sweeping the world

Chapter 591 Battle in the Fog

Chapter 591 Battle in the Fog
There is no doubt that Jincheng is a strong city, and the Zhang Liang army stationed there is not less than [-]. It is completely possible to use the strong city to defend, even if it is not good, it can be delayed for several months or even years. There is no fear of falling.

Zhang Chong could clearly defend Jincheng and wait for the surface of the Yellow River to become gentle while defending it. At that time, Zhang's Liang army on the north bank of the Yellow River would have the conditions to cross the river. Wan's army, at that time the Zhang Shiliang Congress had a clear advantage, and there was no need to take any risks at all.

But Zhang Chong took a risk, and it was the kind of risk that seemed irrational, so Xie An had to think about it.

"It's normal to attack the camp in heavy fog..." Yuan Qiao looked very distressed, touched his forehead and said uncertainly: "But when the large troops in the city are called out, the chief general also goes out of the camp in person? This seems to be the case. It's very abnormal."

According to the information about Zhang Chong from Han Guo's investigation, Zhang Chong is not a stupid guy. Xie An has enough reasons to believe that Zhang Chong must have discovered that someone in the city had secretly communicated with Han Guo. Under this situation, he still dared to personally Leading the army out of the city, it is really unreasonable to say that no traps were set up.

What Xie An had to think about was whether the trap Zhang Chong set up was to lure those traitors into action, or to trick the Han army into the city.

Even though he thought so, Xie An felt that this was still their opportunity. He knew very well that no military action would be [-]% sure. Every military action was a risk, and the benefits outweighed the risks. When the height is high enough, the risk is no longer a risk, but an opportunity.

"The First Cavalry Army is preparing to enter the city, and mobilize the rest of the county soldiers to enter together. After entering the city, leave the necessary manpower to control the city gate, and the rest of the people will break into the city to capture the grain depot and the military supply depot as the primary goal." Xie An looked very calm , Pausing for a while before continuing: "The Third Infantry Army is ready to abandon the army camp and wait for the cavalry to send a signal to enter the city immediately."

Cavalry siege?Isn't there still county soldiers?Xie An also didn't say what was the arrangement for Yi Chuai and other people who had defected to the Han Kingdom, which could show precaution and distrust.

Yuan Qiao has something to say first: "It is very likely that Yi Chuai and others did not sincerely join the big man. The general should give enough convenience to the generals and schools at all levels. If necessary, they can control or kill them without reporting."

Xie An didn't give any response, his attitude is the best attitude.

The morning sun has risen, but the thick fog has no trace of fading. Staying in the thick fog and looking at it at a glance, there is diffuse fog everywhere, and the range of vision is increased to four or five steps.

The Zhang's Liang army's assault on the camp continued. They paid heavy casualties and occupied the open space on the west side of the Han army's camp. The Han army launched a fierce fight in the fog.

The Han army is uniformed with a red robe on the upper body with black armor and black trousers on the lower body. The helmet on the head will have a colorful feather. Officers including military marquis and above will also have a bright red cloak. Zhang Liangjun, who was dressed in earth-colored military uniform, definitely looked much brighter in color.

Li Mi had put on his helmet again. He led his team to leave the open space and retreat into the buffer zone filled with debris.

Most of the Han troops who acted as bright and dark sentries actually withdrew safely to the buffer zone. After they entered the buffer zone, they were left behind. Zhang Liang's army suddenly appeared to fight.

"It's sticky, and it's fucking itchy." Wasn't Li Mi's forehead watered with blood?In addition to being full of fishy smell, the blood is very viscous, and it doesn't feel good on the scalp and skin.He really wanted to take off his helmet and scratch it, but he knew that he might be hit by arrows from nowhere, so he could only keep complaining: "When will this fog dissipate?"

From the understanding of the soldiers at the bottom, the reason why Zhang's Liang army is still charging endlessly is because the fog has not dissipated. As long as the fog clears, Zhang's Liang army should stop.

The sound of desolate horns suddenly came from afar, and Li Mi was a little stunned before he realized: "The cavalry is going to take the initiative to attack!"

There are many ways for the Han army to issue orders. Generally, semaphore is used without restriction of vision, and then drums and horns are sounded.It is traditional for infantry to use war drums, while cavalry generally use horns.

To be honest, cavalry can't always carry huge war drums. It is most convenient to use horns as a means of sending orders, not to imitate some barbarians.

The momentum of a large number of cavalry actions will be great, and the hissing and whistling of horses will be very frequent. After the horseshoes are in motion, not only will the ground tremble, but the sound of horseshoes will also be deafening.

"Han army..." Zhang Chong was standing on a nest cart. Of course he couldn't see far under the thick fog, but he had ears: "...the cavalry is dispatched."

It is not easy to carry out large-scale military operations under conditions of limited vision. Whether it is under night or in dense fog, the reason is the same.

There was a battle in Greece thousands of years ago. When a Greek general faced the Persian army, he initiated the first large-scale night attack by the Greek army.A night attack involving more than [-] people was not only the first of his kind in Greece, but it was also probably the first time in world military history?
The idea of ​​a night raid is of course very good, but this Greek general overlooked one thing, that is, large-scale night raids require infinitely high quality troops. As a result, the Greek army launched a night raid with good wishes, but because of mutual The coordination between them was not in place at all, they trampled on each other and mistakenly thought that the mutual killing of the enemy troops was too serious. A good night attack did not cause much loss to the Persian army, but the Greek army disintegrated in the cannibalism. Unprecedented defeat.

Facts have proved that under the premise of not having enough vision, small-scale infiltration and sneak attacks are of course possible, but military operations that are too large-scale cannot be carried out by troops.To be able to carry out night battles on a large scale is after the era of instant communication. Even this cannot achieve very good results, and things like getting lost and accidental injury cannot be avoided at all.

In China's military history, the person who did the most perfect night raids was Wu Sheng Sun Bin.After planning for a very long time, he conducted a very complete reconnaissance of the terrain, and then continued to practice the army's contact methods in advance, and Pang Juan walked into the dead zone with extreme "cooperation", which was the best way to make a night attack possible. the result of.

Except for the night attack that was not a night attack by Wu Sheng Sun Bin (actually an ambush), looking through the history of cold weapons in China, there are very few cases of successful night attacks. The most famous one is probably the battle of Wu Yue and Li Ze. In the battle against Cao Cao who burned Wuchao, one can imagine how difficult it is to succeed.

Zhang Chong noticed that the cavalry of the Han army was dispatched with a happy expression. He had been waiting for this moment.

In a dense fog, centered on the camp of the Han army, the Liang army of the Zhang family is everywhere outside the fence defense zone. They don't have any formation, and most of them are blindly scurrying among the debris. Those who didn't scatter around squatted in place, no matter whether they moved or not, they would be covered by waves of arrows from time to time.

Outside the debris buffer zone, more Zhang's Liangjun were working hard to dig trenches, but they couldn't dig the trenches so deep or wide in less than half an hour's work.They would do this, not on a whim, but because Zhang Chong had explained it early in the morning.

Out of the area of ​​the Han army's defensive chain, the Zhang's Liang army here seems to be more organized. They arranged their formation as much as possible, but to be honest, because of the limited line of sight, no matter how hard they adjust it, it will look crooked. formation.

First, there was a sound of horns, and Zhang's Liangjun who heard the horns almost subconsciously turned their heads to the direction of the sound, and then the generals at all levels began to roar.

"Pisting array!"

"Quick, quick! The tip of the gun is tilted forward, and the bottom is stuck in the mud!"

"Archers, don't be fucking in a daze, enter the state of drawing the bow and waiting to shoot!"

Amidst the shouts and reminders, the sound of heavy breathing rose and fell with each other. The Zhang Shiliang soldiers standing side by side would constantly look at the people around them, and everyone looked so nervous.

The sound of the horseshoes was extremely loud, and even if the rolling sound was far away, one could feel an overwhelming sense of oppression.

Among the cavalrymen of the Han army who came out of the camp, Cui Xuan was at the forefront. He was either a high-ranking officer or a village chief. The cousin of the current queen of Han.

Cui Xuan is dressed as a cavalry cavalry, with him as the center, cavalry cavalry slanted backwards and lined up side by side. The horizontal column is 250 cavalry in a triangular charge formation, followed by a large number of robes.

The cavalry charge cannot be too dense, and the distance between each cavalry's front, back, left, and right is at least three steps.This is to prevent accidental collisions with each other, and also to allow the cavalry to have enough distance to use. Furthermore, the cavalry really needs enough room to move, unlike infantry who can move their legs when they subconsciously want to move. It is understood that what the cavalry wants to do, the mount must be able to listen to commands and respond in a timely manner.

The cavalry who came out of the camp knew exactly what they were going to do. They were led by Pao Ze, who was familiar with the debris buffer zone, and they would rush out from the road that was originally reserved. It's just plowing over, and you will never do stupid things like slowing down and fighting the enemy.

Cui Xuan, who was in the absolute vanguard position, had the lance in his hand shattered in an unknown stabbing. After throwing away the broken spear shaft in his hand, he picked up the shield to protect his chest, and drew out the extended saber slasher directly. Going out horizontally, occasionally the blade will cut something and there will be an aftershock. The ears are full of hoofbeats and no screams can be heard. Only the battle robes become wet, saying that some people must have been killed.

When running at high speed, you will feel the existence of the wind more clearly. The gap between the eyes left by the visor is filling the wind, and you will hear the whistling sound coming from the gap in the armor plate. Cui Xuan can even feel the shield a little. The frustration of being hit by something for the first time, fortunately, there is no pain in any part of the body.

The sound of the roaring horseshoes is rolling forward, and the distance of four or five steps can only be seen clearly. Under the current situation, in fact, we can only rely on familiarity to judge where we rushed. Cui Xuan guessed that he should have rushed out of the debris buffer zone, without thinking. He let go of the shield tied with a noose, grabbed the horn at his waist and blew wildly.

The sound of the horn was agreed in advance and was used to remind Paoze behind to "shoot arrows, shoot repeatedly".

The reason why the horn was chosen as a tool to transmit orders was not only because it was easy to carry, but also because the sound it blew had enough penetrating power.

The assault cavalry in the front position, they and those with lances will always put their lances forward, and those without lances will extend the extended saber, without exception, they will block their shields in front of their chests .

The cavalry in the rear, when they heard the sound of the horn, immediately took out their crossbows, and after pulling the trigger, they shot out the crossbow arrows, repeatedly pulling the trigger, and the crossbow arrows were fired continuously.

Cui Xuan's eyes caught a few crossbow arrows that passed him shoulder to shoulder, and he felt guilty for a while and kept cursing.Charging in such a dense and foggy environment is already very dangerous. If you don't die in the hands of the enemy but are shot to death by your own people, you will be so aggrieved that you can still be pissed off even if you come back from death.

The continuous firing of the crossbows must have achieved results. The Rangers at the forefront continued to trample the people lying on the ground while galloping at high speed. Occasionally they would bump into standing figures, and arrows began to be fired in front of them. Come, casualties inevitably occur.

In a dense fog environment, one side is charging with cavalry and the other side is infantry. When both sides can see each other, it is actually the moment of life and death.In such an environment, the cavalry running at high speed will take more advantage. If they rush close enough, the infantry will not have enough reaction time. After the separation of life and death, they will be separated at the touch of a button.

Cui Xuan began to feel the jingling sounds on his body becoming more and more frequent. It wasn't raining from the sky, but the arrows from the enemy army were increasing.

Cavalry, the knight has plate armor on the chest, shoulder guards, scale armor on the arms, leather protectors on some joints, and the armor on the front half of the horse is also tight, that is, the back of the knight and the rear part of the horse are not protected. .They themselves are cavalry used to charge the battle. They only need to go forward. There is no need to flee if they cannot win. The horses under defeat will not have enough physical strength to maintain their speed. If they are chased by light cavalry, they will definitely not be able to escape. past.

Cui Xuan lowered his body as much as possible, his eyes looked forward through the visor, the eyes were pierced by the wind, probably tears were secreted, and it looked hazy.

Constantly feeling something hit by the mount, the short and shrill scream passed by in a flash. Cui Xuan blinked his eyes to let the tears flow down before recovering his sight. What he could see was a row of blurred figures. The brain reacted very quickly: "Fuck your mother, it's a gun formation! I'm going to burp!?"

(End of this chapter)

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