Chapter 620
Sun Chuo has no official status now, and Liu Yan sent a hundred soldiers but no officials. According to the Chinese tradition, it is not a very polite treatment for Wang Xizhi, but the reality is that the situation is stronger than others, and it really cannot tolerate many people Hypocritical.

Kuaiji was incorporated into the territory of the Han Dynasty in the Western Han Dynasty. It has been the land of Wu and Yue for a long time, and it has not been well developed. The Wang family took the waterway to go out of the mountains.

There are dense water networks in the south of the Yangtze River, and Kuaiji is a mountainous area. There are too many mountains and because the roads are not developed, it is really more convenient to go boating on waterways than on land.

Wang Shao selected twenty or so heroes of the Wang family. Except for the most famous Wang Xizhi, the current second generation of the Wang family who has some talents are all selected, and the third generation are those who perform the crown ceremony. No crown ceremony means that they are underage. According to the current statement, it is a boy, so it was not taken.

Shanyin is in the southeast of Yangzhou, which is close to the sea. They went boating to Xiling, and Xiling is actually a town in the southeast of Yangzhou near the sea.

Before the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was destroyed, the Han army continuously landed in the east and southeast of Yangzhou from the sea. Xiling built a seaport after the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty perished. The group of people came here to take a boat by sea, from the East China Sea to the Yangtze River. estuary.

Not all of the convenient water networks can sail boats, but there is absolutely no problem with boating. There are more than 120 members of the Wang family, plus Sun Chuo and a hundred soldiers of the Han army, there are more than [-] people in total. The number reached seventeen.

Seventeen boats sailing together is not enough to attract attention, but there are hundreds of sergeants in the team, which has to attract attention.

"Those people..." Zhu Liang is a branch of a small family in the south, and he came to collect medicinal materials near Kuaiji Mountain: "Are they from the Wang family?"

The style of writing in the south is very prosperous, so it is not surprising that there are people wearing scholars' Confucian robes.The demise of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was only a matter of the past few years. The social norms and habits developed for a long time will not disappear in a short while. Of course, the taboos of the Jiupin Zhongzheng system are still preserved.

Zhu Lianghui thought it was someone from the Wang family at a glance, which had something to do with what kind of clothes a person should wear in the Jiupin Zhongzheng System.The reason why he was surprised was to see the sergeants of the Han army walking with members of the Wang family.

Those who have something to do will guess wildly: "Could it be that something happened, and they were escorted out from Shanyin?"

"Hehe!" Zhu Liang didn't talk to the ignorant, but said to himself: "Escort can be regarded as escort, it's really blind."

There are many mountains in Kuaiji, and there are very few flat lands that can be farmed, but people always need food to live, so they should try their best to clear up the fields where they can be reclaimed.It is not long after the spring plowing, and there are many farmers on the mountainside and in the wilderness who are taking care of the fields, mainly pulling out weeds and the like.

Because there are enough mountains and many places are not inhabited, nature can always give a lot of feedback. There are also many teams who go to the mountains to collect herbs while the spring is in full bloom, which brings more people to the originally desolate mountains and forests.

The boating team travels downstream, and the boatmen are holding long bamboo poles, paddling or propping up from time to time, mainly to control the direction of the boat.

"Good mountains, good water, and beautiful scenery." Sun Chuo wanted to brew a poem, but when he saw Wang Xizhi staring blankly at the clear flowing water, he thought Wang Xizhi was depressed, so he smiled and said, "Yi Shao, you can use this mountain and this water , compose a poem?"

Wang Xizhi didn't look up, and said indifferently: "Is your majesty good at poetry?"

"..." Sun Chuo was stunned, but he had to recall cautiously, and then smiled wryly: "The king pays more attention to fighting than to the beauty of poetry."

"The great king focuses on fighting, but the barbarians retreated, and the Han family reestablished itself." Wang Xizhi was definitely not flattering, he looked up at Sun Chuo with a wry smile and said: "The beauty of poetry and prose is not enough to protect the family and the country, it is irresistible Add a sharp blade."

"Young Master Yi can't be like this." Sun Chuo was really afraid that Wang Xizhi would feel resentful and that something would happen when he had an audience with the King of Han, so he persuaded him nervously, "Young Master Yi should know the seriousness of the call from the King of Han this time."

"Xizhi has no resentment." Wang Xizhi said calmly, "I'm just thinking about it. The style of writing in the south of the Yangtze River is more important than the Central Plains. There are countless people who recite poems and compose poems, but they have fallen into a misunderstanding."

Sun Chuo was stunned. He also had similar introspection. He thought about it, so what if he could recite poems and compose Fu. Aren't they just the one who can't fix the country with literature and can't stabilize the country with martial arts, so they become the losers?

"I heard that science and education in the Central Plains are not prosperous, and there are many people who disagree with each other, and there are many illiterate people?" Wang Xizhi seems to be summing up: "The Great Han expelled the Tartars and returned to China. The Central Plains have been sinking for decades. Hu Feng has been very serious, and the king intends to recruit Scholars in the south of the Yangtze River must pay equal attention to both civil and military affairs."

Sun Chuo didn't think too much about it, and immediately nodded when he heard Wang Xizhi's remarks: "The Central Plains has been occupied for a long time, and all the cultures are in the south of the Yangtze River."

That's really the case. The Yongjia Rebellion destroyed the Central Plains, and after the Hulu took advantage of the situation, "clothed south crossing" occurred. Too many families fled to the south of the Yangtze River with a large number of classics, and the families that stayed in the Central Plains were killed The Hulus have repeatedly harmed the Central Plains, and the Central Plains are rampant and ruled by the Hulus. Some cultures have indeed been astonishingly destroyed.

The Battle to Exterminate Yan has begun, and Liu Yan began to feel a sense of urgency. A nation cannot forget force, but it cannot worship force too much. When he wanted to pay attention to culture, he found that the culture of the Central Plains had really changed. Barren, we can only turn our attention to Jiangnan.

Huan Wen has been carrying out cleaning in the south. Fifty-six out of ten aristocratic families do not survive, and most of the ones that have not been wiped out have been seriously injured because of the redemption of the land. Liu Yan is not sure what the attitude of those cultural people in the south is towards him, so he can only It is to call those famous people by name as a temptation.

Wang Xizhi wasn't the only one who was summoned this time, many famous people were also included in the summons, if anyone refused the summons, Huan Wen would have to have work later on.

Sun Chuo happened to be there when Liu Yan arrived in Jiankang.Liu Yan saw Sun Chuo's poems in Jiankang City's scenic spots and historical sites. After asking, he found out that Sun Chuo was there, and the two met after being summoned.

What happened at that time is no longer important, but some conversations made Sun Chuo see hope. When he heard that Liu Yan wanted to summon Wang Xizhi, Sun Chuo mustered up great courage to take the job.

It takes more than 120 li to go from Shanyin to Xiling, and the Wang family really needs to let more people see it. Of course, Sun Chuo tried his best to help, stopping and stopping along the way. People who should know that the Wang family was treated with courtesy by the King of Han knew.

No one would laugh at the lack of restraint of the Wang family. When any family faces life and death, rise and fall, it will never show any face.The Wang family desperately needed a tiger skin to prevent the disasters of many families from making things worse, and there was no better tiger skin than the king of Han summoned Wang Xizhi.

"There is really a fleet of ships waiting!" Wang Hui is no stranger to ships, whether it is the traditional building ship system or the new hull of the Han Dynasty, he was surprised that Sun Chuo was right. The King of Han really cared about Wang Xizhi. .He turned his head and said to Wang Shao, "It would be really great if Your Majesty could appreciate Yi Shao."

Wang's life is very difficult now, not only because the family's land and shops have shrunk too much, but also because of the influence of politics.They are the main force resisting the Han army going south. If they fail, they will definitely be liquidated. The official liquidation did not kill them all, but with the official liquidation, they will be oppressed by the folk forces.

There were three ships sent by Liu Yan. The ships were not big, and they were used to carry the accompanying hundred soldiers. Sun Chuo came forward to discuss with others. The members of the Wang family took one alone, and most of the soldiers were assigned to the other two.

Just as they were about to arrange boarding, there was news that there was a strong wind outside the East China Sea, and they might not be able to go by sea again.

The so-called strong winds are hurricanes formed on the sea. Such things do happen at this time of year in previous years, but this year the hurricanes came earlier.

"I don't know how long the storm will last." Wang Shao looked worried: "Although there is no set deadline for the king's summons, the king cannot be kept waiting."

Sun Chuo immediately looked at the accompanying Han officer and asked, "The sea route is not feasible, can we go by land?"

The officer was a very young village chief, and he said indifferently: "We are only responsible for guarding, and we don't interfere with how we go."

In fact, even if there is a hurricane, as long as the hurricane is not too big, it will take another three or two days to wait. It is risky to sail at sea under the storm, but it is raining but there is no big hindrance. Wang Shao's suggestion to go by land is I want more people to know that Liu Yan sent someone to invite Wang Xizhi.

"Uncle, let's rest here and wait for the strong wind to leave." Wang Xizhi actually knew what Wang Shao was thinking about, and waited until he and Wang Shao came to a place where there was no one else before saying, "It's too late."

Liu Yan did not only summon Wang Xizhi alone, but also invited famous poets, calligraphers, and thinkers in the south.

Wang Xizhi knew very well that the Wang family needed to talk about tiger skins, but he thought it was not good to do it too obviously, and it might make Liu Yan, who knew afterward, feel disgusted, which would be detrimental to the Wang family.

Some words don't need to be said so clearly. Wang Shao smiled bitterly after hearing this: "My uncle didn't think carefully." What surprised him was Wang Xizhi's change.

In the past, Wang Xizhi seldom got involved in anything, and more often focused on calligraphy, which means "keep your ears off the outside world, and only read the books of sages and sages".Now he has become more "human", at least he will consider for the family.

After waiting for seven days, Sun Chuo waited anxiously, and Wang Shao was also a little apprehensive, but Wang Xizhi found that the Han soldiers were not in a hurry to persuade those who were in a hurry.

Now of course no one will name the hurricane. The unknown hurricane did not land directly from Xiling. It just swept Xiling around and headed to the mouth of the Yangtze River. It has only rained for two days in Xiling, and it will wait for seven days. Even if they go to sea, they have to enter the mouth of the Yangtze River.

After boarding, the three ships arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze River in two days.

Looking at both sides of the river from the boat, one can see the mess after the hurricane. Many trees were uprooted, and more were directly tilted. Many places were filled with rainwater to form depressions.

"Yangzhou's grain production will decrease again this year." Seeing Sun Chuo looking at him in astonishment, Wang Xizhi asked with a smile, "Why does Xinggong look like this?"

Sun Chuo had to be surprised. When did these people really pay attention to farming? In addition to reciting poems and having fun, there were continuous banquets, or they just gathered together to talk about current affairs. It would be strange not to be surprised when Wang Xizhi talked sadly about the reduction of grain production. up.

"The Wang family is no longer the Wang family of yesterday, and Yu will go to the fields to give birth in Shanyin." Wang Xizhi's "Yu" is a self-deprecating self-proclaimed by literati.What he said was that the Wang family no longer had servants, and many families fell into trouble and refused to sell food. Of course, the children of the family had to farm by themselves: "If you work hard, you will know what you have done in the past."

Recently, Sun Chuo has discovered that Wang Xizhi is different. It doesn't sound like Wang Xizhi is pitying himself, but rather like a kind of spiritual sublimation. For some reason, he feels a little envious.

People with knowledge are great, but knowledge alone is not enough. The creation of literary works can pass on to future generations and make cultural heritage more, but many literati...especially the literati in the Wei and Jin Dynasties only use their articles as a kind of catharsis.Their articles can be handed down to future generations, but in contemporary times, especially in the Central Plains, where Hulu were raging, and they were unable to recover the lost ground under their last breath, they really didn't have much effect.

After entering the Yangtze River waterway, two days later, the ship docked at the ferry in the west of Jiankang City. As soon as I landed, I immediately met old acquaintances. After exchanging pleasantries, I learned that they were all summoned. At that time, I was full of emotions. up.

But anyone who can be famous in the south is the "top grade" under the Nine Grades Zhongzheng system, that is, the children of the high school.No matter what the country looks like, they always need good clothes, fine food and someone to serve them.Under the passage of time, some people were not affected much, but some people became very downcast.

"Huh!?" Sun Chuo seemed to have seen some extraordinary person, and he did something he shouldn't do. He stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Xizhi's sleeve: "This person...why is he also in Jiankang?"

Wang Xizhi looked over and saw a man in a gray monk's robe. He asked Sun Chuo in confusion, "Who is it?"

"A member of the Wei clan in Changshan lived under the tutelage of Buddha Tucheng in Yecheng." The middle-aged monk dressed as a monk whom Sun Chuo mentioned was named Shi Dao'an. He said in confusion: "The Samana should not come to join in the fun. ?”

Shamen may have developed rapidly when Shijie Zhao State was the overlord of the Central Plains, but after the rise of the Han State, there was no way to develop. The reason is of course that Hu Jin advocated killing all Jin people in the Central Plains. up.

Wang Xizhi laughed and didn't pay attention to why the Samana came here, the scale seemed not too small.He came back two years after leaving Jiankang, and the Jiankang he saw was still the same Jiankang, and the people who came and went didn't seem to have changed much, but he could find that there were no more frivolous clothes and angry horses, and no more gorgeous cars driving around.

When the Han army went south, Jiankang did not experience any bloody battles, and the city walls looked intact. Even if some buildings were damaged, they should be rebuilt or repaired after two years.

In the same place, because the banner of the Han army was planted on the top of the city, Wang Xizhi had the illusion that he seemed to be a generation away.

(End of this chapter)

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