sweeping the world

Chapter 532 Stumbling

Chapter 532 Stumbling
Fu Wei urgently needs someone to tell him what the hell is the weather in the southwest sea!

Because of the weather, the southward invasion of the southwest peninsula had to be interrupted several times before it really started. Each time it was a sudden change in the weather, not because of any means used by the opponents who were about to fight.

The island chain without a name, the fleet anchored in the bay on the west side of the largest island, only a small part of the soldiers went to the island, and the rest stayed on the ship.

In the stormy weather, it is not so easy to go ashore, especially if there is no ferry, or else some necessary personnel should be left behind to let the soldiers who are not used to HNA go ashore to breathe.

Just panting, the ship shakes too much in the stormy sea. In such an era when even riding in a carriage can make people dizzy, the continuous and violent shaking of the ship is simply unacceptable to those who are not used to it.

The more the fleet anchored in the bay for about half an hour, the storm came as soon as it said it would, and it left as soon as it said it would. The next moment, the sea area became clear and clear. If it weren't for the ship's distressed appearance , People's discomfort has not yet passed, it will inevitably make people confused whether what they just encountered is an illusion.

"This is the case in spring." Yuan Fang should be the one who knows the weather in the southwestern sea area best among the many officers. He said, "Summer will be relatively better..."

Spring was not suitable for invading the southwest peninsula at all. Yuan Fang wanted to state this fact more than once. He saw that Fu Wei, who was the commander of the fleet, showed no sign of giving up, so he couldn't say any words of dissuasion.

"How many soldiers can maintain their condition?" Fu Wei asked Wang Gong, his deputy general: "Is there any loss to the warship?"

Wang Kan had sent officers to inspect the ships just now, and he had a rough data in hand, and replied: "The warships did not suffer much damage, but there were problems with the sails and ropes of about [-] ships. More than [-]% temporarily lost the ability to land and fight. The private army of those families... lost [-] ships, and no more than [-]% can still fight."

The warships of the country are basically produced systematically, and the quality of the ships produced by the system can still be guaranteed.The ships of each family are not systematically produced, but are produced by various official shipyards of the Han Dynasty.

"That is to say...there are less than 1000 people in total?" Fu Wei just vomited to death, but he was holding on.He can understand that he is like this, and the rest of the people will definitely not feel better. He is both depressed and relieved that he can still maintain a combat force of about a thousand people: "One Han is five Hu, and the barbarians in the Southwest are even more unbearable. A thousand people should be enough .”

Wang Kan didn't say anything. Since Fu Wei still insisted on the invasion operation, he would just fight. If the situation was wrong, he would return to the ship. After all, the fleet had almost no losses.What surprised him was that the quality of the sailors on the warship was surprisingly good. Since the Han Dynasty could cultivate such excellent sailors, how could the sailors' quality of sailing be so poor.

The storm disappeared without a trace, and those who stayed on the ship in the fleet may die. Fu Wei's decision is to let the soldiers who lost their combat effectiveness go to the island first. It is both a rest and a camp. Linyi's sea springboard.

This island is only less than sixty miles away from the mainland, and it faces a bay in Linyi State to the north.During the Western Han Dynasty, it was Xijuan (modern Guangzhi), the capital of Ninan County, and further west was a place with many islands near the sea.

What I have to say is that the terrain of the island is really good as a springboard. Even if there are mountains on the island, the altitude is extremely low. Most of the terrain is flat. It looks like only the center of the island is full of dense forests, and the surrounding coastal environment It's not difficult, especially the environment on the west side of the bay and the south side of the beach is still very good.

Those who should disembark landed on the island, and the fleet set sail again. Due to the smooth and strong wind, the horizon of the mainland could be seen soon.

Looking from the sea to the mainland, all you can see is a piece of dark green. It seems that there are only plants in the eyes, and there are very few traces of human activities.

"Fan people are not good at construction, and they can find a tree to rest at will." Yuan Fang explained: "They have the habit of going out to sea to fish. There are not few fishing villages along the coast, but because typhoons hit every year, fishing villages will choose On the back of some mountains."

It is strange to say that it seems that the Asian continent does not pay much attention to HNA. Although it has a long coastline, it does not "light up" the technology line of HNA ships.Among them, the Central Plains Dynasty is the most weird. For example, even if the HNA ships are not as developed as Europa, they can sweep the sea area many times, but they have to carry out some forbidden seas.

Linyi Kingdom is a small country. In terms of the territory of a small country, their north is blocked by mountains to open up routes, and their south is full of seas, but they have not developed much advanced shipbuilding technology.

"Boats?" Yuan Fang answered every question: "There is no fleet in Linyi, and some ships are imitated by the Tian Dynasty. They generally use boats, very small boats."

Many facts are so unreasonable. For example, Rome, the most powerful empire in Europe, regarded the Mediterranean Sea as a footbath, but in fact they did not develop a powerful warship system.

Rome's sea voyages used boats, but this boat seemed too big.Their warship is a continuation of the Greek civilization system. The body of the warship is long and flat with only one mast, the upper layer is only one layer, and the bottom layer of the ship is only one layer.The warship itself does not have any long-range attack weapons. In water battles, either the archers are responsible for the output, and the main method is to hit.No matter how you collide, after the enemy and the enemy are joined together, it will be a boarding battle, which is equivalent to using the boat under your feet as a stepping board, and the fighting style is still the same as that on land.

One thing I have to say is that the Mediterranean Sea, as an inland sea, actually has a very mild climate. However, throughout the history of Rome's rule in the Mediterranean, they suffered a lot of losses in the Mediterranean due to their ship system. Every time they transported large quantities of troops by sea, they lost a lot of money. Warships and personnel.

The fleet belonging to the Han army, the number is more than 100 ships, because they need to be separated by some distance, and the space occupied by the sea is not small.Their appearance is not quiet. When they can see the land clearly, the people on the land can actually see clearly.

On the coastline, I don't know how many natives were stunned when they saw a huge fleet sailing on the sea.

Isn't it ignorance that the aborigines are aborigines?Some of them may have seen huge warships, but the number they saw would definitely not be many. Once the number of warships was slightly larger, their small heads would immediately feel completely different.

The closer to the land, the more things the Han fleet can discover, not only the scenery on land, but also those moving objects not far from the coastline.

"That's the boat used by the barbarians for fishing?" Fu Wei was on the bridge, pointing to the boat that can only accommodate two people at most. Was it yelling in panic and fleeing?"

The fact is, whether it is on land or at sea, it may be that the appearance of the Han army fleet was too shocking, and it was completely frightened by the size of the fleet and the huge warships. The indigenous people who saw the appearance of the Han army fleet counted as one She looked dumbfounded.

The invasion by the fleet of the Han Dynasty happened first in the East China Sea, and the first victim was the country of Baekje. Fu Wei was still a small-level military officer at the time, and what he saw was the appearance of Baekje fishermen fleeing in panic.

The warship sailing at the forefront did not evade the indigenous boat blocking the route at all, but directly rammed into it.

The process of the collision was very boring. The natives on the small boat did not scream in horror until they were hit. Some jumped into the water, and some stayed on the boat. Without exception, they were "ploughed" by the Han army warships. The boat became broken wood, and the Han army didn't care whether there were any dead natives.

After the impact, the aborigines in the distance finally came back to their senses, and Fu Wei saw the scenes of the barbarians fleeing in a panic as he wished.

As an invader, what I like most is to see the target of the invasion being shocked and embarrassed. Otherwise, the invasion would be so boring. However, the boring invasion was encountered by the Han army, and the target was the Japanese on the Japanese islands.

"...The Japanese at that time also looked stupid, and they were worse than the barbarians in the southwest. The Japanese just knelt down and worshiped." Fu Wei was talking about the old incident of the Han fleet's invasion of the Japanese Islands. He said somewhat complicatedly: " I look down on the Japanese very much, but I like the obedience of the Japanese, and I hope these barbarians can be more like the Japanese."

The state of Han didn't understand the culture of the Wa Islands, nor did they have any interest in learning about it.

There is a belief system on the Japanese Islands that "everything is a god". It can even be said that as long as the Japanese feel that they are strong, they are "gods". On the contrary, serving the strong is something that the weak consider extremely honorable, but when encountering someone weaker than themselves...

The arrival of the Han fleet shocked the aborigines. After seeing what happened on the sea, most of the aborigines were either afraid or became hideous. Some aborigines began to jump into the dense forest flexibly like monkeys, watching while running. Ghost roars and ghost screams should be calling people.

The location where the fleet appeared was not the bay, but near the bay.The beach here is a normal landform where the continent is tilted. Ships with deep drafts cannot directly dock on the coast. Ships exploring the path even found that there is a shoal about a hundred steps away from the coastline.

The coastline of Nanyang is basically shallow, and the natural environment makes it an ideal resort. Only in some bays will there be deep water on the shore.

The fleet headed towards the bay, and some ships hit the rocks during the voyage, not just one ship hit the rocks, which made the generals on the flagship frown deeply.

The waters near the coast do have more rocks, that's why sailing along the coastline is more dangerous.

HNA has never been so simple. Which sea area is safe and which route will be faster has been continuously explored.

There is too much knowledge about sea navigation, and it is the most difficult to judge the direction. What is the monsoon is related to the speed of navigation, and the ocean current is also a big key.

For example, there is an ocean current from the East China Sea and the Korean Peninsula to the Japanese Islands. If you find the right position, even if you just hang a few gourds around your waist, you can sail across the ocean smoothly.

For the current Han Kingdom, HNA can only be said to be in the groping stage. Of course, the most familiar is the East China Sea, followed by the area called the Sea of ​​Japan in later generations. It is a newcomer to Nanyang.

Of course, there will be no Sea of ​​Japan in the future, and the name of the Han Dynasty is across the sea, which means that it can be crossed in one step.

The Han Kingdom, which is completely unfamiliar to Nanyang, had the goal of invading from the very beginning, and it really launched an invasion as soon as it came. There is a saying specifically used to describe it, that is, the ignorant are fearless.

To be reasonable, sea-crossing operations are all about long-term investigation and exploration first, at least to understand the maritime situation in the area you want to invade, and then arrange a targeted invasion plan according to the local climate and national strength.

Beginning in the Western Han Dynasty, the Miao descendants of the Han family began to become violent towards the invasion. They had absolute confidence in their own ethnic group. They just didn’t care what happened to the other party. Anyway, they just rushed over and killed them. However, this invasion plan has always been successful. Too strong for no reason.

This time, the invasion of the southwestern peninsula by the Han Dynasty was basically a decision made by the central group. Liu Yan was the instigator, and the main goal of the invasion was to plunder food.

It was reported that thirteen warships hit the rocks within a voyage of less than ten miles. At that moment, Fu Wei's face was almost completely black.

"Carry out the attack according to the established plan!" Fu Wei's warship has sailed into the bay, but there are soldiers in front who have successfully landed without encountering any resistance: "It is best to capture some people who can speak Chinese. We need to understand this well. A sea area.”

It seems that Lin Yiguo never thought that there would be enemies coming from the sea. The Han army did not encounter any resistance when they landed. They landed very easily and then marched towards the surrounding villages.

Next, the landing Han army attacked multiple villages in succession. Although the local natives resisted, there was no threat to the Han army at all.

"The successful looting of the village is a success, but the food obtained is not as much as expected." Fu Wei said with a gloomy face, "Just trying to grab a piece of cloth...isn't easy."

Fu Wei was really worried. The troops who went out continued to send back information. What they encountered was a group of aborigines who were extremely poor. There were very few houses, rice jars did not exist, and even no food was found at all.

It was only at this time that Yuan Fang learned the fact that the main purpose of the southward fleet was to obtain food and fodder. He found an opportunity and said to Fu Wei: "The people in Linyi are very poor, and the local barbarians are very lazy and have no concept of food storage. If If you want to obtain food, especially a large amount of food, you can only get it by capturing a big city. If you want to get more food, you actually force the royal family of Linyi to offer the most efficient."

(End of this chapter)

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