

Chen Tan had already reported just now that the level of the warships of one's own side was far higher than that of the enemy's warships. If there was a boarding battle, it would be absolutely advantageous.

The fact that the gap between the enemy and the enemy is clear makes Fu Wei not afraid of a boarding battle. What he hesitates is being surrounded by multiple ships.

"Have they discovered our intentions?" Didan Makour saw that the Han warships were still forming in a calm formation and seized the opportunity to shoot long distances. He had no obvious intention of chasing them, and he didn't know whether to laugh or be disappointed. : "The enemy commander is too cautious."

"Yeah, their ships are bigger than ours, but they are still cautious." Picard Malik looked at things from the perspective of a superior: "No matter who they are or where they come from, they are powerful and intimidating. , the enemy who is always cautious is the most terrifying."

In many cases, the strong side will always ruin itself because of underestimating the enemy.Although such an enemy is difficult to defeat, it will not make people despair.

Pikar Malik was not a high-ranking person in the Gupta Dynasty, but he knew that in the confrontation with the Sasanian Navy, despite the large number of Sassanian Navy, the Gupta Dynasty was still able to win more than lose, precisely because the commander The pros and cons.

"The Persians have more navy than us, but they look down on us, so they can always let us find opportunities to inflict heavy damage on them." Picard Marik felt obliged to teach Dijan Makul, who had a good relationship, full of seriousness Said: "We should pay more attention to enemies who are cautious enough, instead of laughing at their timidity."

Dirang Kumar naturally acted like he was being educated, but he knew in his heart that Pikar Malik had his own arrogance, which belonged to the pride of the powerful navy of the Gupta Dynasty.

After all, their force is a relatively common warship formation in the entire Gupta Dynasty navy. The Gupta Dynasty does not lack warships that are larger than the unknown enemy, and the number is quite considerable.Secondly, after being shot at for a while, they believed that the unknown enemy was inexperienced in comparison.

The fleeing and chasing between the two sides has been staged, and the battle situation has changed as Fu Wei ordered to approach the crossbow and diffuse to prepare for the boarding battle.

After each other entered the shooting range of the crossbows, the sea was like a scene of arrows like locusts. The crossbowmen on both sides fired arrows at each other desperately, which may not cause much immediate damage to the hull, mainly because Mainly kill enemy personnel.

Shooting arrows at each other, people were hit by arrows every moment, and the muffled sounds and groans were drowned out by the sound of the waves, until the two warships collided together and let out a wooden groan.

The moment the warships collided, the people on the two warships felt a huge shock, and all kinds of shouts followed.

On the side of the warships of the Gupta Dynasty, they are at a lower altitude than the Han army. Because of this, there is no need to be alarmed. Those who are still calm do not think of climbing up the rock, but greet and prepare to shoot arrows at the outcropping Han army. .The next moment, they were overwhelmed by some round barrels. After the barrels were smashed and shattered, some grease flowed out. Soon, torches were thrown from top to bottom, and the fierce oil immediately burned when it hit the fire.

Fu Wei gradually mastered the tactics of naval battles over time. He used the tactics of throwing down round barrels filled with strong fire oil to destroy three ships. When he wanted to do the same, he found that the positions of both sides were unknown. Jue has changed, and the remaining three warships of the opponent, including the flagship, are already leaving the battlefield.

"What is this?" Fu Wei looked at the enemy ship that had lost its sail and stopped in place earlier, but this was not what he asked, and he said with a little self-mocking: "It really is different from land?"

It's about grabbing the limelight and not being able to see the big picture when fighting.

Picard Marik was also looking at the ship that was standing still. He ordered the ship to surrender because it would be impossible to run away without its sails. It is better to make contact after surrendering, maybe after paying the ransom. Get freedom, and when you go back, you can figure out where this unknown enemy came from, and what is the purpose of appearing here.

What the Gupta Dynasty didn't expect was that Fu Wei didn't want to capture them at all. Instead, he asked one of his ships to lean over and throw fierce oil, and dropped the torch to directly ignite it.

As the sun was setting, Picard Malik, who saw that scene from a distance, had an incomparably livid face. He was angry at the uncivilizedness of the unknown enemy. He opened his mouth with a series of curses, and then gritted his teeth and said: "We have encountered a barbaric The enemy is a barbarian who cannot communicate!"

It may be barbaric, but Fu Wei thinks that it is just what he says and does, which is what he thought at the beginning: When we meet for the first time, please die!

(End of this chapter)

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