Chapter 541
In an era of low productivity and lack of population, it is extremely certain that having a child is a kind of credit to the country, and meritorious service must be rewarded.

Ji Chang explained the principles very carefully and clearly. Thanks to the continuous expansion of the military, the territory of the country has been continuously increasing, but the population of the country is too small.

The territory is large and the people are few, but anyone with a little brain knows what it means. The land that has been laid down does not have enough manpower to develop it. It is tantamount to only looking better on the territory of the territory, and even a large territory often becomes a burden.

The dignified prime minister personally affirmed the achievements of the military in front of the king and his fellow officials at the Great Court Conference. Can it be regarded as that the civil service system considers itself under the military system?

Then again, it seems that when the military generals of the Han state were lower than the civil servants, on the contrary, because the Han state was in a state of war for a long time, the status of the civil servants has always been inferior to the military officials.

The civil servants showed signs of rising in the past period of time, which almost brought the country into the stage of recuperating health and rest. The counterattack of the generals was to plan the Northern Expedition.

The current Han state is engaged in foreign wars on the one hand, and on the other hand is conducting the country's internal affairs. The game of civil and military can only be said to be half a catty.

Internal affairs are actually more than just the prime minister's office... Or it is the affairs of civil servants. After all, the source of troops for the army comes from the people, and the food, fodder and military equipment they need are also part of the internal affairs. To cooperate in a certain way to the greatest extent.

The population of the country has increased, and the productivity has also increased. There are only benefits and no harm to the generals. What they fear is that they will lose their usefulness.

Once a general has no place to use his skills, not to mention his achievements in the military, his daily life will definitely be very idle, and there may even be incidents of cunning rabbits cooking those bullshit.It is conceivable that due to various reasons, what the military general hopes most is that there will always be wars to fight.

"The prime minister's words are very kind!" Xu Zheng did not leave his seat, but stood up straight with his jade wat in his hand: "I agree."

Ji Chang praised the military quite a bit just now, and what he was afraid of was that the military would have many twists and turns on such a matter. He was slightly relieved to see Xu Zheng taking the lead in agreeing.

The two civil and military No. 1 should reach a unified opinion. According to the principle, the issue of rewarding land for birth, if the king does not object, it will be passed with a high probability.

Sang Yu stayed quietly in his seat, watching Xu Zheng's performance first, and then Ji Chang's more gorgeous verbal performance.He has been relatively lonely recently, except for his job as an imperial envoy, he has not interfered with any official affairs. In private, he is integrating the aristocratic family according to Liu Yan's wishes. When he went south to develop the southwest peninsula, he persuaded many families to leave.

The imperial officer has the power to supervise all officials, which sounds very powerful, but in fact, in terms of the politics of Chinese civilization, officials are not afraid of making mistakes, but are afraid of the king pursuing their mistakes, so the power of the imperial officer can only be said to be that of the king. an accessory of the will.

It stems from the fact that Liu Yan is not a mean and ungrateful owner. Sang Yu, the imperial envoy, does a boring job. He usually supervises the etiquette of hundreds of officials at large and small court meetings. In addition, his subordinates pay attention to whether the officials are arrogant domineering.

Of course, the imperial envoy's supervision of whether the officials are arrogant or domineering is only about some things related to the people. It is also a gesture of indulgence when officials get into trouble or conflict.

Hundreds of officials are supervised by the Yushifu, and the nobles are supervised by the Tingwei Department. Officials in the Han Dynasty do not necessarily have titles, but they must be officials if they have a title. In view of this, Sang Yu wanted to ask Liu Yan for instructions, but there was no good opportunity so far.

The current law enforcement power is not as clear-cut as it is in modern times. It is basically assigned to which department is managed according to the class. Usually, each department has both supervisory power and law enforcement power. This is indeed easy to cause law enforcement conflicts, and there will be some law enforcement. The dirty above.

From the very beginning, Liu Yan noticed the conflict of law enforcement power. Of course, he had the intention to plan it. The problem is that he felt that there was no opportunity. It is not a trivial matter for a country to rashly change the rules set by the predecessors. As a king, it is even more necessary Be cautious when changing countries.

No one raised any objections to the birth reward, but Liu Yan couldn't make a decision immediately. He should go through a process, such as the follow-up supplementary provisions, which are very important things.

The topic has not been opposed initially, and the Prime Minister's Mansion should further refine it in the next step, such as how much land should be rewarded for boys and girls, where should the land be located, and what kind of rewards exist for those who are willing to relocate or not? gap.

"Xu Gong." Wang Ji followed his colleagues out of the hall after the court meeting, and trotted to catch up with Xu Zheng in front.He first saluted Xu Zheng respectfully, and then tried to ask: "Can you allow me to speak?"

In the large audience, I don't know how many pairs of eyes were watching. Xu Zheng didn't know what Wang Ji wanted to say, so he nodded hesitantly.

"Taiwei." Wang Ji changed his title, explaining that what he was going to talk about next was a serious matter: "Birth can be rewarded, and it is natural for the benefit of the country and the people to be lowered to officials, but... the Taiwei doesn't think that once you give birth, you can also get land rewards , is there a conflict with military rewards...?"

Xu Zheng raised his brows, took a deep look at Wang Ji, and curled his mouth for a smile, but walked straight along the road, without any desire to continue the conversation.

Wang Ji watched Xu Zheng slowly go away in a daze, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.He is also a part of the military system, so he naturally wants to protect the interests of the military.In his view, land rewards for military exploits are the greatest privilege and benefit. Once a hole is torn apart this time, there is no guarantee that the civil servants will not find a seemingly suitable reason to do it again next time.

According to the theory, Xu is the Taiwei, the No. 1 military officer of course, and has the responsibility and obligation to protect the interests of the military. Wang Ji couldn't wait to chat with him after he came down to court because he wanted to take the lead first, but things didn't seem to go according to the script. ?

"Qichen is a little too hasty." Wang Luan looked at Wang Ji with a smile: "Although we are officials in the Han Dynasty, but..."

Wang Luan and Wang Ji are not related by blood. The only thing they have in common besides their surnames is that they both served Shi Le and Shi Hu.

The rule of Zhao State in Shijie collapsed in the Central Plains, and many officials who were originally officials in Shijie turned to the Han Dynasty. Wang Luan and Wang Ji did the thing of abandoning the dark and turning to the bright before and after the Battle of Xuzhou.

Those people who transferred from Shijie to the Han Kingdom have their own circumstances. Wang Luan and Wang Ji are considered to be a relatively good group. More people are either local officials, or they don’t even have an official position not available.

Wang Ji understood what Wang Luan hadn't said. It was nothing more than that although they were all officials, they also served the king, but there were still gaps, such as the difference between core ministers, ordinary ministers, and excluded courtiers.

There are not many people who can be regarded as the core important ministers of the Han Dynasty. The prime minister and the Taiwei must be among them. Officials such as Wang Luan and Wang Ji can only be regarded as ordinary courtiers, and it can even be said that they are slightly rejected because of their birth. repel.

Wang Ji was very close to Sang Yu before, and once followed behind him as a follower of Sang Yu.After Sang Yu was warned by Liu Yan, although Wang Ji did not draw a clear line with Sang Yu, Wang Ji no longer followed Sang Yu's pace. Wang Ji planned to follow Xu Zheng's route after a little hibernation.

"Qichen, the big Han is different from the Hulu Shijie." Wang Luan himself didn't know who he followed closely. He had observed for a long time and already knew what kind of country it was: "In the big Han, people are naturally indispensable, but they rely on merit. Supreme."

Wang Ji was puzzled why Wang Luan said that.The two are old acquaintances, and their relationship can only be good or bad, not to the point of giving each other heart and soul.

After the next court, there were quite a few officials who went together, and they all had their own topics, mainly focusing on the birth reward system that would be thrown out by the court.

Most officials just feel that the ability to obtain land for childbearing is new, and they can't think of more. The main topic is whether the land for childbearing will cause any damage to the military.

Generally speaking, the system belonging to civil servants is mostly happy and excited about the new policy that children can get land rewards. Unlike military officers, civil servants can go to battle to obtain military merits. The credit is reflected in internal affairs, and one of the assessments of internal affairs is the population under control. Quantity.

Some smart civil servants think more from the policies that have been initially passed. Land rewards are the core. After people own land, they will inevitably have more output, and taxation will inevitably increase.In addition to land, the increase in population will also have many beneficial effects. For example, the need for living materials will increase transactions, so business taxes will definitely increase.

In terms of various extension effects, the civil servants are very sure that the new policy will only benefit them and not harm them. Some people who can speak have already begun to brew, and some beneficial supplements should be added to the follow-up provisions of the new policy.

When the court meeting was over, Sang Yu purposely stayed behind. He found out that Ji Chang had done the same thing, so he thought about taking the initiative to go there.

"Your Majesty is the pioneer, so the Prime Minister's topic must be deeply loved by the Majesty?" Sang Yu still smiled all the time. After the warning, the smile took on a dull taste: "Follow-up, yes Land of reward dispatch, have you figured out how to operate it?"

Ji Chang noticed the obvious estrangement between Sang Yu and he knew why it became like this, probably from the merger of the left and right prime ministers, the internal affairs that were originally under the management of Sang Yu came into his own hands?

"The people's homeland is hard to leave, so they have to do this." Ji Chang didn't feel any guilt towards Sang Yu, and he didn't have any opinions, but he didn't put a hot face on a cold ass, and said with a smile: "Before the great man, only military merit could be rewarded with land, but not everyone can obtain military merit."

"In the early days of the founding of the Han Dynasty, there was a policy of equalizing the land, but the prime minister never mentioned it to the king?" Sang Yu patted his forehead after asking: "The king has read a lot of books, so he naturally knows the past."

Of course Ji Chang mentioned Juntian, both in private and at the court, and the military officers immediately objected when he said it. Liu Yan did not respond when he talked about it in private, so it can be seen that the things done by the predecessors do not mean that they will is carried out according to the old rules.

"The policy of equalizing the land destroys the military merit system, as does the policy of rewarding births." Sang Yu clearly expressed curiosity: "How did the Prime Minister's Office convince the Taiwei Office?"

Ji Chang had communicated with Xu Zheng, but the problem was that Xu Zheng didn't promise anything.According to his thinking, after discussing with Liu Yan, it should be Liu Yan who came to find Xu Zheng.

The founding king of any country basically has a high voice. Many founding kings can even be arbitrary, and no courtier dares to violate the will of the founding king.

Liu Yan is also the founding king of the country. Because of some special circumstances, he even has many differences. It can be said that he wants to decide what to do, and no one can stop him.He just has quite a lot of self-knowledge, what he doesn't understand is just monitoring and will not interfere directly, and he will not take anything in later generations as a matter of course.

Ji Chang didn't want to talk about that. Seeing that all the officials had left the hall, he saw that Sang Yu was also going to see Liu Yan, and said, "Is there anything contrary to the authority of the prime minister's office when the imperial envoy visits the king?"

Sang Yu still thought about it seriously before answering: "No."

The relationship between the two has faded, and even if it is true hostility, it cannot clearly show hostility. Those words Ji Chang asked are not unpleasant. It is because each department of the country has its own powers, and when discussing government affairs, especially when there are any suggestions, the powers exist. It is appropriate to meet the king separately to discuss the conflict.

Liu Yan stayed in the apse for a while as usual after the Great Court Meeting, in order to wait for civil and military requests for an audience.

Under normal circumstances, no one would ask to see the king after the small court meeting, but after the great court meeting, there would definitely be people asking to see the king, and the number of people seeking to see him was not fixed.Even after the end of the court meeting, it is often necessary for the king to summon some ministers to hold a small meeting.

"Let's talk here if you have anything to say." Liu Yan felt that today would not be peaceful, and did not plan to change places.He asked Ji Chang and Sang Yu to sit down separately, looked at the two of them, and said a very unnutritious opening remark: "What do you want to say?"

The apse is very empty, and the furnishings are not fixed. At this moment, there is a table in the center of the hall, and there are court ladies making tea, and the monarch and ministers sit and talk.

Ji Chang took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and said, "I have a lot of topics to talk about."

At this time, it was up to Sang Yu to judge how much time it would take up.This is a technical job, which requires a strong sense of time and sufficient judgment on the topics to be discussed, even guessing the attitude of the king.

"What I said is a matter of law." Sang Yu still decided to let himself go first: "The big man has the Yushifu and the Tingwei Department, both of which have the right to supervise and enforce the law. The objects of supervision and law enforcement of the two overlap. ..."

Liu Yan's original posture was a little relaxed, but he immediately became serious when he heard Sang Yu's topic.He knows the importance of the law better than anyone else, so the department responsible for enforcement is even more important, and there can be no sloppy.

(End of this chapter)

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