Chapter 60

Li Kuang was very embarrassed, he was pressing on the handle of the saber at his waist, and he was almost shoulder to shoulder with Ah San, walking forward with the team.He would be embarrassed, naturally because he wronged Ah San indiscriminately last time.

1000 people form five columns, each column has 200 people, 20 people horizontally, and 200 people vertically, the first row is holding a four-meter spear, and the second row is slightly raised from the gap. Some, the third row, the fourth row... The entire phalanx of [-] people is like a jungle of sharp spears.If you know what a Macedonian spear phalanx is, it looks like that.

Somewhat different from the Macedonian phalanx, the spearmen of the Han Dynasty were not equipped with shields, and the formation could not be too neat.Most of them were civilians more than two months ago and were recruited into the Han army. They practiced a simple command to obey the password in two months, and only recently learned three tricks.

Which three tricks?It is the hands-on action of holding the spear shaft to "stab", and then "retract".Is there any more?Yes, it is "shaking", shaking the spear to make the shaft of the spear shake.The last shaking spear is after forming a phalanx. Many spears shake and shake together to defend against incoming arrows to the greatest extent.

Of course Ah San saw Li Kuang.To be honest, Ah San looked at Li Kuang with disgust.Don't dislike it!Ah San didn't understand how Li Kuang, a seemingly smart person, could easily deceive the family's Wubao.Ah San insisted that the so-called "one person incapable of harming the whole family" was talking about Li Kuang.

"What are you looking at!"


"What are you looking at? Look ahead!"


"If you look again, I will cut you off."

Faced with Ah San's "provocation", Li Kuang endured it, and couldn't bear it. Ah San is the leader of the team, and Li Kuang is very good. I have some excuses.

None of the soldiers next to them paid attention to what the two of them were doing. The more recruits they were, the heavier their breathing became. They only stared straight ahead with their eyes, where there were enemies who were about to start a bloody battle with them.

Xu Zheng knew that he didn't have much time to toss about. Seeing that three columns had already formed, he shouted: "A, B, C...all listen to the password—hey! Come in, come in, come in..."

A, B, and C are a count, and the Chinese army has always counted in this way, such as the column of A, and then the column of A will be divided into one team, one team, one team... two teams, two teams, and two teams.

Liu Yan built the army, and it was the military system of the Han Dynasty, with five members for a team; ten people for a team; 50 people for a team; 250 people for a village; and 1000 people for a song. Long, curved long.In fact, there will be two Sima from other departments in the middle, but now the Han department is short of even grassroots officers, so I don't know when the proper organizational system will be truly completed.

The three columns advanced, and every time the army shouted "Come in!", the soldiers responded in unison with "Yah!" after taking a step.

Of course, don't expect how neat the three columns can be. The queue will actually become a little distorted as you walk.After that, the officer in charge of regulation will issue a command to stop, rectify a little before moving on.

Qiu Linci Fu Wu, who was watching from a distant slope, frowned: "What is the number? Why does it look a bit like the Jin army?"

There is no way, the barbarians never pay attention to any formations in combat, and they really don't pay attention to any formations.No culture and no understanding of the art of war are secondary. It is because the Hu people have no strict military system since the start of the war, since they are divided into officers at each level.

The Hu people have always swarmed up in battle, at most they know how to leave the necessary reserve team, like now, when the distance between the two armies is close to 300 meters, Zahu is already ordering the slave soldiers to charge.And Zahu himself was retreating, separating the left and right wings, which made it clear that he was full of fear of the tribal armed forces that had been cruising on the left and right sides of the Han tribe.

Guan Yue and Qing Yue, nearly 400 people from Jin, were shouting, shouting everything, anyway, they were charging.

"Stop!!!" Xu Zheng didn't let go of his raised hand, and he shouted again: "Archers step forward!"

There were not many archers, that is, about sixty. They trotted to the front of the column, listened to the password and drew their bows to shoot arrows.

It takes a process for the arrow to fly from the string to the mid-air, and it takes a while...

Qingyue ignored the screams that kept coming out of his ears. He and Guan Yue were holding sharpened wooden sticks and running forward almost numbly.

Suddenly, Guan Yue kicked Qingyue abruptly, and Qingyue was almost thrown flying, an arrow fell down and stuck in the place where Qingyue was just now, still trembling the arrow feathers on the tail.

The slave soldiers running at the front had already collided with the Han spearmen... No, it was not a collision, it was a one-sided massacre.

The forest of spikes composed of spears is "stab!" and "Yah!", then "Collect!", and then "Yah!", the sharp spear tip with cold light will bring bloody flowers, will Evoked a shrill scream.

Facing the forest of thorns that took people's lives, how should anyone dodge in fear? Even if someone really escaped by luck, so what?Unless it is the leader who can kill the enemy army and cause the entire enemy army to collapse, it is never difficult for a few people to control the situation of a head-on battle.

They were really desperate to charge, but there were very few slave soldiers who tried to kill, most of them were just pretending, especially those who ran ahead were stabbed to death, and the rest of them subconsciously slowed down their pace. , I look forward to who can be the first person to turn around and run, so as to escape from the crowd.

You can't expect the slave soldiers to work hard, they will get nothing in return, and no one cares if they die. I don't know which smart person shouted "Surrender!" Unless there are hostages on the side of the barbarians, should it be How hard to think about it will choose to die.

"Let those people go away!" Xu Zheng waved his hand: "Shout, and if you surrender, run to the left and right!"

Naturally, someone will shout, and don't expect the column to stop and wait for the troops to retreat.The column will continue to advance, and it is just what they deserve to be killed before they can run away in time. The killing field is so ruthless.


"Don't you mean no clothes? I'm in the same robe as my son..."

Well? !It's not that "Ji Chang doesn't see you", that Ji Chang hasn't found someone to polish and arrange the music.It's "Wuyi", which is the war song that will be sung by the Qin army, the Han army... and anyone who is Zhengshuo of China.

"What the hell are you doing!" Although Qiu Linci Fuwu was far away, he could still clearly hear what the Han people were singing.He patted his forehead: "Isn't it called Wuyi? Isn't this a song sung by the Jin army? Why..."

"That Liu Yan, could it be that the Jin family mixed the sand in Qingzhou?" Qiu Linai was a little gloating: "Otherwise, how could his troops sing the battle songs that the Jin army would sing?"

Qiu Lin Ci Fu Wu had a sinister look on his face: "How dare you play tricks?"

In fact... the Jin army stopped singing "No Clothes" a long time ago, but Qianliang can still sing it, but Qianliang is a country formed by Jin people...

Where did this come from? Qiu Lin Ci Fu Wu was just guessing from the beginning to the end, and then he was just wishful thinking.


I would like to recommend a book about the Tang Dynasty, titled "Tang Bone", if you are interested, go and read it.

"Da Ming 1629" is a historical legend written by a small person

(End of this chapter)

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