sweeping the world

Chapter 535 Prepared Battle

Chapter 535 Prepared Battle
Ji Chang was a little surprised. The troops led by Fu Wei had only been going south for more than two months. According to the battle reports, it seemed that there were not many places to attack. The Xijuan City alone could harvest 300 million stones, grain and fodder. Did you "package" the entire Linyi country?
"Xijuan was originally the main grain storehouse for the trade between Linyi and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty." Liu Yan seemed very calm: "It is normal to have more grain."

The battle report sent back by Fu Wei is still relatively clear. The official grain storage in Linyi is close to 50 shi, and most of the real seizures are from the people.

Linyi Kingdom is not a centralized country. The local tribes have the right of autonomy. The transactions with the Central Plains regime have always been those tribal leaders who accounted for the majority, and the official transactions are in the minority.

The Central Committee of Xiangguo consulted some classics obtained from the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The records about Jiaozhi clearly stated that after the Han army invaded the south, the small court urgently mobilized 200 million shi of grain from Jiaozhi. Without transportation back to Jiankang, Jiankang was captured by the Han army.

The fact that Jiaozhi was able to produce 200 million shi of grain was the accumulation of tax revenue, which proved that the grain output in that area was astonishingly large, and as the prime minister, Ji Chang had to pay attention to it.

The 300 million stone, grain and fodder can already support Han to fight a big battle on the northern front, and will gain some gains from the southwest peninsula later. The food problem has been temporarily alleviated, and the big battle can start when the weather permits.

"There is never a shortage of food in the southwest peninsula. After the liberation, as long as we are willing to manage it carefully, the original Han family land alone can support the food needs of half the country." Liu Yan's face changed to a dumbfounding expression and said: " It’s just that they entered the treasure mountain empty-handed and did not notice the precious wood and some gemstones, nor did they realize the existence of spices.”

There are still many local products in the southwest peninsula, and they can probably make a fortune if they can be transported to the Central Plains, especially the first batch of local products will definitely make a lot of money. Liu Yan feels that it is necessary to remind him.

This time the invasion of the southwestern peninsula was made by the government as the main force, and it was to obtain food.

In fact, Liu Yan does not intend to use the official as the main force. What he hopes is to make the southwest peninsula a private adventure park and open the door for Han and Miao descendants to independently expand outwards. The southwest peninsula will not be the first and will not It is the last one. There are still a large number of islands in the South Seas. Even after the wind is formed, we can take steps to explore more places.

"Spices?" Of course Ji Chang knows about spices, but the current spices in the Central Plains are basically brought back from the Western Regions. There is no similar thing in the South, so he asked: "Is there any spices produced in the Southwest Peninsula?"

"There are a lot of islands around Zhanghai, and the most islands are in the southwest, and the island is the origin of spices." What Liu Yan hasn't said yet is that not only spices, but also minerals on the island are extremely rich: "Take the southwest peninsula first. Practice your hands, let’s talk about those after some experience.”

There are so many resources in Nanyang that it is unimaginable, but the Central Plains Dynasty has never looked away. If the Central Plains Dynasty can take the resources of many islands in the South Seas as its own, navigation will surely flourish in the process. It is time to lay the foundation for becoming the leader of the earth.

It is a pity that the Central Plains dynasty has fallen into a strange cycle of internal collapse for hundreds of years. It has not looked outside except for the "world" with one-third of an acre of land. It has blinded its local advantages in vain and is ashamed of God. The capital of the overlord.

After dozens of years of life, Liu Yan has a comprehensive plan. His lowest goal is to lay at least a basic foundation for the ethnic group. After recovering the old land of the Han family, the next step is to take two steps. It must be taken as their own, and even the efforts to develop Southeast Asia will be greater than that of going west, and Oceania will also be occupied.

The advantage of clear thinking is that when to do what to do, you will not be blinded, and you will not lose the motivation to fight because you lose your goal. But now it is just a beginning to open up the sea, and the northern Xinjiang that is about to reopen is the First things first.

Li Tan has already been stationed in Jingling. As the new general who conquers the North, he came with a strong desire to make contributions.

Jingling is not a very scenic place, and its strategic value has never been high in the past.The current Jingling will become the seat of Zhengbei Shogunate just because it is in the middle of Jicheng and Zhongyang.

The ice and snow on the Sizhou side began to melt, but there was no sign of ice and snow melting in the northerly area. On the contrary, it still occasionally snowed.

"The lake in Jiuze is still frozen, and so is the nearby water system." Qian Jiantong was staying behind, waiting for Li Tan to report in person: "If an offensive is to be launched after the ice and snow melt, my opinion is to take advantage of the The lake in Jiuze is still thick, so we should mobilize our troops to go around it first."

Qian Jiantong's current military position is Zhengbei Zhonglang General. According to the Han military practice, Zhonglang General with the prefix is ​​generally the "seed player" of some generals. For example, he will become the next Zhengbei without accident. General Bei, and then General Zhengxi Zhonglang Xie An will also become General Zhengxi without accident.

"It is necessary." Li Tan nodded and said: "Both Shi Xuan and Fu Hong may give up Jiancheng to fight with us, or even flee without fighting. It is time to make the first move."

Bingzhou has now been recovered by the Han Kingdom. If the Shijie Zhao Kingdom does not want to fight a city offensive and defensive war with the Han Kingdom, it will inevitably retreat to the northwest of Bingzhou and Shuozhou.

Qian Jiantong said: "In that case, I will lead the Yulin Army and the Fourth Cavalry Army to cross Jiuze Lake first?"

It is difficult to know when the existence of Jiuze Lake began. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it dried up due to climate reasons, and there will be no such lake as Jiuze in the future.

The existence of the water system in the Central Plains has always been changing. Even the Yellow River has been diverted many times. Each diversion is one aspect, and it will also change the location of the river system and lakes.What I have to say is that after the Yellow River became turbid, the Central Plains Dynasty continued to increase its land territory in the east, and the increased area was calculated in hundreds of thousands of square miles.

Wasn't the Han State reorganizing its army last winter?The new military system has a new designation. Some special designations such as the Habayashi Army, the Huben Army, and the Imperial Guard Army are not included in the thirteen standing armies, which are divided into cavalry army and infantry army.Among them, there are six cavalry armies, and the remaining seven are infantry armies.

There are a total of six cavalry armies under the Zhengbei Shogunate, four of which are standing cavalry armies, and the other two are the Huben Army and the Habayashi Army.Zhengdong Shogunate and Zhengnan Shogunate each have a cavalry army, and the remaining one, because Xie An, a Zhonglang, will not be qualified to establish a shogunate, belongs to the Guanzhong garrison sequence.

The thirteen standing armies are numbered sequentially from "one", the cavalry army is from the first to the sixth, and the infantry army is from the first to the seventh. The division of arms is the prefix plus the cavalry army or the infantry army.

Liu Yan's creation of this set of numbers is of great historical significance.

You must know that the military system of the Central Plains Dynasty has never been done like this. More troops are divided according to states, counties, and counties, or they are planned by theaters. This is the case when the Central Plains Dynasty rarely maintains a large number of standing troops.

Of course, the Central Plains Dynasty did not have a large standing army, that is, the system of the central army, county army, and frontier army. The source of troops came from the young and strong who received "fu".The emergence of the Fubing system later brought the Central Plains Dynasty to the "theater zone" military system. The source of troops in which region is in charge of which theater. During the special national war, troops were mobilized from various theaters to participate in the war.

The Han Kingdom established by Liu Yan will not have any real peacetime. It is necessary to maintain a large number of standing troops, so it is a matter of course that it is independent of the county and county soldiers and the frontier army system. The theater system is more defensive than the military system. The way of attack is not suitable either.

The current 20 standing army of the Han Dynasty is selected from millions of troops. It should be said that the quality of the soldiers is very good. It is impossible to tell which army is good or which army is bad. The designation represents the number rather than the ranking.

With the changes in the military system of the Han Dynasty, Li Tan and Qian Jiantong were no longer the commanders of the Yulin Army and the Huben Army respectively. Their personal feelings were definitely deeper, but the prerequisite for being able to command them was that the troops were placed under the shogunate order.

Li Tan had no doubts about Qian Jiantong's command of the Yulin Army, and he knew why he wanted the Yulin Army instead of the Huben Army.He said: "There will be two guard cavalry troops coming later, or...you bring another cavalry army?"

"If there are enough troops, it's best." Qian Jiantong was depressed because the Huben Army was an armored cavalry unit, so it couldn't carry out any long-distance raids or use it for pursuit. He nodded: "Two guard cavalry troops, Then there is the Huben army, even if there is no Habayashi army and two cavalry armies, Shi Xuan or Fu Hong would not be afraid of a decisive battle."

The Northern Conquest General of the Han Dynasty has always been the most commanded army, which is the premise that the target of the campaign and the geographical location are first determined.For example, after the fall of the small imperial court regime in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, before reaching the coastline in the south, there were only some ineffective Zhuyue and barbarians, and the southern shogunate was directly reduced to three armies.In the north, even if the country of Shijie Zhao is strong, there is still a threat from the grassland. I am afraid that the size of the northern line will not be less than five armies.

In addition to Li Tan's command of some standing armies, local county and county soldiers and some servants will gradually join the shogunate sequence.Even as General Zhengbei, he is not sure how many troops the Zhengbei shogunate will have in this battle. The only thing he knows is that the total strength will not be less than 40.

There is no contradiction. The Han Dynasty must maintain a standing army of 20, which only refers to specialized soldiers, but it does not completely rule out the rest of the system.

It must be said that although the standing army, county soldiers, and servant army of the Han Dynasty are all military troops, their systems are different.To put it bluntly, the standing army is an army that does not engage in production. The county soldiers are paid from the people, and the servant army includes slave soldiers and the troops of various vassal states.

Qian Jiantong finally left with three cavalry troops. Although the Habayashi Army is one army, it has only [-] troops, and the total strength is [-].They left the city during the light snow season, marched towards Pingtao via Jiuze Lake, and entered a vast grassland to hide.

Half a month after Qian Jiantong led his troops to leave, the follow-up tribes arrived one after another. The first to arrive was the [-] county soldiers from Shangdang County and the [-] Imperial Guard cavalry. By this time, the ice and snow had begun to melt.

"In the first stage, 12 soldiers from counties and counties will be assembled on the battlefield." Tiaoyou has always been the commander of the army, and he still is after the Northern Shogunate.He and Li Tan got along well, and he was satisfied with the current situation. He continued with a smile: "The county and county soldiers will guarantee the flanks and rear wings of the field corps."

The various systems of the Han military have clear responsibilities, and the standing army is used as the main force on the battlefield.With the standing army as the main attack, the role of the county and county soldiers is to ensure the combat environment of the main force in addition to ensuring the logistics line, and to play a supporting and supporting role.

Li Tan was watching the sand table, how to arrange the county and county soldiers and servants, he, the chief general, had a lot of discussions with the marching commander Shi.

To be honest, the second Northern Expedition of the Han Dynasty was based on the layout of Wei Qing's battle against Hexi, that is, in addition to the troops specially arranged as the main offensive, there will also be a large number of infantry.

At the beginning, the troops in Wei Qing's hands were not as clear-cut as those in Li Tan's hands. A small number of main attacking troops were assisted by hundreds of thousands of auxiliary troops. Then the main attacking force will continue to intersperse with the advantage of high-speed maneuvering, and the auxiliary force will push flatly on the premise of the results created by the main attacking force.

"Considering the particularity of the situation, the war in Yangyi will start earlier than in Zhongyang..." Tiaoyou planted some flags around Yangyi before continuing: "Wait for the ground to become relatively dry, the first The cavalry corps, the [-]rd infantry corps, and the [-]th infantry corps will be the first to attack."

Li Tan recalled the recent information about Shi Xuan. Only a small number of troops of the Shijie Zhao army in Yangyi went out of the city, and the rest of the Shijie Zhao army stayed in the city without moving.He was also very sure that Shi Xuan had not received reinforcements, whether it was the number of troops Shi Xuan had at hand or the number of troops.

"There are signs of some changes in Zhongyang." Tiao You walked to the shelf where the documents were piled up, searched for the official document, handed it to Li Tan, and said, "Fu Hong of Zhongyang dispatched a part of his troops to go north. go."

"Well, it's about the impact of the Ding Ling people on the northern border of Shijie." Li Tan said gloatingly: "The Hongru Museum can still do something."

What Li Tan said was that Lu Yi personally operated the sword, and that the officials of the Hongru Museum used various methods to make Ding Lingren go south. Instead of submitting to the Shijie Zhao State, they used force against the Shijie Zhao State.

"Then..." Tiao You sighed first, and then said in an almost certain tone: "The chances of Shi Xuan and Fu Hongyi using the city to fight have been reduced again."

Li Tan, who was still happy at first, also sighed after hearing the words. Compared with chasing battles in the vast wilderness, the high-level Han army still prefers Shijie to fight city offensive and defensive battles...

(End of this chapter)

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