sweeping the world

Chapter 602 It has a long history...

Chapter 602 It has a long history...

What age is it now?
What are the most powerful countries on earth?

Liu Yan knew very well that it was several centuries AD, and the only powerful countries he knew about were Rome and Sassanid. Apart from that, there were really no other powerful countries that impressed him too much.

Rome has not yet split into East Rome and West Rome, but in fact it has long been a stage of partition autonomy.Probably in AD [-], Diocletian, the Roman Augustus at that time, divided Rome into two parts, and later divided the regime into two parts, establishing a system of four emperors co-governing. This Rome began to have the concept of East and West.

In fact, no matter how the country system changes in Rome, the republic, the parliamentary system, the Augustan system... one thing that has not changed is that Rome has always been governed by aristocratic families, and each family has its own private territory and private army. In fact, Rome has long been in branch autonomy, but each family obeys Rome's orders.

If you count it, the system of Rome and the Zhou royal family are actually the same, the difference is that the "co-lord" of the Romans has not changed.

The "co-lord" of the Romans can be obtained through elections or by violence, but no matter who becomes the "co-lord", they can't afford to offend all the nobles, and can only maintain the status quo of autonomy in various places.The rules formed over a long period of time have been fixed in the passage of time, because the "co-lord" has no supreme power to kill the princes. In fact, as long as the "co-lord" does not provoke the princes, the princes simply don't bother to care about who will be the "co-lord". co-lord".

One thing that must be explained is that the title of Rome has always existed, but the "co-lord" of Rome has never been continued by a family based on blood, and they will also change the ruling family, and then there will be a "dynasty". Replacement, but it did not change the name of Rome.So, there is nothing wrong with Rome being a thousand-year empire, but not a thousand-year dynasty.

Liu Yan vaguely remembered something, the current stage of Rome is a time when the rulers change frequently.

Almost at the time of the collapse of the Eastern Han Empire, Rome was actually in turmoil. At that time, the Roman ruler Alexander Severus continued to expand his army, and continued to increase the status and salary of soldiers, in order to end the Parthian Empire (Patti Asia).

Rome did beat down the century-old enemy of the Parthian Empire during the reign of Alexander Severus. The destruction of the Parthian Empire made Rome...at least the Roman army robbed a lot of money, but the Romans could not destroy it. After the Parthian Empire was destroyed, they carried out land occupation. After they destroyed the Parthian Empire, they robbed, and when they robbed enough, they withdrew their troops.

For Rome, the Parthian Empire, which has been fighting each other for more than a hundred years, is gone, and Alexander Severus has also become an incomparably great Augustus, but the real problem arose with the fall of the Parthian Empire.

Alexander Severus ruled Rome for 13 years. Before he died, he tried to suppress the military he cultivated, but because the Roman system did not mean that the ruler could suppress whoever he wanted until he died. Later, the military failed to be suppressed, which gave Rome an incentive to fall into turmoil.

After the death of Alexander Severus, the successor Augustus had nothing to do with the army, and he could not provide enough wealth to continue feeding the army. As a result, the army began to riot, and there were 33 years of officers During the reign, the rulers of Rome changed eleven times in a short period of 33 years. It was the Illyrian Dynasty that ended the chaos of military officials, but the rule of the Illyrian Dynasty lasted for 16 years, and the Illyrian Dynasty Rome during its reign simply did not end in chaos and turmoil.

It was almost the time when the Central Plains entered the period of the Three Kingdoms. After a long period of chaos and turmoil, Rome evolved into a political situation under the rule of four emperors. Diocletian was forced to create two separate structures of Eastern Rome and Western Rome. , can be regarded as causing the formal division of Rome.

So it is very strange that the two dynasties that are so far apart entered the end at the same time, and entered the split situation at the same time, waiting for the Sima family to formally usurp the throne and establish a country and then go to the collapse of the Western Jin Dynasty. The ruling dynasty of Rome is also because of the Germans, Goths, and some ethnic groups with a very mixed composition... Anyway, they are collectively called barbarians by the Romans, because the continuous invasion by the barbarians led to changes in the ruling family of Rome.

[Who is the current emperor of Rome? 】Liu Yan is now on the west bank of Qiushui. He is staring ahead, because there is no urgent matter and he can make a memory: 【No matter who it is, Rome will soon face the training of the "God's Whip". 】

The so-called "God's Whip" is of course the group of Huns who were defeated by the Han Empire and fled far away.In fact, these Huns did not go directly to the west after fleeing. They first entrenched in the Western Regions, and then recovered their strength for a while. Only then did Chen Tang's deeds of "搴琴侯侯's flag, beheading the head of Zhizhi", also Only then did the phrase "a strong man who commits crimes be punished even if he is far away" appear.

The Western Huns fled westward in a panic after going through a war with the Han Empire. They first stayed in the northern border of the Guishuang Empire and the Parthian Empire, and at one time accepted the employment of the Parthian Empire to participate in the war against the Romans. The Guishuang Empire established by the Dayuezhi people has been conquering each other among neighbors for more than a hundred years.

The Western Huns stayed in the Caspian Sea area for a long time. During the collapse of the Parthian Empire, they even carried out fishing in troubled waters. However, the Parthian Empire was over at that time, and the Romans did not care about the Western Huns. Instead, the Western Huns had a good time. period.

The Western Huns migrated westward again when the war between the Kushan Empire and the Eastern Han Empire broke out. At that time, the Kushan Empire didn't know where it was. It first continuously invaded the Western Regions under the rule of the Eastern Han Empire, and later sent people to The Western Region Protectorate of the Eastern Han Empire carelessly asked to marry a princess of the Han Empire.

It may be because of the wrong translation of the two knives. Ban Chao, the governor of the Western Regions, who was extremely unhappy with the continuous invasion of the territory, immediately exploded when he heard that the Guishuang Empire asked to marry the eldest princess. He conscripted soldiers from the countries of the Western Regions, and he really led a group of mobs to defeat the nobles in the northern part of Guishuang. It can be said that not only the Guishuang Empire was stunned, but also the Western Huns who had been cultivating near the Caspian Sea were also frightened. It was too much, and once again caused the Western Huns to run away only when they heard the movement of the Han army.

The Western Huns were frightened away by the movement of the Han Empire. The first unlucky ones were the Alan people and the Yancai people. The two ethnic groups who were basically in the primitive period had been continuously invaded and robbed by the Western Huns before, and then they were extremely ruthless in a mentality of fear. The Western Huns were wiped out because they wanted to pass by.

The Western Huns who wanted to stay far away from the Han Empire, they annihilated and annexed many tribes in the process of going west. In addition to the Alan people and the Yancai people, they also solved the Miaot people and the Abasi people in the follow-up. , and even teased the country of Colchis and Iberia, until it hit the huge tribal alliance of Sarmat, it was considered to stop.

As a nation, Sarmat is also known as the Cypriots (actually, the Eastern Iranians). It has long been the overlord of Southern Russia and the eastern Balkans. It existed as early as the third century BC. The first The rising period was the eradication of the Scythians.When the Western Huns ran into each other, the Sarmatians were actually at war with the Dacia Kingdom established by the Dacias, and on the other side they were competing with the Goths for territory near the Black Sea.

It was the most opportune time when the Western Huns approached the Sarmatians. It can be said that they did not encounter fierce resistance at first. After all, the Sarmatians were fighting with the Scythians and Goths at that time. Open film.The Western Huns encountered a strong counterattack from the Sarmats after the Sarmats solved the Scythians.

At that time, a lot of weird things happened, and I don’t know what the Goths promised the Finns. Anyway, the Finns joined the war against the Sarmatians on the side of the Goths, and even some Slavs went there join in the fun.The coalition forces of the Goths and the Finns attacked the Sarmatians from the north. The Western Huns had no idea that the Sarmatians were still at war with the Gothic and Finnish allied forces besides themselves, and they were even constantly picked up by the Slavs. Cheap.

Of course, there is no such nation as the Slavs now. They are actually some primitive tribes living in the area called Ugric and Samoyed at that time.

The Sarmatians have been defeated in a hard-pressed state with two fists and four hands. When the Huns have always encountered the Goths and Finns, they did not make any contact at all and started the film directly. The result evolved into The Sarmatians stepped aside, and the same land became a battleground for the Western Huns against the Goths and Finns.

The Finns said they would not play in the middle of the fight, and returned to their hometown happily with their bedding and captured wars, leaving the Goths who felt awesome because they defeated the Sarmatians to face them alone. to the Western Huns.

The confrontation between the Goths and the Western Huns lasted for a long time, from the second century AD to the fourth century AD, and it was not until the time of Attila's father Munduk.

The Western Huns had actually grown stronger by this time. If you compare them seriously, they would not be much weaker than the Maodun period. It was because time had passed so long, and they did not have their own writing to record history. There was only one song like a ballad. Passing down similar things, let them know that their ancestors originally lived in a grassland in the east, and fled west because of defeat.

Because time has really passed too long, and no one knows whether those ballads are true. This group of Huns who have integrated multiple ethnic groups has no thought of looking back eastward at all, and they don't even continue to expand westward. Some of my thoughts are to live a life that seems okay to me.

[Why did the Huns invade Rome? ] Liu Yan is actually not very clear: [Anyway, they invaded, and they all hit France and Italy. 】

Why does Liu Yan think Han Guo can be the "island owner" of World Island?It is because of the existence of the Huns who fled from the east to the west. Since the Huns can kill all the way to France, there is no reason why the Han army can't do it!
[The collision between the Hun Empire and the Roman Empire...] Liu Yan couldn't help laughing: [Isn't it because of this incident that Western Rome was destroyed, leaving only Eastern Rome?If the Han army killed it, there would be no country left anyway. 】

It took hundreds of years for the Huns to reach Europe and Rome, and they traveled by land.

Liu Yan not only has the road to the mainland, so many fleets can't be wasted, but there are many things to do, such as first finding out whether the canal dug by ancient Egypt (the ancient Suez Canal) still exists, and if it doesn't exist, it will be destroyed. The Sassanid Dynasty must be supported first.

【Well! ] Liu Yan nodded while thinking about himself: [In short, remove the threats from the surrounding area first, and carry out some internal affairs construction. 】

In fact, the Han State has officially launched the war of annihilation against Murong Yan State. In the early stage, the enemy army on the west bank of Qiushui was wiped out, and the enemy army on the west bank of Qiushui was wiped out or forced to flee to the east bank of Qiushui in just six days.

At this moment, a large number of Han troops are gathered on the bank of Qiushui, and above the river section are densely packed ships, some ships are constantly shooting arrows at the Murong Yan army on the east bank of Qiushui, and some ships are built to cooperate with the army. A channel to cross the river.

How to fight has already been planned in advance, or the corresponding plan that can be taken out according to the changes in any situation. Liu Yan's appearance on the battlefield does not mean that he needs to command in person. In addition to showing up to boost morale, it is to see Let's see how Murong Yanjun will respond.

Not only is Youzhou launching an offensive, but the East Shogunate Shogunate stationed in Goguryeo has also launched an invasion. In the following period of time, the imperial guards will also invade from the direction of the grassland. What Murong Yan needs to deal with is coming from three directions. s attack.

According to the scouts and spies...including some people who felt that Murong Yan country could not hold back and secretly defected to the Han country, a series of information was collected, and the distribution of Murong Yan country's troops on the Han side might not be close to control, but it was still able to base judgments.

Murong Yanguo's current arrangement is obvious.

The strongest troops were deployed on the western battlefield (where Liu Yan personally marched), with Murong Ke as the commander-in-chief and Liu Xiang as the commander-in-chief. The total force was about 17, with Qiu Shui as the first line of defense, and there were endless battles behind it. , Junmi, Xu Wu and other cities, the most important is Lingzhi City, and passes and fortresses were built according to the dangerous mountains and terrain along the way.

On the eastern battlefield (where Lv Tai was headed), Murong Jun commanded 12 troops to conquest, but before that he gave up the territory other than Haoxuantu County in Liaodong County, and did not build any defensive chain. As a military camp.Looking at the trend, Murong Jun didn't intend to fight any defensive battle, but rather wanted to fight a field battle with the coalition forces dominated by the Han army in the plains of the Liangshui area?
In addition to stationing heavy troops in the eastern and western capitals of Murong Yan Kingdom, Tuoba Shiyijian was handed over to the direction of the grassland in the northwest.

The area where Tuoba Shiyijian was stationed was in Wuhou Qinshui (near modern Chifeng City), and Murong Jun did not give any additional troops, and the remnants of the Tuoba Dai Kingdom stayed in this area.It can be seen that Murong Yan Kingdom is prepared for possible invasion from the grassland direction, but it doesn't pay much attention to it...or it really can't mobilize troops to pay attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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