sweeping the world

Chapter 518 Whose Country

Chapter 518 Whose Country
Standing too high, looking down will definitely be blurry. The king of a country cannot always have the opportunity to go down to the grassroots. Even if he goes down, what he sees may not be real, and what he waits may be processed materials.

Liu Yan has always been very clear about his goal. He cannot be the captain of the earth, but he must be the owner of the world island no matter what.With the golden finger of the system as the premise, he has been carefully cultivating a non-system "basic disk", not simply sweeping with the power given by the system.

Cultivating the spirit of the people and cultivating the martial spirit of the people, in addition to providing a living environment that will no longer be ravaged by the barbarians at will, how to make the people able to support themselves has become the premise of everything.

The Shijie Zhao State was beaten to death, the threat of Murong Xianbei was not so imminent, the Li family Chenghan had been wiped out, and the battle against the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was in full swing, so it was time to pay attention to the situation of the people in the country and To resume production.

Liu Yan knows that ruling a country is easy but difficult. To rule can be done with enough force, but to govern a country is not only by force.

The Han Kingdom has been registering the population. As of the winter of the fourth year of Yuanshuo, the number of registered population has exceeded [-] million, namely Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Jizhou, Yuzhou, Sizhou, Guanzhong and other states. The number of registered areas in some occupied areas, there must be omissions in the above places, such as those people hiding in deep mountains and old forests.

There are many places where population registration has not yet been carried out.It took less than half a year for Yizhou and Liangzhou (Bashu) to be recovered. The suppression of the remnants of the Qing Dynasty and the barbarians had not yet been completed, and the registration was only a part of some cities.The south of the Yangtze River is still a war zone. After the army regains control of the area, it will be under military control. The appointment of local officials will not be carried out until the war subsides.

According to the central government's estimation after consulting classics, Bashu and the south of the Yangtze River will add at least 600 million more people to the Han Kingdom. If the Yue and Zhuman are admitted, an additional 600 million will be added to the 70 million.

After the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is completely wiped out, the total population of the Han Kingdom will not be less than 500 million, and this figure will not vary much.

The population of the Central Plains Dynasty had several periods of ups and downs. After the First Emperor unified the world, a census was conducted. The population at its peak should have been more than 3000 million. By the early Western Han Dynasty, there were less than 800 million left. The population at the peak of the Western Han Dynasty The population reached 300 million. When Wang Mang was in chaos and Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han Dynasty, the population was 700 million. At the peak of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the population exceeded 500 million. By the time of the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the melee between princes, there were not enough people left due to frequent plagues. 1000 million. During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Wei had less than 450 million, Sun Wu had less than 200 million, Liu Shu had only 78, the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty had less than 1000 million, and the population at the peak of the Western Jin Dynasty was about 3000 million.

Liu Yan continued to restore the old land of the Han family, and after waiting to recover even the south of the Yangtze River, the population was 500 million, and there were actually many naturalized Hus among the 500 million, so it was less than 30 Within a year, no less than 700 million people died in the war!

A country with a vast territory only has a population of about 500 million. It can be said that it will form a situation of sparsely populated land. However, considering the current development of various places, most areas in the southwest and south are in a barren state. Only if the Central Plains and the Yangtze River Basin are highly developed, there will be a bipolar phenomenon of excessive population concentration and almost no residents.

Until the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, the southwest of the Central Plains Dynasty was still in a barren state, and there were actually not many people in the southern coastal areas, and the population in the western area was also lacking, which means that only those areas that were developed were used.

"Zhu Qing." Liu Yan was sitting high on the dragon chair at this time, looking at the courtiers sitting kneeling on both sides below: "Tell me how to change this phenomenon?"

Today is the day of the Grand Court Meeting, and because it is the winter report period, all civil and military personnel who should come to the center are here except for special cases.

The dragon chair is just a name. The seat made by Shi Hu, a barbarian, is all gold, inlaid with some precious stones and precious jade, and there are emerald armrests on both sides. However, there are no dragon-shaped carvings, but there are many strange carvings. Patterns, but there is not much Chinese cultural color, probably the characteristics of the Western Regions.

The main hall is very large.The total length from the entrance to the dragon chair is more than 200 meters. In the center of the main hall is a pool. The pool is divided into two sides by a bridge. There is a platform in the middle. There are sculptures erected in the pool on both sides. Western characteristics.The main hall is divided into two sides by the pool. The floor is made of high-quality wood flooring, which slightly raises the place where civil and military personnel wait. There are sitting beds, and there are even desks near the dragon chair.

The dragon chair should be about ten meters away from Wenwu's position. First, a floor paved with jade floor tiles was vacant, and after going down nine golden steps, there was another open space, and then Wenwu was located.

Looking at other places in the main hall, every column that supports the roof must have its own characteristics. The columns must have their own characteristics, either inlaid with gold and jade, or covered with engraved gold and silver, and the last one is also wrapped with copper sculptures. .

What is more strange is that the roof directly above the pool is not rubble, but pieces of thin jade, so that the sunlight can shine down with gentle light through the thin jade.

The main hall alone is like this, the other palaces, chapter towers and pavilions are even more resplendent and magnificent, and there is even a jade pavilion specially used for holding unobstructed meetings, one can imagine how extravagant Shihu is.

Ji Chang once calculated that if the palace cities of Yecheng and Xiangguo were demolished, the military funds could support 20 troops for at least ten years.Pay attention, only the palace was demolished, but those rare treasures that Shihu didn't take away were not counted.

To use the power of the whole country to enjoy and build palaces, if Ran Min had really succeeded in "destroying corpses and eradicating traces", Ran Min himself would definitely be wealthy, and the people under him would definitely be full of food.And this is only Shihu's search for 20 years. It is no wonder that just looting Afang Palace and digging part of the tomb of the First Emperor made Xiang Yu worry about the military expenses of the Western Chu State all year round. Liu Bang, who only looted part of the Xianyang Palace collection, can If you have military expenses, go out of Guanzhong.

The productivity of the Central Plains has been basically destroyed. Money is not necessarily of any use. The main reason is that it is difficult to buy food if you have money. Moreover, there is no military salary in the current army, and it is only rewarded after victory. Money will be used.In other words, in troubled times, money is of course useful, but it is not as real as food.

What people in troubled times want most is not wealth. The desire for food is absolutely more than treasures. With a stable environment for production, the land that can produce food will become precious, and the Chinese Miao descendants are deeply rooted in the bone marrow. After the desire for land and the national policy of cultivating health and wellbeing are revealed, it is not difficult to imagine so many problems in the country.

Xungui began to show an uncompromising desire for the land. Before Liu Yan understood how serious the situation was and how many people were involved, he would not have said that he would have bloodshed from the very beginning. What was in front of him was , how to avoid it, and how to guide it.

Ji Chang, who had been ventilated in advance, stood up and left his desk. He came to the edge of the pool, saluted Liu Yan, and said, "I believe that there should be no barren land in the territory of a country."

In today's court meeting, it is true that the monarchs and ministers can sit down, not the kind of king who sits, no matter how long the court meeting lasts, all civil and military officials stand, but stand up or leave when they have something to say own seat.

Only Ji Chang was vented by Liu Yan.Ji Chang then began to talk eloquently, thinking that there are several things that can be done to change this phenomenon, one of which is to send prisoners and prisoners to wild areas. He also suggested that Liu Yan should give priority to undeveloped areas in rewarding fiefdoms in the future.

"It is recommended that the ministers start..." Ji Chang's fiefs are all in Qingzhou, which is definitely a good fief. He said: "I am willing to replace the existing fiefs."

The replacement of fiefdoms in affluent areas with fiefdoms in wild areas is probably only done by a bad mind. Ji Chang's words directly shocked the officials who hadn't noticed the news in advance.

In fact, Liu Yan and Ji Chang's double springs have not yet been finalized, and they are just proposals rather than voted proposals. If Ji Chang's fiefdom is really replaced, it will be an established fact.

"The minister has his own play!" Sang Yu waited for a few seconds before realizing it, and when he stood up, he even staggered a little because he was too violent.He tidied up his court clothes as he walked, stood next to Ji Chang, saluted Liu Yan, and said, "Big Han should not have a barren land, but this is a big matter, and it is related to the fate of the country for a long time, and it needs to be discussed in the long run. See details Come up with a plan.”

The existing officials basically have large and small fiefdoms. In terms of the current situation of the Han Dynasty, Qingzhou's fiefdom is definitely the best, followed by Yanzhou and Xuzhou that have regained stability.Some officials' fiefs are in their hometowns.Generally speaking, regardless of the size of the fiefdom or whether it is centralized or not, it has basically been developed and constructed.

After waiting for Liu Yan's confirmation, the capital will turn to Chang'an. Guanzhong has been abandoned for almost 200 years, and it is not an ideal fiefdom. However, considering that the capital of the Han Dynasty will be in Chang'an, restoring Guanzhong must be the first priority, and there will be investment if there is construction. I don't know how many benefits will be generated. The most hope of civil and military officials is to obtain the fiefdoms around Chang'an. The next level is the fiefdoms in Guanzhong. It's just that no one has said that first.

After Sang Yu, some people came out to say similar things.In short, this is a big matter, and it should be discussed slowly, and it should not become a national policy hastily.

"The old man's fief is rich, no one objects to that, right?" Ji Chang raised his head slightly, and looked around some people with disdain. Minister, to share worries for the king, for the king and the country, shouldn't you be like this prime minister?"

The ministers who didn't get any news in advance were really dumbfounded. This incident happened too suddenly and violently. I don't know how many people's small hearts were stimulated to beat too fast. If they didn't take a big breath and exhale, it is very likely Will faint directly in the hall.

"Prime Minister Zuo..." Sang Yu has been thinking quickly and observing secretly. Liu Yan's position is so special that it is difficult to observe anything, but Ji Chang has been decisive from the very beginning.He yelled "Not good" more than once in his heart, not knowing how firm Liu Yan's attitude was, and really didn't know how to face Ji Chang, so he could only smile wryly: "It's about the eternal life of the big man, so don't make a hasty decision." ?”

Liu Yan's position is a little higher than that of civil and military officials, and the light is slightly dim, and his face is blocked by a curtain (a few strings of beads) in a crown suit.

Who in the Han Dynasty did not know Ji Chang, and who knew that Ji Chang would serve the king unconditionally, precisely because they all knew that so many of the ministers who were suddenly attacked showed the expressions of dead parents.

There is no need to mention how important the fiefdom is. It not only represents the identity, but also the main source of income for the nobles. The quality of the fiefdom not only determines the financial resources of a nobleman, but also reflects how much the king loves him. The more valued and loved he is The better it is for the ministers to entrust the land, the only ones who are disliked by the king are the fiefs, which basically become a rule.

At this time Liu Yan stood up, and he stepped down, walking to the platform in the middle of the pool, with his hands behind his back and his head raised to look at the Boyu roof.

Under the gentle sunlight, the king in a crown suit looks more or less majestic.And Wei An has always been associated with loneliness, as if not everyone can be called lonely.

When the king moved, the eyes of the ministers followed him, and they had to change their direction even if they wanted to salute. Everyone in the hall was facing the platform in the middle of the pool, and the ministers who came out of the train naturally had to face the front. turn around.

"The widow is always thinking..." Liu Yan's voice was actually not loud, and everyone had to concentrate on listening to hear clearly.He looked around at the courtiers present, and said: "What kind of country did I build? Who is this country built for, and where will it go under the rule of the widow? It will last forever, or it will be short-lived."

In an instant, all the ministers bowed down to the ground, and one of them shouted: "The minister is terrified."

A short-lived flower is just like morning dew, it only appears for a short time and then withers or evaporates. When Liu Yan said such words himself, they were really frightened.

Sang Yu, who was kneeling on the ground, quietly pulled Ji Chang, trying to lower his voice: "Tai'an, what happened?"

Ji Chang turned his head slightly to look at Sang Yu who was confused and terrified, grinned, and said, "Zi Shen will find out after checking."

Sang Yu was startled, and the response he gave was a wry smile.He was guessing that the recent internal strife might be a little serious, which led Liu Yan to set up such a situation to deter him, but he didn't expect that things would be a thousand times more serious than he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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