Chapter 588

"Your Majesty has included the Imperial Guards stationed in Rouran Mountain under his own system!"

At this moment, Xie An felt nothing but excitement.

The imperial guards are recognized as the strongest among all the armies of the Han Dynasty, and there are still some incomprehensible mysteries. They have been a little quiet since the third year of Yuanshuo, and they started to show their power again in the fifth year of Yuanshuo. It is easy to go deep into the grassland and fight. Defeating the coalition forces of the kings, they continuously swept across the country and forced Tuoba Daiguo to seek asylum in Murong Yanguo.

Xie An had received some news before, that the imperial guards of Rouran Mountain would go east again, cooperate with the friendly forces of Jizhou and Liaodong, and attack Murong Yanguo from the rear flank. Although he made a request in a letter, he did not have much hope .

Yes, the Han army in Rouran Mountain can launch an offensive from the rear of Murong Yan State, and of course it can also launch an attack from the rear of Zhang Family Liang State. It is like a sharp sword hanging over the heads of Murong Yan State and Zhang Family Liang State. .

"Your Majesty is going to Zhuo County again, and the attack on the Yan Kingdom has entered the final stage of preparation." Xie An said with emotion: "It is precisely because of this that Zhang Zuo and Zhang Tianxi are so relieved to gather the soldiers of the whole country to Jincheng and the Yellow River. "

Liu Yan wants to personally conquer Murong Yan Kingdom, anyone who thinks about it will be the top priority of the Han Kingdom, then he will definitely be considered to deploy absolute elites to obey orders, and the imperial guards are the absolute elites of the Han Kingdom, or Liu Yan Yan's absolute pro-military, shouldn't he be transferred there?

Xie An thought this way before, and I'm afraid Zhang's Liangguo and Murong Yanguo both had this kind of thinking. As a result, Zhang's Liangguo only left a garrison in the rear, but Murong Yanguo mobilized heavy troops to garrison in the north.

"Even we think so. It's normal for Zhang Zuo and Zhang Tianxi to make mistakes in their judgment." Yuan Qiao stared at the map of mountains and rivers for a while and asked suddenly: "How will the general arrange the imperial guards?"

If they want to cross the Yellow River, it depends on the water flow. The most suitable time should be in the middle of summer, which means there are still nearly four months.

Jincheng is a fortified city and may not be conquered in just four months. Even if the Han army on the south bank reaches the point where they can cross the river, all they are trying to do is transport two cavalry corps across, and the infantry corps will definitely stay.

Xie An has been asking the center to increase troops, and the center is very generous. Not only did they transfer the imperial guards from Rouran Mountain, but also the two infantry armies and 11 soldiers from the hussar general's shogunate were also transferred. Coming here means that Xie An has two cavalry corps, three infantry corps, [-] imperial guards, and [-] county soldiers.

Using three standing infantry corps and 11 prefecture and county soldiers to encircle Jincheng without a strong attack, and leaving a small number of cavalry as support, Xie An has every reason to believe that Jincheng's defenders will retreat even if they go out to fight.

"Jincheng does not need to be attacked by force." Xie An had his own idea and said: "The Han Dynasty only wants to destroy the Liang Kingdom. As long as they defeat Zhang Zuo and Zhang Tianxi's main force and conquer Guzang and other counties, Jincheng at the forefront can only be defeated without a fight. drop."

Knowing that it is a fortified city, a strong attack will definitely result in heavy casualties. On the premise that a strong attack is not necessarily necessary, it is better to spend a large number of troops to surround it and finally force the defenders to surrender without fighting, than to pay heavy casualties to take it down. Many people have the same opinion as Xie An.

"In the first ten days of summer, the imperial guards left Rouran Mountain and headed south. Liangguo's heavy troops are all on the north bank of the Yellow River. It can be guessed that even if there are garrisons on the back, there are not many." Xie An turned his head and looked behind, where the sky was raging. Wave after wave of arrows.He smiled and said: "The imperial guards move quickly and have strong penetration capabilities. Waiting for Zhang Zuo and Zhang Tianxi to find out that the imperial guards are approaching Guzang, they will definitely mess up their own positions."

"...At this time, we can use the arriving fleet to quickly transport the army on the south bank across the river." Yuan Qiao kept nodding his head: "Then attack Jincheng first, so that the enemy thinks that we are against Jincheng. You must win."

There are many military action plans. In general, a full-line flat-push combat method is adopted to prevent the enemy from leaving behind to cause trouble, such as attacking the supply line.

The Han army's demand for supply lines is not too high. It has long been using interspersed combat methods, always attacking around after a partial penetration, often able to disrupt the enemy's front from the inside, and then carry out flanking attacks .

Huan Wen led his army to fight south of the Yangtze River, using the method of penetration and penetration. It only took a year and a half to bring the states and counties under the rule of the Han Dynasty, and then he was busy purging those who were still stubborn.

The war in the south has basically come to an end. What Huan Wen is striving for in the near future is to go to Jiaozhi, where he will set up the shogunate of the general who conquers the south and preside over the war against Funan.

The Liang Kingdom of the Zhang family assembled a large number of troops to go south, trying their best to fight against the Han army led by Xie An. They dared to assemble on the north bank of the Yellow River because they knew that the strong current was not suitable for swimming. .

Zhang Zuo knew very well that he couldn't use the power of Zhang's Liang country to fight against Han, but he still had a little confidence in fighting only with Xie An's troops.He knew that Xie An's troops were about 8 to [-] people. He guessed that there would be reinforcements, but he didn't think there would be too many.And Xie An's seven or eight people had to deal with Jincheng, and more than [-] people who were rolling in.

In fact, everyone knows that the Han Kingdom is fighting everywhere. The South has not stopped suppressing. The Northeast is fighting with Murong Yan. Fighting with Funan, and even military operations on the peninsula.

"It means that the King of Han has millions of people. He has opened up so many fronts, which can be used for us to fight, and at most it will not exceed one hundred thousand." Zhang Zuo didn't count the counties and counties of the Han Kingdom. What he knew were the counties of the Han Kingdom. The county soldiers do not easily go to the front line, and they do the work of some civilians: "We are sitting on natural dangers, and we are united under the crisis of national subjugation. Even if we can't defeat them, we can stalemate them. As long as the King of Han recognizes that it is difficult to destroy us , and then we can operate in multiple ways.”

The lively scene of shooting arrows at each other in Jincheng stopped, and the two warring cavalry also returned to various places. Zhang Zuo had no way of knowing the course of the battle and the losses between each other. He only knew that the Han army did not attack the city at all. That's just fun and has no real meaning.

The main generals of the two sides looked at each other across the river, and unless they had binoculars, they could only see blurred silhouettes.

Of course Xie An had a telescope, so he observed Zhang Zuo and Zhang Tianxi very carefully.He knew a little bit about facial features, and he saw that Zhang Zuolue looked sinister, and as a king, he must be a tyrannical person.His evaluation of Zhang Tianxi's appearance is handsome, but he looks much younger, and he feels that Zhang Tianxi can't compete with Zhang Zuo at all.

"Ming Da will always be stationed in Rouran Mountain, right?" Zhong Xing did not forget Xie Ai's background, and said: "Ming Da was born to capture the Lord of Liang, so it is not suitable to lead troops to attack Liang again."

Whoever worked for you, led the army to attack after changing the family, no matter whether they are their masters or not, their reputation will be somewhat negative.

When the news of Xie Ai's capture of Zhang Chonghua spread to Xiliang, I don't know how many people were yelling at him. Fortunately, Xie Ai's family had already moved away, otherwise there must be some radical people who would do some radical things.

Liu Yan's order to Xie Ai was indeed to garrison Rouran Mountain, continue to negotiate with Rouran Khan Bati, and did not let Xie Ai participate in the invasion of Zhang's Liangguo.

After Xie Ai's military affairs are completed, he will return to the central center to perform his duties as Yushi Zhongcheng, but he doesn't know when he will be able to continue to lead the army.

"It is rumored that Mingda will be made a marquis when he captures the leader of a country alive." Yuan Qiao did not hide his envy: "There are only so many marquises in the Han Dynasty, even a Guannei marquis is enough to be envied."

From the fifth year of Yuanshuo to the sixth year of Yuanshuo, whoever made any contribution was rewarded when he returned to the central center to report on his duties. Everyone knows that Xie Ai will be the next new Marquis.

Destroying the country will definitely be a Marquis, or if the military merits are accumulated enough, there are many people in the military who can be a Marquis in the Guan. Yuan Qiao and other generals will also be honored.

"General Hussars has already confirmed that he will be promoted to Marquis of Che this year." Zhong Xing said excitedly: "In this way, General Hussars will be the first Marquis of Chess."

Ran Min has already completed the capture of Shuozhou, and the aliens who can be hunted down are either killed or captured. Recently, he went to Dingxiang in person. It seems that he wants to go to the city to learn about Shihu who has been trapped for more than a year, but the request was rejected by the center.

Dingxiang has always been under siege, and the Longteng guards guarding the palace city have never launched a counterattack. No one knows whether Shihu is alive or dead.

Dingxiang has been under siege for a long time, because too many corpses were not buried and a plague broke out, except for the group of people in the palace city, there should be no living people.

It was precisely because of the outbreak of the plague in Dingxiang that the central government did not allow Ran Min to lead the army in. Furthermore, for the Han Dynasty, Shijie was really over. The people who stayed in Dingxiang Palace City would not affect too much. Wait After the plague is over, you can settle it whenever you want.

Ran Min who presided over the completion of the destruction of the Shijie Zhao Kingdom should indeed be rewarded, but it does not seem simple for him to be promoted to the Marquis of Che. The most important thing is that Liu Yan rewarded him for presiding over the destruction of the Jie people.

The murder of the Jie people in the Han Dynasty has been going on all the time, leaving a very small number of people with political significance, and then killing them all regardless of men, women, old and young.After incomplete statistics, the number of Jie people ordered by Ran Min alone exceeded 30, and the rest died on the battlefield, or went bankrupt while escaping, it is really impossible to calculate.

"There are still some Jie people who fled to Mobei under the leadership of Shi Xuan." Zhong Xing was more concerned about Shi Jie's affairs and said: "General Hussar went to Dingxiang, and General Zhengbei led his army to pursue him. I heard that Shi Xuan was He took refuge with the Xigaoche people."

Xigaoche is also a tribal alliance model. Like Donggaoche, they belong to the Dingling people. When Shijie and Zhao were weak, they invaded Guoheshuo on a large scale. After the Han army passed by, they fought many times.

Shi Xuan defected to Xigaoche and got asylum.What the Han side doesn’t understand is that Shi Xuan didn’t become a grandson honestly. He brought more than 3 people to eat, live in, and use Xigaoche. After breathing, he began to attack Xigaoche people tribe.

Historically, after the fall of the Shijie Zhao Kingdom, the Jie people were weak. A Jie people named Hou Jing received the protection of the Liang Lord in the Southern Dynasties. This group of Jie people numbered about one or two thousand. They received good hospitality, and soon they were directly He turned his face and disowned others, and after the violence, he ensnared the mob and almost ate up an entire state. It can be said that he did not embarrass his ancestors.

The so-called farmer and snake, Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf, the young man and the old lady who fell to the ground... Xigao Che took Shi Xuan in to eat his own bad fruit. Shi Xuan's remaining Jieren were more than one or two thousand, and there were thirty thousand of them. Forgetting the cannibalism of the Jie people is directly messing up Mobei.

Xie An's eyes are narrowed. He is General Zhengxi, and there is no General Zhengxi in the Han Dynasty. A large group of people including him have a recognition that it will be a matter of time to become General Zhengxi .

There are very few generals in the Han Dynasty, not to mention those who rank higher than Sangong. Generals such as Sizheng, Sizhen, Siping, and Sifu have different degrees of importance. Among them, General Sizheng is the most powerful and responsible for military affairs. Most important.

To put it bluntly, the four generals in the east, south, west, and north are responsible for expanding outwards. They belong to the sequence of generals who are easiest to establish meritorious deeds. Currently, the three generals of Zhengbei, Zhengnan, and Zhengdong have been ennobled successively, which can symbolize General Xi will also be granted the title of Marquis for his meritorious service.

There is such a cognition that sooner or later he will become General Zhengxi. Xie An not only regards Zhang's Liangguo as his "forbidden land", but also the Western Regions, Mobei, Basin... Anyway, as long as it is the western boundary, it is actually all He considers it his battleground.

", autumn, the country of Liang must be dealt with in autumn!" Xie An suddenly felt a sense of urgency: "Not only do we need to destroy the country of Liang, but we also need to march into the Western Regions and bring them back into the arms of the Han family!"

In fact, Zhang's Liang Kingdom has been expanding into the Western Regions. If Zhang Jun had not died so quickly, they would have almost eliminated the Che Division and would have reached the border of Kucha soon.

In response to the continuous advance of Zhang's Liang army, Qiuci was seeking an alliance with Wusun. While fighting for Wusun, they had already drawn Khotan and Shanshan.

Zhengxi Zhonglang will not be qualified to establish a shogunate, but people on the western front are basically grasshoppers on a rope. Any future Xie An can have will definitely affect the people below. It can be said that Xie An has achieved it. The higher the achievement, the more soup and water the people below will be able to share.

To put it bluntly, although soldiers go to the battlefield to fight, there are many kinds of situations. When a country is invaded, they wear military uniforms to defend their home and country, and invade other countries with the intention of making meritorious deeds. No one will dislike themselves. If you have too much credit, you will only be depressed that your military exploits are too small.

The Han Dynasty was not allowed to be a Marquis for non-military merit, and the title was very precious. Seeing that the surrounding enemy countries were almost wiped out, those who were dissatisfied with their titles, who didn't try their best to fight for meritorious service?

(End of this chapter)

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