sweeping the world

Chapter 512 Games Are Everywhere

Chapter 512 Games Are Everywhere
It is a great thing for the rich and powerful to be born with a kind. As long as they are in power, they hope that their future generations will be like themselves. In order to achieve this goal, they first emphasize the goodness of blood, and then solidify it with the system .

It is not difficult to achieve the goal of being born with a certain kind. In fact, all you need to do is monopolize knowledge, occasionally accept a very small number of people into your own class, and whitewash it, and you will surely enjoy power for generations to come.
Sang Yu said that a system for selecting talents and talents should be established. Similar systems have existed for a long time, such as the meritocracy in the pre-Qin Dynasty, the inspection system in the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties, and the nine-rank official selection method in the Cao Wei period. The above-mentioned systems also give the ordinary people the opportunity to take the lead in the world of meritocracy, and the rest have nothing to do with the ordinary people.

Talent only refers to talented people.So what is a talented person?Judging from many examples in the age of great strife, those who were illiterate at that time could be considered talents as long as they had a special talent, such as the crowing of cocks and the robbers of dogs.But only those who are qualified are actually being promoted.

Ji Chang probably knew what Sang Yu said about talent selection, so he probably didn't agree with it when he deliberately interrupted the topic.He is not a commoner class, and he is considered a poor family.And poor families are actually much better than ordinary people, and the key to distinguishing them is literacy.

At the end of the banquet, after everyone left and removed the table and other utensils, Liu Yan asked, and it was two quarters of the ugly hour (01:30 at night).His sleeping tent is at the back, and he will arrive within a few steps, but he seems to be waiting for someone, sitting in his original position with his eyes closed and resting his mind.

Ji Chang did not keep Liu Yanjiu waiting, and came to see him after leaving for a while.

"I knew Tai'an was coming." Liu Yan smiled and told Ji Chang to sit down, and asked, "But about Zishen's method of selecting talents and abilities?"

"Your Majesty has a keen eye for fire." Ji Chang complimented him before saying, "You Prime Minister indeed has a set of considerations for selecting talents."

It is not easy for anyone who has been able to create a system since ancient times. It is almost necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the past and present. It is necessary to have a deep understanding of society. It is even more necessary to understand the needs of the contemporary elite. Next, it is necessary to have an understanding of the current situation of the country. master.

After Ji Chang's introduction, Liu Yan sounded a little bit wrong. Sang Yu's set was based on meritocracy, combined with the procuratorate system and the nine-rank official selection method, which seemed to be against the already existing system to integrate.

"That is to say, set a date for the public selection of talents and abilities. Talented people can recommend themselves regardless of their background, and take the exam at their respective schools. Those who pass the competition from county, county, state, to the center to accept the personal assessment by the widow?" Liu Yan was somewhat shocked. Although that set was not complete, it was basically the imperial examination system: "Zi Shen has a heart..."

The embryonic form of the imperial examination system appeared in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and it became an official system after Yang Jian established the Sui State on behalf of Zhou, and Yang Guang further planned it.

The imperial examination system in the Yang, Sui and Yi dynasties was to curb the monopoly of powerful families and aristocratic families on officialdom, and to give rich families, local tyrants, and poor families the opportunity to enter the officialdom. Due to the lack of popularization of education, in fact, it still has little relationship with ordinary people. .It was necessary to wait until the literacy rate was relatively high in the Song Dynasty, and the imperial examination system benefited the families of wealthy people. People without any capital still need to face the loess and back to the sky. After all, reading also requires capital.

"Your Majesty, among the talented people nowadays, who is not rich?" Ji Chang saw Liu Yan's strange expression, and after a little thought, he remembered the topic he had talked about before: "People have nowhere to go to school..."

It's not that Liu Yan has never thought about popularizing education, but he can only think about it.

Education is not so easy to do. It is enough for the state to run a school, as long as it has money, but the teachers are a big problem. Next, it is related to the teaching materials. What is more important is... neither the country nor the people can afford to be out of work .

In fact, this is the case. In the era when everything depends on artificial labor, any labor force is extremely precious. From the young children to the elderly, regardless of men, women, or children, people need to work.

The state supports the scholars, that is, it is responsible for the basic necessities of the students, food, housing, and transportation, and then provides some subsidies to the students’ homes. Such a policy can spread education, but it cannot be afforded by any country.

The current number of troops in the Han state means how many out-of-production workers. As the national policy of cultivating health and well-being has almost become a reality, further disarmament has been put on the agenda. Since the disarmament is necessary to allow the civilians to have enough productivity, how can they still do it on their own? An unknown number of out-of-workers were produced.

"There are very few literate people in the world, and they are all powerful, wealthy, and aristocratic people." Ji Chang said with a wry smile: "The world has been harmed by aristocratic families for a long time."

This is where Liu Yan is troubled. No matter what kind of system is used to select talents and talents, those who benefit at present will have nothing to do with ordinary people, and those who can be selected as officials are only those groups.

"The one who is superior to the minister, the big man will follow in the footsteps of the small court." Ji Chang was also bold, and said: "It's better to settle down with this status quo."

The current situation in the Han Dynasty is actually pretty good. Although the officials are still powerful, wealthy, and aristocratic people, the common people at least have a way to change their destiny by joining the army. After the establishment of the system of selecting talents and talents, interests Cliques must form a group, and the power of civil servants must also rise.

Now is not the time for the flourishing style of writing to appear. Martial arts and belligerence are what the country needs, so what policies the country adopts is extremely critical.

"Maintain the status quo..." Liu Yan thought about it for a while, and said, "Cultivating life and nourishing one's interest must not make Wen Jingshi rule by doing nothing. Governance by doing something depends on all officials, and the supervision of all officials becomes the first priority." task."

Ji Chang understands that if he wants to supervise the officials, the selection of the imperial envoy and wife of the Han Dynasty should be determined early, and then the censor Zhongcheng, the servant censor, and the supervisor of the censor should also be completed, and then it is the matter of the Tingwei mansion. .

"The minister recommends Yu Yi as the court officer, Xie Aike as the censor Zhongcheng, Wang Jian as the censor, and Cui Yue as the supervisor of the censor." Ji Chang deliberated for a long time before choosing these candidates: "It's just Yu Yi's side. ..."

The Yu family mentioned before that they only left some members of the clan, waiting for the recovery of the Han Dynasty to the south of the Yangtze River, they would go to sea by boat and attack Linyi with the power of the whole family.

"I thought that Yu Yi would be happy to take office." Liu Yan still admired Yu Yi, including Yu's family, who dared to open up.He said with a smile: "The He clan expanded outwards, and Yu Dahan has a high-ranking official. Isn't it beneficial to the Yu clan?"

Ji Chang also laughed. It is not uncommon for the whole family to expand outwards. There are not too many such things in the history of China. The family seized land and built a country, and the Duoyu clan was nothing.

The censor Zhongcheng is stationed in the imperial palace. The censor is responsible for impeaching the central government and everything in the palace. The censor is the censor sent by the central government to the local counties to supervise the county guards.

Xie Ai is now a military officer, but he is not a person who can only be a general. He is a Confucian student with high academic attainments. He is humble and polite, but his personality has an upright side.This time he led the army to conquer Jiankang, the promotion of the title is one thing, and there must be reasonable arrangements for the official position. It is a very good decision to be the censor Zhongcheng.

Wang Jian served many official positions in the State of Shijie and Zhao. At the peak, he was the Minister of the Qin State of the Ran family. After the country, his stance is firm, and it can also play a role in containing Sang Yu's side.

Cui Yue is a member of the Cui family in Qinghe. He was originally an official in Shijie Zhao State. The Cui family of Qinghe made a lot of efforts.

In addition, it has to be said that the Qinghe Cui family and the Boling Cui family belonged to the same clan. It can be traced back to the Qin and Han Dynasties.In the Han Dynasty, Cui Ye succeeded to the throne and lived in Qinghe.Cui Ye’s younger brother, Cui Zhongmo, lived in Anping, Boling, and then branched out into Boling’s Pingfang, Boling’s Dafang, Boling’s Second House, and Boling’s Third House.This is the beginning of the Boling Cui family.After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Cui family of Boling and the Cui family of Qinghe were both prominent families in Shandong.

Liu Yan is very satisfied with Ji Chang's recommendation. There are many interest groups in the Han Kingdom, and some balance must be done. What kind of person is placed in what position becomes the key to restraint and balance.

"There is no way to do this." Ji Chang said bluntly: "The king cannot govern the country without them, but it is better not to cause vicious internal friction."

The current political situation in the Han Dynasty is actually quite complicated, which is related to Liu Yanguang's speed of restoring the old land of the Han family.Because of the differences in regions and family background, they can be roughly divided into two major factions, that is, the northern faction and the southern faction.

The northern faction is further divided into aristocratic families and poor families, including the Sang family of Weijun, the Cui family of Boling, the Ji family of Changguang, the Cai family of Dongmu, the Cui family of Qinghe, the Wang family of Taiyuan, the Wang family of Pingyuan, the Zhang family of Zhaojun, the Guo family of Zhongshan, and the Changguang family. The Guangli family, the Changguangqian family, etc., are no less than thirty or forty people who can be aristocratic families.Most of these families rose up during the period when the Hu people ruled the Central Plains. Only the Changguang Ji family, the Dongmou Cai family, the Changguang Li family, and the Changguang Qian family followed the rise of Liu Yan.

There are almost no poor families in the Southern School, except for the Jiangxia Lu family where Lu Yi belongs, it is nothing more than the continuation of Huan Wen, Xie An, Yuan Qiao and other families who came from the small courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

By the way, apart from those families, there is also a faction of generals, which is generally centered on Ran Min, Xu Zheng, Lu Tai, etc. For example, Huan Wenwen and Xie An can also be regarded as part of the faction of generals.

There is nothing anyone can do about the Han Dynasty, who made Liu Yan rise at the end of the century, and started to fight from Changguang County, conquering the vast territory now.In fact, even if Liu Yan hadn't risen in Weimo, the people who followed him in the early days would form a group, and then as the territory expanded, countless groups were accepted.

Liu Yan knew that although Ji Chang said it bluntly, he was right. Dividing people into groups is something that can never be stopped. From primitive people to no matter how the society develops in the future, as long as there are people, groups will appear. What you need to pay attention to is not to let people They fight to the detriment of the country.

Cultivating health and rest is not only for the common people, how to sort out the aristocratic family, how to allocate state officials, and so on are things that Liu Yan should do after the end of large-scale wars.

"Where is Wang Meng now an official?" Liu Yan did not forget the talent of the prime minister, and after getting the answer, he asked, "How is your political performance?"

"First served as the head of a county in Yuzhou, and then transferred to Nanpi, Bohai County, Jizhou, which made a lot of achievements." Ji Chang knew that Liu Yan was deliberately training Wang Meng, and knew that Liu Yan was not really ignorant, but wanted to use his own mouth to carry out Some arrangements, that is to say: "This year's survey and assessment, I can serve as the governor of a county."

Liu Yan's attitude towards the aristocratic family has not changed. The aristocratic family can exist, but the aristocratic family must not become powerful.It is very difficult to popularize education. He can only cultivate a group of poor families first, and promote the poor families to compete with the noble families as Cao Cao once did. Promote education.

"Zhangwu County is a good county." Liu Yan said that Zhangwu County was the front line after the war broke out with Murong Yan: "Jing Lue should go to Zhangwu County in his next term."

Ji Chang is the prime minister of the left, but his authority tends to be more biased towards military affairs, and the administration of civil affairs is dominated by the prime minister of the right, Sang Yu.

Liu Yan wanted to arrange for Wang Meng to find Sang Yu, but he had a purpose in telling Ji Chang, and Ji Chang must have guessed it.

The two of them chatted until the dawn. Ji Chang left the king's tent to go back to his big tent, but halfway he saw Sang Yu who seemed to be waiting for a long time.

"Your Majesty is having a good conversation?" Sang Yu's hairpin and shawl had a little dew on it, and he flicked it to ask Ji Chang: "Is there still energy in Tai'an, let's talk in Yu's tent?"

Ji Chang looked at Sang Yu up and down for a long time, and sighed, "Zi Shen, you are too eager!"

What is the important thing that makes Sang Yu stand for most of the night and wait until Ji Chang?It is nothing more than choosing talents and talents is very important to them.

Facing Ji Chang's reproach-like words, Sang Yu couldn't say a word with a smile on his face.

"Zi Shen thinks about when he followed the king, and then thinks about what he is doing now." Ji Chang is also benevolent, and said: "Don't be dragged down by the family."

"Although I have selfish intentions, I dare not forget state affairs." Sang Yu responded with a calm smile, with a clear conscience, and said: "Benefiting all people is also what Yu wants, but it is difficult to do anything now, and Tai'an doesn't want to." Did you see the southern aristocratic families filling the court?"

As the left and right prime ministers, Ji Chang and Sang Yu were standing on the side of the road talking. Of course, the soldiers and the like just looked at it, but the people with sufficient status stopped when they saw it, and then left with various expressions.

Maybe it's because it's really not good to talk in the street, and because Sang Yu has a firm attitude, no matter how difficult Ji Chang is, he can only follow Sang Yu.

What happened to the two court officials quickly reported to Liu Yan. When he heard the news, he was undressing and preparing to take a nap in Tuobaxiu's service. Before he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, he said: "Fortunately If it's me, someone else should be worried."

Tuobaxiu was about to leave when she heard Liu Yan's words and blinked...

(End of this chapter)

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