sweeping the world

Chapter 613 The New Era Is About to Enter

Chapter 613 The New Era Is About to Enter
At the beginning, Ran Min led [-] cavalry cavalry into battle. From morning to afternoon, the number of cavalry around him dropped to less than a thousand.

It's not that Ran Min encountered some strong army and lost [-] riders, but the environment here is too complicated. They caught the retreating Murong Yan's army and killed them all the way, and Murong Yan's army ran around and chased them out. Troops chasing after them will inevitably get separated from most of them.

In a battlefield full of broken enemy troops, even if the side with the advantage wants to rendezvous after being separated, it is not that easy. This is true in open areas, especially in forests full of trees, and there can be thousands of people. People followed the surrounding area from left to right, which already showed Ran Min's excellent commanding ability.

In fact, Ran Min didn't care much about how many subordinates followed closely. He personally killed more than [-] enemies today. The guys in his hands...that is, the double-edged spear and the hooked halberd were full of blood. Zhu Longma and himself His body was covered with a layer of blood, and he only cared about catching people and kept killing him when he had killed it happily, and didn't bother to pay so much attention.

If it hadn't been for the reminder from the army commander, Ran Min would not have noticed the semaphore sent by Xie Ai's troops.

Ran Min, who was notified by the friendly army, knew that there were mink and leopard cavalry on the battlefield, and his blood burned instantly.He had the experience of fighting against the Diaobao cavalry. It was the battle when Shi Hu personally conquered Murong Xianbei. At that time, he was the rear army after Shi Hu fled first, and he faced Murong Xianbei cavalry with less than 3000 people. , as a character who was caught chasing and killing for a while.

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!" Ran Min's eyes were red, and he waved a hook and halberd to overturn an enemy soldier who was in the way, and shouted in the right direction: "Go!"

The current situation of Murong Yan's army is very bad. Most of them just want to escape from this Shura field, and they are still in the attitude of fleeing under orders. Only a few people can be mobilized by Murong Ke to fight in an organized manner.

There were so many people on the battlefield, and it seemed that there was no coordination at all. Some of the dazed Murong Yan troops even fled and fled to the southwest, only to be blocked by the chasing Han troops.

The collapse of Murong Yan's army was caused in a very short period of time. 7 people ran for their lives all over the mountains and plains.This was the result of Han's large-scale killing of Jie people in Bingzhou and Shuozhou. The soldiers of Murong Yan's army were completely afraid that they would also be buried alive.

There is a battlefield full of people. Even the cavalry can hardly keep running at high speed all the time. They will continue to slow down in the continuous fighting. It is actually very good to be able to run.

There are only about a thousand knights around Ran Min, but there are nearly six thousand horses accompanying him.

There is no shortage of war horses in the Han Dynasty, even light cavalry can have one man and two horses; in addition to two alternate war horses, the assault cavalry also has a pack horse for carrying heavy loads; There are also two war horses that are used to alternately replace and ride in battle, but there is also a war horse for ordinary times, and a pack horse for carrying loads is indispensable.

Ran Min and a group of subordinates have about a thousand people, and there will be about [-] horses accompanying them. It is the nature of horses to be used to gregariousness, which is equivalent to the rest of the wandering robes. Their spare horses and draft horses are almost all here.

Of course, war horses without a load are lighter, and they will definitely run faster than war horses with a load of knights. It's just that long-term training will make them more disciplined, so they don't run in the front.Some of them are connected by horses carrying knights, and some are purely following the crowd, trampling all the way with the sound of roaring horseshoes, anyone who stands in the way will be knocked down, and then trampled into a pulp by countless horseshoes .

Xie Ai used the height of the nest car to look across the battlefield, and he turned his attention to another place when he saw that Ran Min was killing the Diaobao cavalry.

At this moment, people are still pouring out of the woods in the southwest direction, the number of cavalry is not much, the enemy and us on foot appear in the process of fleeing and chasing, sharp blades can be seen everywhere, blood splashes, and then the body falls heavily on the ground.

The cry of "surrender without killing" could already be heard in the woods, and Xie Ai had a smile on his face.

Persuading to surrender will only happen if you have an advantage. The call to surrender means that the main force of the Han army has also caught up. Xie Ai was both surprised and surprised that his main force came so quickly.

"Order the infantry to push forward slowly." Xie Ai said and shook his hand at the bottom, and the boards of the nest car slowly descended with a 'creak' sound: "Have you still not found Murong Ke?"

"No." Yuan Qiao put down the binoculars that had been covering his eyes: "It should be Yanqi coming, but I don't know if he is still there or has fled."

"The enemy's armored cavalry equipment is still there." What Xie Ai meant was that the mink and leopard cavalry is the most important weapon of Murong Yan, so how could Murong Ke abandon himself and run away.Seeing that the boards had stabilized, he pushed open the door and walked out, saying, "Chang Shi continues to observe the battlefield and wait for an opportunity to give orders, and so-and-so rushed to the battle line in person."

Yuan Qiao bowed and said, "It should be so."

The reason why the battlefield is a battlefield is not only a bloody place, but also enough chaos and noise. Ran Min has been charging and killing all the way, but in fact he can't confirm whether the route has turned or not.

In the battlefield, unless it is located on a high ground, otherwise it is really difficult to identify the target when looking up.After all, there are people everywhere on the battlefield, and they will move during the fight if they are not dead, but there is no reason to stay where they are and wait for someone to kill.

The real situation is that Murong Ke personally came to the position of the Diaobao cavalry after the Han cavalry came out of the forest in the southwest.He knew that this army was finished, and the rest of the troops could not be saved, so he tried to take the remaining mink and leopard cavalry away from the battlefield.

It is not a rational behavior to disarm on the battlefield, but if you don't disarm your armor, you can't run very far, and you can't even think about changing horses while galloping.Only when the knight takes off the armor, the mount should also take off the vest, and the burden of that body is shared by multiple war horses can maximize the physical strength of the long-distance gallop.

"Heng Gong, Ran Min is coming soon." Liu Xiang didn't want to look so useless, but the problem was that he couldn't control it: "Let's leave quickly!"

"It's not just Shi Min..." Murong Ke looked to the southwest, but he couldn't see through so many figures, nor could he see through the dense trees, and said deeply: "The main force of King Han is not far away either. "

It hasn't been a day yet, Murong Ke feels like everything is in a dream.

At the last moment, Murong Yan's army still had a large-scale defense line. The [-] troops who were left behind to guard the defense line, and the [-] troops who were in a state of evacuation, unexpectedly disintegrated within a day, but it is unknown how many people were able to escape.

The sable and leopard cavalry has been disarmed for about a quarter of an hour. Disarming the speed has increased a lot regardless of the damage to the armor. There should be seven or eight hundred people who have been evacuated first, and those who have not completed the disarmament will not exceed five hundred.

The battlefield was very noisy and chaotic. Murong Ke used his best efforts to observe the surroundings, and found that a cavalry of the Han army had approached within two miles, but the surrounding troops were only facing the enemy with their backs, and their hearts sank. At the same time, he shouted: "Those who are still in armor are ready to meet the enemy, and the rest will follow."

The sable and leopard cavalry who had not disarmed were stunned by the repeated orders. Seeing the support staff run away, and seeing the rejoicing faces of their disarmed companions, they really had mixed feelings in their hearts at that time.

The mink and leopard cavalry have always enjoyed super high treatment in the Murong Yan army, and they have cultivated their own pride by being invincible in the past. It's just that today's fight is too aggrieved, and the obedience to orders cultivated for a long time makes them stay behind. No matter how complicated their hearts are, that group of people still habitually choose to obey orders.

"Go away!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Go! Go!"

Because they would become irritable if they were in complicated moods, and they needed space to set up their formations, the approximately [-] mink and leopard cavalry still cursed loudly at first, and then simply brandished their weapons at the disobedient friendly troops.

Ran Min, who has been killing people all the time, gradually felt that something was wrong. When fighting, his attention was on killing people. Whichever way he ran, he would habitually face the enemy's position, circling around and repeatedly on the route he had already rushed. There is nothing wrong with tossing.

Ran Min noticed that something was wrong because there were fewer enemies around, and he caught sight of rout soldiers running to the left and right in a certain place, and gradually saw the sable and leopard cavalry lined up in a line.

"Change horses!"

After a while of fighting, the number of cavalry of about a thousand fell to less than [-], and no one knew how many were killed in battle, but the "whoosh" sound from the mount could tell the degree of fatigue.

After the speed slowed down, Ran Min quickly turned from Zhu Longma onto the backs of the group of black horses beside him.This black West Pole horse was named Wu Zhui. It was selected by Liu Yan from many majestic war horses. After naming it, he specially rewarded it to Ran Min.

The names of warlords’ mounts are more particular, usually based on the coat color of the horses. For example, the red rabbit horse is actually a horse with fiery red coat color, and the Zhulong horse’s coat color also tends to be red. A black-furred horse, Jueying or something, is actually four hooves on the snow.It is named according to the color of the horse's fur and the color of individual parts. Generally, it is not named randomly, and it is not a name that all horses will take seriously.

Ran Min had the reputation of Xiang Yu in the world, so Liu Yancai rewarded him with a war horse named Wuzhui.The meaning is probably that Liu Yan recognized Ran Min's bravery and encouraged Ran Min to fight the enemy bravely.

After the mink and leopard cavalry set up their formation, they didn't care if there were friendly troops on the road. They started to advance slowly. The heavily armored war horses ran rampant wherever they passed, and the chains dragged on the ground brought up more than just dust.

After changing horses, the cavalrymen came down a corner led by Ran Min, and they didn't rush straight up.They need an accelerated time and are well aware of the need for detours.

After all, the assault cavalry of the Han army is a kind of cuirassier. The strongest protection is on the chest, and the rest of the body is at most thick leather armor for arrow protection, which is lighter than heavy cavalry wrapped in metal. It is also relatively flexible, and the overall weight is even more incomparable.To use a metaphor that is relatively clear to modern people, the heavy cavalry is a tank, and the cavalry is an armored vehicle.

The sable and leopard cavalry have iron chains between them. It is not generally difficult to change direction after charging. Compared with other heavy cavalry, they rely more on the cooperation of other arms. At least the two wings need friendly troops to look after them.The problem is that most of Murong Yan's army is just running for their lives, and the five hundred mink and leopard cavalry who were ordered to charge were soon blinded.

Yuan Qiao, who was on the nest car, saw it clearly and applauded for Ran Min's side attack.

That was when the assault cavalry attacked from the side after completing the detour, and the mink and leopard cavalry, who could not turn or dodge maneuvers, could only suffer the impact passively. Fall off the horse.

Just two charges back and forth, Ran Min could no longer see the sable leopard knight who could safely ride on the horseback. He laughed wildly as if he had let out a bad breath, and he still didn't forget to lead his subordinates to continue to slaughter more Murong Yan's army fled in panic.

In another place, Xie Ai gathered the cavalry himself, and had already begun to chase after the disarmed sable leopard cavalry who had withdrawn earlier.

It was almost in the evening when Liu Yan came out of the forest area and came to the open land. When he came, the battle here had entered the stage of gathering prisoners of war.

"Your Majesty." Yuan Qiao came to see Liu Yan for the first time when Liu Yan came, and reported after paying respects: "Marquis of Meiyang and Marquis of Xinting will lead their troops to pursue, and I will be in charge here on my behalf."

In recognition of Xie Ai's meritorious service, Tinghou was newly conferred during the Chinese New Year, and there were four other people who were conferred with him.

The results of today's battle have not yet been fully counted. Murong Yan's army on the other side of the defense line has become about 11 prisoners of war. The pursuit of Murong Yan's army in the forest is also continuing. The [-] army is an established fact.

Yuan Qiao ordered people to bring a lot of armor, and explained specially: "These are the equipment for the enemy's armor and riding equipment, and there are [-] of them."

It is not easy to calculate how many sable and leopard cavalry are killed. It can only be judged based on the heavy armor of the cavalry captured. After all, once the heavy cavalry loses their armor and riding equipment, it is not easy to build them in batches with the national strength of each country. The capture of the heavy cavalry's armor and riding equipment is equivalent to the elimination of a heavy cavalry.

In fact, Liu Yan didn't know how many sable and leopard cavalry Murong Ke brought, and he was not so afraid of the heavy cavalry under the premise of using gunpowder weapons.

For the current Han army, what kind of arms is a matter of several rounds of catapults shooting out explosives.

To be honest, after the appearance of gunpowder weapons, Liu Yan was thinking about the lightness of the army's armed forces. In the future, gunpowder weapons will be used in large quantities against the enemy. Before artillery and muskets are produced and installed in large numbers, grenades will be the killer of soldiers. When sieging a city or conducting a battle, you will use catapults, bed crossbows and other devices that can launch explosive packages to teach the enemy what it means to enter the era of hot weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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