sweeping the world

Chapter 503 The original family

Chapter 503 The original family

If we want to make a simple distinction between people, we can divide them into two types: men and women.There are countless human concepts, such as sequential good, sequential evil, neutral good, neutral evil... and so on.

After the fall of the Central Plains, the moral values ​​of many ancestors have long been lost in the world. For example, it was extremely shameful to serve the Hu people, but it became very common when Shihu ruled the Central Plains.

The first time the Hu people ruled the Central Plains not only severely damaged the moral values ​​of this land, but actually changed the code of conduct drastically. , or wait for someone with a more noble status to make a ruling.

The private means of resolving conflicts among nobles was curbed during Shang Yang’s reform period, and it was fully implemented after the Qin Empire unified the world. Although the Western Han and Eastern Han used private means to resolve conflicts, the Western Han and Eastern Han were still embarrassing empires in general, until the Central Plains It was the first time it was ruled by the Hu people before it was restored to the state before Shang Yang's reform, and it was not even eradicated until the Southern Song Dynasty.

Both Ran Min and Sang Yu were noblemen of the Han Dynasty. They also lived under the rule of Shijie. When they saw a lot of conflicts among the nobles, they used their blades instead of their mouths to decide the outcome.

"So, Mrs. Zhang will fight as a chess piece?" Sang Yu still chose to meet Ran Min, but things were a bit unexpected.He couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and asked Ran Min with a smile: "General, do you think Shijie is still in power now?"

Ran Min didn't say it clearly, but he made it very clear in his attitude that the direct outbreak of the conflict was the Zhang and Zheng families in Xingyang County, so it should be resolved between the two families.But Ran Min will not pursue the matter for Sang Yu, so the Zhang family can let Sang Yu vent his anger.Ran Min felt that this was already a huge concession. After all, the cause of the matter was Zheng's provocation, and he obviously put on an attitude of "don't give me shame".

"Now it's not Shijie's country, it's a big man under the rule of the king, and the barbarian's way is useless." Sang Yu didn't have a special expression, and kept smiling from the beginning.Seeing that Ran Min seemed to be trying his best to endure his anger, he still said with a smile, "If the general wants Yu to be held accountable, of course it's okay."

Ran Min thought that he had made a huge concession, but Sang Yu seemed to be holding on tight, and he was really full of anger.When he was trying to endure, Sang Yu suddenly said such a sentence, and he was stunned for a moment.

"I'm a minister in the same hall, isn't it?" Sang Yu raised the tea cup as a gesture of invitation. Ran Min probably wouldn't have responded before, but now Ran Min hesitated to raise the tea cup in return.He took a small sip, put down the teacup, and said: "The Zhang family needs to compensate the Zheng family for the loss, and make up for the killing of the Zheng family members. What does the general think?"

Ran Min didn't really believe that Sang Yu would treat him with dignity, and he couldn't figure out what Sang Yu wanted to do. He said without thinking, "If you have something to do, Prime Minister Right, please speak up."

"Not at all." Sang Yu shook his head: "Yu has already said that harmony is the main thing for ministers in the same hall, and there is no requirement other than reasonable compensation."

Ran Min stood up and bowed to Sang Yu, walked to the edge of the curtain, stopped, turned around and looked at Sang Yu who was still sitting comfortably, and said, "Young Prime Minister Min has recorded the friendship of Prime Minister You. There will be rewards in the future." ", and left without looking back.

Regardless of whether it is the Zhang family or the Zheng family, for people at the level of Sang Yu and Ran Min, the two families are at most qualified as chess pieces. The chess pieces can be used when needed. He frowned, but the chess player would never feel so distressed by the loss of a chess piece.

"What do you think of Qichen?" The Qichen in Sang Yu's mouth was Wang Ji.When Sang Yu was speaking, the curtain of the back tent was pulled open, and Wang Ji came out: "Ms. Zhang said she gave up, and she was given up."

Wang Ji was originally regarded as one of the important ministers of the Jin people in the Shijie Zhao Kingdom, and his family was the Taiyuan Wang family.To put it bluntly, the Taiyuan Wang family was one of the five surnames and seven looks during the Li and Tang Dynasties. It also developed rapidly after the Sima family "transported to the south" and continued to rise fully during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

"General Zhengbei should not be the leader of a faction." Wang Ji's family quickly moved closer to the Sang family after it was attached to the Han state. He was previously ordered to go to Xingyang County to control the affairs of the Zheng family and the Zhang family. He came to Xiangguo recently. .He got a hint from Sang Yu before taking a seat in the corner, and after finishing his clothes, he said: "With the Zhang family as an example, anyone who wants to join in will think about it before, those families who have already joined will definitely shrink back."

Sang Yu smiled noncommittally.

The Han army repeatedly recovered one area after another from the Hu people, but it is not necessarily true to say that recovery equals rule.

Liu Yan doesn't want to see the aristocratic families and powerful people, but he doesn't carry out a comprehensive attack, so he leaves enough space for the aristocratic families and powerful people to operate.

For example, the Sang family is a family that has been exposed to Liu Yan. Although Sang Yu does not agree to unlimited expansion, such as accepting wealthy families or powerful people, Sang Yu is not completely capable of being a member of the Sang family. Lord, we need to fully consider the attitude of the clan elders.

After the third year of Yuanshuo, the Sang family accepted a large number of local rich and powerful families. Similarly, the Cui family of Boling also accepted a large number of rich and powerful families. However, the Cui family only became queen after Cui Wan became the queen. Such confidence.

"In the future, the Han Dynasty will have a place as a general who conquers the north, and it will only be a place." Sang Yu raised his head slightly and said, "A country cannot live without a noble family, but not everyone can become a noble family. Does Qi Chen understand?"

Wang Ji understood 1 people, especially from Sang Yu, who knew Liu Yan's attitude towards the aristocratic family, and then 1 people wanted to be among them.

It is definitely not a joke to say that a country cannot be without a family at present. The monopoly of knowledge determines the fact that the family must exist. They are indeed candidates for a country's officials. If you want to change this fact, you must spread knowledge to a certain extent. Give the country more options for selecting officials.

The aristocratic family mentioned by Sang Yu refers to the kind similar to the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, and the aristocratic family in the Western Han Dynasty can also accept it, but it is not the kind of aristocratic family that changed its original intention long ago at the end of the Three Kingdoms period.The aristocratic family in his eyes is to open up the territory for the country and guard the side for the king. After all, the existence of the aristocratic family from the beginning is to develop and build, not just for the fish and meat and domineering people after they were ruined at the end of the Three Kingdoms.

Seriously speaking, the early aristocratic families were really the pioneers of the nation, and the aristocratic families at that time should be called lords.In the enfeoffment of the Western Zhou Dynasty, all the vassal states could be regarded as lords. It was they who snatched the land from the aliens, which made a nation that was originally only nested in the Yellow River Basin become the master with the largest living space on the Eastern Continent.

On the other side, Liu Yan took a rare space to accompany his family.

What happened at the court meeting was actually not sudden. Liu Yan had already noticed some trends before, which was caused by the results of the Huaishui battle.

"It may take some time to destroy the small imperial court, but the recent changes in the current situation have made them feel urgent." The 'they' in Liu Yan's mouth refers to the central officials.He said: "The small court south of the Yangtze River is now unable to support itself. Many aristocratic families are rushing to join the Han Dynasty. This will inevitably make the ministers think about what kind of impact they will receive."

Cui Wan, Tuobaxiu, Zhang Lan, Sang Miao, and Xie Daoyun were present. Except for Cui Wan who is the queen, the rest are the four concubines.Liu Yan's son and two daughters were also present, and the children were held in the arms of their respective biological mothers.

Because Liu Yan has fully restored Sinicization, the folks still have difficulties in dressing due to resource constraints, and the ruling class has fully restored the Han family's clothes.

In the clothes of the Han family, there is a kind of clothes that women will wear in leisure time. It is a kind of light and deep clothes, which are divided into silk and linen clothes. There are not too many fancy clothes. The right lapel is cross-collared, with a belt and long sleeves The flying belt can show a beautiful figure.

In the current territory of the Han State, there are basically few families that can be called aristocratic families, and the number of big families and powerful families is unimaginably large.Everywhere the Han army went, in addition to eliminating the obvious enemies, they dealt with the big families and powerful people from all over the place.

In the early days, the wealthy families and powerful people in various places did not just watch their property being taken away in various seemingly reasonable ways. They would choose to gather in crowds to resist, and thus suffered the iron-blooded suppression of the Han army.For example, among the wealthy and powerful families in Qingzhou, perhaps only three-tenths of them still exist today, and most of these three-tenths had already taken refuge with Liu Yan beforehand.

Qingzhou is Liu Yan's basic base, and it is also a state with the fewest rich and aristocratic families in the Han Dynasty.It is precisely with Qingzhou as an example that the wealthy families and powerful people who resisted were all bloody purged, allowing the wealthy families and powerful people in other places to choose to endure when faced with the redemption of their property. As a result, the number of surviving wealthy families and powerful people in other states was not the same. Not too little.

The great clans and tyrants in the Central Plains were weakened and suppressed, they were just going dormant, and they must have hatred in their hearts, waiting for some day to take revenge.

Killing people can solve troubles, but killing people is not the only means for the king of a country. The most reasonable thing is to use them for his own use, making them a helper or tool, and using them where he wants to use them.Liu Yan allowed the important officials of the central government to absorb some big families and tyrannical powers, which actually had the meaning of digestion.

The news reported to Xiangguo from all over the country said that there are signs of frequent activities of enemy forces in various places, and many big families and powerful people are connecting with each other. It is conceivable that another wave of turmoil is brewing, but what is unknown is how big it will erupt.

Liu Yan has faced too many things in the near future, not only how to control the various fronts, but also the stability of the local area, including the sudden increase in defectors from the small imperial court. Everything needs to be exhausted.

"Sang Yu, Cai You and other ministers have repeatedly opposed accepting too many southern families." Liu Yan looked at Sang Miao and Xie Daoyun, smiled and said, "I know what they think."

Sang Miao is the younger sister of Sang Yu, a marriage born of politics.The Sang family has now taken up the responsibility of being the leader of the northern family, and it seems that they are also beginning to perform the responsibilities that the leader of the northern family should do.

Xie Daoyun can be regarded as the spokesperson of the southern family in some respects, the difference is that she did not follow the arrangement of the southern family, and ran away before the southern family put their plan into action.

By the way, running away from Qiao's family is referred to as "Ben" for short in the current era. Zhuo Wenjun and Cai Zhenji are more famous for doing this kind of thing.From the pre-Qin period to the Western Han Dynasty, "running" was not a shameful thing, and even considered romantic by the world. It was not until the Eastern Han Dynasty that it was considered a shameful act. Later, in the Song Dynasty, "running" evolved into a "prostitution". "Ben", that is, from a very normal and romantic thing to a crime that must be immersed in a pigsty.

"Your Majesty, my eldest uncle and two uncles..." Xie Daoyun looked obviously sad: "Will they be escorted to Xiangguo soon?"

At this time, Sang Miao and Zhang Lan looked at Xie Daoyun with sympathy at the same time. A battle in Huainan directly made three direct descendants of the Xie clan prisoners of war. Also tends to be harsh.

What else could Liu Yan answer, but just let out a "hmm".

Xie Daoyun lowered her head and asked weakly: "Will the king kill uncle and two uncles?"

"Sister, as a woman, my husband's family is the most important thing." Tuobaxiu sat next to Xie Daoyun and stretched out her hand, not as if she was comforting, but said: "As a woman, you don't need to intervene in military affairs."

Sang Miao immediately looked at Cui Wan, but Cui Wan was teasing her son.

The Cui family of Boling gave birth to a queen, and the Sang family of Wei County gave birth to a concubine, so the Cui family of Boling is the real relative.Just like the Sang family, the Cui family has never stopped absorbing big and powerful families. In some respects, the two families are competitors.

Xie Daoyun looked up at Tuobaxiu, then lowered her head.

Liu Yan was going to have a warm family gathering. Halfway through the conversation, he said that dealing with the aristocratic family was already a disappointment, and Xie Daoyun raised such a question. The warmth is completely invisible, and some are embarrassing.

I don't know if Xun Xian was winking, or if there was a real problem, he came to report that there was military news from the south.

If we calculate the time, the Southern Invasion Corps should be engaged in three relatively large battles, the battle of Dongcheng is one, the battle of Dantu and the battle of Lingling are the other two.

When Liu Yan arrived, those who should be present were already waiting.

Everyone saluted for a while, and Ji Chang, who was holding a military report in his hand, said, "Your Majesty, Qizuo, the general who conquered the south hastened thousands of miles to report the outbreak of a war in the hinterland of the Puppet Dynasty."

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was not recognized as a country by the Han Dynasty, and was called "Puppet Dynasty" when it was called.The battle reported by Xu Zheng was that the small court took action against the Yu clan.

"The Yu family had already noticed it beforehand, and the Huan family secretly reported the news, and the two sides fell into a stalemate after the puppet dynasty took action." Ji Chang looked down at the report, and said: "It is reported that after the outbreak of the war, many families chose to fight. The puppet dynasty has completely fallen into civil strife."

(End of this chapter)

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