Chapter 617
As a king, although Liu Yan often led his troops to expeditions, he really hadn't conducted border inspections for so many years.

The current years are not the future. The first emperor in Chinese history, Yingzheng, went on tour frequently after sweeping all over the world, and then the early emperors of the Han Dynasty did not stay in the imperial city all the time, except for those young emperors who had not been enthroned for many years. The emperor died before he was an adult, that is, Emperor Xiaoling Liu Hongcai never left Chang'an in his life.

Later, during the period when Cao Wei, Liu Shu, and Sun Wu stood side by side, the supreme rulers of the three parties would visit the place from time to time, even when the Sima family usurped the throne and reunified the Central Plains, they still maintained the habit of visiting the place.

In every powerful dynasty, the emperor is definitely not born in the palace and dies in the palace, more or less there will be actions of patrolling places.Only at the end of each dynasty, the emperor was really born in Miyagi and died in Miyagi, and he did not step outside the boundaries of Miyagi for a day.

When the emperors of the past dynasties cultivated their own heirs, unless they were a prince who stood up as a target, they would definitely create opportunities for the prince to go out on inspections frequently.After all, as long as you don’t get dizzy, you should know something. If you have been in a small circle and haven’t personally seen things outside the circle, you can only hear what others want to say. The emperor absolutely does not want his heir to be a bird in a cage.

In terms of cultivating heirs, it can be said that the emperors of the Han Dynasty were the bloodiest. They usually took the princes and kings of the clan. The heirs of the previous Han Dynasty had some examples of killing their relatives, and the worst ones would be designed to kill them. Some nobles.Waiting for the heirs to the throne of the Han Dynasty to stop attacking their relatives or nobles, they exploited the common people to their heart's content. In fact, the Han Dynasty was also weakening.

Since the small imperial court of the Eastern Han Dynasty was destroyed, Huan Wen has been massacred in the south of the Yangtze River for nearly three years, and the necessary population migration has not fallen. After the south was brought under the rule of the Han Dynasty, there was only blood and mourning. To come over to Xuanwei is to show his kindness.

Cleaning up the decadent family... Well, it is actually killing those stubborn guys. On the one hand, it is for the needs of stability, and more importantly, it is to clear out more original vested interests, so that emerging interest groups can support and To add it in, all dynasties and dynasties have come here like this.

The Han army's expansion of territory was too rapid, and quite a few places were completely sparsely populated. Qingzhou, Liu Yan's Longxing land, was constantly migrating out, so why didn't the densely populated areas south of the Yangtze River place for triage?

The population migration in the south of the Yangtze River was generally smooth, which was based on the deterrence of the destruction of many aristocratic families. In addition, a considerable number of people belonged to hidden slaves, and the other was those people who did not have land.

"About [-]% of the population migrating to the south is relocated to Bashu." Cai You, the historian of millet, is in charge of the division and resettlement of the migrating population. He said with a smile: "Bashu also belongs to the southern climate, and there will not be too many The phenomenon of acclimatization to the soil and water. Because it is a waterway, the food consumption on the road is not much, and there is no large-scale disease attrition.”

The total number of Han people who migrated from the south of the Yangtze River reached 230 million, of which 60 were relocated from Jiankang, and most of the rest were from Yangzhou.

The population of Bashu has been small since ancient times, and even fewer belong to the Miao descendants of the Han family. First, a large number of them were consumed when the Three Kingdoms were established side by side, and the population of the Miao descendants of the Han family did not increase much waiting for the Sima family to reunify the Han family.

Later, Li Xiong, a member of the Di tribe, established political power in the land of Bashu. Di, Qiang and Zahu flooded in a lot. Miao descendants have less living space.It was not until Li's Chenghan was destroyed for population statistics that there were less than 20 Han family Miao descendants in the huge Liangzhou and Yizhou.

The Han army carried out conquests in Bashu for a long time. Since there were not many Han descendants in Bashu, the local families that were liquidated were seldom implicated. It is aimed at non-Han Miao descendants.

"If you don't care about those guys who say they are Han people without learning a few words from the Han family, there are basically no foreigners in Bashu now." Xu Zheng is actually very dissatisfied with the ambiguity of the ethnic policy, but he knows that it is necessary to achieve the official position of Taiwei National policy: "A considerable part of the Di, Qiang, and Ba people have retreated to the mountainous areas of Nanman, and the local garrison is driving them in the direction of Ma'ergan."

The so-called horse dare is the plateau, those alien races who were driven out from Bashu, some of them migrated to the plateau with difficulty, it seems that they also started to fight with the savages above, many people died and were forced to follow Lancang The water fled to the south, and part of it crossed the Zhou River and entered the deep mountains and old forests.

Regardless of Lancangshui or Zhoushui, it is actually the modern Yunnan-South. There is a large mountain range to the west of Zhoushui. Now it does not have an official name. In modern times, it is called Gao1Li1Gong1 Mountain.

The location of Lancangshui was named Ailao in the Western Han Dynasty. The downstream is actually the Mekong River area, which is considered to be the boundary of Laos.But now there is no such country as Laos, but there are quite a few Lao tribes entrenched there. There were many ethnic groups there during the Eastern Han Dynasty, the largest being the Lao people, the Thai people and the Khmer people.

The lower reaches of Lancang River did not belong to the original Chenghan of the Li family, but Ningzhou, which belonged to the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.The area under the jurisdiction of Ningzhou is very large. Together, it is the land of the three counties in the southwest of the pre-Qin Dynasty. However, because they are not valued, there are basically not many administrative offices, and there are very few residents.

Those aliens who fled in embarrassment, they were first caught and killed by the Han army, and then they were driven down from the plateau by the sturdy savages. Killing and killing forced the Lao people to seek asylum from the Thai people to the north.

"The county magistrate of Nanfu has a center to report, and several tribes of the Lao ethnic group sent people to meet with them, and they also brought the canonization certificate given by the previous Han Dynasty." Lu Yi said that the first Han Dynasty was the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was canonized more than 200 years ago. You really don't need too many vassals, there are no less than thirty in the southwest alone.His face was almost twitching, and he said dumbfoundedly: "The biggest official in several canonization letters is the county magistrate..."

Liu Yan's understanding is that the Eastern Han Dynasty made the Jimi District in the southwest, that is, those places were included in the Chinese cultural circle, and the local aborigines were granted random official positions, so that future generations would shout when they wanted those lands. "Since ancient times There is an inseparable part of our sacredness" and so on, as to whether future generations have the ability to take the land down, it doesn't matter.

Jimi District was not popular in the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties. The strong man always took his fancy and had to take it down. Only when he felt that it was not worth much and it was a pity to throw it aside, he would throw it to the aborigines. The little officer who arrived.

The Jimi District really flourished in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and Li and Tang were the most prosperous. Only historians say that the territory of Li and Tang seems to be quite large, but those inherent places are really controlled by the center.The so-called inherent land was the largest territory in the Western Han Dynasty. In history, Yang Sui and Zhu Mingshu controlled more territory than the Western Han Dynasty, and Li Tang did not.

Liu Yan didn't even bother to ask about the trivial things that the Lao people asked for help. What he needed to know was the current situation of the group of people who migrated from the south of the Yangtze River to the land of Bashu.

"In general, it's pretty stable." Cai You explained to Liu Yan in detail. Generally speaking, those people who migrated did not have their own land. Although they still don't have their own land now, the output they produced More than could be left behind.He said later: "Now that more children can get land rewards, it can be regarded as giving them hope."

Rewarding land for childbearing is a national policy officially established by the Han Dynasty the year before last, in order to encourage more births to increase the country's population.There are not many subsidiary policies, except for the necessary national economic and food aid, it is a continuation of the national policy of the Central Plains dynasties, that is, men must marry at any age, and women must marry at any age, otherwise there will be some punishment Class legal constraints.

Most of the land in the Han Kingdom is state-owned, and the only ones with a large amount of land, apart from being rewarded for meritorious service, are those families that originally had legal land titles.At the same time, the illegality of Tian Qihe was based on the fact that Han Guocheng did not recognize it, so in fact, those families were not recognized unless they served Liu Yan early.

As the fleet sailed into the waterway of the Yangtze River, after a certain distance, Liu Yan could already see crowds of onlookers on both sides of the river, so he couldn't help asking: "How many people are there in the south of the Yangtze River now?"

"Yangzhou still has nearly 130 million people, and the total number with other states is about 400 million." Cai You explained that some of the people who migrated from Yangzhou were still resettled in the south of the Yangtze River, but moved to those sparsely populated states and counties: " After the on-the-spot investigation, both Guangzhou and Jingzhou are suitable for land reclamation and grain production, but it will take years and months for land reclamation."


Jingzhou is the modern south of Hunan. It can be said that the difficulty of reclamation is not as great as that of Guangdong. If you don’t care about the ecology, setting fire to forests and wilderness will be a very fast way. After dealing with those roots, it will be A piece of fertile and fertile land will definitely live up to its reputation as a land of fish and rice.

Liu Yan knew very well which places in the south were suitable for grain production. What impressed him most was that during the Manchu Qing period, Hunan alone supplied more than half of the country's grain.

"The most affluent south of the Yangtze River is in Yangzhou. The handicraft industry is very developed, and there are fertile fields everywhere." With search authority, you should know some things about Yangzhou, right?"

Didn't the Han Dynasty carry out some reforms?One of the biggest reforms is some law enforcement and supervision.For example, the sentencing and trial of the head of the Yushi Palace, the Tingwei Office is dedicated to the power of search, arrest, and detention, and the Dali Temple is responsible for supervision.

Yu Yi was still watching the onlookers on both sides of the strait with complicated emotions, as if time had changed, but when Sang Yu came suddenly, he began to understand why more and more colleagues did not want to see Sang Yu.

"This..." Seeing Liu Yan looking over, Yu Yi didn't say whether Liu Yan knew about those things. After being exposed by Sang Yu, he had to say: "Most rebels were wiped out, and the family property was returned to the state, but a small part The not included in the state-owned land register."

Does Liu Yan know about those things?Obviously not unaware.

In the small court period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the south was full of aristocratic families. They dominated the direction of the country. They could not control the land occupation and annexation of the country at all. It almost returned to the state of Chu during the Warring States Period, that is, the clans were divided and autonomous. As for whether to listen or not The instructions and orders of the center only depend on the individual's volition.

Regardless of whether it is at the level of aristocratic families or at the level of powerful people, they can always think of ways to save themselves when they are being settled, including dragging people into the water, and bribing law enforcement officers is a common method.

Liu Yan knew about it but did not deal with it. It was because the officials who went to deal with it did not soften their hands just because they had received benefits, nor did they wantonly accept bribes. The most courageous person was to collect a thousand acres of land, and the most courageous person was Huan Wen. .

Why did Huan Wen accept the [-] mu of land? He didn't try his best to hide it afterwards. Many people actually knew it without saying it.

It’s actually quite embarrassing to say it. In the early Han Dynasty, a dignified general who conquered the South would not accept bribes if there were no more than tens of thousands of acres of land. Some powerful officials even dared to accept bribes of tens of thousands of acres of land. Harvest a thousand acres.

"Let's deal with it according to the Han law."

Liu Yan glanced at Sang Yu a few times while speaking, and then turned his head away when Sang Yu was about to speak.He couldn't understand more and more what Sang Yu was going to do, how could he go all out to offend all his colleagues?
The fleet has been sailing against the current, and the speed is not very fast. The places they pass are guarded by the Yangtze River Navy along the way. People can be seen everywhere on the shore, and many of them are chasing the fleet on the shore.

When they arrived at the edge of Jiangdu, Jiangdu Ling had already greeted them, but Liu Yan didn't summon them, and didn't even stop for a moment, but let the fleet go directly to Jingkou.

Jingkou is the largest ferry in Yangzhou near the estuary of the Yangtze River. It was originally the main base of the Eastern Jin Dynasty navy. After the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was destroyed, it no longer had military value. The original infrastructure was basically destroyed by the war. civilian use.

Because someone had already come here first, and the person who should be notified worked desperately to prepare. Before the fleet where Liu Yan was in docked, the ships there had been emptied long ago, and the idlers were also persuaded to leave.

Liu Yan put his feet on the ground after the accompanying army landed first. He chose this place to land instead of sailing directly to Jiankang for his own reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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