Chapter 637

Shijie Zhao Kingdom, Li Family Cheng Han, Eastern Jin Dynasty Small Court, Zhang Family Liang Country, Tuoba Dai Country, Murong Xianbei, are these countries weak?Which one is not mercenary at least more than [-], but they were still attacked by the Han State one after another. It can only be said that they are not weak, but that the Han State is too strong.

Even the countries of Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, Kaya, and Urishima, as long as they are at the national level, there is no existence weaker than a single family.

In the past, the four big clans in the south of the Yangtze River wanted money and people, and who was not several times stronger than the Sang family?
Sang Yu can incorporate so many families because he has the identity of one of the three princes of the Han Dynasty, and then his own family has relatively good strength after the war in the Central Plains.If Sang Yu is not one of the three masters of the central hub, let alone thinking about expanding the power of the family, he should be in constant fear.

After the establishment of the Han Dynasty, there really shouldn't be too many families that were wiped out. Anyone who worked for the Jie clan in the Central Plains to help the tyrants would be wiped out if they didn't wake up in time, and those who were slower to react would basically have their vitality seriously damaged.The area south of the Yangtze River was hit the hardest. The former four great clans were no longer in glory, and countless people died and their families were destroyed.

Liu Yan's recovery of those families whose land exceeds the bottom line is not based on people, but on all families. Those who can own a large area of ​​land have a status in Han, that is, nobles.

Take the current twentieth-class nobility of the Han Dynasty as an example, the higher the title, the more legal land under the name.No matter how much land they owned before, after the "rectification movement", no non-nobility in the Han Kingdom had more than [-] acres of land in the "basic market". The noble who legally holds the most land is now Ran Min, but that was all on the battlefield Earned by military exploits.

It doesn't matter how much land the Sang family owned before. They took the initiative to reduce it during the "rectification" period, because Sang Yu was also a feudal lord and received legal land rewards. If the family is the unit, it now has the largest amount of land among all the families.

Not counting the pioneering land outside the "basic market", the Sang clan holds [-] acres of land.Seven thousand acres of land seemed like a lot, but before the establishment of the Han Dynasty, which family didn't have tens of thousands of acres of land in their hands, the gap was huge in comparison.

Owning land does not mean that one will be strong. How many tenants must be controlled. In the people-oriented era, only someone can form an armed force, with tribes as the core, and tenants with relatively high loyalty and dependence. The large number of passers-by is also a rabble.

The Sang family sent [-] armed forces to the Indochina Peninsula to participate in the development, and [-] people who are planning to participate in the northeast development. Counting the military forces that must be left behind in the old nest, the entire family's armed forces are about [-], but these are not obvious. It was put on the bright side in vain.

Is 5000 private armed a lot?Within the territories ruled by the small courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there are many aristocratic families that can organize an army of 5 people. Even the Huan clan, the weakest of the four big clans, can arm an army of about [-] people. The Wang family can pull out more than [-] people.

Of course, how many troops each family can pull out is one thing, and combat effectiveness can't be guaranteed.

No one knows when Liu Yan began to restrict private armed forces, but there are no relevant restrictions. Nowadays, those aristocratic families with tens of thousands are destroyed as soon as they are destroyed. It can be seen that the family armed forces and the national armed forces cannot be of the same height.

When Sang Yu returned to the mansion, he locked himself in the study and kept thinking and calculating. After counting Sang's own armed forces, plus some allies who would follow him all the way to the black, he should be able to make up a 6-[-] man's arming.

【so what? 】Sang Yu thinks more, sweats more, and his body shakes more violently: 【The king expelled the Tartars and restored China, which won the hearts of the people, and the control of the military is also tight.And...that mysterious Janissary is simply endless...]

Anyone who was able to change dynasties in the past was only because the general trend created space for development and growth, and then the original ruler made people angry, otherwise there would be no chance to reach the top.

Sang Yu didn't want to accumulate strength to usurp the throne, but he was very clear about one thing. At the beginning, Cao Cao only wanted to help the Han Dynasty. After the strength accumulated to a certain level, even if he didn't want to, he would be pushed by his followers to do it. .

Will the Han Dynasty ruled by Liu Yan be the Eastern Han Dynasty?No one can say for sure.

[Why does the king not restrict private armed forces for so long? 】Sang Yu didn't wipe the sweat off his face, but felt himself faint: 【Is it because you don't care at all, or because you need all the families to develop outside the territory? 】

To be honest, Liu Yan really didn't limit who can't engage in private armed forces, but only gave him the treatment of how many parts and personal soldiers he legally owned according to the system of the [-]th rank.The problem is that the quantity that has been legally owned must be illegal!

[Could it be a game? ] Sang Yu immediately collapsed, and his posture became lying down: [The king wants to see how many private armed forces each family can organize? 】

Now it is not the ancient pre-Qin period, not schools can have huge armed forces, and nobles can also legally own huge private troops. Since the establishment of the Han Empire, anyone who dares to train troops privately will be wiped out. There has never been an exception.

"No!" Sang Yu tried to sit up, but he did it several times before he succeeded. He shouted to the outside: "Come here!"

Soon someone outside spoke up and was ordered to call the elders of the family for a meeting.

The Sang family is by no means the only ones holding the clan elder meeting today, it is all those who went to the brothel to participate in the discussion just now.They were all taken aback by themselves today, and began to hesitate whether to make such a big move to expand the family.

That night, Liu Yan got the record of what the group of ministers talked about, read it and then threw it aside.

The starting point of restricting civilians from owning private armed forces is to prevent anyone from challenging the imperial power. It is a bloody deterrent to find out that one will kill another, and one family will be exterminated if one is found.

Of course, Liu Yan also thought about whether to restrict it, and after careful consideration, he decided to blur it out.He is not someone who wants to dominate the world and then close the door to do his best. What he wants is to open up to the outside world endlessly. The power of the country is not enough to do it. It is more important.

As long as he didn't mess around in the country, Liu Yan really didn't consider exterminating certain families. He also hoped that those families could independently develop into Ah San's territory, and also hoped that all the families could go outside to spread their branches and leaves. So ignore what should be ignored.

Lying next to the report on what the ministers said was the official document Ji Chang sent back from Yandi.

Ji Chang didn't know if he thought of it himself, or he got someone's reminder to write a special explanation about why he let go of [-] Tuoba Xianbei.

Liu Yan didn't care about the 2 people running away from Tuoba Xianbei for a long time. He knew very well that Tuoba Gu's strength should be strengthened. Otherwise, Murong Xianbei would have killed Tuoba Xianbei very easily, which is not in line with Han Interests.

As for Murong Xianbei not attacking Tuoba Xianbei, the two Xianbei joined forces to attack Rouran or Donggaoche. No matter how things develop, it will be beneficial to the Han Kingdom.

"Should this be the structure here?" Liu Yan has been writing and drawing with charcoal for a long time, trying to recall the structure of the waterwheel: "It should be like this."

A local drought has been confirmed in Liangzhou, and it is only a matter of time before it spreads to Guanzhong. The next step will be the hinterland of the Central Plains, and there is no room for Liu Yan's carelessness.He had ordered the irrigation system to be sorted out in the past few years, but this alone was not enough. He had to do something bigger, and the water wheel was one of them.

The structure of the waterwheel is actually not complicated, and it is not too difficult to build. Its function is to transport more water to the desired place with the least amount of labor.

"Send this blueprint to the workshop." Liu Yan pointed to the blueprint on the case table, and of course the object of the order was Cui Zong: "Order the workshop to build one first and conduct field tests."

Cui Zong stood and looked at it for a long time, probably able to guess what the drawings were. He bowed respectfully and took the drawings out, which soon turned into a trot.

Liu Yan didn't want to make waterwheels for a day and a half, but only recently had enough free time and energy to do it.Not only did he want to make a waterwheel, but he also wanted to make some tools that are convenient for farming, but he really didn't have many "goods" in his mind.

[What kind of plowshare is the most labor-saving? 】Liu Yan is a little confused. He lives in modern times and has access to a lot of information. The problem is that electronic products are the mainstream. Now all-metal plowshares are not popular, so try all-metal plowshares first. 】

What's funny is that Liu Yan didn't think of what kind of plowshare is the most convenient to use, but he was deeply impressed by such a thing as a threshing machine. It can even be said that the structure can be recalled, but how to draw it has to be repeated. Whether there is a corresponding effect or not has to be tested repeatedly.

What does a typical modern person look like?It is the kind of people who see a lot of things and know a lot of information. Unless they are very interested, they will not really study it, and become a half-baked person who knows a little about everything but has little hands-on ability.It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Yan is a half-baked guy who knows a little bit about everything.

After Murong Yan was eliminated, there was no country in Han that urgently needed to be eliminated.Liu Yan focused on the military in the early stage, and he was about to restore the old land of the Han family, but the situation of domestic people's livelihood was really bad.

The military strength of a country is related to all aspects. If it weren't for Liu Yan's golden fingers, not only the systematic troops that can be "summoned" repeatedly, but also those buildings that can produce military equipment, it is really impossible to arm too many troops.

Even if Liu Yan has a golden finger, he has not encountered difficulties. Among them, there have been several food shortages, and he still relies on fundraising and robbery in the Indo-China Peninsula to collect food.

Of course, Liu Yan knew that robbing could not rob a stable and powerful country, and robbing could only maintain temporary prosperity. A country's real strength depended on its strong domestic production capacity.

In order to restore productivity as quickly and effectively as the country's output is really unable to sustain, Liu Yan has already made plans. The number of imperial guards in the future will definitely be kept at a minimum, and it is time to create more Farmers use it for farming.

The efficiency of agricultural production by farmers in the system is much higher than that of normal people. It can effectively make up for the gap in food output, but it can only be supported first, and it is not the fundamental solution to the shortage of food output. The country's internal affairs have returned to normal.

There will be a severe drought in the Central Plains in the next few years, which will be a heavy blow to the restoration of people's livelihood. Liu Yan doesn't know how long the drought will last, and he doesn't even have enough judgment on the ensuing locust plague. All he can do is try his best. Take precautions.

Seeing that the Central Plains was about to suffer a disaster, the country became dependent on the south of the Yangtze River. That is why the population of Yangzhou migrated outwards and did not move to the north of the Yangtze River.We all know that there will be a disaster, and then move people from the south of the Yangtze River to various places in the Central Plains. How confused should we be?

The next day, Liu Yan summoned the central ministers to discuss again the drought in the Central Plains Association.He found a rather strange situation. The ministers looked like they hadn't slept all night. They all had big dark circles under their eyes. Occasionally, when they looked at themselves, they showed obvious fear.

"Tell me, tell me all about it." Liu Yan didn't ask those people what was going on, and directly mentioned: "How much grain can be hoarded in the south in two years to support the north?"

Cai You and Tian Shuo looked at each other. Their responsibilities are related to each other. One is in charge of the production of mountains and rivers, while the other is in charge of farming. What Liu Yan asked was just about his duties.

After the destruction of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the south, Huan Wen went on a massacre. Although it was aimed at those aristocratic and powerful families, it would be a lie to say that it had no impact.

After the Han Dynasty included the south of the Yangtze River under its rule, the output in the south fell by [-]% in two years compared with the period of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It is hard to say what will happen this year.

Tian Shuo didn't make any preparations in advance. After calculating on the spot for a while, he answered tremblingly, "Should there be 170 million stones for the north?"

Cai You also gave a similar amount, but he later mentioned a method: "Every family entered the wilderness and collected a huge amount of grain and fodder, and some of them resumed production for the Central Plains."

The Indochina Peninsula can basically achieve three crops a year, regardless of whether the food is good or not, the output is really good, it depends on whether the families are willing to sell it.

Liu Yan looked at Yu Yi who was in a trance.

It took Yu Yi or Cai You to tug at the corner of his clothes before he could react. Because he was not concentrating just now and didn't know what Liu Yan was doing, he really panicked for a moment.

Cai You moved his standing position and reminded in a low voice: "How much food can the colony provide for the country."

"Your Majesty, I will give you ten million stones." Yu Yi realized that he hadn't finished speaking, everyone looked over and said with a little guilt: "Regardless of the price, there should be fourteen million stones?"

Liu Yan was shocked. He knew that Indochina Peninsula was rich in food production, but he really didn’t expect that the various families could provide so much. Seeing that Yu Yi still talked about providing it for free, he couldn’t help but ponder whether the food production in Indochina Peninsula was his own. It was expected, but I really never thought that those ministers were scaring themselves, and they were almost scared to death by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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