sweeping the world

Chapter 577 I rubbed my nose on my face!

Chapter 577 I rubbed my nose on my face!
The Han Kingdom has been in a state of war for a long time, and many people can only get together when they report their work every year. Usually, they are basically on different sides of the world.

Of course, not everyone can come back every year for the debriefing. For example, Xie Ai, who went deep into the grassland this time, did not come to Xiangguo. of the north.

At this moment, the grassland is still in the ice and snow season. Of course, other armies cannot act rashly, otherwise there will definitely be a large number of non-combat casualties, but the weather has less binding force on the Imperial Guard.

To put it bluntly, the Imperial Guard is a depleted unit. Losing it will not cause a family to lose its backbone. People who know what is going on have no worries. They probably think that they will "change" after the loss.

Xie Ai was still more cautious. He at least asked Liu Yan for instructions first, and got a firm reply. How much he lost would be replenished after a period of time, so he didn't have any worries about using the Imperial Guard.

In the icy and snowy climate, large and small groups of Imperial Guards appeared in the northern part of Tuobadai Kingdom, attacking Wodong's tribes one after another. Tuoba Shiyijian didn't realize what happened at first, but waited for a large number of people The Horde was wiped out, and the interaction of the Praetorians was close enough to the Temporary Court to notice.After all, no one would wander around in the cold and freezing weather. Even if the tribe managed to escape some people who were attacked, they had to be able to survive the bad weather without prior preparation when they entered the wilderness.

The law of not fighting in winter has long been broken by the Han army. The problem is that the battlefield in the Central Plains is the Central Plains. Winter in the grasslands and the Central Plains are two concepts. Tuoba Shiyijian has no good way to deal with the continuous attacks of the Han army in winter. Gather herdsmen to fight It is a trouble, and the migration or the like will not be able to proceed because of the notification problem.What's more, no tribe would dare to do it even if it was a crisis in the winter.

The nest in the grassland is the real nest. People don't have to nest in tents all the time, but livestock never leave the pen.Livestock are not only the property of the shepherds, but also the rations of the shepherds. Their abundance will determine the rise and fall of a tribe, and it is also the key to the increase or decrease of the population. Sincerely, no herdsmen dare to be careless.

"Fighting in cold weather, the losses of the Han army will not be small." Yanfeng's nose was red from the cold even though his whole body was wrapped like rice dumplings. It is the imperial guards who fight in the snow. This type of arms is the elite of the elite of the big man, and this kind of elite fights in winter, it can be regarded as a big man jumping over the wall in a hurry."

The imperial guards are of course elite, and anyone who encounters that kind of fierce and fearless combat style will be frightened, and the imperial guards are not only brave and fearless in combat, but also show the speed of forming an elite army Deserved speed and quality.

Tuoba Shiyijian was indeed comforted by Yanfeng's words.He made a calculation in his mind. With the elite level of the Imperial Guards, even if the Imperial Guards killed ten herdsmen and lost one, it seemed that he was still taking advantage of it?
"Having said that, we still need to try our best and speed up the matter of notifying the tribes to move closer to the royal court." Liu Qian also wore thick clothes, but he seemed to be more resistant to the cold than Yanfeng, at least he didn't get red nose from the cold: "Concentrating in one place can deter the Han army from attacking, or if the Han army is attacking, it is also possible to concentrate superior forces to counterattack."

In the grasslands this winter, heavy snow and light snow are taking turns. In many places, the snow accumulation exceeds the height of a person, or at least the waist. It is a test for walking outside.

It was in this environment that the Han army was able to attack long distances. What happened during the march and what happened after meeting the enemy? Tuoba Daiguo can be sure that there will be a large number of non-combat casualties in the Han army. I can't understand why the Han Kingdom Center is willing to spend it like this with the Imperial Guards.

Tuoba Shiyijian looked at the charcoal fire expressionlessly, his mood was actually extremely irritated.

It is obvious that the state of Han is not Tuoba Dai state, which can fight against it with the power of one country, otherwise there will be no alliance of kings. Isn't it because you really know that, and then you want to gather the power of all countries to fight against the state of Han?
To say that he regretted going to war with the Han State, Tuoba Shi Yijian did not have any regrets at all. The Han State obviously wanted to wipe out the world, and its racial policy was also divided into two categories: "Hans and non-Hans". After joining the resistance camp, do you have to wait for the countries to be destroyed and die alone?
The Hu people have ruled the Central Plains. They not only entered the Central Plains to do evil, but also absorbed some nutrition, including knowing the history of Qin's sweep of the barren and Liuhe, and knowing how the six kingdoms were destroyed. For the lesson.

If you try but fail, it can only be said that your efforts are not rewarded. If you dare to do it, you should dare to admit it. Tuoba Shiyijian is not so stupid that he cannot accept the reality.He tried hard, but found that nothing could be done and immediately adjusted his focus. If he couldn't defeat the Han army, why couldn't he stay far away? He could always avoid it by developing further north.

"It's a pity..." Tuoba Shi Yijian still had no expression on his face: "The dispatch of envoys did not make the King of Han hesitate."

It was talking about the matter of failing to repair and pretending to surrender. Tuoba Daiguo did it purely to try it out. He didn't have much confidence in repairing it. To be a minister was to hold a little bit of hope, but he didn't expect to delay it. Time didn't work out.

"The king of Han must hate this king deeply." Tuoba Shi Yijian finally had an expression on his face, which was a kind of self-deprecating or mocking: "This king is still dragging a large sum of money, and he also advocates forming an alliance to counter The alliance of the Han Dynasty, but the alliance of the kings failed."

What can Yanfeng and Liu Qian say?They could only stare at the charcoal fire in silence.

There is also a princess of the Tuoba family who is the concubine of the Han Dynasty. In fact, many courtiers suggested that Tuoba Shiyijian take the pillow style route. The problem is that Tuoba Shiyijian knows who his sister is, so he even tried it. None did.

Tuoba Shi Yijian didn't do it because he knew it wouldn't work. Furthermore, he was somewhat relieved that no matter how unfortunate the Tuoba clan was, the bloodline would not really be cut off. On the contrary, it was because Tuoba Xiu became Liu Yan's concubine, and the Tuoba clan at least There will be blood merging into the Han royal family, and maybe there will be some benefits from this matter in the long run.

"...The snow is too deep, making it difficult to communicate..." Yanfeng changed the subject and said, "It is probably confirmed that there should be more than [-] tribes following the northward migration."

Interconnection on the grassland is a big problem. Tuoba Shiyijian decided to move north because he had made preparations in advance, but still a considerable number of tribes had not been notified.

Although the Tuoba Dai Kingdom is a country, there are only a few cities, and the capital Shengle is one of them.And Shengle is the only city built by Tuoba on its own, such as Pingcheng, Daewoo, Chicheng... There are also some cities called Surrendered City, which are basically left over from the previous dynasty.

It's not that kind of settlement model, so Tuoba Daiguo can't do the census. The population can only be guessed. The approximate number should be 70 million people in the whole country?

"Now I just hope that the big man's attention will be focused on Liangguo..." Liu Qian is very clear about what he is talking about, and most of the words are comforting. Immediately after the invasion of Rouran, you can fight to open up the situation."

That's right, Tuoba Shi Yijian has already planned to give up Monan, he really thinks it's too dangerous to be close to the Han Kingdom, and it's better to stay as far away as possible.

In recent years, it has entered the Little Ice Age, and the closer to the North Pole, the more natural disasters there will be. However, Tuoba Shiyijian would rather fight the weather than wrestle with the Han Kingdom in its extremely powerful period.His idea is that no matter how severe the natural disaster is, there is still hope of overcoming it. After the weather improves, and occupying the territory of the Rouran people to cultivate and rest, one day Tuoba Xianbei will go south again, and at that time It's hard to say whether Han is still strong or not. There must be a day of revenge.

"We have suffered heavy losses..." Yanfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Liang Kingdom is about to perish."

The Zhang family did not formally establish a country during Zhang Jun's period. They respected the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty as Zhengshuo, their title was Liang Gong, and their official positions were Liangzhou governor and governor.Zhang Chonghua was responsible for the formal establishment of Zhang's Liangguo.

In the original history, not long after Zhang Chonghua succeeded to the throne, when the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was still alive, Zhang Jun’s national policy was changed and he no longer respected the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He first called himself King Liang, and then formally established the country.After the founding of the country, of course, he immediately fell in love with the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was soon invaded by Shijie Zhao. It was Xie Ai who led the army to defeat Shijie Zhao three times. was destroyed.

In this changed version of history, Zhang Chonghua founded the country only after the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was destroyed by the Han Dynasty. He did not encounter many problems in the original history.

Tuoba Shi Yijian wanted to say something, but someone opened the tent door to let a gust of cold wind blow in.

"Your Majesty, a large Han army was found twenty miles away!"

"This..." Yan Feng hurriedly stood up: "How could the Han army get so close to the royal court?!"

The temporary royal court of the Tuoba Dai Kingdom is not close to Rouran Mountain, and there are a large number of tribes on the periphery. How should the tribes in the periphery be cleaned up to allow the Han army to approach within twenty miles?
"Quantity?" Tuoba Shi Yijian also stood up, but he didn't panic.

The person who came to report was Podolo Elli. He is now a captain of ten thousand, mainly serving as the guard of the royal court. He replied: "The ones that have been discovered are more than ten thousand. I don't know if there are any more in the future."

There is nothing to say, since the Han army came to kill the generals, Tuoba Shiyijian had no choice but to gather the troops, whether to rise up and go out to drive them out, or to stand in line and wait to judge the situation, those are two things.

[The Han Dynasty is strong, and has been purged again and again, which has caused the population of the Dadai to drop...] Tuoba Shiyijian put on the armor with the help of many maids, but his mind was full of thoughts: [If the invading Han army can be wiped out, or It can act as a deterrent, so that the Han army dare not invade again! 】

The royal court, of course, was the place where the largest number of people gathered. After a few bursts of horns sounded, warriors came out of each tent and quickly gathered into a large army.

The winter consumption is the grain and horse fodder stored before. The national power of the Tuoba Dai country is not strong, and the number of material reserves is limited, but it cannot short the Royal Guards. The state of the troops and horses drawn out is at least It looks a lot better than ordinary tribes.

Tuoba Shiyijian repeatedly confirmed the military information sent back from the front, and found that the Han army did not directly attack the Wangting, but arrested anyone without any rules and killed them all at once, so he asked Yanfeng: "What is the purpose of the Han army's actions? "

"The reconnaissance cavalry has been dispatched. We haven't found any other Han troops around yet." Yanfeng could guess what Tuoba Shiyijian wanted to do, but he couldn't be too sure: "If there are only more than ten thousand Han troops, your Majesty may be able to Going into battle, I'm afraid... it's a scam?"

Tuoba Shiyijian was worried about cheating, otherwise he would not hesitate.He chose to continue waiting, and more and more information came in. It was confirmed that there were only ten thousand Han troops within tens of miles around. Many tribes on his side were either destroyed or dispersed. Many tribes had spontaneously reported to the royal court. Closer, but no further hesitation.

"Let's go, destroy this rampant Han army!"

Grasslands can be used as roads in other seasons, but the grasslands in winter need to clear the snow. Waiting for Tuoba Shiyijian to approach the Han army with more than [-] Wang Tingjun, what he saw from a distance was that a medium-sized tribe was already in danger.

The tribal habitat, the snow and the like will definitely be cleared, it will not be like the wilderness.It can be seen that there are obvious traces on the northwest side of the attacked tribe, which is the passage through which people and horses forced their way out.

It was obvious that there had been a fierce offensive and defensive battle near the passage. There were quite a few corpses lying on the ground, which also proved that the Han army was not discovered by the tribesmen until they were close enough. Otherwise, the traces of the battle would not be so close to the tribes.

"There is no doubt that it is the Imperial Guard of the Han Dynasty." Yanfeng would say this because the Imperial Guard is the only unit in the Han army without a banner. He said to Tuoba Shiyijian: "My lord, there are still troops in the tribe." Resist, the surrounding snow is too thick, you only need to block the passage when the Han army comes, and the invading Han army can be surrounded."

Tuoba Shiyijian had a binoculars. He was observing carefully with his eyes, and found that the invading Han army was actually coordinated by infantry and cavalry. The number of infantry was even greater than that of cavalry. Most of the soldiers.

"..." Tuoba Shiyijian's expression was very bad, and a series of military orders were issued, followed by gritted teeth: "This enemy army will definitely be wiped out!"

This is the reality. On grasslands with heavy snow, there is no such thing as cavalry being more mobile than infantry. They all need to travel through the snow. At the same time, feeding the cavalry’s horses will be a big problem. The army is indeed more suitable than the cavalry.

The thing is, Tuoba Shiyijian is still very angry. There is nothing to dispute about the strength of Han, and Tuoba Dai is indeed not as good as Han, but to attack with infantry-based troops, it is more or less considered Bullies are bullied to the point of rubbing their noses and faces!
(End of this chapter)

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