Chapter 560
If Tuoba Shiyijian had a choice, he would not choose to go to war with Han.

Of all the forces in the east that have already established a nation, Tuoba Xianbei is definitely the weakest.The worst situation is that the strength is so low that any country can bully it. It is a situation where the surrounding Shijie Zhao Kingdom and Murong Yan Kingdom have repeatedly beaten and fled, and even the Rouran Tribal Alliance can come to bully it.

Tuoba and Shi Yijian were not chosen. It was the Han Dynasty who made it clear that it wanted to destroy the other countries. It was the sense of crisis given by Li Chenghan, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the Shijie Zhao Kingdom that was about to perish.He is very clear that once Shijie Zhao State really perishes, the next one may not be Tuoba Dai State, it should be Murong Yan State, but Han State will never ignore the existence of Tuoba Dai State, one day Tuoba Dai State It will also encounter the conquest of the Han Dynasty and even the destruction of the country.

It will happen sooner or later, Tuoba Shiyijian only regrets why he didn't go to war with Han earlier, he deeply knows that there are countless people who also regret it, it seems that Murong Hao, who is seriously ill, also regrets why he didn't try his best at the beginning To deal with the Han country, the Han country has risen to the point where it can start a one-to-many war.

Han Guo seems to have been at war with Shijie Zhao Guo and Murong Yan Guo from the very beginning. That happened when Liu Yan only had Changguang County.At that time, Liu Yan kept fighting with Shijie Zhao Jun on the mainland, and even engaged in cross-sea invasion and occupation of part of the Liaodong Peninsula of Murong Yan Kingdom, and even had time to go to the Korean Peninsula to do things?

In the past, the kings of any country, including Tuoba Shiyijian, did not believe that Liu Yan could rise. In their cognition, Liu Yan looked like a fool, and felt that Liu Yan, who was tyrannical to everyone after establishing power, would sooner or later Playing himself to death, I really didn't expect Liu Yan, who was fighting everywhere, to become powerful.

It's the kind of people who didn't expect that, including Shihu, Murong Hao, and the families of the small imperial court... there is almost one person who can influence the country, so that they hold a kind of "If I don't clean up, someone will clean up" Liu Yan didn't try his best to wipe out the idea when he was weak.

I will not mention Shi Jie Zhao Guo, Murong Yan Guo and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, they actually have different thoughts.

Murong Yanguo had the idea of ​​going south to the Central Plains very early on, and he had been making relevant preparations since AD ​​[-].What they were thinking was to strengthen the surrounding forces before heading south, and Goguryeo was the first to be attacked. After the first battle of Marutu, Murong Yan's army invaded Fuyu immediately with almost no rest.During their attack on Fuyu Kingdom, they also destroyed Yuwen Xianbei, maimed Duan Xianbei, and chased Tuoba Xianbei to the west.

At that time, the biggest imaginary enemy of Murong Yan State was Shijie Zhao State, and the war preparations were also aimed at Shijie Zhao State. It happened that Liu Yan was doing things in Qingzhou. It will give Liu Yan the greatest assistance to make things bigger, so as to add obstacles to the biggest imaginary enemy, Shi Jie Zhao Guo.

So, at least before Liu Yan fully occupied Qingzhou, Murong Xianbei's idea was to support rather than attack.

That time when the army approached the Liaodong Peninsula occupied by Liu Yan, it was for deterrence, but the deterrence was not successful, and part of the troops were wiped out instead. No matter how annoyed Murong Hao was, he just let it go.

After Liu Yan fully occupied Qingzhou, Murong Yanguo was actually very surprised. Before he could react, Liu Yan quickly occupied the whole territory of Xuzhou.At this time, Murong Yanguo finally regained his senses, and cooperated with Shijie Zhaoguo. Murongge led the army to help Shi Bin resist the Han army's capture of Jizhou.

At this point, in fact, Murong Yanguo still doesn't think that Liu Yan can threaten him. They even take pleasure in the fact that Shijie Zhao Guo has been wiped out by the Han army on a large scale, but they also speed up their pace to attack the surrounding area. countries.

Murong Yanguo, for Tuoba Daiguo, who had a friendly relationship with the Han Kingdom in the open and in the dark, once again chased after Tuoba Shiyijian and fled with his tribe, and then Tuoba Shiyijian led Tuoba Xianbei to flee The battle with the Huns near Hetao also indirectly contributed to the establishment of Shengle, the capital of Tuoba Shiyijian.

Waiting for Murong Hao to start regretting that the Han army and Goguryeo gathered together, and even integrated Baekje, Silla, and overseas archipelago countries, but it is useless to regret it at this time.If Murong Yan Kingdom cannot disintegrate or eliminate the coalition forces of various countries, let alone going south, it will be a joke if it is reversed.

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, they should be the first to discover the possibility of Liu Yan's rise. A Mr. Gong Tao discovered it when Liu Yan started his army.

Mr. Gong Tao is a relative of the Sima family, named Sima Ru.He was active in Qingzhou very early, and set up an academy to attract young talents in Qingzhou, so that one day, when Wang Shi made his northern expedition, he could get the support of those local clans in Qingzhou.

At the beginning, Sima Ru also wanted to win over and use Liu Yan, but unfortunately, before the two sides formally contacted, Liu Yan provoked Donglai Academy, so that those families related to Donglai Academy shouted at Liu Yan kill.He thought about it for a while, and quickly made a distinction between the many families and Liu Yan. He chose to kill Liu Yan since the major families wanted to kill Liu Yan.

At that time, Liu Yan was only a few thousand, and the people under his rule did not exceed [-]. At one time, he was forced by Shijie Zhao to hide on Lingshan Island in the sea. Sima Ru thought that his choice was extremely correct, and heard Liu Yan go Provoking Murong Yanguo, agrees with everyone's thinking, and believes that Liu Yan is an idiot.

Liu Yan, who everyone thought was brain-dead, then did something even more brain-dead, that is, landed on the land of Baekje from the sea, and beat Baekje and Goguryeo together without saying a word, so that Sima Ru, who heard the news, felt that it was a shame to be an enemy of such a brain-dead person.

What no one thought of happened. Liu Yan was doing things very well in the Korean peninsula. While fighting with Baekje and Goguryeo, he also transferred back to the carbine and landed in Shijie Zhao again. The next thing no one expected That's how it happened.

About a year later, right?Liu Yan, who had fled overseas, once again led his army to appear in Qingzhou, occupying Changguang County, Donglai County, and Dongmou County almost destructively, and then broke out in a battle with Shijie Zhao Jun in Gaomi County.The final result of this battle was that Liu Yan won and completed the occupation of the Shandong Peninsula.

Liu Yan, who returned to Qingzhou, did not forget the existence of Donglai Academy. He just had a battle with Shijie Zhao Jun, and sent troops to Donglai Academy without rest. After destroying Donglai Academy, he began to liquidate those families according to the list, almost All the families were wiped out, and only a few families that ran fast survived.

Sima Ru ran fairly fast. He first slipped to Jizhou, waited for things to calm down, and then ventured back to Donglai County. He even took a boat from the Han Dynasty to the Liaodong Peninsula, and saw Liu Yan's construction in less than three months. The ten-mile city wall went to the side of Murong Yan Kingdom.

At that time, Murong Yanguo happened to no longer recognize the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty as the suzerain, so Sima Ru had to run away halfway.He ran back to Qingzhou, then transferred to Xuzhou to Jiankang.

At this time, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had a bad relationship with Liu Yan because of the Xuzhou matter. The armies of both sides fought a small battle in Jiangdu. He didn't care about any of them, what he wanted was to let Liu Yan continue to fight to the death with Shijie Zhao Guo.

That's right, even Liu Yan has already occupied the entire territory of Qingzhou and Xuzhou. The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty wanted to incorporate Liu Yan, and casually give an official position into the system, so that Qingzhou and Xuzhou could return to the territory of Sima 1 Jin State. It is also a nominal territory.

Of course, Liu Yan was not as good as the princes of the Manchu Dynasty in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. As a result, Sima Ru was ordered to come under Liu Yan's rule, and the task given was to let Sima Ru gather the families of Qingzhou and Xuzhou to find Liu Yan unhappy.

This time Sima Ru was more unlucky. When he contacted a family with friendship, he was sold by that family and became Liu Yan's prisoner.

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty began to regard Liu Yan as a threat, which was caused by Liu Yan's idea of ​​offering sacrifices on Mount Tai.In other words, because of Liu Yan's sacrifice on Mount Tai, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty regarded Liu Yan as a mortal enemy that must be cut off. Strive for the rightful qualifications to worship Yanhuang.

Later, Liu Yan, who had already established the country, and the small imperial court of the Han Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty had frictions in the Yangtze River area almost every day. It seems that Runan County, Ruyin County, and Xincai County have been recovered. This is also the fuse of the large-scale war between the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty.

In fact, at that time, Liu Yan’s main enemy was Shijie Zhao, and even Murong Yan was the first to be dealt with by the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. open the fight.After this fight, the head of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty became a prisoner. It stands to reason that the princes of the Manchu Dynasty should unite, but they took advantage of Yu Bing's death to engage in the Yu family.

Deep in prison... or should I say prison?Anyway, when Sima Ru learned about such a thing from the jailer, he felt extremely sad in his heart, and after thinking about it, he hit his head against the wall, shouting "Da Jin is going to die" while bumping, it was the shouts that attracted him. The jailer kept him alive.

That is, from that time, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty ignored the hatred of being driven to the south by the Hu people, and took the lead to form an alliance to make Shijie Zhao, Murong Yan, Li Chenghan, and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty form an alliance.

At this time, the Li family was succeeded by Li Shi, who was succeeded by Li Shi. Compared with Li Shou, Li Shi was even more confused. The border even wants to fight Han.

In addition to Li's Cheng Han, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty formed an alliance with Shijie Zhao and Murong Yan. They planned to choose a time to attack Han with all their strength.

The three-party alliance really has its own ghosts. Ran Min rebelled against Shi Hu to build a country. Shi Hu realized that he threatened to send Li Nong to attack Han; The raised troops are to surround or monitor the Yu clan, and they have no time to go north for the time being; what Murong Yanguo wants to do is to continue to go east and west in the northeast, and he very much hopes that Shijie Zhao and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty will go first.

Because of the voluntary concession of the Yu clan, Anne of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty seemed to have achieved it. They began to make real preparations for the Northern Expedition. Yes, it is to catch the Yu clan who has already retreated and continue to do things.

Originally, Shi Hu personally led Shijie Zhao Jun to fight the Han army in Puyang County. If the Jin army decisively went north, Liu Yan really didn't have much spare power to deal with the Jin army at that time. The problem is The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty once again stopped doing business and engaged in internal strife. Until Shi Hu led the army to retreat from Yecheng, the Jin army was still thunderous and rainy...or it should be said that there was not even a drop of rain.

After the First World War in Puyang County, Liu Yan really rose in momentum. He won when he confronted Shihu head-on, so that the whole Han Kingdom recognized his strength, and he had enough confidence when facing Shijie and Zhao Jun. , Both the common people and the soldiers began to realize that they were also strong.

After bursting with confidence, the Han Kingdom took less than a year to compress the living space of the Shijie Zhao Kingdom to Sizhou, Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Shuozhou, and then spent more than two months. Time seized Sizhou, and Youzhou was peacefully taken over by Murong Yanguo from Shijie Zhaoguo.

How old is it!Counting it, it has only been nearly eight years since Liu Yan took the lead in [-] A.D. to the establishment and destruction of the Li family Cheng Han and the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the Han Dynasty, and the Shijie Zhao Kingdom was almost wiped out.

"Who would have thought of it?" Zhang Chonghua sat on the huge car, looking at the endless grassland, and said in a slightly desolate voice: "No one expected it!"

Zhang Chonghua is the current king of Zhang's Liang Kingdom. He is currently in the Yixin Mountain area, which should be seven or eight hundred miles away from Wolf Mountain, and he will go to make an alliance with the kings.

Zhang's Liang Country is really a country now, from the inside to the outside.In the past, Zhang Jun was the king internally, and Liangzhou Shepherd of the Duke of Liangzhou externally. He accepted the canonization of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in name.

Zhang Chonghua was completely frightened when he started war against the Han Kingdom, for the same reason as Tuoba Shiyijian. If he thought it was a joke before Liu Yan said that he wanted to sweep the world and reappear the glory of the Han, now he really understands that Liu Yan would do that. Forced to go to war.

Liu Yan is obviously a person who will do what he says. No matter when he looks weak, or now that he has risen strongly, he has always been running towards a clear goal.

The aggressiveness shown by the Han State is one thing, but the Han Army is really doing those things.If you don't unite again, you will really be beaten to death one by one!
(End of this chapter)

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