sweeping the world

Chapter 55 Mastering the Initiative

Chapter 55 Mastering the Initiative
Ji Chang now actually regrets not stopping Liu Yan from killing Shouyangwen. Although Shouyangwen is a bit of a helper, his talent is really not bad.

[Shouyang Wen comes from Donglai Academy, but I don’t know if there are still incompetent people there? 】

Yes, Ji Chang felt that it was very difficult for him to be fully responsible for military affairs, planning, and intelligence analysis, and he really hoped that someone could share the burden.This is also the realization that he really regards himself as a member of the Han tribe and wants the Han tribe to survive and grow.

"Donglai Academy?" Liu Yan listened more carefully. It was the Academy, not the Academy.He nodded cautiously: "I will send someone there, if it is still there, I will definitely go to visit in person."

Academies, where teaching and educating people, are not twice as high as private schools, like the Yingchuan Academy in the Three Kingdoms period.The book garden generally refers to the collection of books and the place where some literary and artistic discussions are carried out.

When a barbarian is in power, it is not easy to open an academy. It is even more difficult to teach people and serve some forces. It proves that there are connections and practical educational ability.

Ji Chang was deeply afraid that Liu Yan would not understand the seriousness of the situation, so he seldom spoke a few more words before turning back to the current situation: "There are about [-] people gathered in Jijin City, which is composed of a dozen or so families. .There are three well-known big clans among them. Our spy can easily spy on them, except for a few Hu armed forces, most of them are composed of captive Jin people."

The vast majority of the Jin people existed as slave soldiers in the armed forces of the Hu people, and the entire Central Plains could serve as non-slave soldiers and form an independent army, which is probably a relatively large army such as the Qihuo Army.Of course, Wubao in the Central Plains also has its own armed forces, and they cannot be counted as slave soldiers.And to be fair, the combat effectiveness of Wubao's armed forces is really no worse than that of the Hu people. If there are equal numbers of people fighting, Wubao's side must win, but the tyrants and big clans are too scattered.

Take the Jin people to fight, no matter whether it is consumption or what, every time the Hu people fight, the Jin people are the first to bleed. As long as there is a war, this kind of thing has almost become a practice in the Central Plains.

"Choose Jijin City as the primary attack target. If we act quickly and defeat or annihilate the Hu armed forces first, we can liberate the remaining Jin people." Ji Chang's eyes were very firm: "If we can become Hu slave soldiers and survive, we will It is a qualified source of soldiers. We can integrate when you are promoted, and we will have more capital to fight other forces."

It should be said that it is a more appropriate combat method, but to solve it must dispatch all tribal armed forces, which is tantamount to handing over the resettlement site to Jin soldiers for guarding.

The last time I did this, although there were families from Guixian County and surrounding areas coveting, there were at most 2000 people.This time it was different, not only most of the families in Changguang County took action, but also the surrounding counties.

Sure enough, Tian Shuo hesitated and said, "Then... how much of the walled city do we have to stay behind?"

"I'm afraid there can only be a few left." Xu Zheng explained: "The army needs to transport supplies, food and fodder, etc. In addition to the auxiliary soldiers, there are also nearly 500 corvee workers."

Militiamen are necessary for fighting. Some things such as transporting supplies, including camping, picnics, etc., are actually the work of auxiliary soldiers and militiamen. It is impossible for soldiers to do these things in person.

If you want to quickly capture Jijin City, you can only mobilize most of your forces, and you won't be able to take care of many places.

"The situation this time is quite special." Liu Yan didn't show any helplessness, but said more relaxedly: "If there is a war, the resettlement site will be destroyed as well. Let's find another place to build a suitable city."

Tian Shuo thought for a while and nodded, the original troubles seemed to be gone, as if he was thinking about where is suitable for building a city.

If the surrounding forces want to attack the resettlement area, in fact, even if the Han tribe can defend it once, twice...three times, it is impossible to spend their vital strength on a city that can be abandoned.Their strength is already lower than that of the enemy, so they can only choose to take the initiative. How can they be beaten passively?

With the combat objectives, there is also a need for a combat plan, and the movements on the Han side are actually under the prying eyes of our own forces.

"They have a naval force." Liancheng Bo is not a title but an earl, he adopts the surname Liancheng as Bo.He comes from a tribe that is still nomadic, and he has coveted the Han tribe for four or five days on the edge of the settlement: "It is almost worthless to plunder."

It must be solemnly stated again that Liu Yan does not have a navy now, and even if there are ships, they are fishing boats and crudely built ordinary ships, and there are no ships.It can be tossed back and forth many times, which is to build a large raft row, borrowing from the allusion of "iron cables connecting horizontally", connecting one raft row after another, and then equipped with simple sails, which are also guided by ships.

Lian Chengbo arrived relatively late, and what he saw was that the people of the Han tribe were picked up by boats, and there were no cattle, sheep, horses, etc. in the surrounding area, and what was left was some soldiers who were serving the war that was about to break out. or support staff.

He judges others by himself, knowing that a war is about to start, and the valuable things must be transferred away, which is why Lian Chengbo thinks that his own is not worth participating in the war.

They will come here because they heard that a new power has risen on the peninsula, and they are said to be extremely wealthy.Come and see, the emerging tribe has a large population, but it is really a lie to say how rich it is.Because they didn't see the cattle, sheep, and horses in the stretches, and they didn't see the bustling city. They saw it was just a walled city built with wood.

Those who have similar ideas with Lian Chengbo are some Hu people who still maintain nomadic habits, and their thinking is still "simple". For them, only cattle, horses, and sheep can be regarded as the first looting targets, followed by Population, and then money and other things.

There were no cows, horses, or sheep in the city walls of the Han Dynasty, and the population was basically transferred to the islands on the sea, so the nomadic tribes really didn't think there was anything to plunder.

There are not a few tribes in Qingzhou who are still nomadic. At present, there are more places that are still nomadic in the North, and the other is the place with more plains like Yizhou.

Even if he didn't use the map in his mind to observe, Liu Yan knew very well that there were many eyes staring at them.This is a pack of wolves in the true sense, and they are the kind of wolves who will definitely take action as long as they get the chance!

"Your Majesty!" Tian Shuo approached Liu Yan today after careful consideration. As soon as he saw Liu Yan, he said, "Since you want to give up, why don't you just give up and leave no garrison, no leader."

Tian Shuo was afraid. If the resettlement site wanted to keep people, he had to stay in the resettlement site.If he thinks about it for a while, he might be attacked. It won't be like the last time, he really felt a wave of urination coming.

Liu Yan nodded more seriously: "That's fine."

Tian Shuo breathed a sigh of relief.

Isn't it just demolishing the Walled City?Farmers were transferred to build timber warehouses, and the built wooden houses were pushed flat one by one, and the timber would be "eaten" by the warehouse after putting it in. Although it took some effort, the speed was not slow.

Strange things happened, the wood was thrown into the same warehouse and it was not full. Although most Jin people were used to it, they would still have a weird feeling; The Ministry pulled out his own city wall, and pulled it out very cleanly!
"Alright, let's give up the city..." Ji Chang, who looked very haggard, smiled more freely: "In this way, the initiative can be regarded as completely in control!"

(End of this chapter)

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