sweeping the world

Chapter 630 Grassland Strategy

Chapter 630 Grassland Strategy
Before Liu Yan officially left for Guanzhong, he needed to go to Xiangguo. When he was still in Yecheng, teams from all over the country were already rushing to Guanzhong.

Guanzhong is a regional name. According to the administrative division, it is divided into Yongzhou and Qinzhou, and Chang'an belongs to the boundary of Yongzhou.

After the collapse of the Western Jin Dynasty, Guanzhong was occupied by the Huns Liu Yuan, and the capital of the so-called Huns and Han was Chang'an.Later, Liu Yao changed the country name of "Han" to "Zhao"... It was also known as the former Zhao in history, but the capital was not moved, and the former Zhao also died in Liu Yao's generation.

Guanzhong has been called the land of Qin since ancient times. The people of Qin lived in that land during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The people of Qin had several capital cities, and they built Xianyang after waiting for Shang Yang's reform.Later, Xianyang was not chosen as the first capital of the Han Empire (it was not yet called Chang'an). In fact, Luoyang was the first to proclaim the emperor. Later, it was suggested that Guanzhong had Xiongguan as a support, so it turned its attention to Guanzhong.And Chang'an is not exactly Xianyang, but the city was rebuilt on the edge of Xianyang.

Liu Yan received reports from various parties on the way to Xiangguo. Ji Chang reported that Murong Xianbei left Xianbei Mountain and went to Xianbei Grassland, and Lu Tai reported that the three countries on the peninsula had been wiped out.

Another thing is that Tuoba Xianbei's team on the Yandi battlefield ran away.

"Tuoba Shiyijian is still in the team?" Liu Yan was really surprised that Tuoba Xianbei had escaped from the Yandi battlefield: "Does he have any signs of escaping?"

Cui Zong was the king's secretary, and he belonged to the kind of person who always pays attention to everything for the king. He replied cautiously: "There is nothing abnormal for the time being."

Tuoba Shiyijian took 2 Tuoba Xianbei cavalry to defect to Han, and lost thousands of people in the battle of destroying Yan.He followed Liu Yan to leave the battlefield of Mieyan, but the troops under his command stayed in Yandi, and they were successively lost, leaving less than [-] people.

Liu Yan asked Cui Zong to invite all the ministers over, and when they arrived, he would explain the situation, and then asked, "How to deal with it?"

The tribe left the leader and ran away. Such a thing has never happened to the Chinese civilization. It has never been the case that the subordinates did not hesitate to die in battle for the sake of the king. There is more than one example.

Hulu left his leader and ran away?It doesn't seem to be too unusual, and it happened more than once that the tribe lost the leader and ran away.For such a matter, the understanding of Huaxia Civilization is that Hu people worship the strong, and once the leader they follow is no longer strong, betrayal is not a shameful thing, so they think that Hu Lu is indeed a barbarian, without the slightest loyalty .

"Tuoba is alone in the Xianbei grassland, and Tuoba Shiyijian also has several heirs in the Xianbei grassland." Cai You just talked about the habits of the Hulu, thinking that Tuoba Shiyijian was abandoned: "The current Tuoba Xianbei should It is with Tuoba Gu as the leader."

Tuoba Xianbei moved to the Xianbei grassland earlier than Murong Xianbei, and the northern part of Tuoba Gu's supervision included the Xianbei grassland.

The Xianbei Grassland is north of the Xianbei Mountains, very close to the North Pole.According to the information from Han, the Xianbei Grassland has entered the Little Ice Age due to the global climate. In fact, more than seven months of the year are in the snowy season, and the slightly warmer season is less than two months.

"About [-] people from Tuoba Xianbei entered the Xianbei Grassland, and more than [-] Murong Xianbei fled there." Sang Yu said from another angle: "Since the escape of those Tuoba Xianbei cavalry has become an established fact, Maybe it's a good thing."

In any case, Tuoba Shiyijian betrayed when the Han State attacked the Murong Yan State. Perhaps it was not the biggest murderer of the Han State who drove Murong Xianbei from the Yan State, but the relationship between the two parties must be extremely bad.

The environment of the Xianbei Grassland is not good, with snow and ice all year round and permafrost everywhere. Not to mention it is extremely harsh for the farming people, the nomadic people who rely heavily on the pastures are not much better.There are only two months in a year when the ice and snow melt, so how many cattle and sheep can be fed, let alone a large number of horses, the inability to graze extensively means that there is little food, and the lack of food means that many people cannot be fed at all.

"The Xianbei Grassland is the territory of the Tuoba clan, and Tuoba Xianbei may be more prepared." Sang Yu said with a smile: "Murong Xianbei moved hastily, and was chased after him and abandoned a lot of baggage, but there are more than [-] people .”

They are not ignorant people, how can they not know that Murong Xianbei, who has a large number of people and few materials, will attack Tuoba Xianbei, and it would be bad for Tuoba Xianbei to be too weak.

"The Prime Minister will have a memorial to arrive later." Sang Yu said that Ji Chang should have let go of the Tuoba Xianbei cavalry on purpose. Tuoba Xianbei's strike is a combination of both parties to fight against Rouran or Donggaoche, and there is no loss to the big man, on the contrary, it is beneficial."

The territory originally controlled by Tuoba Xianbei, except for the Xianbei grassland, has all been owned by the Han State, so that the Han State and the Rouran Tribal Alliance and the Donggaoche and Xigaoche of the Dingling people have territorial borders.

The global climate has entered the Little Ice Age, and the closer the North Pole is, the worse the ecological environment is. In the past few years, Xigaoche has moved southward, and even Donggaoche has continued to invade Rouran. Start looking south.

"The reason why we let Tuoba Xianbei and Murong Xianbei run away is to hope that they will fight with Rouran and Gaoche." What Cai You said is not entirely correct. If Tuoba Xianbei and Murong Xianbei can be surrounded and eliminated, they will definitely It cannot be let go, the problem is that it cannot be done.He smiled and said, "At least it can buy time for the big man?"

Liu Yan could tell that Sang Yu and Cai You were helping Ji Chang "clean the ground", even if they couldn't "clean the ground" by force, they should guide the situation in the direction of trivial matters as much as possible.He could even guess that after the meeting, someone would remind Ji Chang to write a memorial to explain it.

The imperial envoy doctor and Zhi Su Neishi continued to open up for the prime minister, and the rest did not make trouble. It was an instant consensus reached in a few brief eye contact.

Liu Yan had to think about it, what made this group of ministers and workers so united and friendly.After thinking about it for a while, he immediately understood. Seeing that he was about to become emperor, the center must not make any mistakes, and then the prime minister who was impartial to the domestic faction disputes was definitely the most suitable prime minister at present.

The [-] Tuoba Xianbei cavalry ran away, so Ji Chang would definitely not be able to take the blame and resign.

Furthermore, even if Ji Chang is dismissed, who will take over the position of prime minister?It seems that whoever goes up will cause trouble.If the northern ones are on the list, the southern ones will be in a state of panic all day long.If the southern system is connected, the northern system must be difficult to cooperate.The Han Kingdom has only now completed the great cause of expelling the Tartars. In the future, it will open up foreign affairs while building its internal affairs. The cake in the Indochina Peninsula will be divided up, and the cake in the Northeast will be put on the table. situation.

The Tuoba and Murong clans who went to the Xianbei Grassland were expelled by the Han army, and they would definitely not want to face the Han army again in a short time.Regardless of whether the two Xianbei fight each other, or unite to attack Rouran and Donggaoche, it is beneficial to Han.In fact, Han Guo was already preparing to face Rouran and the two Gao Ches. He didn't expect to wait for them to go south first, so he must have taken the initiative to attack!

"Tuoba Shiyijian..." Liu Yan turned his head and glanced at the cars behind him. The first car behind the king's chariot was carrying Queen Cui Wan, followed by four concubines, of course including Tuoba Xiu.He withdrew his gaze and looked at Yu Yi: "Put him in prison."

Wang Nian was still stable even in the state of exercise, Yu Yi stood up and saluted and replied: "No!"

No one mentions Lord Tuoba Shi. It’s not because they forgot about him or because of Tuoba Xiu’s sake. It’s purely a strategic factor.

The Tuoba Dynasty collapsed, and there were 4 to 11 people who voluntarily defected to the Han State to become obedient citizens, of which about [-] were Tuobaxiu's dowry.According to the current customs, how to arrange the [-] people should be up to Tuobaxiu, and the remaining [-] people will be reformed through labor, and the old, weak, women and children will be resettled.

Tuobaxiu rationally regarded the dowry placement rights of 4 people as a family matter. Liu Yan was not so cruel that even the young and strong in Tuobaxiu's dowry went to labor reform. Westward above.

It seems that forming a servant army as cannon fodder is harder than sending them to labor reform?But it depends on what kind of country Han is. In Han, where military merit is paramount, there are some men who are willing to go to the battlefield to fight their lives.So, Liu Yan is actually giving those people a way to become a master.

Mr. Tuoba Shi is the eldest son of Tuoba Shiyijian. Regardless of whether it is according to the social rules of Chinese civilization or the Hulu, he has a more natural inheritance right to the Tuoba clan in terms of blood.

The Han Dynasty had to make various preparations, including pushing Mr. Tuoba Shi to the fore one day, and asking him to compete with Tuoba Gu for the right to rule Tuoba Xianbei.

Unless Tuoba Shiyijian wanted to leave the team before, his personal freedom was not restricted.He followed his usual habit, when he had the opportunity to want his sister, regardless of whether Tuobaxiu would continue to treat her coldly, anyway, he just leaned over and talked about family affection and so on.

At the last moment, Tuoba Shiyijian asked for instructions, and got Tuobaxiu's consent to get on the car.

The next moment, a few warriors who belonged to the Tingwei Department appeared at first glance, and after they came, they wrapped Tuoba Shiyijian into a semicircle.

Tuobaxiu's car was not small, and she was obviously taken aback when the rear door was opened and saw such a scene.

The team didn't stop, the driver kept moving forward, and everyone had to trot forward, which made the picture look a little funny.

Tuoba Shi Yijian, who was trotting to grab the handlebars to get up, saw the samurai from the Ting Wei Department appearing, and he looked astonished as if he was fake.He glanced at Tuobaxiu, then walked to the side of the road, and after standing still, he kept looking at Tuobaxiu.

It's not that Tuobaxiu doesn't like her elder brother, it's just that the daughter of the grassland said that when she gets married, she should put her husband's family's interests first. Daughter is much more ruthless.Of course she recognized that those people belonged to the Ting Wei Department, and she also knew what the purpose of surrounding Tuoba Shi Yijian was. What she couldn't figure out was what exactly Tuoba Shi Yijian did to make the Ting Wei Department come to arrest him.

Waiting for the car where Tuobaxiu was in to drive away, Wang Jian slowly and methodically walked out from behind the tree trunk next to him.

Wang Jian was serving the censor, and of course he had to do the work assigned by Tingwei, but he felt that it would be offensive to put Tuoba Shiyijian in prison in front of Tuobaxiu.Arresting people in front of people, and being known after the fact, although Tuobaxiu may be hated, he still chooses to be known after the fact.

Tuoba Shiyijian's current attire has nothing to do with the prairie people. He is dressed in Han family clothes and looks quite dignified.Seeing Wang Jian's appearance, he saluted and asked, "Please trouble the imperial censor to come forward, the crime must be serious?"

In fact, Wang Jian only got the order to put Tuoba Shiyijian in prison. He really didn't know why he was put in prison, and he smiled and signaled the warriors to work without saying a word.

Tuoba Shiyijian didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​running away, and asked tentatively, "Can I see my sister again?"

Wang Jian was a person who had been in Shijie and Zhao Kingdom, and was also a minister in the former Ran family Qin Kingdom. He had encountered almost everything that should be encountered in his career as an official for more than ten years. He knew why Tuoba Shi Yijian In this way, it is nothing more than to test whether there is still a way out for him, and it is also a subtle reminder that he still has a younger sister who is a concubine.

"..." Wang Jian still couldn't figure out why Tuoba Shi Yijian was suddenly taken into prison, and continued to laugh without saying a word.

Tuoba Shiyijian was taken away under the eyes of everyone, but there was no ripple, but someone found Tuobaxiu's car parked on the side of the road, and Tuobaxiu got out of the car and turned over by herself His horses chased after the king's chariot.

All the ministers in the king's chariot hadn't left yet. They were discussing matters in the north, but later the topic turned to Guanzhong.

"Chang'an is incomparably dilapidated, especially Miyagi." Cai You, the official historian, is in charge of taxation, money, and financial revenue and expenditure, and there are too many things that cannot be ignored: "It was previously discussed that it is better to build another city than to renovate Chang'an. Site selection It's done, that's..."

Liu Yan's brain hurts a bit. The matter of Dingdu Guanzhong has been settled long ago, and he has even chosen the time to go to Guanzhong, but it is impossible to build the new city before going there.

The previous discussion was to live in the old city of Chang'an first, but did not plan to repair the old city of Chang'an. It was also determined when the new city was completed and when the grand ceremony of ascension to the throne and proclaiming emperor would be held.

The construction of a new capital city is a must, and the construction of other places must be compromised, but no matter how rushed it will take time to repair, it is estimated that it will take at least one and a half years.

Just as Liu Yang wanted to say something, he heard the sound of horse hooves, thinking that there was something urgent about Hong Ling, but when he turned his head, he saw Tuobaxiu in palace attire galloping towards him on horseback.

Tuobaxiu grew up in the grasslands since she was a child, and she knew how to ride a horse when she was young, and her riding skills are even more extraordinary when she rides a horse for a long time.When she galloped a hundred paces close to the king's chariot, there were already knights controlling the horses to surround her, and she was only close to the king's chariot when she was released later. Liu Yan was about to order to stop, but saw that she might be close to the king's chariot, stretched out her hand to grab the pillar and jumped swiftly , jumped directly from the horseback to the king's chariot.

Such a fierce scene not only made Liu Yan a little stunned, but everyone who saw it was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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